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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PHG4OuterHcalSteppingAction.cc
1 // local headers in quotes (that is important when using include subdirs!)
4 #include "PHG4HcalDefs.h"
6 #include "PHG4StepStatusDecode.h"
8 // our own headers in alphabetical order
10 #include <phparameter/PHParameters.h>
12 #include <fun4all/Fun4AllServer.h>
14 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
16 #include <g4main/PHG4Hitv1.h>
17 #include <g4main/PHG4Shower.h>
18 #include <g4main/PHG4SteppingAction.h> // for PHG4SteppingAction
21 #include <phool/getClass.h>
23 // Root headers
24 #include <TAxis.h> // for TAxis
25 #include <TH2.h>
26 #include <TH2F.h>
27 #include <TNamed.h> // for TNamed
28 #include <TSystem.h>
29 #include <TFile.h>
31 // Geant4 headers
33 #include <Geant4/G4Field.hh>
34 #include <Geant4/G4FieldManager.hh>
35 #include <Geant4/G4ParticleDefinition.hh> // for G4ParticleDefinition
36 #include <Geant4/G4PropagatorInField.hh>
37 #include <Geant4/G4ReferenceCountedHandle.hh> // for G4ReferenceCountedHandle
38 #include <Geant4/G4Step.hh>
39 #include <Geant4/G4StepPoint.hh> // for G4StepPoint
40 #include <Geant4/G4StepStatus.hh> // for fGeomBoundary, fAtRest...
41 #include <Geant4/G4String.hh> // for G4String
42 #include <Geant4/G4SystemOfUnits.hh>
43 #include <Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh> // for G4ThreeVector
44 #include <Geant4/G4TouchableHandle.hh> // for G4TouchableHandle
45 #include <Geant4/G4Track.hh> // for G4Track
46 #include <Geant4/G4TrackStatus.hh> // for fStopAndKill
47 #include <Geant4/G4TransportationManager.hh>
48 #include <Geant4/G4Types.hh> // for G4double
49 #include <Geant4/G4VPhysicalVolume.hh> // for G4VPhysicalVolume
50 #include <Geant4/G4VTouchable.hh> // for G4VTouchable
51 #include <Geant4/G4VUserTrackInformation.hh> // for G4VUserTrackInformation
52 #include <Geant4/G4Transform3D.hh>
54 // finally system headers
55 #include <cassert>
56 #include <cmath> // for isfinite, sqrt
57 #include <iostream>
58 #include <string> // for operator<<, string
59 #include <utility> // for pair
61 class PHCompositeNode;
63 using namespace std;
65 TH2F *MapCorr = NULL;
67 //____________________________________________________________________________..
69  : PHG4SteppingAction(detector->GetName())
70  , m_Detector(detector)
71  , m_Hits(nullptr)
72  , m_AbsorberHits(nullptr)
73  , m_Hit(nullptr)
74  , m_Params(parameters)
75  , m_SaveHitContainer(nullptr)
76  , m_SaveShower(nullptr)
77  , m_SaveVolPre(nullptr)
78  , m_SaveVolPost(nullptr)
79  , m_SaveTrackId(-1)
80  , m_SavePreStepStatus(-1)
81  , m_SavePostStepStatus(-1)
82  , m_EnableFieldCheckerFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("field_check"))
83  , m_IsActiveFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("active"))
84  , m_IsBlackHoleFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("blackhole"))
85  , m_NScintiPlates(m_Params->get_int_param(PHG4HcalDefs::scipertwr) * m_Params->get_int_param("n_towers"))
86  , m_LightScintModelFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("light_scint_model"))
87 {
89 }
92 {
93  // if the last hit was a zero energie deposit hit, it is just reset
94  // and the memory is still allocated, so we need to delete it here
95  // if the last hit was saved, hit is a nullptr pointer which are
96  // legal to delete (it results in a no operation)
97  delete m_Hit;
98 }
101 {
103 // method in base class for light correction
104  SetLightCorrection(m_Params->get_double_param("light_balance_inner_radius") * cm,
105  m_Params->get_double_param("light_balance_inner_corr"),
106  m_Params->get_double_param("light_balance_outer_radius") * cm,
107  m_Params->get_double_param("light_balance_outer_corr")
108  );
111  std::ostringstream mappingfilename;
112  const char* calibroot = getenv("CALIBRATIONROOT");
113  if (calibroot)
114  {
115  mappingfilename << calibroot;
116  }
117  else
118  {
119  std::cout << "no CALIBRATIONROOT environment variable" << std::endl;
120  gSystem->Exit(1);
121  }
123  mappingfilename << "/HCALOUT/tilemap/oHCALMaps092021.root";
124  TFile *f = new TFile(mappingfilename.str().data());
125  MapCorr = (TH2F *)f->Get("hCombinedMap");
126  if(!MapCorr){
127  std::cout << "ERROR: MapCorr is NULL" << std::endl;
128  gSystem->Exit(1);
129  }
131  return 0;
132 }
134 //____________________________________________________________________________..
