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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file KfMatrix.h
1 //
2 // AYK (ayk@bnl.gov), cleaned up 2014/10/14;
3 //
4 // Yet another matrix package; using ROOT matrices does not help
5 // to easily improve performance (FIXME: should try to replace
6 // per-element access by hopefully optimized ROOT matrix operations);
7 //
9 //#define _USE_ROOT_TMATRIX_
11 #ifdef _USE_ROOT_TMATRIX_
12 #include <TMatrixD.h>
13 #endif
15 #ifndef _KF_MATRIX_H
16 #define _KF_MATRIX_H
18 #define _PRINTOUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT_ ("%12.8f ")
20 // General matrix structure;
21 class KfMatrix {
22  public:
23  // Will work for both "matrix" and "vector" types;
24  KfMatrix(unsigned dim1, unsigned dim2 = 1);
25  ~KfMatrix();
27  static void SetDimensionCheckFlag(bool what) { mDimensionCheckFlag = what; };
28  static bool GetDimensionCheckFlag() { return mDimensionCheckFlag; };
30  // Trivial routines to access matrix dimension values;
31  int GetDim1() const { return mDim1; };
32  int GetDim2() const { return mDim2; };
34  // Matrix element access; try to minimize changes to the original C code
35  // where KFV() and KFM() were preprocessor macros which allowed to be
36  // used both as lvalue and rvalue -> use references here; this indeed
37  // compromises encapsulation, however allows to keep access under certain
38  // control, and also sould with minimal changes work for other matrix
39  // implementation types;
40 #ifdef _USE_ROOT_TMATRIX_
41  double & KFV(int ip) { return (*mMtx)[ip][ 0]; };
42  double & KFM(int ip, int iq) { return (*mMtx)[ip][iq]; };
43  double * ARR() { return &(*mMtx)[ 0][ 0]; };
44  TMatrixD &Vec() { return *mMtx; }
45  TMatrixD &Mtx() { return *mMtx; }
46 #else
47  double & KFV(int ip) { return mArr[ip]; };
48  double & KFM(int ip, int iq) { return mArr[ip*mDim2+iq]; };
49  // Leave this separate instead of using &KFV(0), just as a sign, that
50  // sequential access to data array is in fact needed in a few places;
51  // can be cured if eg GSL matrix library is used;
52  double * ARR() { return mArr; };
53 #endif
55  // Reset to a unity (square) matrix;
56  int Unity();
57  // Reset all matrix elements to 0.0;
58  void Reset();
61  // Square matrix invertion ('type' is either _SYMMETRIC_ or _ARBITRARY_);
62  int Invert(MtxType type = Arbitrary);
64  // Forces square matrix symmetrization (just fills out both lower an upper
65  // triangles with half-sum);
66  int ForceSymmetric();
68  // Returns '-1' if a square matrix does not pass positivity check;
69  int CheckPositivity();
70  int FixPositivity(double maxFixablePositivityScrewup, double positivityCorrelationFix);
72  // Print out matrix contents in a human-readable format; NB: if format pointer
73  // is NULL, _PRINTOUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT_ is used;
74  void Print(const char *fmt = _PRINTOUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT_);
75  // Prints out matrix correlation coefficients;
76  int CorrelationPrint(const char *fmt = _PRINTOUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT_);
78  int CopyFrom (KfMatrix *in);
79  int Add (KfMatrix *in);
80  int Subtract (KfMatrix *in);
82  int SetToSum (KfMatrix *in1, KfMatrix *in2);
83  int SetToDifference(KfMatrix *in1, KfMatrix *in2);
84  int SetToProduct (double cff, KfMatrix *in);
85  int SetToProduct (KfMatrix *in1, KfMatrix *in2, unsigned mode = 0x0000);
86  int SetToProduct (KfMatrix *in1, KfMatrix *in2, KfMatrix *in3, unsigned mode = 0x0000);
88  // This routine works only for KfVector objects of course;
89  int VectorLengthSquare(KfMatrix *metric, double *lsqr);
91  private:
92  // 1-st & 2-d dimensions; mDim = mDim1 * mDim2;
93  int mDim1, mDim2, mDim;
95 #ifdef _USE_ROOT_TMATRIX_
96  TMatrixD *mMtx;
97 #else
98  // Data array;
99  double *mArr;
100 #endif
102  static bool mDimensionCheckFlag;
104  static int KfmReturn(int ret);
106  // NB: dim[] array is filled by dim1 & dim2 values depending on whether
107  // transposition is needed or not;
108  void AssignTrueDimensions(int trans, int dim[2]);
110  int AddCore (KfMatrix *in1, KfMatrix *in2, int what);
111  int SetToProductCore(KfMatrix *in1, KfMatrix *in2, KfMatrix *in3, unsigned mode = 0x0000);
113  int DimensionMatchCheck(KfMatrix *kfm2);
114  int DimensionChainCheck(KfMatrix *in1, KfMatrix *in2, unsigned mode);
116  KfMatrix *Bufferize();
117 };
119 // 'mode' bitwise pattern; NB: never change these values (bitwise shifts
120 // _TRANSPOSE_IN3_ -> _TRANSPOSE_IN2_ used, etc);
121 #define _TRANSPOSE_IN1_ 0x001
122 #define _TRANSPOSE_IN2_ 0x002
123 #define _TRANSPOSE_IN3_ 0x004
125 // Yes, it is easier to work always with 2-dim stuff; if dim2=1 it is
126 // however more legible to emphasise on this fact;
129 #endif