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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CbmRichProjectionProducer.cxx
9 #include "CbmRichHitProducer.h"
11 #include "FairRootManager.h"
12 #include "CbmMCTrack.h"
13 #include "FairTrackParam.h"
14 #include "FairRuntimeDb.h"
15 #include "FairRun.h"
16 #include "FairGeoNode.h"
17 #include "CbmGeoRichPar.h"
18 #include "FairGeoTransform.h"
19 #include "FairGeoVector.h"
20 #include "FairRunAna.h"
22 #include "TVector3.h"
23 #include "TClonesArray.h"
24 #include "TMatrixFSym.h"
26 #include <iostream>
28 using std::cout;
29 using std::endl;
33  Int_t zflag):
35  fListRICHImPlanePoint(NULL),
37  fNHits(0),
38  fEvent(0),
40  fDetX(0.0),
41  fDetY(0.0),
42  fDetZ(0.0),
43  fDetWidthX(0.0),
44  fDetWidthY(0.0),
45  fThetaDet(0.0),
46  fPhiDet(0.0),
48  fDetXTransf(0.0),
49  fDetYTransf(0.0),
50  fDetZTransf(0.0),
52  fZm(0.0),
53  fYm(0.0),
54  fXm(0.0),
55  fR(0.0),
57  fMaxXTrackExtr(0.0),
58  fMaxYTrackExtr(0.0),
60  fSensNodes(NULL),
61  fPassNodes(NULL),
62  fPar(NULL)
63 {
64 }
67 {
69  fManager->Write();
70 }
73 {
75  FairRuntimeDb* rtdb=sim->GetRuntimeDb();
76  fPar = (CbmGeoRichPar*)(rtdb->getContainer("CbmGeoRichPar"));
77 }
80 {
86  // get detector position:
87  FairGeoNode *det= (FairGeoNode *) fSensNodes->FindObject("rich1d#1");
88  FairGeoTransform* detTr=det->getLabTransform(); // detector position in labsystem
89  FairGeoVector detPosLab=detTr->getTranslation(); // ... in cm
90  FairGeoTransform detCen=det->getCenterPosition(); // center in Detector system
91  FairGeoVector detPosCen=detCen.getTranslation();
92  fDetZ = detPosLab.Z() + detPosCen.Z(); // z coordinate of photodetector (Labsystem, cm)
93  fDetY = detPosLab.Y() + detPosCen.Y(); // y coordinate of photodetector (Labsystem, cm)
94  fDetX = detPosLab.X() + detPosCen.X(); // x coordinate of photodetector (Labsystem, cm)
96  TArrayD *fdetA=det->getParameters();
97  fDetWidthX = fdetA->At(0);
98  fDetWidthY = fdetA->At(1);
99 // for(Int_t i=0;i<fdetA->GetSize();i++) cout << "Array detector " << fdetA->At(i)<< endl;
100  // detector might be rotated by theta around x-axis:
101  FairGeoRotation fdetR=detTr->getRotMatrix();
103  // possible tilting around x-axis (theta) and y-axis (phi)
104  // fdetR(0) = cos(phi)
105  // fdetR(1) = 0
106  // fdetR(2) = -sin(phi)
107  // fdetR(3) = -sin(theta)sin(phi)
108  // fdetR(4) = cos(theta)
109  // fdetR(5) = -sin(theta)cos(phi)
110  // fdetR(6) = cos(theta)sin(phi)
111  // fdetR(7) = sin(theta)
112  // fdetR(8) = cos(theta)cos(phi)
114  // theta = tilting angle around x-axis
115  fThetaDet = TMath::ASin(fdetR(7));