135 bool PHG4OuterHcalSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(const G4Step* aStep, bool)
136 {
137  G4TouchableHandle touch = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle();
138  G4TouchableHandle touchpost = aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle();
139  // get volume of the current step
140  G4VPhysicalVolume* volume = touch->GetVolume();
142  // m_Detector->IsInOuterHcal(volume)
143  // returns
144  // 0 is outside of OuterHcal
145  // 1 is inside scintillator
146  // -1 is steel absorber (if absorber set to active)
148  int whichactive = m_Detector->IsInOuterHcal(volume);
150  if (!whichactive)
151  {
152  return false;
153  }
156  {
157  FieldChecker(aStep);
158  }
160  int layer_id = -1;
161  int tower_id = -1;
162  if (whichactive > 0) // scintillator
163  {
164  pair<int, int> layer_tower = m_Detector->GetLayerTowerId(volume);
165  layer_id = layer_tower.first;
166  tower_id = layer_tower.second;
167  }
168  else
169  {
170  layer_id = touch->GetCopyNumber(); // steel plate id
171  }
172  // collect energy and track length step by step
173  G4double edep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit() / GeV;
174  G4double eion = (aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit() - aStep->GetNonIonizingEnergyDeposit()) / GeV;
175  G4double light_yield = 0;
177  const G4Track* aTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
179  // if this block stops everything, just put all kinetic energy into edep
180  if (m_IsBlackHoleFlag)
181  {
182  edep = aTrack->GetKineticEnergy() / GeV;
183  G4Track* killtrack = const_cast<G4Track*>(aTrack);
184  killtrack->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
185  }
187  // make sure we are in a volume
188  if (m_IsActiveFlag)
189  {
190  bool geantino = false;
192  // the check for the pdg code speeds things up, I do not want to make
193  // an expensive string compare for every track when we know
194  // geantino or chargedgeantino has pid=0
195  if (aTrack->GetParticleDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding() == 0 &&
196  aTrack->GetParticleDefinition()->GetParticleName().find("geantino") != string::npos)
197  {
198  geantino = true;
199  }
200  G4StepPoint* prePoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
201  G4StepPoint* postPoint = aStep->GetPostStepPoint();
202  // cout << "track id " << aTrack->GetTrackID() << endl;
203  // cout << "time prepoint: " << prePoint->GetGlobalTime() << endl;
204  // cout << "time postpoint: " << postPoint->GetGlobalTime() << endl;
206  switch (prePoint->GetStepStatus())
207  {
208  case fPostStepDoItProc:
209  if (m_SavePostStepStatus != fGeomBoundary)
210  {
211  break;
212  }
213  else
214  {
215  cout << GetName() << ": New Hit for " << endl;
216  cout << "prestep status: " << PHG4StepStatusDecode::GetStepStatus(prePoint->GetStepStatus())
217  << ", poststep status: " << PHG4StepStatusDecode::GetStepStatus(postPoint->GetStepStatus())
218  << ", last pre step status: " << PHG4StepStatusDecode::GetStepStatus(m_SavePreStepStatus)
219  << ", last post step status: " << PHG4StepStatusDecode::GetStepStatus(m_SavePostStepStatus) << endl;
220  cout << "last track: " << m_SaveTrackId
221  << ", current trackid: " << aTrack->GetTrackID() << endl;
222  cout << "phys pre vol: " << volume->GetName()
223  << " post vol : " << touchpost->GetVolume()->GetName() << endl;
224  cout << " previous phys pre vol: " << m_SaveVolPre->GetName()
225  << " previous phys post vol: " << m_SaveVolPost->GetName() << endl;
226  }
227  [[fallthrough]];
228  case fGeomBoundary:
229  case fUndefined:
230  if (!m_Hit)
231  {
232  m_Hit = new PHG4Hitv1();
233  }
234  //here we set the entrance values in cm
235  m_Hit->set_x(0, prePoint->GetPosition().x() / cm);
236  m_Hit->set_y(0, prePoint->GetPosition().y() / cm);
