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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PHG4CylinderCellReco.cc
1 #include "PHG4CylinderCellReco.h"
2 #include "PHG4CylinderCellGeom.h"
4 #include "PHG4CylinderGeom.h"
7 #include "PHG4Cell.h" // for PHG4Cell, PHG...
8 #include "PHG4CellContainer.h"
9 #include "PHG4CellDefs.h"
10 #include "PHG4Cellv1.h"
12 #include <phparameter/PHParameterContainerInterface.h> // for PHParameterCo...
13 #include <phparameter/PHParametersContainer.h>
15 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
17 #include <g4main/PHG4Utils.h>
20 #include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h> // for SubsysReco
22 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
23 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h>
24 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
25 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h>
26 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
27 #include <phool/getClass.h>
28 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
30 #include <cmath>
31 #include <cstdlib>
32 #include <cstring> // for memset
33 #include <iostream>
34 #include <iterator> // for reverse_iterator
35 #include <sstream>
36 #include <vector> // for vector
38 using namespace std;
41  : SubsysReco(name)
43  , chkenergyconservation(0)
44  , sum_energy_before_cuts(0.)
45  , sum_energy_g4hit(0.)
46 {
48  memset(nbins, 0, sizeof(nbins));
49 }
52 {
54  sum_energy_g4hit = 0.;
56 }
59 {
60  PHNodeIterator nodeiter(topNode);
62  // Looking for the DST node
63  PHCompositeNode *dstNode;
64  dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(nodeiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
65  if (!dstNode)
66  {
67  std::cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << std::endl;
68  exit(1);
69  }
70  PHCompositeNode *runNode;
71  runNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(nodeiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "RUN"));
72  if (!runNode)
73  {
74  cout << Name() << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << endl;
75  exit(1);
76  }
77  PHNodeIterator runiter(runNode);
78  PHCompositeNode *RunDetNode =
79  dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(runiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode",
80  detector));
81  if (!RunDetNode)
82  {
83  RunDetNode = new PHCompositeNode(detector);
84  runNode->addNode(RunDetNode);
85  }
87  hitnodename = "G4HIT_" + detector;
88  PHG4HitContainer *g4hit = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, hitnodename.c_str());
89  if (!g4hit)
90  {
91  cout << "Could not locate g4 hit node " << hitnodename << endl;
92  exit(1);
93  }
94  cellnodename = "G4CELL_" + outdetector;
95  PHG4CellContainer *cells = findNode::getClass<PHG4CellContainer>(topNode, cellnodename);
96  if (!cells)
97  {
98  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
99  PHCompositeNode *DetNode =
100  dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode",
101  detector));
102  if (!DetNode)
103  {
104  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode(detector);
105  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
106  }
107  cells = new PHG4CellContainer();
108  PHIODataNode<PHObject> *newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(cells, cellnodename.c_str(), "PHObject");
109  DetNode->addNode(newNode);
110  }
112  geonodename = "CYLINDERGEOM_" + detector;
113  PHG4CylinderGeomContainer *geo = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, geonodename.c_str());
114  if (!geo)
115  {
116  cout << "Could not locate geometry node " << geonodename << endl;
117  exit(1);
118  }
119  if (Verbosity() > 0)
120  {
121  geo->identify();
122  }
123  seggeonodename = "CYLINDERCELLGEOM_" + outdetector;
124  PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer *seggeo = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer>(topNode, seggeonodename.c_str());
125  if (!seggeo)
126  {
127  seggeo = new PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer();
128  PHIODataNode<PHObject> *newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(seggeo, seggeonodename.c_str(), "PHObject");
129  runNode->addNode(newNode);
130  }
136  map<int, PHG4CylinderGeom *>::const_iterator miter;
137  pair<map<int, PHG4CylinderGeom *>::const_iterator, map<int, PHG4CylinderGeom *>::const_iterator> begin_end = geo->get_begin_end();
138  map<int, std::pair<double, double> >::iterator sizeiter;