116  // phi = tilting angle around y-axis
117  fPhiDet = -1.*TMath::ASin(fdetR(2));
119  cout << "---------------------- RICH Projection Producer ---------------------------------------" << endl;
120  cout << " detector position in (x,y,z): " << fDetX << " " << fDetY << " " << fDetZ << endl;
121  cout << " detector size in x and y: " << fDetWidthX << " " << fDetWidthY << endl;
122  cout << " detector tilting angle (around x): " << fThetaDet*180./TMath::Pi() << " degrees" << endl;
123  cout << " detector tilting angle (around y): " << fPhiDet*180./TMath::Pi() << " degrees" << endl;
125  // transform nominal detector position (for tilted photodetector):
126  // shift x back by fDetZ_org*TMath::Sin(phi) in order to avoid overlap
127  fDetXTransf = fDetX*TMath::Cos(fPhiDet)+fDetZ*TMath::Sin(fPhiDet)-fDetZ*TMath::Sin(fPhiDet);
128  fDetYTransf = -fDetX*TMath::Sin(fThetaDet)*TMath::Sin(fPhiDet) + fDetY*TMath::Cos(fThetaDet) + fDetZ*TMath::Sin(fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(fPhiDet);
129  fDetZTransf = -fDetX*TMath::Cos(fThetaDet)*TMath::Sin(fPhiDet) - fDetY*TMath::Sin(fThetaDet) + fDetZ*TMath::Cos(fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(fPhiDet);
131  // get mirror position:
132  //FairGeoNode *mir= (FairGeoNode *) fPassNodes->FindObject("rich1mgl#1");
133  FairGeoNode *mir= (FairGeoNode *) fSensNodes->FindObject("rich1mgl#1");
134  FairGeoTransform* mirTr=mir->getLabTransform(); // position of mirror center in labsystem
135  FairGeoVector mirPosLab=mirTr->getTranslation(); // ... in cm
136  fZm = mirPosLab.Z();
137  fYm = mirPosLab.Y();
138  fXm = mirPosLab.X();
140  TArrayD *fmirA=mir->getParameters(); // get other geometry parameters: radius,
141  fR = fmirA->At(0); // mirror radius
142  Double_t spheTheta = TMath::Abs(90. - fmirA->At(2)); // opening angle for SPHERE in theta (90 degree +- theta)
143  Double_t sphePhi = TMath::Abs(90. - fmirA->At(4)); // opening angle for SPHERE in phi (90 degree +- phi)
144  // from that calculate (with safety factor 1.3) maximum x-y positions for track extrapolation:
145  fMaxXTrackExtr = 1.3*(fR*TMath::Tan(sphePhi*TMath::Pi()/180.));
146  fMaxYTrackExtr = 1.3*(TMath::Abs(fYm) + fR*TMath::Tan(spheTheta*TMath::Pi()/180.));
148  // mirror might be rotated by theta around x-axis:
149  FairGeoRotation fmirR=mirTr->getRotMatrix();
150  Double_t thetaM = -1.*TMath::ASin(fmirR(5)) - TMath::Pi()/2 ;
152  // note that mirror is by default tilted by 90 degrees in order to get the necessary shape in GEANT
153  // the "extra" tilting angle is then: fThetaM = -1.*TMath::ASin(fmirR(5)) - TMath::Pi()/2.
