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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file AtlasStepperTests.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #include <boost/test/test_tools.hpp>
10 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
21 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
23 namespace Acts {
24 namespace Test {
26 using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
35  : stepping(std::move(stepperState)) {}
40  struct {
41  double mass = 1_GeV;
42  double tolerance = 10_um;
43  } options;
44 };
46 // epsilon for floating point comparisons
47 static constexpr auto eps = 1024 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
49 // propagation settings
50 static constexpr auto stepSize = 10_mm;
51 static constexpr auto tolerance = 10_um;
52 static constexpr NavigationDirection navDir = backward;
53 static const ConstantBField magneticField(Vector3D(0.1_T, -0.2_T, 2_T));
55 // initial parameter state
56 static const Vector4D pos4(1_mm, -1_mm, 2_mm, 2_ns);
57 static const Vector3D pos = pos4.segment<3>(ePos0);
58 static const auto time = pos4[eTime];
59 static const Vector3D unitDir = Vector3D(-2, 2, 1).normalized();
60 static constexpr auto absMom = 1_GeV;
61 static constexpr auto charge = -1_e;
62 static const Covariance cov = Covariance::Identity();
64 // context objects
65 static const GeometryContext geoCtx;
70 // test state construction from parameters w/o covariance
71 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ConstructState) {
72  Stepper::State state(
76  BOOST_CHECK(!state.covTransport);
77  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.covariance, nullptr);
78  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.pVector[0], pos.x());
79  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.pVector[1], pos.y());
80  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.pVector[2], pos.z());
81  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.pVector[3], time);
82  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(state.pVector[4], unitDir.x(), eps);
83  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(state.pVector[5], unitDir.y(), eps);
84  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(state.pVector[6], unitDir.z(), eps);
85  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.pVector[7], charge / absMom);
86  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.navDir, navDir);
87  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.pathAccumulated, 0.);
88  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.stepSize, navDir * stepSize);
89  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.previousStepSize, 0.);
90  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.tolerance, tolerance);
91 }
93 // test state construction from parameters w/ covariance
94 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ConstructStateWithCovariance) {
95  Stepper::State state(
96  geoCtx, magCtx,
100  BOOST_CHECK(state.covTransport);
101  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*state.covariance, cov);
102  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.pVector[0], pos.x());
103  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.pVector[1], pos.y());
104  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.pVector[2], pos.z());
105  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.pVector[3], time);
106  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(state.pVector[4], unitDir.x(), eps);
107  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(state.pVector[5], unitDir.y(), eps);
108  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(state.pVector[6], unitDir.z(), eps);
109  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.pVector[7], charge / absMom);
110  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.navDir, navDir);
111  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.pathAccumulated, 0.);
112  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.stepSize, navDir * stepSize);
113  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.previousStepSize, 0.);
114  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.tolerance, tolerance);
115 }
117 // test stepper getters for particle state
120  Stepper::State state(
121  geoCtx, magCtx,
125  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(stepper.position(state), pos, eps);
126  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(stepper.time(state), time, eps);
127  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(stepper.direction(state), unitDir, eps);
128  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(stepper.momentum(state), absMom, eps);
129  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.charge(state), charge);
130 }
132 // test stepper update methods with bound state as input
133 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(UpdateFromBound) {
135  Stepper::State state(
136  geoCtx, magCtx,
140  auto newPos4 = (pos4 + Vector4D(1_mm, 2_mm, 3_mm, 20_ns)).eval();
141  auto newPos = newPos4.segment<3>(ePos0);
142  auto newTime = newPos4[eTime];
143  auto newUnitDir = (unitDir + Vector3D(1, -1, -1)).normalized();
144  auto newAbsMom = 0.9 * absMom;
146  // example surface and bound parameters at the updated position
147  auto plane = Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(newPos, newUnitDir);
148  BoundTrackParameters params(plane, geoCtx, newPos4, newUnitDir, charge, cov);
149  FreeVector freeParams;
150  freeParams[eFreePos0] = newPos4[ePos0];
151  freeParams[eFreePos1] = newPos4[ePos1];
152  freeParams[eFreePos2] = newPos4[ePos2];
153  freeParams[eFreeTime] = newPos4[eTime];
154  freeParams[eFreeDir0] = newUnitDir[eMom0];
155  freeParams[eFreeDir1] = newUnitDir[eMom1];
156  freeParams[eFreeDir2] = newUnitDir[eMom2];
157  freeParams[eFreeQOverP] = charge / newAbsMom;
159  // WARNING for some reason there seems to be an additional flag that makes
160  // the update method not do anything when it is set. Why?