139  for (miter = begin_end.first; miter != begin_end.second; ++miter)
140  {
141  PHG4CylinderGeom *layergeom = miter->second;
142  int layer = layergeom->get_layer();
143  if (!ExistDetid(layer))
144  {
145  cout << Name() << ": No parameters for detid/layer " << layer
146  << ", hits from this detid/layer will not be accumulated into cells" << endl;
147  continue;
148  }
149  implemented_detid.insert(layer);
150  set_size(layer, get_double_param(layer, "size_long"), get_double_param(layer, "size_perp"));
151  tmin_max.insert(std::make_pair(layer, std::make_pair(get_double_param(layer, "tmin"), get_double_param(layer, "tmax"))));
152  double circumference = layergeom->get_radius() * 2 * M_PI;
153  double length_in_z = layergeom->get_zmax() - layergeom->get_zmin();
154  sizeiter = cell_size.find(layer);
155  if (sizeiter == cell_size.end())
156  {
157  cout << "no cell sizes for layer " << layer << endl;
158  exit(1);
159  }
160  // create geo object and fill with variables common to all binning methods
161  PHG4CylinderCellGeom *layerseggeo = new PHG4CylinderCellGeom();
162  layerseggeo->set_layer(layergeom->get_layer());
163  layerseggeo->set_radius(layergeom->get_radius());
164  layerseggeo->set_thickness(layergeom->get_thickness());
165  if (binning[layer] == PHG4CellDefs::etaphibinning)
166  {
167  // calculate eta at radius+ thickness (outer radius)
168  // length via eta coverage is calculated using the outer radius
169  double etamin = PHG4Utils::get_eta(layergeom->get_radius() + layergeom->get_thickness(), layergeom->get_zmin());
170  double etamax = PHG4Utils::get_eta(layergeom->get_radius() + layergeom->get_thickness(), layergeom->get_zmax());
171  zmin_max[layer] = make_pair(etamin, etamax);
172  double etastepsize = (sizeiter->second).first;
173  double d_etabins;
174 // if the eta cell size is larger than the eta range, make one bin
175  if (etastepsize > etamax - etamin)
176  {
177  d_etabins = 1;
178  }
179  else
180  {
181  // it is unlikely that the eta range is a multiple of the eta cell size
182  // then fract is 0, if not - add 1 bin which makes the
183  // cells a tiny bit smaller but makes them fit
184  double fract = modf((etamax - etamin) / etastepsize, &d_etabins);
185  if (fract != 0)
186  {
187  d_etabins++;
188  }
189  }
190  etastepsize = (etamax - etamin) / d_etabins;
191  (sizeiter->second).first = etastepsize;
192  int etabins = d_etabins;
193  double etalow = etamin;
194  double etahi = etalow + etastepsize;
195  for (int i = 0; i < etabins; i++)
196  {
197  if (etahi > (etamax + 1.e-6)) // etahi is a tiny bit larger due to numerical uncertainties
198  {
199  cout << "etahi: " << etahi << ", etamax: " << etamax << endl;
200  }
201  etahi += etastepsize;
202  }
204  double phimin = -M_PI;
205  double phimax = M_PI;
206  double phistepsize = (sizeiter->second).second;
207  double d_phibins;
208  if (phistepsize >= phimax-phimin)
209  {
210  d_phibins = 1;
211  }
212  else
213  {
214  // it is unlikely that the phi range is a multiple of the phi cell size
215  // then fract is 0, if not - add 1 bin which makes the
216  // cells a tiny bit smaller but makes them fit
217  double fract = modf((phimax - phimin) / phistepsize, &d_phibins);
218  if (fract != 0)
219  {
220  d_phibins++;
221  }
222  }
223  phistepsize = (phimax - phimin) / d_phibins;
224  (sizeiter->second).second = phistepsize;
225  int phibins = d_phibins;
226  double philow = phimin;
227  double phihi = philow + phistepsize;
228  for (int i = 0; i < phibins; i++)
229  {
230  if (phihi > phimax)
231  {
232  cout << "phihi: " << phihi << ", phimax: " << phimax << endl;
233  }
234  phihi += phistepsize;
235  }
236  pair<int, int> phi_z_bin = make_pair(phibins, etabins);
237  n_phi_z_bins[layer] = phi_z_bin;
239  layerseggeo->set_etabins(etabins);
240  layerseggeo->set_etamin(etamin);
241  layerseggeo->set_etastep(etastepsize);
242  layerseggeo->set_phimin(phimin);
243  layerseggeo->set_phibins(phibins);
244  layerseggeo->set_phistep(phistepsize);
245  phistep[layer] = phistepsize;
246  etastep[layer] = etastepsize;
247  }
248  else if (binning[layer] == PHG4CellDefs::sizebinning)
249  {
250  zmin_max[layer] = make_pair(layergeom->get_zmin(), layergeom->get_zmax());
251  double size_z = (sizeiter->second).second;
252  double size_r = (sizeiter->second).first;
253  double bins_r;
254  // if the size is larger than circumference, make it one bin
255  if (size_r >= circumference)
256  {
257  bins_r = 1;