154  cout << "Mirror center (x,y,z): " << fXm << " " << fYm << " " << fZm << endl;
155  cout << "Mirror radius: " << fR << endl;
156  cout << "Mirror tilting angle: " << thetaM*180./TMath::Pi() << " degrees" << endl;
158  fEvent = 0;
160  fListRICHImPlanePoint = (TClonesArray*)fManager->GetObject("RichTrackParamZ");
161  if (fZflag == 1) cout << " use tracks in imaginary plane for projection to photodetector plane" << endl;
162  if (fZflag == 2) cout << " use tracks in RICH mirror for projection to photodetector plane" << endl;
163  if ( NULL == fListRICHImPlanePoint) {
164  cout << "-W- CbmRichProjectionProducer::Init: No Rich Z-Point array!" << endl;
165  }
166 }
169  TClonesArray* richProj)
170 {
171  fEvent++;
172  cout << "CbmRichProjectionProducer: event " << fEvent << endl;
174  richProj->Clear();
175  TMatrixFSym covMat(5);
176  for(Int_t i = 0; i < 5; i++){
177  for(Int_t j=0; j<=i; j++){
178  covMat(i,j) = 0;
179  }
180  }
181  covMat(0,0) = covMat(1,1) = covMat(2,2) = covMat(3,3) = covMat(4,4) = 1.e-4;
183  for(Int_t j = 0; j < fListRICHImPlanePoint->GetEntriesFast(); j++) {
185  new((*richProj)[j]) FairTrackParam(0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., covMat);
187  // check if Array was filled
188  if (point->GetX() == 0 && point->GetY() == 0 && point->GetZ() == 0 &&
189  point->GetTx() == 0 && point->GetTy() ==0) continue;
190  if (point->GetQp()==0) continue;
192  // check that x and y value make sense (sometimes strange extrapolations may appear)
193  //if (TMath::Abs(point->GetX()) > fMaxXTrackExtr || TMath::Abs(point->GetY()) > fMaxYTrackExtr){
194  // cout << " -W- RichProjectionProducer: strange (x,y) values for track extrapolation: " <<
195  // point->GetX() << " " << point->GetY() << endl;
196  // continue;
197  //}
199  Double_t rho1 = 0.;
200  Double_t rho2 = 0.;
201  TVector3 startP, momP, crossP, centerP;
203  // operate on ImPlane point
204  if (fZflag ==1) {
205  Double_t p = 1./TMath::Abs(point->GetQp());
206  Double_t pz;
207  if ((1+point->GetTx()*point->GetTx()+point->GetTy()*point->GetTy()) > 0. )
208  pz = p/TMath::Sqrt(1+point->GetTx()*point->GetTx()+point->GetTy()*point->GetTy());
209  else {
210  cout << " -E- RichProjectionProducer: strange value for calculating pz: " <<
211  (1+point->GetTx()*point->GetTx()+point->GetTy()*point->GetTy()) << endl;
212  pz = 0.;
213  }
214  Double_t px = pz*point->GetTx();
215  Double_t py = pz*point->GetTy();
216  momP.SetXYZ(px,py,pz);
217  point->Position(startP);
218  if ((fYm*startP.y())<0) fYm = -fYm; // check that mirror center and startP are in same hemisphere
220  // calculation of intersection of track with selected mirror
221  // corresponds to calculation of intersection between a straight line and a sphere:
222  // vector: r = startP - mirrorCenter
223  // RxP = r*momP
224  // normP2 = momP^2
225  // dist = r^2 - fR^2
226  // -> rho1 = (-RxP+sqrt(RxP^2-normP2*dist))/normP2 extrapolation factor for:
227  // intersection point crossP = startP + rho1 * momP
228  Double_t RxP=(momP.x()*(startP.x()-fXm)+momP.y()*(startP.y()-fYm)+momP.z()*(startP.z()-fZm));
229  Double_t normP2=(momP.x()*momP.x()+momP.y()*momP.y()+momP.z()*momP.z());
230  Double_t dist=(startP.x()*startP.x()+fXm*fXm+startP.y()*startP.y()+fYm*fYm+startP.z()*startP.z()+fZm*fZm-2*startP.x()*fXm-2*startP.y()*fYm-2*startP.z()*fZm-fR*fR);
