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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file BinningData.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
10 // BinUtility.h, Acts project
12 #pragma once
18 #include <cmath>
19 #include <iostream>
20 #include <memory>
21 #include <utility>
22 #include <vector>
24 namespace Acts {
41 class BinningData {
42  public:
46  float min;
47  float max;
48  float step;
49  bool zdim;
52  std::unique_ptr<const BinningData> subBinningData;
61  BinningData(BinningValue bValue, float bMin, float bMax)
62  : type(equidistant),
63  option(open),
64  binvalue(bValue),
65  min(bMin),
66  max(bMax),
67  step((bMax - bMin)),
68  zdim(true),
69  subBinningData(nullptr),
71  m_bins(1),
72  m_boundaries({{min, max}}),
73  m_totalBins(1),
74  m_totalBoundaries(std::vector<float>()),
88  BinningData(BinningOption bOption, BinningValue bValue, size_t bBins,
89  float bMin, float bMax,
90  std::unique_ptr<const BinningData> sBinData = nullptr,
91  bool sBinAdditive = false)
92  : type(equidistant),
93  option(bOption),
94  binvalue(bValue),
95  min(bMin),
96  max(bMax),
97  step((bMax - bMin) / bBins),
98  zdim(bBins == 1 ? true : false),
99  subBinningData(std::move(sBinData)),
100  subBinningAdditive(sBinAdditive),
101  m_bins(bBins),
102  m_boundaries(std::vector<float>()),
103  m_totalBins(bBins),
104  m_totalBoundaries(std::vector<float>()),
105  m_functionPtr(nullptr) {
106  // set to equidistant search
108  // fill the boundary vector for fast access to center & boundaries
109  m_boundaries.reserve(m_bins + 1);
110  for (size_t ib = 0; ib < m_bins + 1; ++ib) {
111  m_boundaries.push_back(min + ib * step);
112  }
113  // the binning data has sub structure - multiplicative or additive
115  }
124  const std::vector<float>& bBoundaries,
125  std::unique_ptr<const BinningData> sBinData = nullptr)
126  : type(arbitrary),
127  option(bOption),
128  binvalue(bValue),
129  min(0.),
130  max(0.),
131  step(0.),
132  zdim(bBoundaries.size() == 2 ? true : false),
133  subBinningData(std::move(sBinData)),
135  m_bins(bBoundaries.size() - 1),
136  m_boundaries(bBoundaries),
137  m_totalBins(bBoundaries.size() - 1),
138  m_totalBoundaries(bBoundaries),
139  m_functionPtr(nullptr) {
140  // assert a no-size case
141  throw_assert(m_boundaries.size() > 1, "Must have more than one boundary");
142  min = m_boundaries[0];
143  max = m_boundaries[m_boundaries.size() - 1];
144  // set to equidistant search
145  m_functionPtr =
147  // the binning data has sub structure - multiplicative
149  }
154  BinningData(const BinningData& bdata)
155  : type(bdata.type),
156  option(bdata.option),
157  binvalue(bdata.binvalue),
158  min(bdata.min),
159  max(bdata.max),
160  step(bdata.step),
161  zdim(bdata.zdim),
162  subBinningData(nullptr),
164  m_bins(bdata.m_bins),
165  m_boundaries(bdata.m_boundaries),
166  m_totalBins(bdata.m_totalBins),
168  m_functionPtr(nullptr) {
169  // get the binning data
171  bdata.subBinningData
172  ? std::make_unique<const BinningData>(*bdata.subBinningData)
173  : nullptr;
174  // set the pointer depending on the type
175  // set the correct function pointer
176  if (type == equidistant) {
178  } else {
179  m_functionPtr =
181  }
182  }
188  if (this != &bdata) {
189  type = bdata.type;
190  option = bdata.option;
191  binvalue = bdata.binvalue;
192  min = bdata.min;
193  max = bdata.max;
194  step = bdata.step;
195  zdim = bdata.zdim;
198  bdata.subBinningData
199  ? std::make_unique<const BinningData>(*bdata.subBinningData)
200  : nullptr;
201  m_bins = bdata.m_bins;
202  m_boundaries = bdata.m_boundaries;
203  m_totalBins = bdata.m_totalBins;
205  // set the correct function pointer
206  if (type == equidistant) {
208  } else {
211  }
212  }
213  return (*this);
214  }
217  ~BinningData() = default;
220  size_t bins() const { return m_totalBins; }
226  bool decrement(size_t& bin) const {
227  size_t sbin = bin;
228  bin = bin > 0 ? bin - 1 : (option == open ? bin : m_bins - 1);
229  return (sbin != bin);
230  }
236  bool increment(size_t& bin) const {
237  size_t sbin = bin;
238  bin = bin + 1 < m_bins ? bin + 1 : (option == open ? bin : 0);