258  }
259  else
260  {
261  // unlikely but if the circumference is a multiple of the cell size
262  // use result of division, if not - add 1 bin which makes the
263  // cells a tiny bit smaller but makes them fit
264  double fract = modf(circumference / size_r, &bins_r);
265  if (fract != 0)
266  {
267  bins_r++;
268  }
269  }
270  nbins[0] = bins_r;
271  size_r = circumference / bins_r;
272  (sizeiter->second).first = size_r;
273  double phistepsize = 2 * M_PI / bins_r;
274  double phimin = -M_PI;
275  double phimax = phimin + phistepsize;
276  phistep[layer] = phistepsize;
277  for (int i = 0; i < nbins[0]; i++)
278  {
279  if (phimax > (M_PI + 1e-9))
280  {
281  cout << "phimax: " << phimax << ", M_PI: " << M_PI
282  << "phimax-M_PI: " << phimax - M_PI << endl;
283  }
284  phimax += phistepsize;
285  }
286  // if the size is larger than length, make it one bin
287  if (size_z >= length_in_z)
288  {
289  bins_r = 1;
290  }
291  else
292  {
293  // unlikely but if the length is a multiple of the cell size
294  // use result of division, if not - add 1 bin which makes the
295  // cells a tiny bit smaller but makes them fit
296  double fract = modf(length_in_z / size_z, &bins_r);
297  if (fract != 0)
298  {
299  bins_r++;
300  }
301  }
302  nbins[1] = bins_r;
303  pair<int, int> phi_z_bin = make_pair(nbins[0], nbins[1]);
304  n_phi_z_bins[layer] = phi_z_bin;
305  // update our map with the new sizes
306  size_z = length_in_z / bins_r;
307  (sizeiter->second).second = size_z;
308  double zlow = layergeom->get_zmin();
309  double zhigh = zlow + size_z;
310  ;
311  for (int i = 0; i < nbins[1]; i++)
312  {
313  if (zhigh > (layergeom->get_zmax() + 1e-9))
314  {
315  cout << "zhigh: " << zhigh << ", zmax "
316  << layergeom->get_zmax()
317  << ", zhigh-zmax: " << zhigh - layergeom->get_zmax()
318  << endl;
319  }
320  zhigh += size_z;
321  }
323  layerseggeo->set_zbins(nbins[1]);
324  layerseggeo->set_zmin(layergeom->get_zmin());
325  layerseggeo->set_zstep(size_z);
326  layerseggeo->set_phibins(nbins[0]);
327  layerseggeo->set_phistep(phistepsize);
328  }
329  // add geo object filled by different binning methods
330  seggeo->AddLayerCellGeom(layerseggeo);
331  if (Verbosity() > 1)
332  {
333  layerseggeo->identify();
334  }
335  }
337  // print out settings
338  if (Verbosity() > 0)
339  {
340  cout << "===================== PHG4CylinderCellReco::InitRun() =====================" << endl;
341  cout << " " << outdetector << " Segmentation Description: " << endl;
342  for (std::map<int, int>::iterator iter = binning.begin();
343  iter != binning.end(); ++iter)
344  {
345  int layer = iter->first;
347  if (binning[layer] == PHG4CellDefs::etaphibinning)
348  {
349  // phi & eta bin is usually used to make projective towers
350  // so just print the first layer
351  cout << " Layer #" << binning.begin()->first << "-" << binning.rbegin()->first << endl;
352  cout << " Nbins (phi,eta): (" << n_phi_z_bins[layer].first << ", " << n_phi_z_bins[layer].second << ")" << endl;
353  cout << " Cell Size (phi,eta): (" << cell_size[layer].first << " rad, " << cell_size[layer].second << " units)" << endl;
354  break;
355  }
356  else if (binning[layer] == PHG4CellDefs::sizebinning)
357  {
358  cout << " Layer #" << layer << endl;
359  cout << " Nbins (phi,z): (" << n_phi_z_bins[layer].first << ", " << n_phi_z_bins[layer].second << ")" << endl;
360  cout << " Cell Size (phi,z): (" << cell_size[layer].first << " cm, " << cell_size[layer].second << " cm)" << endl;
361  }
362  }
363  cout << "===========================================================================" << endl;
364  }
365  string nodename = "G4CELLPARAM_" + GetParamsContainer()->Name();
366  SaveToNodeTree(RunDetNode, nodename);
368 }
371 {
372  PHG4HitContainer *g4hit = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, hitnodename.c_str());
373  if (!g4hit)
374  {
375  cout << "Could not locate g4 hit node " << hitnodename << endl;
376  exit(1);
377  }
378  PHG4CellContainer *cells = findNode::getClass<PHG4CellContainer>(topNode, cellnodename);
379  if (!cells)
380  {
381  cout << "could not locate cell node " << cellnodename << endl;
382  exit(1);
383  }
385  PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer *seggeo = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer>(topNode, seggeonodename.c_str());
386  if (!seggeo)
387  {
388  cout << "could not locate geo node " << seggeonodename << endl;
389  exit(1);
390  }