232  if ((RxP*RxP-normP2*dist) > 0.) {
233  if (normP2!=0.) rho1=(-RxP+TMath::Sqrt(RxP*RxP-normP2*dist))/normP2;
234  if (normP2 == 0) cout << " Error in track extrapolation: momentum = 0 " << endl;
235  } else {
236  cout << " -E- RichProjectionProducer: RxP*RxP-normP2*dist = " << RxP*RxP-normP2*dist << endl;
237  }
239  Double_t crossPx = startP.x() + rho1*momP.x();
240  Double_t crossPy = startP.y() + rho1*momP.y();
241  Double_t crossPz = startP.z() + rho1*momP.z();
242  crossP.SetXYZ(crossPx, crossPy, crossPz);
244  // check if crosspoint with mirror and chosen mirrorcenter (y) are in same hemisphere
245  // if not recalculate crossing point
246  if ((fYm*crossP.y())<0) {
247  fYm = -fYm;
248  RxP=(momP.x()*(startP.x()-fXm)+momP.y()*(startP.y()-fYm)+momP.z()*(startP.z()-fZm));
249  normP2=(momP.x()*momP.x()+momP.y()*momP.y()+momP.z()*momP.z());
250  dist=(startP.x()*startP.x()+fXm*fXm+startP.y()*startP.y()+fYm*fYm+startP.z()*startP.z()+fZm*fZm-2*startP.x()*fXm-2*startP.y()*fYm-2*startP.z()*fZm-fR*fR);
252  if ((RxP*RxP-normP2*dist) > 0.) {
253  if (normP2!=0.) rho1=(-RxP+TMath::Sqrt(RxP*RxP-normP2*dist))/normP2;
254  if (normP2 == 0) cout << " Error in track extrapolation: momentum = 0 " << endl;
255  } else{
256  cout << " -E- RichProjectionProducer: RxP*RxP-normP2*dist = " << RxP*RxP-normP2*dist << endl;
257  }
259  crossPx=startP.x()+rho1*momP.x();
260  crossPy=startP.y()+rho1*momP.y();
261  crossPz=startP.z()+rho1*momP.z();
262  crossP.SetXYZ(crossPx,crossPy,crossPz);
263  }
265  centerP.SetXYZ(fXm,fYm,fZm); // mirror center
266  }// if (fZflag ==1)
268  // operate on Rich Mirror point
269  if (fZflag ==2) {
270  Double_t p = 1./TMath::Abs(point->GetQp());
271  Double_t pz;
272  if ((1+point->GetTx()*point->GetTx()+point->GetTy()*point->GetTy()) > 0. ){
273  pz = p/TMath::Sqrt(1+point->GetTx()*point->GetTx()+point->GetTy()*point->GetTy());
274  } else {
275  cout << " -E- RichProjectionProducer: strange value for calculating pz: " <<
276  (1+point->GetTx()*point->GetTx()+point->GetTy()*point->GetTy()) << endl;
277  pz = 0.;
278  }
279  Double_t px = pz*point->GetTx();
280  Double_t py = pz*point->GetTy();
281  momP.SetXYZ(px,py,pz);
282  point->Position(crossP);
283  if ((fYm*crossP.y())<0) fYm = -fYm; // check that mirror center and crossP are in same hemisphere
285  centerP.SetXYZ(fXm,fYm,fZm); // mirror center
286  } // if (fZflag ==2)
288  // calculate normal on crosspoint with mirror
289  TVector3 normP(crossP.x()-centerP.x(),crossP.y()-centerP.y(),crossP.z()-centerP.z());
290  normP=normP.Unit();
291  // check that normal has same z-direction as momentum
292  if ((normP.z()*momP.z())<0.) normP = TVector3(-1.*normP.x(),-1.*normP.y(),-1.*normP.z());
294  // reflect track
295  Double_t np=normP.x()*momP.x()+normP.y()*momP.y()+normP.z()*momP.z();
297  Double_t refX = 2*np*normP.x()-momP.x();
298  Double_t refY = 2*np*normP.y()-momP.y();
299  Double_t refZ = 2*np*normP.z()-momP.z();
301  // crosspoint whith photodetector plane:
302  // calculate intersection between straight line and (tilted) plane:
303  // normal on plane tilted by theta around x-axis: (0,-sin(theta),cos(theta)) = n
304  // normal on plane tilted by phi around y-axis: (-sin(phi),0,cos(phi)) = n
305  // normal on plane tilted by theta around x-axis and phi around y-axis: (-sin(phi),-sin(theta)cos(phi),cos(theta)cos(phi)) = n
