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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PHTpcEventExporter.cc
6 #include "PHTpcEventExporter.h"
8 #include "Track.h" // for Track
10 #include "externals/kdfinder.hpp" // for get_track_color, TrackCa...
12 #include <trackbase/TrkrCluster.h>
14 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitSet.h>
17 #include <phool/PHLog.h>
19 #include <log4cpp/CategoryStream.hh> // for CategoryStream
21 #include <TVector3.h> // for TVector3
23 #include <cstddef> // for size_t
24 #include <map> // for _Rb_tree_const_iterator
25 #include <ostream> // for operator<<, basic_ostream
26 #include <utility> // for pair
29 {
30 }
33  double B, const std::string& filename)
34 {
35  // export hits + seeds to json for checks
36  LOG_DEBUG("tracking.PHTpcEventExporter.exportEvent") << "exporting event, hits + seeds => file " << filename;
38  std::stringstream ofs;
40  ofs << "{ \n"
41  << " \"EVENT\": { \n"
42  << " \"runid\": " << 0 << ", \n"
43  << " \"evtid\": " << 0 << ", \n"
44  << " \"time\": " << 0 << ", \n"
45  << " \"B\": " << B << " \n"
46  << " }, \n";
48  ofs << "\"META\": { \n"
49  << " \"HITS\": { \n"
50  << " \"TPC\": { \n"
51  << " \"type\": \"3D\", \n"
52  << " \"options\": { \n"
53  << " \"size\": 2, \n"
54  << " \"color\": 16777215 \n"
55  << " }\n"
56  << " }\n"
57  << " },\n"
58  << " \"TRACKS\": { \n"
59  << " \"TPC\": { \n"
60  << " \"r_min\": 0,\n"
61  << " \"r_max\": 800,\n"
62  << " \"size\": 2, \n"
63  << " \"thickness\": 2 \n"
64  << " }\n"
65  << " }\n"
66  << "},\n"
67  << " \"TRACKS\": {\n"
68  << " \"TPC\": [\n";
70  for (int i = 0, ilen = candidates.size(); i < ilen; i++)
71  {
72  std::vector<double> hit = candidates[i]->getPosForHit(0);
73  std::vector<double> mom = candidates[i]->getMomForHit(0);
74  size_t nhits = candidates[i]->nhits();
75  double pt = candidates[i]->Pt();
76  double sign = candidates[i]->sign();
77  double length = candidates[i]->approxLength();
78  size_t color = kdfinder::get_track_color<double>(pt);
79  ofs << "{ \"color\": " << color << ", \"pt\": " << pt << ", \"xyz\":[" << hit[0] << "," << hit[1] << "," << hit[2]
80  << "], \"pxyz\":[" << mom[0] << "," << mom[1] << "," << mom[2]
81  << "],\"l\":" << length << ",\"nh\":" << nhits << ",\"q\":" << sign << "}";
82  if (i != (ilen - 1))
83  {
84  ofs << ",";
85  }
86  else
87  {
88  ofs << "\n";
89  }
90  }
92  ofs << " ]\n"
93  << " },\n"
94  << " \"HITS\": {\n"
95  << " \"TPC\": [\n";
97  auto hitsetrange = hitsets->getHitSets(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::tpcId);
98  for (auto hitsetitr = hitsetrange.first;
99  hitsetitr != hitsetrange.second;
100  ++hitsetitr){
101  std::string separator = "";
102  auto range = cluster_map->getClusters(hitsetitr->first);
103  for( auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it )
104  {
105  TrkrCluster* cluster = it->second;
106  if ((std::pow((double) cluster->getPosition(0), 2) +
107  std::pow((double) cluster->getPosition(1), 2) +
108  std::pow((double) cluster->getPosition(2), 2)) > (25.0 * 25.0))
109  {
110  ofs << "[ " << cluster->getPosition(0) << "," << cluster->getPosition(1) << "," << cluster->getPosition(2) << " ]";
111  separator = ",";
112  }
113  else
114  {
115  separator = "";
116  }
117  ++it;
118  if (it != range.second)
119  {
120  ofs << separator;
121  }
122  else
123  {
124  ofs << "\n";
125  break;
126  }
127  }
128  }
130  ofs << " ]\n"
131  << " }\n"
132  << "}\n";
134  std::ofstream ofile;
135  ofile.open(filename);
136  ofile << ofs.str();
137  ofile.close();
138 }
140 void PHTpcEventExporter::exportEvent(TrkrClusterContainer* cluster_map, TrkrHitSetContainer* hitsets, std::vector<PHGenFit2::Track*> gtracks,
141  double B, const std::string& filename)
142 {
143  // export hits + reco-d tracks to json for checks
144  LOG_DEBUG("tracking.PHTpcEventExporter.exportEvent") << "exporting event, hits + GenFit tracks => file " << filename;
146  std::stringstream ofs;
148  ofs << "{ \n"
149  << " \"EVENT\": { \n"
150  << " \"runid\": " << 0 << ", \n"
151  << " \"evtid\": " << 0 << ", \n"
152  << " \"time\": " << 0 << ", \n"
153  << " \"B\": " << B << " \n"
154  << " }, \n";
156  ofs << "\"META\": { \n"
157  << " \"HITS\": { \n"
158  << " \"TPC\": { \n"
159  << " \"type\": \"3D\", \n"
160  << " \"options\": { \n"
161  << " \"size\": 2, \n"
162  << " \"color\": 16777215 \n"
163  << " }\n"
164  << " }\n"
165  << " },\n"
166  << " \"TRACKS\": { \n"
167  << " \"TPC\": { \n"
168  << " \"r_min\": 0,\n"
169  << " \"r_max\": 800,\n"
170  << " \"size\": 2, \n"
171  << " \"thickness\": 2 \n"
172  << " }\n"
173  << " }\n"
174  << "},\n"
175  << " \"TRACKS\": {\n"
176  << " \"TPC\": [\n";
178  TVector3 pos, mom;
179  double charge, length, pt;
180  int nhits;
181  size_t color;
182  for (int i = 0, ilen = gtracks.size(); i < ilen; i++)
183  {
184  bool rc = true;
185  try
186  {
187  rc = gtracks[i]->get_track_info(pos, mom, charge, nhits, length);
188  }
189  catch (...)