161  state.state_ready = false;
162  stepper.update(state, freeParams, *params.covariance());
163  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(stepper.position(state), newPos, eps);
164  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(stepper.time(state), newTime, eps);
165  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(stepper.direction(state), newUnitDir, eps);
166  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(stepper.momentum(state), newAbsMom, eps);
167  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.charge(state), charge);
168 }
170 // test stepper update methods with individual components as input
171 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(UpdateFromComponents) {
173  Stepper::State state(
174  geoCtx, magCtx,
178  auto newPos = (pos + Vector3D(1_mm, 2_mm, 3_mm)).eval();
179  auto newTime = time + 20_ns;
180  auto newUnitDir = (unitDir + Vector3D(1, -1, -1)).normalized();
181  auto newAbsMom = 0.9 * absMom;
183  stepper.update(state, newPos, newUnitDir, newAbsMom, newTime);
184  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(stepper.position(state), newPos, eps);
185  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(stepper.time(state), newTime, eps);
186  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(stepper.direction(state), newUnitDir, eps);
187  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(stepper.momentum(state), newAbsMom, eps);
188  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.charge(state), charge);
189 }
191 // test building a bound state object from the stepper state
192 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BuildBound) {
194  Stepper::State state(
195  geoCtx, magCtx,
198  // example surface at the current state position
199  auto plane = Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(pos, unitDir);
201  auto&& [pars, jac, pathLength] = stepper.boundState(state, *plane);
202  // check parameters
203  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(pars.position(geoCtx), pos, eps);
204  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(pars.time(), time, eps);
205  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(pars.momentum(), absMom * unitDir, eps);
206  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pars.charge(), charge);
207  BOOST_CHECK(pars.covariance().has_value());
208  BOOST_CHECK_NE(*pars.covariance(), cov);
209  // check Jacobian. should be identity since there was no propagation yet
210  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(jac, Jacobian(Jacobian::Identity()), eps);
211  // check propagation length
213 }
215 // test building a curvilinear state object from the stepper state
216 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BuildCurvilinear) {
218  Stepper::State state(
219  geoCtx, magCtx,
223  auto&& [pars, jac, pathLength] = stepper.curvilinearState(state);
224  // check parameters
225  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(pars.position(geoCtx), pos, eps);
226  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(pars.time(), time, eps);
227  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(pars.momentum(), absMom * unitDir, eps);
228  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pars.charge(), charge);
229  BOOST_CHECK(pars.covariance().has_value());
230  BOOST_CHECK_NE(*pars.covariance(), cov);
231  // check Jacobian. should be identity since there was no propagation yet
232  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(jac, Jacobian(Jacobian::Identity()), eps);
233  // check propagation length
235 }
237 // test step method without covariance transport
241  geoCtx, magCtx,
243  stepSize, tolerance));
244  state.stepping.covTransport = false;
246  // ensure step does not result in an error
247  auto res = stepper.step(state);
248  BOOST_CHECK(res.ok());
250  // extract the actual step size
251  auto h = res.value();
252  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.stepping.stepSize, navDir * stepSize);
253  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.stepping.stepSize, h);
255  // check that the position has moved
256  auto deltaPos = (stepper.position(state.stepping) - pos).eval();
257  BOOST_CHECK_LT(0, deltaPos.norm());
258  // check that time has changed
259  auto deltaTime = stepper.time(state.stepping) - time;
260  BOOST_CHECK_LT(0, std::abs(deltaTime));
261  // check that the direction was rotated
262  auto projDir = stepper.direction(state.stepping).dot(unitDir);
263  BOOST_CHECK_LT(projDir, 1);
265  // momentum and charge should not change
266  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(stepper.momentum(state.stepping), absMom, eps);
267  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.charge(state.stepping), charge);
268 }