392  map<int, std::pair<double, double> >::iterator sizeiter;
394  pair<PHG4HitContainer::LayerIter, PHG4HitContainer::LayerIter> layer_begin_end = g4hit->getLayers();
395  // cout << "number of layers: " << g4hit->num_layers() << endl;
396  // cout << "number of hits: " << g4hit->size() << endl;
397  // for (layer = layer_begin_end.first; layer != layer_begin_end.second; layer++)
398  // {
399  // cout << "layer number: " << *layer << endl;
400  // }
401  for (layer = layer_begin_end.first; layer != layer_begin_end.second; layer++)
402  {
403  // only handle layers/detector ids which have parameters set
404  if (implemented_detid.find(*layer) == implemented_detid.end())
405  {
406  continue;
407  }
409  PHG4HitContainer::ConstRange hit_begin_end = g4hit->getHits(*layer);
410  PHG4CylinderCellGeom *geo = seggeo->GetLayerCellGeom(*layer);
411  int nphibins = n_phi_z_bins[*layer].first;
412  int nzbins = n_phi_z_bins[*layer].second;
414  // ------- eta/phi binning ------------------------------------------------------------------------
415  if (binning[*layer] == PHG4CellDefs::etaphibinning)
416  {
417  for (hiter = hit_begin_end.first; hiter != hit_begin_end.second; hiter++)
418  {
419  sum_energy_before_cuts += hiter->second->get_edep();
420  // checking ADC timing integration window cut
421  if (hiter->second->get_t(0) > tmin_max[*layer].second) continue;
422  if (hiter->second->get_t(1) < tmin_max[*layer].first) continue;
424  pair<double, double> etaphi[2];
425  double phibin[2];
426  double etabin[2];
427  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
428  {
429  etaphi[i] = PHG4Utils::get_etaphi(hiter->second->get_x(i), hiter->second->get_y(i), hiter->second->get_z(i));
430  etabin[i] = geo->get_etabin(etaphi[i].first);
431  phibin[i] = geo->get_phibin(etaphi[i].second);
432  }
433  // check bin range
434  if (phibin[0] < 0 || phibin[0] >= nphibins || phibin[1] < 0 || phibin[1] >= nphibins)
435  {
436  continue;
437  }
438  if (etabin[0] < 0 || etabin[0] >= nzbins || etabin[1] < 0 || etabin[1] >= nzbins)
439  {
440  continue;
441  }
443  if (etabin[0] < 0)
444  {
445  if (Verbosity() > 0)
446  {
447  hiter->second->identify();
448  }
449  continue;
450  }
451  sum_energy_g4hit += hiter->second->get_edep();
452  int intphibin = phibin[0];
453  int intetabin = etabin[0];
454  int intphibinout = phibin[1];
455  int intetabinout = etabin[1];
457  // Determine all fired cells
459  double ax = (etaphi[0]).second; // phi
460  double ay = (etaphi[0]).first; // eta
461  double bx = (etaphi[1]).second;
462  double by = (etaphi[1]).first;
463  if (intphibin > intphibinout)
464  {
465  int tmp = intphibin;
466  intphibin = intphibinout;
467  intphibinout = tmp;
468  }
469  if (intetabin > intetabinout)
470  {
471  int tmp = intetabin;
472  intetabin = intetabinout;
473  intetabinout = tmp;
474  }
476  double trklen = sqrt((ax - bx) * (ax - bx) + (ay - by) * (ay - by));
477  // if entry and exit hit are the same (seems to happen rarely), trklen = 0
478  // which leads to a 0/0 and an NaN in edep later on
479  // this code does for particles in the same cell a trklen/trklen (vdedx[ii]/trklen)
480  // so setting this to any non zero number will do just fine
481  // I just pick -1 here to flag those strange hits in case I want t oanalyze them
482  // later on
483  if (trklen == 0)
484  {
485  trklen = -1.;
486  }
487  vector<int> vphi;
488  vector<int> veta;
489  vector<double> vdedx;
491  if (intphibin == intphibinout && intetabin == intetabinout) // single cell fired
492  {
493  if (Verbosity() > 0) cout << "SINGLE CELL FIRED: " << intphibin << " " << intetabin << endl;
494  vphi.push_back(intphibin);
495  veta.push_back(intetabin);
496  vdedx.push_back(trklen);
497  }
498  else
499  {
500  double phistep_half = geo->get_phistep() / 2.;
501  double etastep_half = geo->get_etastep() / 2.;
502  for (int ibp = intphibin; ibp <= intphibinout; ibp++)
503  {
504  double cx = geo->get_phicenter(ibp) - phistep_half;
505  double dx = geo->get_phicenter(ibp) + phistep_half;
506  for (int ibz = intetabin; ibz <= intetabinout; ibz++)
507  {
508  double cy = geo->get_etacenter(ibz) - etastep_half;
509  double dy = geo->get_etacenter(ibz) + etastep_half;
511  //cout << "##### line: " << ax << " " << ay << " " << bx << " " << by << endl;
512  //cout << "####### cell: " << cx << " " << cy << " " << dx << " " << dy << endl;
513  pair<bool, double> intersect = PHG4Utils::line_and_rectangle_intersect(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy);
