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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file viewer.C
2 void viewer(const char *fname, double minR = 0.0, double maxR = 400.0,
3  double minZ = -450.0, double maxZ = 450.0, unsigned cvX = 1200,
4  unsigned cvY = 1200, bool plotBz = true, bool plotBr = false,
5  bool plotBm = true)
6 {
7  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
9  auto bmf = new BeastMagneticField(fname);
11  if (bmf->ValidMapImported()) {
12  bool plot[3] = {plotBz, plotBr, plotBm};
13  unsigned divY = plotBz + plotBr + plotBm;
14  auto cv = new TCanvas("cv", "", 0, 0, cvX, cvY); cv->Divide(1,divY);
16  unsigned dimR = 200, dimZ = 600;
17  double cellR = (maxR - minR)/dimR, cellZ = (maxZ - minZ)/dimZ;
19  auto hbr = new TH2D("hbr", "R-component", dimZ, minZ, maxZ, dimR, minR, maxR);
20  auto hbz = new TH2D("hbz", "Z-component", dimZ, minZ, maxZ, dimR, minR, maxR);
21  auto hbm = new TH2D("hbm", "SQRT(BR^2+BZ^2)", dimZ, minZ, maxZ, dimR, minR, maxR);
22  TH2D *hh[3] = {hbz, hbr, hbm};
24  for(unsigned ir=0; ir<dimR; ir++)
25  for(unsigned iz=0; iz<dimZ; iz++) {
26  double br, bz;
27  bmf->GetFieldValue(minR + cellR*(ir + 0.5), minZ + cellZ*(iz + 0.5), br, bz);
29  hbz->SetBinContent(iz+1, ir+1, bz);
30  hbr->SetBinContent(iz+1, ir+1, br);
31  hbm->SetBinContent(iz+1, ir+1, sqrt(bz*bz+br*br));
32  } //for ir..iz
34  {
35  unsigned iYcurrent = 1;
37  for(unsigned iy=0; iy<3; iy++)
38  if (plot[iy]) {
39  cv->cd(iYcurrent++);
40  hh[iy]->Draw("COLZ");
41  }
42  }
43  } else
44  printf("\n Was not able to import the field map!\n");
45 } // viewer()