270 // test step method with covariance transport
271 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(StepWithCovariance) {
274  geoCtx, magCtx,
276  stepSize, tolerance));
277  state.stepping.covTransport = true;
279  // ensure step does not result in an error
280  auto res = stepper.step(state);
281  BOOST_CHECK(res.ok());
283  // extract the actual step size
284  auto h = res.value();
285  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.stepping.stepSize, navDir * stepSize);
286  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.stepping.stepSize, h);
288  // check that the position has moved
289  auto deltaPos = (stepper.position(state.stepping) - pos).eval();
290  BOOST_CHECK_LT(0, deltaPos.norm());
291  // check that time has changed
292  auto deltaTime = stepper.time(state.stepping) - time;
293  BOOST_CHECK_LT(0, std::abs(deltaTime));
294  // check that the direction was rotated
295  auto projDir = stepper.direction(state.stepping).dot(unitDir);
296  BOOST_CHECK_LT(projDir, 1);
298  // momentum and charge should not change
299  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(stepper.momentum(state.stepping), absMom, eps);
300  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.charge(state.stepping), charge);
302  stepper.covarianceTransport(state.stepping);
303  BOOST_CHECK_NE(state.stepping.cov, cov);
304 }
306 // test state reset method
310  geoCtx, magCtx,
312  stepSize, tolerance));
313  state.stepping.covTransport = true;
315  // ensure step does not result in an error
316  stepper.step(state);
318  // Construct the parameters
319  Vector3D pos(1.5, -2.5, 3.5);
320  Vector3D mom(4.5, -5.5, 6.5);
321  double time = 7.5;
322  double charge = 1.;
323  BoundSymMatrix cov = 8.5 * Covariance::Identity();
324  CurvilinearTrackParameters cp(makeVector4(pos, time), unitDir, absMom, charge,
325  cov);
327  cp.referenceSurface(), geoCtx, cp.parameters());
329  double stepSize = -256.;
331  // Reset all possible parameters
332  Stepper::State stateCopy(state.stepping);
333  stepper.resetState(stateCopy, cp.parameters(), *cp.covariance(),
334  cp.referenceSurface(), ndir, stepSize);
335  // Test all components
336  BOOST_CHECK(stateCopy.covTransport);
337  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*stateCopy.covariance, cov);
338  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.position(stateCopy),
339  freeParams.template segment<3>(eFreePos0));
340  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.direction(stateCopy),
341  freeParams.template segment<3>(eFreeDir0).normalized());
342  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.momentum(stateCopy),
343  std::abs(1. / freeParams[eFreeQOverP]));
344  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.charge(stateCopy), stepper.charge(state.stepping));
345  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.time(stateCopy), freeParams[eFreeTime]);
346  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateCopy.navDir, ndir);
347  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateCopy.pathAccumulated, 0.);
348  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateCopy.stepSize, ndir * stepSize);
349  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateCopy.previousStepSize,
350  state.stepping.previousStepSize);
351  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateCopy.tolerance, state.stepping.tolerance);
353  // Reset all possible parameters except the step size
354  stateCopy = state.stepping;
355  stepper.resetState(stateCopy, cp.parameters(), *cp.covariance(),
356  cp.referenceSurface(), ndir);
357  // Test all components
358  BOOST_CHECK(stateCopy.covTransport);
359  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*stateCopy.covariance, cov);
360  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.position(stateCopy),
361  freeParams.template segment<3>(eFreePos0));
362  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.direction(stateCopy),
363  freeParams.template segment<3>(eFreeDir0).normalized());
364  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.momentum(stateCopy),
365  std::abs(1. / freeParams[eFreeQOverP]));
366  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.charge(stateCopy), stepper.charge(state.stepping));
367  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.time(stateCopy), freeParams[eFreeTime]);
368  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateCopy.navDir, ndir);
369  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateCopy.pathAccumulated, 0.);
370  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateCopy.stepSize,
372  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateCopy.previousStepSize,
373  state.stepping.previousStepSize);
374  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateCopy.tolerance, state.stepping.tolerance);
