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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file EicGeoMap.h
1 //
2 // AYK (ayk@bnl.gov), 2014/08/20
3 //
4 // EIC basic geometry map class;
5 //
7 #include <TString.h>
8 #include <TObject.h>
10 #ifndef _EIC_GEO_MAP_
11 #define _EIC_GEO_MAP_
13 //
14 // It looks like ROOT streaming does not allow to save arrays 'arr[DIM]' where
15 // 'DIM' is a 64-bit variable (in other words '<typedef> *arr; //[DIM]' syntax
16 // assumes that 'DIM' is at most of UInt_t type); Ok, fine; not really needed
17 // for EicRoot implementation; so consider a mixed scheme:
18 //
19 // - packed GEANT hierarchy tree node indices are encoded as 32-bit;
20 // - internally routines pass 64-bit index where higher 32 bits are
21 // reserved for a map ID (which is an overkill, clear);
22 // - all the code however is written in such a way, that changing
23 // UGeantIndex_t to ULong64_t should in principle work (provided the above
24 // mentioned ROOT feature is fixed); NB: of course 32-bit mapping tables
25 // (and MC files produced using them) will not be backwards compatible;
26 // - if UGeantIndex_t ever becomes ULong64_t, one has a freedom to set
27 // _GEANT_INDEX_BIT_NUM_ to any number up to 63 (at least one bit is needed
28 // to encode MAP ID); for now _GEANT_INDEX_BIT_NUM_ is set to its max
29 // possible value: 32;
30 //
31 // - logical indices (group of 3D volumes, each of which can have XYZ mapping)
32 // have no this limitation and as of 2014/08/20 'mMappingTable' is converted
33 // to ULogicalIndex_t* (so 64 bit);
34 //
35 // - it is implicitely assumed, that single dimension indices (say X) can not
36 // exceed a 32-bit unsigned value; FIXME: may want to verify this;
37 //
39 // So: 32-bit GEANT indices ...
40 typedef UInt_t UGeantIndex_t;
42 // ... and 64-bit logical ones (packed together: group ID and XYZ);
43 typedef ULong64_t ULogicalIndex_t;
45 // NB: once again, as long as mentioned above ROOT restriction is valid,
46 // _GEANT_INDEX_BIT_NUM_ '32';
47 #define _GEANT_INDEX_BIT_NUM_ 32
48 #define _GEANT_INDEX_BIT_MASK_ ((ULong64_t(0x1) << _GEANT_INDEX_BIT_NUM_) - 1)
49 // Bits remaining to encode map ID (so 32+32 split in internal routine arguments);
50 #define _SERVICE_BIT_NUM_ ((sizeof(ULong64_t) << 3) - _GEANT_INDEX_BIT_NUM_)
51 // Well, want this mask to be applied to values shifted to bit #0;
52 #define _SERVICE_BIT_MASK_ ((ULong64_t(0x1) << _SERVICE_BIT_NUM_) - 1)
54 // Well, voluntary consider to allocate 16 highest bits for logical group encoding
55 // and remaining 48 bits for XYZ encoding; NB: in a few places in the code assume
56 // implicitely, that 1) _LOGICAL_GROUP_BIT_NUM_ and _LOGICAL_XYZ_BIT_NUM_ sum up to
57 // the bit count of UGeo_t, 2) group 8 bits are the highest ones (24..31);
58 #define _LOGICAL_GROUP_BIT_NUM_ 16
59 #define _LOGICAL_XYZ_BIT_NUM_ ((sizeof(ULogicalIndex_t) << 3) - _LOGICAL_GROUP_BIT_NUM_)
60 #define _LOGICAL_GROUP_NUM_MAX_ (ULogicalIndex_t(0x1) << (_LOGICAL_GROUP_BIT_NUM_))
61 // Again, want it to be applied to values shifted to bit #0;
64 // Encountered in a few places -> create a separate #define;
65 #define _LOGICAL_INDEX_INVALID_ (~ULogicalIndex_t(0))
67 template <typename T>
68 class EicBitMask: public TObject
69 {
70  public:
72  EicBitMask(unsigned maxEntryNum) {
73  ResetVars();
75  // Well, the idea is that level entry may be skipped alltogether and will not
76  // contribute to the mapping table size; so 'mBitNum' and 'mBitMask' will stay 0;
77  if (!maxEntryNum) return;
79  // Looks strange, but works; in principle could save a bit for maxEntryNum=1;
80  // do not mind to overcomplicate things though;
81  mBitNum = 1;
82  for(T value = maxEntryNum-1; value>>1; value >>= 1)
83  mBitNum++;
85  SetMask();
86  };
89  void ResetVars() { mBitNum = mShift = 0; mMask = 0; };
91  void SetShift(unsigned shift) { mShift = shift;};
92  void SetBitNum(unsigned bitNum) { mBitNum = bitNum; SetMask(); };
94  unsigned GetBitNum() const { return mBitNum;};
95  unsigned GetShift() const { return mShift; };
96  T GetBitMask() const { return mMask; };
98  T GetMaskedBits(T value) const { return ((value >> mShift) & mMask); };
100  private:
101  UInt_t mBitNum; // number of bits in this mask
102  UInt_t mShift; // shift of this level bit mask in the UGeantIndex_t-wide bit index
103  T mMask; // bit mask itself (bits [0..mBitNum-1], so offset to #0 bit
105  void SetMask() { mMask = (T(0x1) << mBitNum) - 1;};
108 };
111 {
112  // Yes, no sense to complicate access for the master classes;
113  friend class EicGeoMap;
114  friend class EicGeoParData;
116  public:
