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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Detector.cxx
12 #include <algorithm>
13 #include <functional>
14 #include <list>
15 #include <memory>
16 #include <vector>
22 #include "eicsmear/smear/Smearer.h"
25 using std::cout;
26 using std::cerr;
27 using std::endl;
29 namespace Smear {
32 : useNM(false)
33 , useJB(false)
34 , useDA(false) {
35 }
38 : TObject(other) {
39  useNM = other.useNM;
40  useJB = other.useJB;
41  useDA = other.useDA;
42  Devices = other.CopyDevices();
43  LegacyMode = other.GetLegacyMode();
44 }
47  if (this != &that) {
48  useNM = that.useNM;
49  useJB = that.useJB;
50  useDA = that.useDA;
51  Devices = that.CopyDevices();
52  LegacyMode = that.GetLegacyMode();
53  } // if
54  return *this;
55 }
59 }
62  for (unsigned i(0); i < GetNDevices(); i++) {
63  delete Devices.at(i);
64  Devices.at(i) = NULL;
65  } // for
66  Devices.clear();
67 }
70  Devices.push_back(dev.Clone());
71 }
74  s.ToLower();
75  useNM = s.Contains("nm") || s.Contains("null");
76  useJB = s.Contains("jb") || s.Contains("jacquet");
77  useDA = s.Contains("da") || s.Contains("double");
78 }
81  Smearer* smearer(NULL);
82  if (unsigned(n) < Devices.size()) {
83  smearer = Devices.at(n);
84  } // if
85  return smearer;
86 }
89  if (!(useNM || useJB || useDA)) {
90  return;
91  } // if
92  // Need a bit of jiggery-pokery here, as the incident beam info isn't
93  // associated with the smeared event.
94  // So, get the beam info from the MC event, but replace the scattered
95  // electron with the smeared version.
96  // Then we can use the standard JB/DA algorithms on the smeared event.
97  const ParticleMCS* scattered = eventS->ScatteredLepton();
98  typedef std::unique_ptr<erhic::DisKinematics> KinPtr;
99  if (useNM && scattered) {
100  KinPtr kin(erhic::LeptonKinematicsComputer(*eventS).Calculate());
101  if (kin.get()) {
102  eventS->SetLeptonKinematics(*kin);
103  } // if
104  } else {
105  eventS->SetLeptonKinematics( erhic::DisKinematics(-1., -1., -1., -1., -1.));
106  } // if
107  if (useJB) {
108  KinPtr kin(erhic::JacquetBlondelComputer(*eventS).Calculate());
109  if (kin.get()) {
110  eventS->SetJacquetBlondelKinematics(*kin);
111  } // if
112  } // if
113  if (useDA && scattered) {
114  KinPtr kin(erhic::DoubleAngleComputer(*eventS).Calculate());
115  if (kin.get()) {
116  eventS->SetDoubleAngleKinematics(*kin);
117  } // if
118  } // if
119 }
121 std::list<Smearer*> Detector::Accept(const erhic::VirtualParticle& p) const {
122  std::list<Smearer*> devices;
123  // Only accept final-state particles, so skip the check against each
124  // devices for non-final-state particles.
125  if (p.GetStatus() == 1) {
126  std::vector<Smearer*>::const_iterator iter;
127  for (iter = Devices.begin(); iter != Devices.end(); ++iter) {
128  // Store each device that accepts the particle.
129  if ((*iter)->Accept.Is(p)) {
130  devices.push_back(*iter);
131  } // if
132  } // for
133  } // if
134  return devices;
135 }
138  // Does the particle fall in the acceptance of any device?
139  // If so, we smear it, if not, we skip it (store a NULL pointer).
140  std::list<Smearer*> devices = Accept(prt);
141  ParticleMCS* prtOut(NULL);
142  if (!devices.empty()) {
143  // It passes through at least one device, so smear it.
144  // Devices in which it doesn't pass won't smear it.