306  // point on plane is (fDetX,fDetY,fDetZ) = p as photodetector is tiled around its center
307  // equation of plane for r being point in plane: n(r-p) = 0
308  // calculate intersection point of reflected track with plane: r=intersection point
309  // intersection point = crossP + rho2 * refl_track
310  // take care for all 4 cases:
311  // -> first calculate for case x>0, then check
312  if (refZ!=0.) {
313  if (centerP.y() > 0){
314  rho2 = (-TMath::Sin(fPhiDet)*(fDetX-crossP.x())
315  -TMath::Sin(fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(fPhiDet)*(fDetY-crossP.y())
316  + TMath::Cos(fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(fPhiDet)*(fDetZ-crossP.z()))/
317  (-TMath::Sin(fPhiDet)*refX-TMath::Sin(fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(fPhiDet)*refY + TMath::Cos(fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(fPhiDet)*refZ);
318  }
319  if (centerP.y() < 0){
320  rho2 = (-TMath::Sin(fPhiDet)*(fDetX-crossP.x())
321  -TMath::Sin(-fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(fPhiDet)*(-fDetY-crossP.y())
322  + TMath::Cos(-fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(fPhiDet)*(fDetZ-crossP.z()))/
323  (-TMath::Sin(fPhiDet)*refX-TMath::Sin(-fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(fPhiDet)*refY + TMath::Cos(-fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(fPhiDet)*refZ);
324  }
326  //rho2 = -1*(crossP.z() - fDetZ)/refZ; // only for theta = 0, phi=0
327  Double_t xX = crossP.x() + refX * rho2;
328  Double_t yY = crossP.y() + refY * rho2;
329  Double_t zZ = crossP.z() + refZ * rho2;
331  if (xX < 0) {
332  if (centerP.y() > 0){
333  rho2 = (-TMath::Sin(-fPhiDet)*(-fDetX-crossP.x())
334  -TMath::Sin(fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(-fPhiDet)*(fDetY-crossP.y())
335  + TMath::Cos(fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(-fPhiDet)*(fDetZ-crossP.z()))/
336  (-TMath::Sin(-fPhiDet)*refX-TMath::Sin(fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(-fPhiDet)*refY + TMath::Cos(fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(-fPhiDet)*refZ);
337  }
338  if (centerP.y() < 0){
339  rho2 = (-TMath::Sin(-fPhiDet)*(-fDetX-crossP.x())
340  -TMath::Sin(-fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(-fPhiDet)*(-fDetY-crossP.y())
341  + TMath::Cos(-fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(-fPhiDet)*(fDetZ-crossP.z()))/
342  (-TMath::Sin(-fPhiDet)*refX-TMath::Sin(-fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(-fPhiDet)*refY + TMath::Cos(-fThetaDet)*TMath::Cos(-fPhiDet)*refZ);
343  }
345  xX = crossP.x() + refX * rho2;
346  yY = crossP.y() + refY * rho2;
347  zZ = crossP.z() + refZ * rho2;
348  }
350  // Transform intersection point in same way as MCPoints were
351  // transformed in HitProducer before stored as Hit:
352  TVector3 inPos(xX, yY, zZ);
353  TVector3 outPos;
355  Double_t xDet = outPos.X();
356  Double_t yDet = outPos.Y();
357  Double_t zDet = outPos.Z();
358  //printf("%f %f %f\n", xDet, yDet, zDet);
360  //check that crosspoint inside the plane
361  if( xDet > (-fDetX-fDetWidthX) && xDet < (fDetX+fDetWidthX)){
362  if(TMath::Abs(yDet) > (fDetYTransf-fDetWidthY) && TMath::Abs(yDet) < (fDetYTransf+fDetWidthY)){
363  FairTrackParam richtrack(xDet,yDet,zDet,0.,0.,0.,covMat);
364  * (FairTrackParam*)(richProj->At(j)) = richtrack;
365  }
366  }
367  }// if (refZ!=0.)
368  }// j
369 }