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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file DiscSurfaceTests.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #include <boost/test/data/test_case.hpp>
10 #include <boost/test/tools/output_test_stream.hpp>
11 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
21 #include <limits>
23 namespace utf = boost::unit_test;
24 namespace tt = boost::test_tools;
26 namespace Acts {
28 namespace Test {
29 // using boost::test_tools::output_test_stream;
30 // Create a test context
35 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(DiscSurfaceConstruction) {
36  // default constructor is deleted
37  // scaffolding...
38  double rMin(1.0), rMax(5.0), halfPhiSector(M_PI / 8.);
39  //
42  Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(Transform3D::Identity(), rMin, rMax));
43  //
45  Translation3D translation{0., 1., 2.};
46  auto pTransform = Transform3D(translation);
48  Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(pTransform, rMin, rMax, halfPhiSector));
49  //
51  auto anotherDiscSurface =
52  Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(pTransform, rMin, rMax, halfPhiSector);
53  // N.B. Just using
54  // BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(anotherDiscSurface))
55  // tries to call
56  // the (deleted) default constructor.
57  auto copiedSurface = Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(*anotherDiscSurface);
58  BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Copy constructed DiscSurface ok");
59  //
61  BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(
62  tgContext, *anotherDiscSurface, pTransform));
65  DetectorElementStub detElem;
67  auto nullBounds = Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(nullptr, detElem),
69 }
72 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(DiscSurfaceProperties, *utf::expected_failures(2)) {
73  Vector3D origin3D{0, 0, 0};
74  double rMin(1.0), rMax(5.0), halfPhiSector(M_PI / 8.);
75  auto discSurfaceObject = Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(
76  Transform3D::Identity(), rMin, rMax, halfPhiSector);
77  //
79  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(discSurfaceObject->type(), Surface::Disc);
80  //
82  Vector3D zAxis{0, 0, 1};
83  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(discSurfaceObject->normal(tgContext), zAxis);
84  //
86  Vector2D lpos(2.0, 0.05);
87  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(discSurfaceObject->normal(tgContext, lpos), zAxis);
88  //
90  // auto binningPosition=
91  // discSurfaceObject.binningPosition(BinningValue::binRPhi );
92  // std::cout<<binningPosition<<std::endl;
94  discSurfaceObject->binningPosition(tgContext, BinningValue::binRPhi),
95  origin3D);
96  //
98  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(discSurfaceObject->bounds().type(), SurfaceBounds::eDisc);
99  //
100  Vector3D ignoredMomentum{0., 0., 0.};
102  Vector3D point3DNotInSector{0.0, 1.2, 0};
103  Vector3D point3DOnSurface{1.2, 0.0, 0};
104  BOOST_CHECK(!discSurfaceObject->isOnSurface(
105  tgContext, point3DNotInSector, ignoredMomentum, true)); // passes
106  BOOST_CHECK(discSurfaceObject->isOnSurface(tgContext, point3DOnSurface,
107  ignoredMomentum, true)); // passes
108  //
110  Vector3D returnedPosition{10.9, 8.7, 6.5};
111  Vector3D expectedPosition{1.2, 0, 0};
112  Vector2D rPhiOnDisc{1.2, 0.0};
113  Vector2D rPhiNotInSector{1.2, M_PI}; // outside sector at Phi=0, +/- pi/8
114  returnedPosition =
115  discSurfaceObject->localToGlobal(tgContext, rPhiOnDisc, ignoredMomentum);
116  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(returnedPosition, expectedPosition, 1e-6);
117  //
118  returnedPosition = discSurfaceObject->localToGlobal(
119  tgContext, rPhiNotInSector, ignoredMomentum);
120  Vector3D expectedNonPosition{-1.2, 0, 0};
121  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(returnedPosition, expectedNonPosition, 1e-6);
122  //
124  Vector2D returnedLocalPosition{33., 44.};
125  Vector2D expectedLocalPosition{1.2, 0.0};
126  returnedLocalPosition =
127  discSurfaceObject
128  ->globalToLocal(tgContext, point3DOnSurface, ignoredMomentum)
129  .value();
130  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(returnedLocalPosition, expectedLocalPosition, 1e-6);
132  // Global to local does not check inside bounds
133  returnedLocalPosition =
134  discSurfaceObject
135  ->globalToLocal(tgContext, point3DNotInSector, ignoredMomentum)
136  .value();
137  //
138  Vector3D pointOutsideR{0.0, 100., 0};
139  returnedLocalPosition =
140  discSurfaceObject
141  ->globalToLocal(tgContext, pointOutsideR, ignoredMomentum)
142  .value();
143  //
145  Vector2D rPhi1_1{std::sqrt(2.), M_PI / 4.};
146  Vector2D cartesian1_1{1., 1.};
147  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(discSurfaceObject->localPolarToCartesian(rPhi1_1),
148  cartesian1_1, 1e-6);
149  //
151  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(discSurfaceObject->localCartesianToPolar(cartesian1_1),
152  rPhi1_1, 1e-6);
153  //
155  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(discSurfaceObject->localPolarToLocalCartesian(rPhi1_1),
156  cartesian1_1, 1e-6);
157  //
159  Vector3D cartesian3D1_1{1., 1., 0.};
161  discSurfaceObject->localCartesianToGlobal(tgContext, cartesian1_1),
162  cartesian3D1_1, 1e-6);
163  //
166  discSurfaceObject->globalToLocalCartesian(tgContext, cartesian3D1_1),
167  cartesian1_1, 1e-6);
168  //
170  double projected3DMomentum = std::sqrt(3.) * 1.e6;
171  Vector3D momentum{projected3DMomentum, projected3DMomentum,
172  projected3DMomentum};
173  Vector3D ignoredPosition{1.1, 2.2, 3.3};
174  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(discSurfaceObject->pathCorrection(tgContext, ignoredPosition,
175  momentum.normalized()),
176  std::sqrt(3), 0.01);
177  //
179  Vector3D globalPosition{1.2, 0.0, -10.};
180  Vector3D direction{0., 0., 1.}; // must be normalised
181  Vector3D expected{1.2, 0.0, 0.0};
183  // intersect is a struct of (Vector3D) position, pathLength, distance and
184  // (bool) valid, it's contained in a Surface intersection
185  auto sfIntersection =
186  discSurfaceObject->intersect(tgContext, globalPosition, direction, false);
187  Intersection3D expectedIntersect{Vector3D{1.2, 0., 0.}, 10.,
188  Intersection3D::Status::reachable};