145  prtOut = new ParticleMCS();
146  prtOut->SetSmeared();
147  std::list<Smearer*>::iterator iter;
148  for (iter = devices.begin(); iter != devices.end(); ++iter) {
149  (*iter)->Smear(prt, *prtOut);
150  } // for
152  if (LegacyMode){
153  // Compute derived momentum components.
154  prtOut->SetPx( prtOut->GetP() * sin(prtOut->GetTheta()) * cos(prtOut->GetPhi()));
155  prtOut->SetPy( prtOut->GetP() * sin(prtOut->GetTheta()) * sin(prtOut->GetPhi()));
156  prtOut->SetPt( sqrt(pow(prtOut->GetPx(), 2.) + pow(prtOut->GetPy(), 2.)));
157  prtOut->SetPz( prtOut->GetP() * cos(prtOut->GetTheta()));
159  } else { // not in LegacyMode
160  // Sanity check and computation of derived momentum components.
161  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
162  // - this cannot happen...
163  if ( !prtOut->IsSmeared() ) throw std::runtime_error ("particle seems to be not smeared?!");
165  // Is momentum smeared at all?
166  int MomComponentsChanged = prtOut->IsPSmeared() + prtOut->IsPtSmeared() + prtOut->IsPxSmeared() + prtOut->IsPySmeared() + prtOut->IsPzSmeared();
167  int AngComponentsChanged = prtOut->IsPhiSmeared() + prtOut->IsThetaSmeared();
169  if ( MomComponentsChanged==0 ){
170  // Momentum is untouched (pure calo measurement)
171  // all we have to do is ensure phi and theta are explicitly smeared
172  if ( !prtOut->IsPhiSmeared() ) {
173  cerr << "Phi always needs to be smeared (at least with sigma=0)" << endl;
174  cerr << "For legacy smear scripts, use det.SetLegacyMode ( true );" << endl;
175  throw std::runtime_error ("Failed consistency check in Detector::Smear()");
176  }
177  if ( !prtOut->IsThetaSmeared() ){
178  cerr << "Theta always needs to be smeared (at least with sigma=0)" << endl;
179  cerr << "For legacy smear scripts, use det.SetLegacyMode ( true );" << endl;
180  throw std::runtime_error ("Failed consistency check in Detector::Smear()");
181  }
182  } else if ( MomComponentsChanged + AngComponentsChanged != 3){
183  // - Momentum is exactly defined by three independent quantities, including theta and phi
184  cerr << "Expected 0 (excluding phi, theta) or exactly 3 (excluding phi, theta) smeared momentum quantities." << endl;
185  cerr << "For legacy smear scripts, use det.SetLegacyMode ( true );" << endl;
186  cerr << "MomComponentsChanged = " << MomComponentsChanged << endl;
187  cerr << prt.GetEta() << endl;
188  cerr << prtOut->IsPSmeared() << endl;
189  cerr << prtOut->IsPtSmeared() << endl;
190  cerr << prtOut->IsPxSmeared() << endl;
191  cerr << prtOut->IsPySmeared() << endl;
192  cerr << prtOut->IsPzSmeared() << endl;
193  cerr << "AngComponentsChanged = " << AngComponentsChanged << endl;
194  cerr << " pid : " << prt.Id() << endl;
195  throw std::runtime_error ("Failed consistency check in Detector::Smear()");
196  } else {
197  // We now have exactly three out of P, px, py, pz, pt, phi, theta. Compute the rest.
198  // That's 35 total cases, but luckily many of them are not independent, or nonsensical in a detector.
199  // NOTE: We need p^2 >= pT^2, pz^2.
200  // Smearing (P and Pz) or (P and pT) is obscure enough to where we just make the ad-hoc decision
201  // to adjust P in such a case.
203  // - px, py, pt, phi are intimately related. Let's condense.