237  m_Hit->set_z(0, prePoint->GetPosition().z() / cm);
239  // DEBUG
240  // add the local coordinates
241  // if(whichactive>0){
243  // G4TouchableHandle theTouchable = prePoint->GetTouchableHandle();
244  // G4ThreeVector worldPosition = prePoint->GetPosition();
245  // G4ThreeVector localPosition = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(worldPosition);
247  // m_Hit->set_property(PHG4Hit::prop_local_x_0, (float)(localPosition.x()/cm));
248  // m_Hit->set_property(PHG4Hit::prop_local_y_0, (float)(localPosition.y()/cm));
249  // m_Hit->set_property(PHG4Hit::prop_local_z_0, (float)(localPosition.z()/cm));
251  // m_Hit->set_property(PHG4Hit::prop_layer, (unsigned int) layer_id);
253  // }
255  // time in ns
256  m_Hit->set_t(0, prePoint->GetGlobalTime() / nanosecond);
257  //set the track ID
258  m_Hit->set_trkid(aTrack->GetTrackID());
259  m_SaveTrackId = aTrack->GetTrackID();
260  //set the initial energy deposit
261  m_Hit->set_edep(0);
262  if (whichactive > 0) // return of IsInOuterHcalDetector, > 0 hit in scintillator, < 0 hit in absorber
263  {
264  m_Hit->set_scint_id(tower_id); // the slat id
265  m_Hit->set_eion(0);
266  m_Hit->set_light_yield(0); // for scintillator only, initialize light yields
267  // Now save the container we want to add this hit to
269  }
270  else
271  {
273  }
274  if (G4VUserTrackInformation* p = aTrack->GetUserInformation())
275  {
276  if (PHG4TrackUserInfoV1* pp = dynamic_cast<PHG4TrackUserInfoV1*>(p))
277  {
278  m_Hit->set_trkid(pp->GetUserTrackId());
279  m_Hit->set_shower_id(pp->GetShower()->get_id());
280  m_SaveShower = pp->GetShower();
281  }
282  }
283  break;
284  default:
285  break;
286  }
287  // some sanity checks for inconsistencies
288  // check if this hit was created, if not print out last post step status
289  if (!m_Hit || !isfinite(m_Hit->get_x(0)))
290  {
291  cout << GetName() << ": hit was not created" << endl;
292  cout << "prestep status: " << PHG4StepStatusDecode::GetStepStatus(prePoint->GetStepStatus())
293  << ", poststep status: " << PHG4StepStatusDecode::GetStepStatus(postPoint->GetStepStatus())
294  << ", last pre step status: " << PHG4StepStatusDecode::GetStepStatus(m_SavePreStepStatus)
295  << ", last post step status: " << PHG4StepStatusDecode::GetStepStatus(m_SavePostStepStatus) << endl;
296  cout << "last track: " << m_SaveTrackId
297  << ", current trackid: " << aTrack->GetTrackID() << endl;
298  cout << "phys pre vol: " << volume->GetName()
299  << " post vol : " << touchpost->GetVolume()->GetName() << endl;
300  cout << " previous phys pre vol: " << m_SaveVolPre->GetName()
301  << " previous phys post vol: " << m_SaveVolPost->GetName() << endl;
302  gSystem->Exit(1);
303  }
304  m_SavePostStepStatus = postPoint->GetStepStatus();
305  // check if track id matches the initial one when the hit was created
306  if (aTrack->GetTrackID() != m_SaveTrackId)
307  {
308  cout << GetName() << ": hits do not belong to the same track" << endl;
309  cout << "saved track: " << m_SaveTrackId
310  << ", current trackid: " << aTrack->GetTrackID()
311  << endl;
312  gSystem->Exit(1);
313  }
314  m_SavePreStepStatus = prePoint->GetStepStatus();
315  m_SavePostStepStatus = postPoint->GetStepStatus();
317  m_SaveVolPost = touchpost->GetVolume();
318  // here we just update the exit values, it will be overwritten
319  // for every step until we leave the volume or the particle
320  // ceases to exist
321  m_Hit->set_x(1, postPoint->GetPosition().x() / cm);
322  m_Hit->set_y(1, postPoint->GetPosition().y() / cm);
323  m_Hit->set_z(1, postPoint->GetPosition().z() / cm);
325  m_Hit->set_t(1, postPoint->GetGlobalTime() / nanosecond);
327  if (whichactive > 0)
328  {
330  // Local Coordinates:
332  //G4TouchableHandle theTouchable = postPoint->GetTouchableHandle();