239  return (sbin != bin);
240  }
244  const std::vector<float>& boundaries() const {
245  if (subBinningData) {
246  return m_totalBoundaries;
247  }
248  return m_boundaries;
249  }
256  float value(const Vector2D& lposition) const {
257  // ordered after occurence
258  if (binvalue == binR || binvalue == binRPhi || binvalue == binX ||
259  binvalue == binH) {
260  return lposition[0];
261  }
262  if (binvalue == binPhi) {
263  return lposition[1];
264  }
265  return lposition[1];
266  }
273  float value(const Vector3D& position) const {
274  using VectorHelpers::eta;
275  using VectorHelpers::perp;
276  using VectorHelpers::phi;
277  // ordered after occurence
278  if (binvalue == binR || binvalue == binH) {
279  return (perp(position));
280  }
281  if (binvalue == binRPhi) {
282  return (perp(position) * phi(position));
283  }
284  if (binvalue == binEta) {
285  return (eta(position));
286  }
287  if (binvalue < 3) {
288  return (position[binvalue]);
289  }
290  // phi gauging
291  return phi(position);
292  }
299  float center(size_t bin) const {
300  const std::vector<float>& bvals = boundaries();
301  // take the center between bin boundaries
302  float value = bin < bvals.size() ? 0.5 * (bvals[bin] + bvals[bin + 1]) : 0.;
303  return value;
304  }
311  bool inside(const Vector3D& position) const {
312  // closed one is always inside
313  if (option == closed) {
314  return true;
315  }
316  // all other options
317  // @todo remove hard-coded tolerance parameters
318  float val = value(position);
319  return (val > min - 0.001 && val < max + 0.001);
320  }
327  bool inside(const Vector2D& lposition) const {
328  // closed one is always inside
329  if (option == closed) {
330  return true;
331  }
332  // all other options
333  // @todo remove hard-coded tolerance parameters
334  float val = value(lposition);
335  return (val > min - 0.001 && val < max + 0.001);
336  }
343  size_t searchLocal(const Vector2D& lposition) const {
344  if (zdim) {
345  return 0;
346  }
347  return search(value(lposition));
348  }
355  size_t searchGlobal(const Vector3D& position) const {
356  if (zdim) {
357  return 0;
358  }
359  return search(value(position));
360  }
367  size_t search(float value) const {
368  if (zdim) {
369  return 0;
370  }
371  assert(m_functionPtr != nullptr);
372  return (!subBinningData) ? (*m_functionPtr)(value, *this)
373  : searchWithSubStructure(value);
374  }
382  size_t searchWithSubStructure(float value) const {
383  // find the masterbin with the correct function pointer
384  size_t masterbin = (*m_functionPtr)(value, *this);
385  // additive sub binning -
386  if (subBinningAdditive) {
387  // no gauging done, for additive sub structure
388  return masterbin + subBinningData->search(value);
389  }
390  // gauge the value to the subBinData
391  float gvalue =
392  value - masterbin * (subBinningData->max - subBinningData->min);
393  // now go / additive or multiplicative
394  size_t subbin = subBinningData->search(gvalue);
395  // now return
396  return masterbin * subBinningData->bins() + subbin;
397  }
406  int nextDirection(const Vector3D& position, const Vector3D& dir) const {
407  if (zdim) {
408  return 0;
409  }
410  float val = value(position);
411  Vector3D probe = position + dir.normalized();
412  float nextval = value(probe);
413  return (nextval > val) ? 1 : -1;
414  }
423  float centerValue(size_t bin) const {
424  if (zdim) {
425  return 0.5 * (min + max);
426  }
427  float bmin = m_boundaries[bin];
428  float bmax = bin < m_boundaries.size() ? m_boundaries[bin + 1] : max;
429  return 0.5 * (bmin + bmax);
430  }
437  std::vector<size_t> neighbourRange(size_t bin) const {
438  size_t low = bin;
439  size_t high = bin;
440  // decrement and increment
441  bool dsucc = decrement(low);
442  bool isucc = increment(high);
443  // both worked -> triple range
444  if (dsucc && isucc) {
445  return {low, bin, high};
446  }
447  // one worked -> double range
448  if (dsucc || isucc) {
449  return {low, high};
450  }
451  // none worked -> single bin
452  return {bin};
453  }
455  private:
456  size_t m_bins;
457  std::vector<float> m_boundaries;
458  size_t m_totalBins;
459  std::vector<float> m_totalBoundaries;
