Implementation for concrete RICH ring selection algorithm: reject rings using a trained neural net (input file with weights needed!) store resulting value (0-1) in "SelectionNN": 0 = good rings 1 = rings to be rejected –> choose a value in between depending on required purity/ efficiency
This is the implementation of the TrackExtrapolation from MC points. It reads the STS track array, gets the corresponding MC RefPlanePoint and selects those to be projected to the Rich Photodetector
"TrackExtrapolation" from STS tracks (Kalman Fitter) It reads the track array form STS and extrapolates those to be projected to the Rich Photodetector to some z-Plane in RICH
This is the implementation of the TrackExtrapolation from MC points - operating on points in the RICH mirror! It reads the STS track array, gets the corresponding MC MirrorPoint and selects those to be projected to the Rich Photodetector points will be stored on mirror surface again. WARNING!!!: ProjectionProducer needs to be run with zflag==2!!!
Task class for matching a reconstructed CbmRichRings with a simulated CbmMCTrack. The matching criterion is a maximal number of common hits/points. The task fills the data class CbmRichRingMatch for each CbmRichRing