118  ~GeantVolumeLevel() { if (mBitMask) delete mBitMask; };
120  const TString& GetVolumeName() const { return mVolumeName; };
125  return mBitMask ? mBitMask->GetMaskedBits(value) : 0;
126  };
128  private:
129  UGeantIndex_t mMaxEntryNum; // max number of identical volume copies on this level
130  TString mVolumeName; // GEANT volume name
132  UInt_t mVolumeID;
134  EicBitMask<UGeantIndex_t> *mBitMask; //-> bit mask parameters associated with this level
137 };
139 class EicGeoMap: public TObject
140 {
141  // Yes, simplify access for the master class and also hide few methods
142  // from the outside world;
143  friend class EicGeoParData;
145  public:
147  mBirkConstant(0.0) {};
150  unsigned GetGeantVolumeLevelNum() const { return mGeantVolumeLevels.size();};
151  const GeantVolumeLevel *GetGeantVolumeLevelPtr(unsigned volumeID) const {
152  return volumeID < mGeantVolumeLevels.size() ? mGeantVolumeLevels[volumeID] : 0;
153  };
155  // Initialize next volume level;
156  int AddGeantVolumeLevel(const TString &volumeName, UGeantIndex_t maxEntryNum);
158  bool IsMySignature(const unsigned lvIDs[]) const;
160  const TString* GetBaseVolumePath() const { return &mBaseVolumePath; }
161  void AssignBaseVolumePath(const char *baseVolumePath) { mBaseVolumePath = baseVolumePath;};
163  void SetSensitivityFlag(double birkConstant = 0.0) {
164  mBirkConstant = birkConstant;
165  mSensitivityFlag = true;
166  };
167  bool IsSensitive() const { return mSensitivityFlag; };
169  // FIXME: consistency check is done in EicDigiHitProducer::ExtraInit() only;
170  // may want to implement it earlier (check volume existence with such name);
171  void SetSingleSensorContainerVolume(const char *singleSensorContainerVolumeName) {
172  mSingleSensorContainerVolumeName = TString(singleSensorContainerVolumeName);
173  };
174  const TString& GetSingleSensorContainerVolumeName() const {
176  };
178  const TString* GetInnermostVolumeName() const {
179  return mGeantVolumeLevels.size() ? &GetGeantVolumeLevelPtr(0)->GetVolumeName() : 0;
180  };
183  const ULogicalIndex_t *GetMappingTable() const { return mMappingTable; };
185  double GetBirkConstant() const { return mBirkConstant; };
187  private:
188  // Digitization procedure declares maps as sensitive based on their top-level
189  // volume name; may also want to assign Kb constant by hand;
190  bool mSensitivityFlag;
191  // Well, it is convenient to have a transient variable right in the mapping table;
192  double mBirkConstant;
194  // TGeoVolume levels (including current - sensitive volume - level!)
195  // which uniquely characterize elementary sensitive node location in the geometry
196  // tree; for instance for endcap backward EMC (crystals) the sequence will be
197  // BemcQuadrant -> BemcTower -> BemcCrystal;
198  std::vector <GeantVolumeLevel*> mGeantVolumeLevels; // volume names and other service info
200  // Calculates 'mBitNum' and 'mBitShift' values on all levels; also 'mMappingTableDim';
201  int CalculateBitPattern();
203  // Overall dimension of the mapping table (2**N, where N is the minimum
204  // number of bits needed to pack all level indices);
205  UGeantIndex_t mMappingTableDim; // number of entries in the mapping table
206  ULogicalIndex_t *mMappingTable; //[mMappingTableDim] mapping table array
208  // Well, it is assumed of course that this path is unique for all elements
209  // of this map; does it make sense?;
210  TString mBaseVolumePath; // exact mother volume path (like "/cave_1/CEMC_0");
212  // Well, for the FakeMoCa logic one needs to decide whether 3D point of a fake hit
213  // is inside some cell or not; check is done on all TGeoNode nodes with full path
214  // names ending with this volume name (like /cave_1/CEMC_0/cemcSector_11/cemcTower_3);
215  //
216  // As of July'2014 this information and respective look-up table are also used
217  // for standard digitization (got rid of fGeoH pointer and point->volumePath);
218  TString mSingleSensorContainerVolumeName; // volume which is an "elementary cell" for this map
220  // Write access to mapping table for initialization;
221  int SetMappingTableEntry(const unsigned geo[], ULogicalIndex_t logical);
223  // Calculate actual multi-dim volume index for the "global" geometry tree;
224  // depends on the sequence in which detectors were put into geometry, etc;
227  // Remaps 32-bit GEANT hierarchy tree geographic multi-index into 64-bit
228  // logical map index (say encoded XY-indices for the endcap calorimeter matrix);
230  return (mMappingTable && geant < mMappingTableDim) ?
232  };
234  ClassDef(EicGeoMap,16);
235 };
237 #endif