514  if (intersect.first)
515  {
516  if (Verbosity() > 0) cout << "CELL FIRED: " << ibp << " " << ibz << " " << intersect.second << endl;
517  vphi.push_back(ibp);
518  veta.push_back(ibz);
519  vdedx.push_back(intersect.second);
520  }
521  }
522  }
523  }
524  if (Verbosity() > 0) cout << "NUMBER OF FIRED CELLS = " << vphi.size() << endl;
526  double tmpsum = 0.;
527  for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < vphi.size(); ii++)
528  {
529  tmpsum += vdedx[ii];
530  vdedx[ii] = vdedx[ii] / trklen;
531  if (Verbosity() > 0) cout << " CELL " << ii << " dE/dX = " << vdedx[ii] << endl;
532  }
533  if (Verbosity() > 0) cout << " TOTAL TRACK LENGTH = " << tmpsum << " " << trklen << endl;
535  for (unsigned int i1 = 0; i1 < vphi.size(); i1++) // loop over all fired cells
536  {
537  int iphibin = vphi[i1];
538  int ietabin = veta[i1];
540  // This is the key for cellptmap
541  // It is constructed using the phi and z (or eta) bin index values
542  // It will be unique for a given phi and z (or eta) bin combination
543  unsigned long long tmp = iphibin;
544  unsigned long long key = tmp << 32;
545  key += ietabin;
546  if (Verbosity() > 1)
547  {
548  cout << " iphibin " << iphibin << " ietabin " << ietabin << " key 0x" << hex << key << dec << endl;
549  }
550  PHG4Cell *cell = nullptr;
551  it = cellptmap.find(key);
552  if (it != cellptmap.end())
553  {
554  cell = it->second;
555  }
556  else
557  {
558  PHG4CellDefs::keytype cellkey = PHG4CellDefs::EtaPhiBinning::genkey(*layer, ietabin, iphibin);
559  cell = new PHG4Cellv1(cellkey);
560  cellptmap[key] = cell;
561  }
562  if (!isfinite(hiter->second->get_edep() * vdedx[i1]))
563  {
564  cout << "hit 0x" << hex << hiter->first << dec << " not finite, edep: "
565  << hiter->second->get_edep() << " weight " << vdedx[i1] << endl;
566  }
567  cell->add_edep(hiter->first, hiter->second->get_edep() * vdedx[i1]); // add hit with edep to g4hit list
568  cell->add_edep(hiter->second->get_edep() * vdedx[i1]); // add edep to cell
569  if (hiter->second->has_property(PHG4Hit::prop_light_yield))
570  {
571  cell->add_light_yield(hiter->second->get_light_yield() * vdedx[i1]);
572  }
573  cell->add_shower_edep(hiter->second->get_shower_id(), hiter->second->get_edep() * vdedx[i1]);
574  // just a sanity check - we don't want to mess up by having Nan's or Infs in our energy deposition
575  if (!isfinite(hiter->second->get_edep() * vdedx[i1]))
576  {
577  cout << PHWHERE << " invalid energy dep " << hiter->second->get_edep()
578  << " or path length: " << vdedx[i1] << endl;
579  }
580  }
581  vphi.clear();
582  veta.clear();
584  } // end loop over g4hits
586  int numcells = 0;
588  for (it = cellptmap.begin(); it != cellptmap.end(); ++it)
589  {
590  cells->AddCell(it->second);
591  numcells++;
592  if (Verbosity() > 1)
593  {
594  cout << "Adding cell in bin phi: " << PHG4CellDefs::EtaPhiBinning::get_phibin(it->second->get_cellid())
595  << " phi: " << geo->get_phicenter(PHG4CellDefs::EtaPhiBinning::get_phibin(it->second->get_cellid())) * 180. / M_PI
596  << ", eta bin: " << PHG4CellDefs::EtaPhiBinning::get_etabin(it->second->get_cellid())
597  << ", eta: " << geo->get_etacenter(PHG4CellDefs::EtaPhiBinning::get_etabin(it->second->get_cellid()))
598  << ", energy dep: " << it->second->get_edep()
599  << endl;
600  }
601  }
603  if (Verbosity() > 0)
604  {
605  cout << Name() << ": found " << numcells << " eta/phi cells with energy deposition" << endl;
606  }
607  }
609  else // ------ size binning ---------------------------------------------------------------
610  {
611  sizeiter = cell_size.find(*layer);
612  if (sizeiter == cell_size.end())
613  {
614  cout << "logical screwup!!! no sizes for layer " << *layer << endl;
615  exit(1);
616  }
617  double zstepsize = (sizeiter->second).second;
618  double phistepsize = phistep[*layer];
620  for (hiter = hit_begin_end.first; hiter != hit_begin_end.second; hiter++)
621  {
622  sum_energy_before_cuts += hiter->second->get_edep();
623  // checking ADC timing integration window cut
624  if (hiter->second->get_t(0) > tmin_max[*layer].second) continue;
625  if (hiter->second->get_t(1) < tmin_max[*layer].first) continue;
627  double xinout[2];
628  double yinout[2];
629  double px[2];
630  double py[2];
631  double phi[2];
632  double z[2];
633  double phibin[2];
634  double zbin[2];
635  if (Verbosity() > 0) cout << "--------- new hit in layer # " << *layer << endl;