204  if ( prtOut->IsPxSmeared() ^ prtOut->IsPySmeared() ) {// "^" = XOR
205  cerr << "Smearing only one out of px, py is not supported. Please contact the authors." << endl;
206  cerr << "For legacy smear scripts, use det.SetLegacyMode ( true );" << endl;
207  throw std::runtime_error ("Failed consistency check in Detector::Smear()");
208  } // illegal px, py --> removes 2 * ( 5 choose 2 ) = 20 combinations
210  if ( prtOut->IsPxSmeared() && prtOut->IsPySmeared() ) {
211  if ( prtOut->IsPhiSmeared() ) {
212  cerr << "Smearing px, py, and phi is inconsistent" << endl;
213  cerr << "For legacy smear scripts, use det.SetLegacyMode ( true );" << endl;
214  throw std::runtime_error ("Failed consistency check in Detector::Smear()");
215  }// 1, running 21
216  if ( prtOut->IsPtSmeared() ) {
217  cerr << "Smearing px, py, and pt is inconsistent" << endl;
218  cerr << "For legacy smear scripts, use det.SetLegacyMode ( true );" << endl;
219  throw std::runtime_error ("Failed consistency check in Detector::Smear()");
220  } // 1, running 22
222  // Can set phi and pt now
223  prtOut->SetPhi( std::atan2( prtOut->GetPy(),prtOut->GetPx() ) );
224  prtOut->SetPt( std::sqrt( std::pow( prtOut->GetPx(),2) + std::pow( prtOut->GetPy(),2) ) );
226  // legal options remaining: pz, P, theta
227  if ( prtOut->IsPzSmeared() ){ // pz is smeared
228  prtOut->SetTheta( std::atan2(prtOut->GetPt() ,prtOut->GetPz() ) );
229  prtOut->SetP( std::sqrt( std::pow( prtOut->GetPt(),2) + std::pow( prtOut->GetPz(),2) ) );
230  } // 1, running 23
232  if ( prtOut->IsPSmeared() ){ // p is smeared
233  if ( prtOut->GetP() < prtOut->GetPt() ) prtOut->SetP(prtOut->GetPt(), false);
234  prtOut->SetTheta( std::atan2(prtOut->GetPt() ,prtOut->GetPz() ) );
235  prtOut->SetPz( std::sqrt( std::pow(prtOut->GetP(), 2.) - std::pow(prtOut->GetPt(), 2.)) );
236  } // 1, running 24
238  if ( prtOut->IsThetaSmeared() ){ // theta is smeared
239  // Note: Here (as in other cases), we rely on the device to deliver physically sound
240  // numbers (see and adapt HandleBogusValues). But for now we explicitly fault on division by zero
241  assert ( fabs(std::tan(prtOut->GetTheta())) > 1e-8 );
242  prtOut->SetPz( prtOut->GetPt() / std::tan(prtOut->GetTheta()) );
243  prtOut->SetP( std::sqrt( std::pow( prtOut->GetPt(),2) + std::pow( prtOut->GetPz(),2) ) );
244  } // 1, running 25
246  } // know both px and py --> knocked off 5 cases, 25 running
248  // We're left with px and py unsmeared, and choose 3 out of P, pt, pz, phi, theta = 10 combinations.
249  // But we can reject the case of unsmeared phi since without px, py we can't reconstruct azimuth
250  // No need to protect with another if() because we touched Phi in the previous clause
251  if ( !prtOut->IsPhiSmeared() ) {
252  cerr << "Momentum components are smeared, but neither phi nor px and py are." << endl;
253  cerr << "For legacy smear scripts, use det.SetLegacyMode ( true );" << endl;
254  throw std::runtime_error ("Failed consistency check in Detector::Smear()");
255  } // 4 cases (4 choose 3), 29 running
257  // Leaves (choose 2 out of P, pz, pt, theta) = 6 combinations, math checks out.