189  BOOST_CHECK(bool(sfIntersection));
190  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(sfIntersection.intersection.position,
191  expectedIntersect.position, 1e-9);
192  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(sfIntersection.intersection.pathLength,
193  expectedIntersect.pathLength, 1e-9);
194  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sfIntersection.object, discSurfaceObject.get());
196  //
198  boost::test_tools::output_test_stream nameOuput;
199  nameOuput << discSurfaceObject->name();
200  BOOST_CHECK(nameOuput.is_equal("Acts::DiscSurface"));
201 }
202 //
204 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(DiscSurfaceAssignment) {
205  Vector3D origin3D{0, 0, 0};
206  double rMin(1.0), rMax(5.0), halfPhiSector(M_PI / 8.);
207  auto discSurfaceObject = Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(
208  Transform3D::Identity(), rMin, rMax, halfPhiSector);
209  auto assignedDisc =
210  Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(Transform3D::Identity(), 2.2, 4.4, 0.07);
211  //
212  BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(*assignedDisc = *discSurfaceObject);
213  BOOST_CHECK((*assignedDisc) == (*discSurfaceObject));
214 }
217 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(DiscSurfaceExtent) {
218  double rMin(1.0), rMax(5.0);
220  auto pDisc =
221  Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(Transform3D::Identity(), 0., rMax);
222  auto pDiscExtent = pDisc->polyhedronRepresentation(tgContext, 1).extent();
224  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(0., pDiscExtent.min(binZ), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
225  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(0., pDiscExtent.max(binZ), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
226  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(0., pDiscExtent.min(binR), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
227  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(rMax, pDiscExtent.max(binR), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
228  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(-rMax, pDiscExtent.min(binX), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
229  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(rMax, pDiscExtent.max(binX), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
230  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(-rMax, pDiscExtent.min(binY), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
231  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(rMax, pDiscExtent.max(binY), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
232  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(-M_PI, pDiscExtent.min(binPhi), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
233  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(M_PI, pDiscExtent.max(binPhi), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
235  auto pRing =
236  Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(Transform3D::Identity(), rMin, rMax);
237  auto pRingExtent = pRing->polyhedronRepresentation(tgContext, 1).extent();
239  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(0., pRingExtent.min(binZ), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
240  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(0., pRingExtent.max(binZ), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
241  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(rMin, pRingExtent.min(binR), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
242  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(rMax, pRingExtent.max(binR), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
243  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(-rMax, pRingExtent.min(binX), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
244  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(rMax, pRingExtent.max(binX), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
245  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(-rMax, pRingExtent.min(binY), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
246  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(rMax, pRingExtent.max(binY), s_onSurfaceTolerance);
247 }
250 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(DiscSurfaceAlignment) {
251  Translation3D translation{0., 1., 2.};
252  Transform3D transform(translation);
253  double rMin(1.0), rMax(5.0), halfPhiSector(M_PI / 8.);
254  auto discSurfaceObject =
255  Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(transform, rMin, rMax, halfPhiSector);
257  const auto& rotation = transform.rotation();
258  // The local frame z axis
259  const Vector3D localZAxis = rotation.col(2);
260  // Check the local z axis is aligned to global z axis
261  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(localZAxis, Vector3D(0., 0., 1.), 1e-15);
264  Vector3D globalPosition{0, 4, 2};
265  Vector3D momentum{0, 0, 1};
266  Vector3D direction = momentum.normalized();
268  // Call the function to calculate the derivative of local frame axes w.r.t its
269  // rotation
270  const auto& [rotToLocalXAxis, rotToLocalYAxis, rotToLocalZAxis] =
273  // (a) Test the derivative of path length w.r.t. alignment parameters
274  const AlignmentRowVector& alignToPath =
275  discSurfaceObject->alignmentToPathDerivative(tgContext, rotToLocalZAxis,
276  globalPosition, direction);
277  // The expected results
278  AlignmentRowVector expAlignToPath = AlignmentRowVector::Zero();
279  expAlignToPath << 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0;
280  // Check if the calculated derivative is as expected
281  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(alignToPath, expAlignToPath, 1e-10);
283  // (b) Test the derivative of bound track parameters local position w.r.t.
284  // position in local 3D Cartesian coordinates
285  const auto& loc3DToLocBound =
286  discSurfaceObject->localCartesianToBoundLocalDerivative(tgContext,
287  globalPosition);
288  // Check if the result is as expected
289  LocalCartesianToBoundLocalMatrix expLoc3DToLocBound =
290  LocalCartesianToBoundLocalMatrix::Zero();
291  expLoc3DToLocBound << 0, 1, 0, -1.0 / 3, 0, 0;
292  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(loc3DToLocBound, expLoc3DToLocBound, 1e-10);
293 }
297 } // namespace Test
299 } // namespace Acts