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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CaloAna.cc
1 #include "CaloAna.h"
3 // G4Hits includes
4 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
7 // G4Cells includes
8 #include <g4detectors/PHG4Cell.h>
11 // Tower includes
12 #include <calobase/RawTower.h>
13 #include <calobase/RawTowerContainer.h>
14 #include <calobase/RawTowerGeom.h>
15 #include <calobase/RawTowerGeomContainer.h>
17 // Cluster includes
18 #include <calobase/RawCluster.h>
19 #include <calobase/RawClusterContainer.h>
24 #include <phool/getClass.h>
26 #include <TFile.h>
27 #include <TNtuple.h>
29 #include <cassert>
30 #include <sstream>
31 #include <string>
33 using namespace std;
35 CaloAna::CaloAna(const std::string& name, const std::string& filename)
36  : SubsysReco(name)
37  , detector("HCALIN")
38  , outfilename(filename)
39  , hm(nullptr)
40  , outfile(nullptr)
41  , g4hitntuple(nullptr)
42  , g4cellntuple(nullptr)
43  , towerntuple(nullptr)
44  , clusterntuple(nullptr)
45 {
46 }
49 {
50  delete hm;
51  delete g4hitntuple;
52  delete g4cellntuple;
53  delete towerntuple;
54  delete clusterntuple;
55 }
58 {
59  hm = new Fun4AllHistoManager(Name());
60  // create and register your histos (all types) here
61  // TH1 *h1 = new TH1F("h1",....)
62  // hm->registerHisto(h1);
63  outfile = new TFile(outfilename.c_str(), "RECREATE");
64  g4hitntuple = new TNtuple("hitntup", "G4Hits", "x0:y0:z0:x1:y1:z1:edep");
65  g4cellntuple = new TNtuple("cellntup", "G4Cells", "phi:eta:edep");
66  towerntuple = new TNtuple("towerntup", "Towers", "phi:eta:energy");
67  clusterntuple = new TNtuple("clusterntup", "Clusters", "phi:z:energy:towers");
68  return 0;
69 }
72 {
73  // For the calorimeters we have the following node name convention
74  // where detector is the calorimeter name (CEMC, HCALIN, HCALOUT)
75  // this is the order in which they are reconstructed
76  // G4HIT_<detector>: G4 Hits
77  // G4CELL_<detector>: Cells (combined hits inside a cell - scintillator, eta/phi bin)
78  // TOWER_SIM_<detector>: simulated tower (before pedestal and noise)
79  // TOWER_RAW_<detector>: Raw Tower (adc/tdc values - from sims or real data)
80  // TOWER_CALIB_<detector>: Calibrated towers
81  // CLUSTER_<detector>: clusters
82  process_g4hits(topNode);
83  process_g4cells(topNode);
84  process_towers(topNode);
85  process_clusters(topNode);
87 }
90 {
91  ostringstream nodename;
93  // loop over the G4Hits
94  nodename.str("");
95  nodename << "G4HIT_" << detector;
96  PHG4HitContainer* hits = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, nodename.str().c_str());
97  if (hits)
98  {
99  // this returns an iterator to the beginning and the end of our G4Hits
100  PHG4HitContainer::ConstRange hit_range = hits->getHits();
101  for (PHG4HitContainer::ConstIterator hit_iter = hit_range.first; hit_iter != hit_range.second; hit_iter++)
103  {
104  // the pointer to the G4Hit is hit_iter->second
105  g4hitntuple->Fill(hit_iter->second->get_x(0),
106  hit_iter->second->get_y(0),
107  hit_iter->second->get_z(0),
108  hit_iter->second->get_x(1),
109  hit_iter->second->get_y(1),
110  hit_iter->second->get_z(1),
111  hit_iter->second->get_edep());
112  }
113  }
115 }
118 {
119  ostringstream nodename;
121  // loop over the G4Hits
122  nodename.str("");
123  nodename << "G4CELL_" << detector;
124  PHG4CellContainer* cells = findNode::getClass<PHG4CellContainer>(topNode, nodename.str());