461  size_t (*m_functionPtr)(float, const BinningData&);
465  // sub structure is only checked when sBinData is defined
466  if (subBinningData) {
467  m_totalBoundaries.clear();
468  // (A) additive sub structure
469  if (subBinningAdditive) {
470  // one bin is replaced by the sub bins
471  m_totalBins = m_bins + subBinningData->bins() - 1;
472  // the tricky one - exchange one bin by many others
473  m_totalBoundaries.reserve(m_totalBins + 1);
474  // get the sub bin boundaries
475  const std::vector<float>& subBinBoundaries =
476  subBinningData->boundaries();
477  float sBinMin = subBinBoundaries[0];
478  // get the min value of the sub bin boundaries
479  std::vector<float>::const_iterator mbvalue = m_boundaries.begin();
480  for (; mbvalue != m_boundaries.end(); ++mbvalue) {
481  // should define numerically stable
482  if (std::abs((*mbvalue) - sBinMin) < 10e-10) {
483  // copy the sub bin boundaries into the vector
484  m_totalBoundaries.insert(m_totalBoundaries.begin(),
485  subBinBoundaries.begin(),
486  subBinBoundaries.end());
487  ++mbvalue;
488  } else {
489  m_totalBoundaries.push_back(*mbvalue);
490  }
491  }
492  } else { // (B) multiplicative sub structure
493  // every bin is just repaced by the sub binning structure
494  m_totalBins = m_bins * subBinningData->bins();
495  m_totalBoundaries.reserve(m_totalBins + 1);
496  // get the sub bin boundaries if there are any
497  const std::vector<float>& subBinBoundaries =
498  subBinningData->boundaries();
499  // create the boundary vector
500  m_totalBoundaries.push_back(min);
501  for (size_t ib = 0; ib < m_bins; ++ib) {
502  float offset = ib * step;
503  for (size_t isb = 1; isb < subBinBoundaries.size(); ++isb) {
504  m_totalBoundaries.push_back(offset + subBinBoundaries[isb]);
505  }
506  }
507  }
508  // sort the total boundary vector
509  std::sort(m_totalBoundaries.begin(), m_totalBoundaries.end());
510  }
511  }
513  // Equidistant search
514  // - fastest method
516  const BinningData& bData) {
517  // vanilla
519  int bin = ((value - bData.min) / bData.step);
520  // special treatment of the 0 bin for closed
521  if (bData.option == closed) {
522  if (value < bData.min) {
523  return (bData.m_bins - 1);
524  }
525  if (value > bData.max) {
526  return 0;
527  }
528  }
529  // if outside boundary : return boundary for open, opposite bin for closed
530  bin = bin < 0 ? ((bData.option == open) ? 0 : (bData.m_bins - 1)) : bin;
531  return size_t((bin <= int(bData.m_bins - 1))
532  ? bin
533  : ((bData.option == open) ? (bData.m_bins - 1) : 0));
534  }
536  // Linear search in arbitrary vector
537  // - superior in O(10) searches
538  static size_t searchInVectorWithBoundary(float value,
539  const BinningData& bData) {
540  // lower boundary
541  if (value <= bData.m_boundaries[0]) {
542  return (bData.option == closed) ? (bData.m_bins - 1) : 0;
543  }
544  // higher boundary
545  if (value >= bData.max) {
546  return (bData.option == closed) ? 0 : (bData.m_bins - 1);
547  }
548  // search
549  auto vIter = bData.m_boundaries.begin();
550  size_t bin = 0;
551  for (; vIter != bData.m_boundaries.end(); ++vIter, ++bin) {
552  if ((*vIter) > value) {
553  break;
554  }
555  }
556  return (bin - 1);
557  }
559  // A binary search with in an arbitrary vector
560  // - faster than vector search for O(50) objects
561  static size_t binarySearchWithBoundary(float value,
562  const BinningData& bData) {
563  // Binary search in an array of n values to locate value
564  if (value <= bData.m_boundaries[0]) {
565  return (bData.option == closed) ? (bData.m_bins - 1) : 0;
566  }
567  size_t nabove, nbelow, middle;
568  // overflow
569  nabove = bData.m_boundaries.size();
570  if (value >= bData.max) {
571  return (bData.option == closed) ? 0 : nabove - 2;
572  }
573  // binary search
574  nbelow = 0;
575  while (nabove - nbelow > 1) {
576  middle = (nabove + nbelow) / 2;
577  if (value == bData.m_boundaries[middle - 1]) {
578  return middle - 1;
579  }
580  if (value < bData.m_boundaries[middle - 1]) {
581  nabove = middle;
582  } else {
583  nbelow = middle;
584  }
585  }
586  return nbelow - 1;
587  }
588 };
589 } // namespace Acts