190  {
191  // GenFit tracklength exception?
192  continue;
193  }
194  if (!rc)
195  {
196  LOG_WARN("tracking.PHTpcEventExporter.exportEvent") << "got track with broken track info, id: " << i;
197  continue;
198  }
199  pt = mom.Perp();
200  color = kdfinder::get_track_color<double>(pt);
201  ofs << "{ \"color\": " << color << ", \"pt\": " << pt << ", \"xyz\":[" << pos.X() << "," << pos.Y() << "," << pos.Z()
202  << "], \"pxyz\":[" << mom.X() << "," << mom.Y() << "," << mom.Z() << "],\"l\":"
203  << length << ",\"nh\":" << nhits << ",\"q\":" << (charge < 0 ? -1 : 1) << "}";
204  if (i != (ilen - 1))
205  {
206  ofs << ",";
207  }
208  else
209  {
210  ofs << "\n";
211  }
212  }
214  ofs << " ]\n"
215  << " },\n"
216  << " \"HITS\": {\n"
217  << " \"TPC\": [\n";
218  auto hitsetrange = hitsets->getHitSets(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::tpcId);
219  for (auto hitsetitr = hitsetrange.first;
220  hitsetitr != hitsetrange.second;
221  ++hitsetitr){
222  std::string separator = "";
223  auto range = cluster_map->getClusters(hitsetitr->first);
224  for( auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it )
225  {
226  TrkrCluster* cluster = it->second;
227  if ((std::pow((double) cluster->getPosition(0), 2) +
228  std::pow((double) cluster->getPosition(1), 2) +
229  std::pow((double) cluster->getPosition(2), 2)) > (25.0 * 25.0))
230  {
231  ofs << "[ " << cluster->getPosition(0) << "," << cluster->getPosition(1) << "," << cluster->getPosition(2) << " ]";
232  separator = ",";
233  }
234  else
235  {
236  separator = "";
237  }
238  ++it;
239  if (it != range.second)
240  {
241  ofs << separator;
242  }
243  else
244  {
245  ofs << "\n";
246  break;
247  }
248  }
249  }
251  ofs << " ]\n"
252  << " }\n"
253  << "}\n";
255  std::ofstream ofile;
256  ofile.open(filename);
257  ofile << ofs.str();
258  ofile.close();
259 }
261 void PHTpcEventExporter::exportEvent(std::vector<PHGenFit2::Track*> gtracks,
262  double B, const std::string& filename)
263 {
264  // export final reco-d tracks to json purely for live display purposes (no hits = much smaller file size)
265  LOG_DEBUG("tracking.PHTpcEventExporter.exportEvent") << "exporting event, just GenFit tracks => file " << filename;
267  std::stringstream ofs;
269  ofs << "{ \n"
270  << " \"EVENT\": { \n"
271  << " \"runid\": " << 0 << ", \n"
272  << " \"evtid\": " << 0 << ", \n"
273  << " \"time\": " << 0 << ", \n"
274  << " \"B\": " << B << " \n"
275  << " }, \n";
277  ofs << "\"META\": { \n"
278  << " \"HITS\": { \n"
279  << " \"TPC\": { \n"
280  << " \"type\": \"3D\", \n"
281  << " \"options\": { \n"
282  << " \"size\": 2, \n"
283  << " \"color\": 16777215 \n"
284  << " }\n"
285  << " }\n"
286  << " },\n"
287  << " \"TRACKS\": { \n"
288  << " \"TPC\": { \n"
289  << " \"r_min\": 0,\n"
290  << " \"r_max\": 800,\n"
291  << " \"size\": 2, \n"
292  << " \"thickness\": 2 \n"
293  << " }\n"
294  << " }\n"
295  << "},\n"
296  << " \"TRACKS\": {\n"
297  << " \"TPC\": [\n";
299  TVector3 pos, mom;
300  double charge, length, pt;
301  int nhits;
302  size_t color;
303  for (int i = 0, ilen = gtracks.size(); i < ilen; i++)
304  {
305  gtracks[i]->get_track_info(pos, mom, charge, nhits, length);
306  pt = mom.Perp();
307  color = kdfinder::get_track_color<double>(pt);
308  ofs << "{ \"color\": " << color << ", \"pt\": " << pt << ", \"xyz\":[" << pos.X() << "," << pos.Y() << "," << pos.Z()
309  << "], \"pxyz\":[" << mom.X() << "," << mom.Y() << "," << mom.Z() << "],\"l\":"
310  << length << ",\"nh\":" << nhits << ",\"q\":" << (charge < 0 ? -1 : 1) << "}";
311  if (i != (ilen - 1))
312  {
313  ofs << ",";
314  }
315  else
316  {
317  ofs << "\n";
318  }
319  }
321  ofs << " ]\n"
322  << " }\n"
323  << "}\n";
325  std::ofstream ofile;
326  ofile.open(filename);
327  ofile << ofs.str();
328  ofile.close();
329 }