258  // Using a complementary if clause instead of another else for readability
259  if ( !prtOut->IsPxSmeared() && !prtOut->IsPySmeared() ) {
260  // NOTE: Currently, this is the only loop that should matter
261  // since we don't allow px and py smearing in the formulas,
262  // but there's no reason not to allow it in the future
263  if(prtOut->IsPSmeared() && prtOut->IsThetaSmeared() ) /*(1100)*/ { // P, theta
265  prtOut->SetPt ( prtOut->GetP() * std::sin(prtOut->GetTheta()));
266  prtOut->SetPz ( prtOut->GetP() * std::cos(prtOut->GetTheta()));
268  } else if( prtOut->IsPSmeared() && prtOut->IsPtSmeared() ) /*(1010)*/ { // P, pt
269  if ( prtOut->GetP() < prtOut->GetPt() ) prtOut->SetP(prtOut->GetPt(), false);
270  prtOut->SetPz( std::sqrt(std::pow(prtOut->GetP(), 2) - std::pow(prtOut->GetPt(), 2)));
271  prtOut->SetTheta ( std::atan2(prtOut->GetPt(),prtOut->GetPz()));
273  } else if(prtOut->IsPzSmeared() && prtOut->IsPtSmeared() ) /*(0011)*/ { // pt, pz
275  prtOut->SetP( std::sqrt(std::pow(prtOut->GetPt(), 2) + std::pow(prtOut->GetPz(), 2)));
276  prtOut->SetTheta ( std::atan2(prtOut->GetPt(),prtOut->GetPz()));
278  } else if(prtOut->IsThetaSmeared() && prtOut->IsPtSmeared()) /*(0110)*/ { // pt, theta
279  // Note: Here (as in other cases), we rely on the device to deliver physically sound
280  // numbers (see and adapt HandleBogusValues). But for now we explicitly fault on division by zero
281  assert ( fabs(std::tan(prtOut->GetTheta())) > 1e-8 );
282  prtOut->SetPz( prtOut->GetPt() / std::tan(prtOut->GetTheta()) );
283  prtOut->SetP( std::sqrt(std::pow(prtOut->GetPt(), 2) + std::pow(prtOut->GetPz(), 2)));
285  } else if(prtOut->IsPSmeared() && prtOut->IsPzSmeared()) /*(1001)*/ { // P, pz
286  if ( prtOut->GetP() < std::abs(prtOut->GetPz()) ) prtOut->SetP( std::abs(prtOut->GetPz()), false);
287  prtOut->SetPt( std::sqrt(std::pow(prtOut->GetP(), 2) - std::pow(prtOut->GetPz(), 2)));
288  prtOut->SetTheta( std::atan2(prtOut->GetPt() ,prtOut->GetPz() ) );
290  } else if(prtOut->IsThetaSmeared() && prtOut->IsPzSmeared()) /*(0101)*/ { // theta, pz
292  prtOut->SetPt( prtOut->GetPz() * std::tan(prtOut->GetTheta()));
293  prtOut->SetP( std::sqrt( std::pow( prtOut->GetPt(),2) + std::pow( prtOut->GetPz(),2) ) );
294  }
296  prtOut->SetPx (prtOut->GetP() * std::sin(prtOut->GetTheta()) * std::cos(prtOut->GetPhi()));
297  prtOut->SetPy (prtOut->GetP() * std::sin(prtOut->GetTheta()) * std::sin(prtOut->GetPhi()));
299  } // Know px and py are unsmeared, phi IS smeared
301  } // case treatment for momentum components changed
303  } // LegacyMode
304  } // if devices not empty
306  // Done.
307  return prtOut;
309 }
311 std::vector<Smearer*> Detector::CopyDevices() const {
312  std::vector<Smearer*> copies;
313  for ( std::vector<Smearer*>::const_iterator it = Devices.begin();
314  it!=Devices.end();
315  ++it ){
316  copies.push_back ( (*it)->Clone(""));
317  }
318  return copies;
319 }
321 void Detector::Print(Option_t* o) const {
322  for (unsigned i(0); i < GetNDevices(); ++i) {
323  Devices.at(i)->Print(o);
324  } // for
325 }
327  void Detector::SetLegacyMode( const bool mode ){
328  LegacyMode = mode;
329  if ( LegacyMode ){
330  std::cout << "Warning: Turning on legacy mode, i.e. deactivating consistency checks and momentum regularization in Smear(). Use only for legacy smear scripts from earlier versions (<~1.0.4)" << endl;
331  }
332  }
334  bool Detector::GetLegacyMode() const {
335  return LegacyMode;
336  }
338 } // namespace Smear