333  // Use prePoint; sometimes the end point can be on the boundary/out of the scintillator
334  G4TouchableHandle theTouchable = prePoint->GetTouchableHandle();
335  G4ThreeVector worldPosition = postPoint->GetPosition();
336  G4ThreeVector localPosition = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(worldPosition);
338  // DEBUG
339  // m_Hit->set_property(PHG4Hit::prop_local_x_1, (float)(localPosition.x()/cm));
340  // m_Hit->set_property(PHG4Hit::prop_local_y_1, (float)(localPosition.y()/cm));
341  // m_Hit->set_property(PHG4Hit::prop_local_z_1, (float)(localPosition.z()/cm));
343  // m_Hit->set_property(PHG4Hit::prop_layer, (unsigned int) layer_id);
346  {
347  light_yield = GetVisibleEnergyDeposition(aStep);
349  if(MapCorr){
351  float lx = (localPosition.x()/cm);
352  float lz = fabs(localPosition.z()/cm); // reverse the sense for towerid<12
354  // convert to the map bin coordinates:
355  // map is in 0.5 cm bins
356  int lcz = (int)(2.0*lz) + 1;
357  int lcx = (int)(2.0*(lx+42.75)) + 1;
359  if( (lcx>=1) && (lcx<=MapCorr->GetNbinsY()) &&
360  (lcz>=1) && (lcz<=MapCorr->GetNbinsX()) ){
362  light_yield *= (double) (MapCorr->GetBinContent(lcz, lcx));
364  }
365  else{
366  light_yield = 0.0;
367  }
369  }
371  }
372  else
373  {
374  light_yield = eion;
375  }
377  if (ValidCorrection())
378  {
379  double cor = GetLightCorrection(postPoint->GetPosition().x() , (postPoint->GetPosition().y() ));
380  cout << "applying cor: " << cor << endl;
381  light_yield = light_yield * GetLightCorrection(postPoint->GetPosition().x() , (postPoint->GetPosition().y() ));
382  }
383  }
385  //sum up the energy to get total deposited
386  m_Hit->set_edep(m_Hit->get_edep() + edep);
387  if (whichactive > 0)
388  {
389  m_Hit->set_eion(m_Hit->get_eion() + eion);
390  m_Hit->set_light_yield(m_Hit->get_light_yield() + light_yield);
391  }
392  if (geantino)
393  {
394  m_Hit->set_edep(-1); // only energy=0 g4hits get dropped, this way geantinos survive the g4hit compression
395  m_Hit->set_eion(-1);
396  }
397  if (edep > 0)
398  {
399  if (G4VUserTrackInformation* p = aTrack->GetUserInformation())
400  {
401  if (PHG4TrackUserInfoV1* pp = dynamic_cast<PHG4TrackUserInfoV1*>(p))
402  {
403  pp->SetKeep(1); // we want to keep the track
404  }
405  }
406  }
408  // if any of these conditions is true this is the last step in
409  // this volume and we need to save the hit
410  // postPoint->GetStepStatus() == fGeomBoundary: track leaves this volume
411  // postPoint->GetStepStatus() == fWorldBoundary: track leaves this world
412  // (happens when your detector goes outside world volume)
413  // postPoint->GetStepStatus() == fAtRestDoItProc: track stops (typically
414  // aTrack->GetTrackStatus() == fStopAndKill is also set)
415  // aTrack->GetTrackStatus() == fStopAndKill: track ends
416  if (postPoint->GetStepStatus() == fGeomBoundary ||
417  postPoint->GetStepStatus() == fWorldBoundary ||
418  postPoint->GetStepStatus() == fAtRestDoItProc ||
419  aTrack->GetTrackStatus() == fStopAndKill)
420  {
421  // save only hits with energy deposit (or -1 for geantino)
422  if (m_Hit->get_edep())
423  {
424  m_SaveHitContainer->AddHit(layer_id, m_Hit);
425  if (m_SaveShower)
426  {
428  }
429  // ownership has been transferred to container, set to null
430  // so we will create a new hit for the next track
431  m_Hit = nullptr;
432  }
433  else
434  {
435  // if this hit has no energy deposit, just reset it for reuse
436  // this means we have to delete it in the dtor. If this was
437  // the last hit we processed the memory is still allocated
438  m_Hit->Reset();
439  }
440  }
441  // return true to indicate the hit was used
442  return true;
443  }
444  else
445  {
446  return false;
447  }
448 }
450 //____________________________________________________________________________..