637  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
638  {
639  xinout[i] = hiter->second->get_x(i);
640  yinout[i] = hiter->second->get_y(i);
641  px[i] = hiter->second->get_px(i);
642  py[i] = hiter->second->get_py(i);
643  phi[i] = atan2(hiter->second->get_y(i), hiter->second->get_x(i));
644  z[i] = hiter->second->get_z(i);
645  phibin[i] = geo->get_phibin(phi[i]);
646  zbin[i] = geo->get_zbin(hiter->second->get_z(i));
648  if (Verbosity() > 0) cout << " " << i << " phibin: " << phibin[i] << ", phi: " << phi[i] << ", stepsize: " << phistepsize << endl;
649  if (Verbosity() > 0) cout << " " << i << " zbin: " << zbin[i] << ", z = " << hiter->second->get_z(i) << ", stepsize: " << zstepsize << " offset: " << zmin_max[*layer].first << endl;
650  }
651  // check bin range
652  if (phibin[0] < 0 || phibin[0] >= nphibins || phibin[1] < 0 || phibin[1] >= nphibins)
653  {
654  continue;
655  }
656  if (zbin[0] < 0 || zbin[0] >= nzbins || zbin[1] < 0 || zbin[1] >= nzbins)
657  {
658  continue;
659  }
661  if (zbin[0] < 0)
662  {
663  hiter->second->identify();
664  continue;
665  }
666  sum_energy_g4hit += hiter->second->get_edep();
668  int intphibin = phibin[0];
669  int intzbin = zbin[0];
670  int intphibinout = phibin[1];
671  int intzbinout = zbin[1];
673  if (Verbosity() > 0)
674  {
675  cout << " phi bin range: " << intphibin << " to " << intphibinout << " phi: " << phi[0] << " to " << phi[1] << endl;
676  cout << " Z bin range: " << intzbin << " to " << intzbinout << " Z: " << z[0] << " to " << z[1] << endl;
677  cout << " phi difference: " << (phi[1] - phi[0]) * 1000. << " milliradians." << endl;
678  cout << " phi difference: " << 2.5 * (phi[1] - phi[0]) * 10000. << " microns." << endl;
679  cout << " path length = " << sqrt((xinout[1] - xinout[0]) * (xinout[1] - xinout[0]) + (yinout[1] - yinout[0]) * (yinout[1] - yinout[0])) << endl;
680  cout << " px = " << px[0] << " " << px[1] << endl;
681  cout << " py = " << py[0] << " " << py[1] << endl;
682  cout << " x = " << xinout[0] << " " << xinout[1] << endl;
683  cout << " y = " << yinout[0] << " " << yinout[1] << endl;
684  }
686  // Determine all fired cells
688  double ax = phi[0];
689  double ay = z[0];
690  double bx = phi[1];
691  double by = z[1];
692  if (intphibin > intphibinout)
693  {
694  int tmp = intphibin;
695  intphibin = intphibinout;
696  intphibinout = tmp;
697  }
698  if (intzbin > intzbinout)
699  {
700  int tmp = intzbin;
701  intzbin = intzbinout;
702  intzbinout = tmp;
703  }
705  double trklen = sqrt((ax - bx) * (ax - bx) + (ay - by) * (ay - by));
706  // if entry and exit hit are the same (seems to happen rarely), trklen = 0
707  // which leads to a 0/0 and an NaN in edep later on
708  // this code does for particles in the same cell a trklen/trklen (vdedx[ii]/trklen)
709  // so setting this to any non zero number will do just fine
710  // I just pick -1 here to flag those strange hits in case I want to analyze them
711  // later on
712  if (trklen == 0)
713  {
714  trklen = -1.;
715  }
716  vector<int> vphi;
717  vector<int> vz;
718  vector<double> vdedx;
720  if (intphibin == intphibinout && intzbin == intzbinout) // single cell fired
721  {
722  if (Verbosity() > 0)
723  {
724  cout << "SINGLE CELL FIRED: " << intphibin << " " << intzbin << endl;
725  }
726  vphi.push_back(intphibin);
727  vz.push_back(intzbin);
728  vdedx.push_back(trklen);
729  }
730  else
731  {
732  double phistep_half = geo->get_phistep() / 2.;
733  double zstep_half = geo->get_zstep() / 2.;
734  for (int ibp = intphibin; ibp <= intphibinout; ibp++)
735  {
736  double cx = geo->get_phicenter(ibp) - phistep_half;
737  double dx = geo->get_phicenter(ibp) + phistep_half;
738  for (int ibz = intzbin; ibz <= intzbinout; ibz++)
739  {
740  double cy = geo->get_zcenter(ibz) - zstep_half;
741  double dy = geo->get_zcenter(ibz) + zstep_half;
742  //cout << "##### line: " << ax << " " << ay << " " << bx << " " << by << endl;
743  //cout << "####### cell: " << cx << " " << cy << " " << dx << " " << dy << endl;
744  pair<bool, double> intersect = PHG4Utils::line_and_rectangle_intersect(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy);
745  if (intersect.first)
746  {
747  if (Verbosity() > 0) cout << "CELL FIRED: " << ibp << " " << ibz << " " << intersect.second << endl;
748  vphi.push_back(ibp);
749  vz.push_back(ibz);
750  vdedx.push_back(intersect.second);
751  }
752  }
753  }
754  }
