3#ifndef EDM4EIC_RingImageDATA_H
4#define EDM4EIC_RingImageDATA_H
6#include "edm4hep/Vector3f.h"
Definition RingImageData.h:15
::edm4hep::Vector3f positionError
Error on the position.
Definition RingImageData.h:19
float radius
Radius of the best fit ring [mm].
Definition RingImageData.h:22
float radiusError
Estimated error from the fit [mm].
Definition RingImageData.h:23
float thetaError
Error on the opening angle.
Definition RingImageData.h:21
::edm4hep::Vector3f position
Global position of the cluster [mm].
Definition RingImageData.h:18
float npe
Number of photo-electrons [#].
Definition RingImageData.h:17
float theta
Opening angle of the ring [rad, 0->pi].
Definition RingImageData.h:20
Definition CalorimeterHit.cc:17