452 {
453  string hitnodename;
454  string absorbernodename;
455  if (m_Detector->SuperDetector() != "NONE")
456  {
457  hitnodename = "G4HIT_" + m_Detector->SuperDetector();
458  absorbernodename = "G4HIT_ABSORBER_" + m_Detector->SuperDetector();
459  }
460  else
461  {
462  hitnodename = "G4HIT_" + m_Detector->GetName();
463  absorbernodename = "G4HIT_ABSORBER_" + m_Detector->GetName();
464  }
466  //now look for the map and grab a pointer to it.
467  m_Hits = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, hitnodename.c_str());
468  m_AbsorberHits = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, absorbernodename.c_str());
470  // if we do not find the node it's messed up.
471  if (!m_Hits)
472  {
473  std::cout << "PHG4OuterHcalSteppingAction::SetTopNode - unable to find " << hitnodename << std::endl;
474  }
475  if (!m_AbsorberHits)
476  {
477  if (Verbosity() > 1)
478  {
479  cout << "PHG4HcalSteppingAction::SetTopNode - unable to find " << absorbernodename << endl;
480  }
481  }
482 }
485 {
487  assert(se);
489  static const string h_field_name = "hOuterHcalField";
491  if (not se->isHistoRegistered(h_field_name))
492  {
493  TH2F* h = new TH2F(h_field_name.c_str(), "Magnetic field (Tesla) in HCal;X (cm);Y (cm)", 2400,
494  -300, 300, 2400, -300, 300);
496  se->registerHisto(h, 1);
498  cout << "PHG4OuterHcalSteppingAction::FieldChecker - make a histograme to check outer Hcal field map."
499  << " Saved to Fun4AllServer Histo with name " << h_field_name << endl;
500  }
502  TH2F* h = dynamic_cast<TH2F*>(se->getHisto(h_field_name));
503  assert(h);
505  assert(aStep);
506  G4TouchableHandle touch = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle();
507  assert(touch);
508  // get volume of the current step
509  G4VPhysicalVolume* volume = touch->GetVolume();
510  assert(volume);
512  G4ThreeVector globPosition = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
514  G4double globPosVec[4] = {0};
515  G4double FieldValueVec[6] = {0};
517  globPosVec[0] = globPosition.x();
518  globPosVec[1] = globPosition.y();
519  globPosVec[2] = globPosition.z();
520  globPosVec[3] = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetGlobalTime();
522  const Int_t binx = h->GetXaxis()->FindBin(globPosVec[0] / cm);
523  const Int_t biny = h->GetYaxis()->FindBin(globPosVec[1] / cm);
525  if (h->GetBinContent(binx, binx) == 0)
526  { // only fille unfilled bins
528  G4TransportationManager* transportMgr =
529  G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager();
530  assert(transportMgr);
532  G4PropagatorInField* fFieldPropagator =
533  transportMgr->GetPropagatorInField();
534  assert(fFieldPropagator);
536  G4FieldManager* fieldMgr = fFieldPropagator->FindAndSetFieldManager(volume);
537  assert(fieldMgr);
539  const G4Field* pField = fieldMgr->GetDetectorField();
540  assert(pField);
542  pField->GetFieldValue(globPosVec, FieldValueVec);
544  G4ThreeVector FieldValue = G4ThreeVector(FieldValueVec[0],
545  FieldValueVec[1], FieldValueVec[2]);
547  const double B = FieldValue.mag() / tesla;
549  h->SetBinContent(binx, biny, B);
551  cout << "PHG4OuterHcalSteppingAction::FieldChecker - "
552  << "bin " << binx
553  << ", " << biny << " := " << B << " Tesla @ x,y = " << globPosVec[0] / cm
554  << "," << globPosVec[1] / cm << " cm" << endl;
555  }
556 }