755  if (Verbosity() > 0) cout << "NUMBER OF FIRED CELLS = " << vz.size() << endl;
757  double tmpsum = 0.;
758  for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < vz.size(); ii++)
759  {
760  tmpsum += vdedx[ii];
761  vdedx[ii] = vdedx[ii] / trklen;
762  if (Verbosity() > 0) cout << " CELL " << ii << " dE/dX = " << vdedx[ii] << endl;
763  }
764  if (Verbosity() > 0) cout << " TOTAL TRACK LENGTH = " << tmpsum << " " << trklen << endl;
766  for (unsigned int i1 = 0; i1 < vphi.size(); i1++) // loop over all fired cells
767  {
768  int iphibin = vphi[i1];
769  int izbin = vz[i1];
771  unsigned long long tmp = iphibin;
772  unsigned long long key = tmp << 32;
773  key += izbin;
774  if (Verbosity() > 1)
775  {
776  cout << " iphibin " << iphibin << " izbin " << izbin << " key 0x" << hex << key << dec << endl;
777  }
778  // check to see if there is already an entry for this cell
779  PHG4Cell *cell = nullptr;
780  it = cellptmap.find(key);
782  if (it != cellptmap.end())
783  {
784  cell = it->second;
785  if (Verbosity() > 1)
786  {
787  cout << " add energy to existing cell for key = " << cellptmap.find(key)->first << endl;
788  }
790  if (Verbosity() > 1 && hiter->second->has_property(PHG4Hit::prop_light_yield) && std::isnan(hiter->second->get_light_yield() * vdedx[i1]))
791  {
792  cout << " NAN lighy yield with vdedx[i1] = " << vdedx[i1]
793  << " and hiter->second->get_light_yield() = " << hiter->second->get_light_yield() << endl;
794  }
795  }
796  else
797  {
798  if (Verbosity() > 1)
799  {
800  cout << " did not find a previous entry for key = 0x" << hex << key << dec << " create a new one" << endl;
801  }
802  PHG4CellDefs::keytype cellkey = PHG4CellDefs::SizeBinning::genkey(*layer, izbin, iphibin);
803  cell = new PHG4Cellv1(cellkey);
804  cellptmap[key] = cell;
805  }
806  if (!isfinite(hiter->second->get_edep() * vdedx[i1]))
807  {
808  cout << "hit 0x" << hex << hiter->first << dec << " not finite, edep: "
809  << hiter->second->get_edep() << " weight " << vdedx[i1] << endl;
810  }
811  cell->add_edep(hiter->first, hiter->second->get_edep() * vdedx[i1]);
812  cell->add_edep(hiter->second->get_edep() * vdedx[i1]); // add edep to cell
813  if (hiter->second->has_property(PHG4Hit::prop_light_yield))
814  {
815  cell->add_light_yield(hiter->second->get_light_yield() * vdedx[i1]);
816  if (Verbosity() > 1 && !std::isfinite(hiter->second->get_light_yield() * vdedx[i1]))
817  {
818  cout << " NAN lighy yield with vdedx[i1] = " << vdedx[i1]
819  << " and hiter->second->get_light_yield() = " << hiter->second->get_light_yield() << endl;
820  }
821  }
822  cell->add_shower_edep(hiter->second->get_shower_id(), hiter->second->get_edep() * vdedx[i1]);
823  }
824  vphi.clear();
825  vz.clear();
827  } // end loop over hits
829  int numcells = 0;
831  for (it = cellptmap.begin(); it != cellptmap.end(); ++it)
832  {
833  cells->AddCell(it->second);
834  numcells++;
835  if (Verbosity() > 1)
836  {
837  cout << "Adding cell for key " << hex << it->first << dec << " in bin phi: " << PHG4CellDefs::SizeBinning::get_phibin(it->second->get_cellid())
838  << " phi: " << geo->get_phicenter(PHG4CellDefs::SizeBinning::get_phibin(it->second->get_cellid())) * 180. / M_PI
839  << ", z bin: " << PHG4CellDefs::SizeBinning::get_zbin(it->second->get_cellid())
840  << ", z: " << geo->get_zcenter(PHG4CellDefs::SizeBinning::get_zbin(it->second->get_cellid()))
841  << ", energy dep: " << it->second->get_edep()
842  << endl;
843  }
844  }
846  if (Verbosity() > 0)
847  {
848  cout << "found " << numcells << " z/phi cells with energy deposition" << endl;
849  }
850  }
852  //==========================================================
853  // now reset the cell map before moving on to the next layer
854  if (Verbosity() > 1)
855  {
856  cout << "cellptmap for layer " << *layer << " has final length " << cellptmap.size();
857  }
858  while (cellptmap.begin() != cellptmap.end())
859  {
860  // Assumes that memmory is freed by the cylinder cell container when it is destroyed
861  cellptmap.erase(cellptmap.begin());
862  }
863  if (Verbosity() > 1)
864  {
865  cout << " reset it to " << cellptmap.size() << endl;
866  }
867  }
869  {
870  CheckEnergy(topNode);
871  }
874 }
876 void PHG4CylinderCellReco::cellsize(const int detid, const double sr, const double sz)
877 {
878  if (binning.find(detid) != binning.end())
879  {
880  cout << "size for layer " << detid << " already set" << endl;
881  return;
882  }
884  set_double_param(detid, "size_long", sz);