125  if (cells)
126  {
127  PHG4CellContainer::ConstRange cell_range = cells->getCells();
128  int phibin = -999;
129  int etabin = -999;
130  for (PHG4CellContainer::ConstIterator cell_iter = cell_range.first; cell_iter != cell_range.second; cell_iter++)
131  {
132  if (cell_iter->second->has_binning(PHG4CellDefs::scintillatorslatbinning))
133  {
134  phibin = PHG4CellDefs::ScintillatorSlatBinning::get_row(cell_iter->second->get_cellid());
135  etabin = PHG4CellDefs::ScintillatorSlatBinning::get_column(cell_iter->second->get_cellid());
136  }
137  else if (cell_iter->second->has_binning(PHG4CellDefs::sizebinning))
138  {
139  phibin = PHG4CellDefs::SizeBinning::get_phibin(cell_iter->second->get_cellid());
140  etabin = PHG4CellDefs::SizeBinning::get_zbin(cell_iter->second->get_cellid());
141  }
142  else if (cell_iter->second->has_binning(PHG4CellDefs::spacalbinning))
143  {
144  phibin = PHG4CellDefs::SpacalBinning::get_phibin(cell_iter->second->get_cellid());
145  etabin = PHG4CellDefs::SpacalBinning::get_etabin(cell_iter->second->get_cellid());
146  }
147  else
148  {
149  cout << "unknown cell binning, implement 0x" << hex << PHG4CellDefs::get_binning(cell_iter->second->get_cellid()) << dec << endl;
150  }
151  g4cellntuple->Fill(
152  phibin,
153  etabin,
154  cell_iter->second->get_edep());
155  }
156  }
158 }
161 {
162  ostringstream nodename;
163  ostringstream geonodename;
165  // loop over the G4Hits
166  nodename.str("");
167  nodename << "TOWER_CALIB_" << detector;
168  geonodename.str("");
169  geonodename << "TOWERGEOM_" << detector;
170  RawTowerGeomContainer* towergeom = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, geonodename.str().c_str());
171  if (!towergeom)
172  {
174  }
175  RawTowerContainer* towers = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(topNode, nodename.str().c_str());
176  if (towers)
177  {
178  // again pair of iterators to begin and end of tower map
179  RawTowerContainer::ConstRange tower_range = towers->getTowers();
180  for (RawTowerContainer::ConstIterator tower_iter = tower_range.first; tower_iter != tower_range.second; tower_iter++)
182  {
183  int phibin = tower_iter->second->get_binphi();
184  int etabin = tower_iter->second->get_bineta();
185  double phi = towergeom->get_phicenter(phibin);
186  double eta = towergeom->get_etacenter(etabin);
187  towerntuple->Fill(phi,
188  eta,
189  tower_iter->second->get_energy());
190  }
191  }
193 }
196 {
197  ostringstream nodename;
199  // loop over the G4Hits
200  nodename.str("");
201  nodename << "CLUSTER_" << detector;
202  RawClusterContainer* clusters = findNode::getClass<RawClusterContainer>(topNode, nodename.str().c_str());
203  if (clusters)
204  {
205  RawClusterContainer::ConstRange cluster_range = clusters->getClusters();
206  for (RawClusterContainer::ConstIterator cluster_iter = cluster_range.first; cluster_iter != cluster_range.second; cluster_iter++)
207  {
208  clusterntuple->Fill(cluster_iter->second->get_phi(),
209  cluster_iter->second->get_z(),
210  cluster_iter->second->get_energy(),
211  cluster_iter->second->getNTowers());
212  }
213  }
215 }
218 {
219  outfile->cd();
220  g4hitntuple->Write();
221  g4cellntuple->Write();
222  towerntuple->Write();
223  clusterntuple->Write();
224  outfile->Write();
225  outfile->Close();
226  delete outfile;
227  hm->dumpHistos(outfilename, "UPDATE");
228  return 0;
229 }