885  set_double_param(detid, "size_perp", sr);
886 }
888 void PHG4CylinderCellReco::etaphisize(const int detid, const double deltaeta, const double deltaphi)
889 {
890  if (binning.find(detid) != binning.end())
891  {
892  cout << "size for layer " << detid << " already set" << endl;
893  return;
894  }
896  set_double_param(detid, "size_long", deltaeta);
897  set_double_param(detid, "size_perp", deltaphi);
898  return;
899 }
901 void PHG4CylinderCellReco::set_size(const int i, const double sizeA, const double sizeB)
902 {
903  cell_size[i] = std::make_pair(sizeA, sizeB);
904  return;
905 }
907 void PHG4CylinderCellReco::set_timing_window(const int detid, const double tmin, const double tmax)
908 {
909  set_double_param(detid, "tmin", tmin);
910  set_double_param(detid, "tmax", tmax);
911  return;
912 }
915 {
916  PHG4CellContainer *cells = findNode::getClass<PHG4CellContainer>(topNode, cellnodename);
917  double sum_energy_cells = 0.;
918  double sum_energy_stored_hits = 0.;
919  double sum_energy_stored_showers = 0.;
920  PHG4CellContainer::ConstRange cell_begin_end = cells->getCells();
922  for (citer = cell_begin_end.first; citer != cell_begin_end.second; ++citer)
923  {
924  sum_energy_cells += citer->second->get_edep();
925  PHG4Cell::EdepConstRange cellrange = citer->second->get_g4hits();
926  for (PHG4Cell::EdepConstIterator iter = cellrange.first; iter != cellrange.second; ++iter)
927  {
928  sum_energy_stored_hits += iter->second;
929  }
930  PHG4Cell::ShowerEdepConstRange shwrrange = citer->second->get_g4showers();
931  for (PHG4Cell::ShowerEdepConstIterator iter = shwrrange.first; iter != shwrrange.second; ++iter)
932  {
933  sum_energy_stored_showers += iter->second;
934  }
935  }
936  // the fractional eloss for particles traversing eta bins leads to minute rounding errors
937  if (sum_energy_stored_hits > 0)
938  {
939  if (fabs(sum_energy_cells - sum_energy_stored_hits) / sum_energy_cells > 1e-6)
940  {
941  cout << "energy mismatch between cell energy " << sum_energy_cells
942  << " and stored hit energies " << sum_energy_stored_hits
943  << endl;
944  }
945  }
946  if (sum_energy_stored_showers > 0)
947  {
948  if (fabs(sum_energy_cells - sum_energy_stored_showers) / sum_energy_cells > 1e-6)
949  {
950  cout << "energy mismatch between cell energy " << sum_energy_cells
951  << " and stored shower energies " << sum_energy_stored_showers
952  << endl;
953  }
954  }
955  if (fabs(sum_energy_cells - sum_energy_g4hit) / sum_energy_g4hit > 1e-6)
956  {
957  cout << "energy mismatch between cells: " << sum_energy_cells
958  << " and hits: " << sum_energy_g4hit
959  << " diff sum(cells) - sum(hits): " << sum_energy_cells - sum_energy_g4hit
960  << " cut val " << fabs(sum_energy_cells - sum_energy_g4hit) / sum_energy_g4hit
961  << endl;
962  cout << Name() << ":total energy for this event: " << sum_energy_g4hit << " GeV" << endl;
963  cout << Name() << ": sum cell energy: " << sum_energy_cells << " GeV" << endl;
964  cout << Name() << ": sum shower energy: " << sum_energy_stored_showers << " GeV" << endl;
965  cout << Name() << ": sum stored hit energy: " << sum_energy_stored_hits << " GeV" << endl;
966  cout << Name() << ": hit energy before cuts: " << sum_energy_before_cuts << " GeV" << endl;
967  return -1;
968  }
969  else
970  {
971  if (Verbosity() > 0)
972  {
973  cout << Name() << ":total energy for this event: " << sum_energy_g4hit << " GeV" << endl;
974  cout << Name() << ": sum cell energy: " << sum_energy_cells << " GeV" << endl;
975  cout << Name() << ": sum shower energy: " << sum_energy_stored_showers << " GeV" << endl;
976  cout << Name() << ": sum stored hit energy: " << sum_energy_stored_hits << " GeV" << endl;
977  cout << Name() << ": hit energy before cuts: " << sum_energy_before_cuts << " GeV" << endl;
978  }
979  }
980  return 0;
981 }
983 void PHG4CylinderCellReco::Detector(const std::string &d)
984 {
985  detector = d;
986  // only set the outdetector nodename if it wasn't set already
987  // in case the order in the macro is outdetector(); detector();
988  if (outdetector.size() == 0)
989  {
990  OutputDetector(d);
991  }
992  return;
993 }
996 {
997  set_default_double_param("size_long", NAN);
998  set_default_double_param("size_perp", NAN);
999  set_default_double_param("tmax", 60.0);
1000  set_default_double_param("tmin", -20.0); // collision has a timing spread around the triggered event. Accepting negative time too.
1001  return;
1002 }