376  // Reset the least amount of parameters
377  stateCopy = state.stepping;
378  stepper.resetState(stateCopy, cp.parameters(), *cp.covariance(),
379  cp.referenceSurface());
380  // Test all components
381  BOOST_CHECK(stateCopy.covTransport);
382  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*stateCopy.covariance, cov);
383  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.position(stateCopy),
384  freeParams.template segment<3>(eFreePos0));
385  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.direction(stateCopy),
386  freeParams.template segment<3>(eFreeDir0).normalized());
387  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.momentum(stateCopy),
388  std::abs(1. / freeParams[eFreeQOverP]));
389  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.charge(stateCopy), stepper.charge(state.stepping));
390  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.time(stateCopy), freeParams[eFreeTime]);
391  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateCopy.navDir, forward);
392  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateCopy.pathAccumulated, 0.);
393  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateCopy.stepSize, std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
394  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateCopy.previousStepSize,
395  state.stepping.previousStepSize);
396  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateCopy.tolerance, state.stepping.tolerance);
398  // Reset using different surface shapes
399  // 1) Disc surface
400  // Setting some parameters
401  pos << 1.5, -2.5, 0.;
402  mom << 4.5, -5.5, 6.5;
403  time = 7.5;
404  charge = 1.;
405  cov = 8.5 * Covariance::Identity();
406  Transform3D trafo = Transform3D::Identity();
407  auto disc = Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(trafo);
408  BoundTrackParameters boundDisc(disc, geoCtx, pos4, unitDir, absMom, charge);
410  // Reset the state and test
411  Stepper::State stateDisc = state.stepping;
412  stepper.resetState(stateDisc, boundDisc.parameters(), *boundDisc.covariance(),
413  boundDisc.referenceSurface());
415  CHECK_NE_COLLECTIONS(stateDisc.pVector, stateCopy.pVector);
416  CHECK_NE_COLLECTIONS(stateDisc.pVector, state.stepping.pVector);
418  // 2) Perigee surface
419  // Setting some parameters
420  pos << 1.5, -2.5, 3.5;
421  mom << 4.5, -5.5, 6.5;
422  time = 7.5;
423  charge = 1.;
424  cov = 8.5 * Covariance::Identity();
425  auto perigee = Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(trafo);
426  BoundTrackParameters boundPerigee(perigee, geoCtx, pos4, unitDir, absMom,
427  charge);
429  // Reset the state and test
430  Stepper::State statePerigee = state.stepping;
431  stepper.resetState(statePerigee, boundPerigee.parameters(),
432  *boundPerigee.covariance(),
433  boundPerigee.referenceSurface());
434  CHECK_NE_COLLECTIONS(statePerigee.pVector, stateCopy.pVector);
435  CHECK_NE_COLLECTIONS(statePerigee.pVector, state.stepping.pVector);
436  CHECK_NE_COLLECTIONS(statePerigee.pVector, stateDisc.pVector);
438  // 3) Straw surface
439  // Setting some parameters
440  pos << 1.5, -2.5, 3.5;
441  mom << 4.5, -5.5, 6.5;
442  time = 7.5;
443  charge = 1.;
444  cov = 8.5 * Covariance::Identity();
445  auto straw = Surface::makeShared<StrawSurface>(trafo);
446  BoundTrackParameters boundStraw(straw, geoCtx, pos4, unitDir, absMom, charge);
448  // Reset the state and test
449  Stepper::State stateStraw = state.stepping;
450  stepper.resetState(stateStraw, boundStraw.parameters(),
451  *boundStraw.covariance(), boundStraw.referenceSurface());
452  CHECK_NE_COLLECTIONS(stateStraw.pVector, stateCopy.pVector);
453  CHECK_NE_COLLECTIONS(stateStraw.pVector, state.stepping.pVector);
454  CHECK_NE_COLLECTIONS(stateStraw.pVector, stateDisc.pVector);
456  stateStraw.pVector.begin(), stateStraw.pVector.end(),
457  statePerigee.pVector.begin(), statePerigee.pVector.end());
458 }
462  Stepper::State state(
463  geoCtx, magCtx,
467  // TODO figure out why this fails and what it should be
468  // BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepper.overstepLimit(state), tolerance);
470  stepper.setStepSize(state, 5_cm);
471  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.previousStepSize, navDir * stepSize);
472  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.stepSize, 5_cm);
474  stepper.releaseStepSize(state);
475  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.stepSize, navDir * stepSize);
476 }
478 // test step size modification with target surfaces
479 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(StepSizeSurface) {
481  Stepper::State state(
482  geoCtx, magCtx,
486  auto distance = 10_mm;
487  auto target = Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(
488  pos + navDir * distance * unitDir, unitDir);
490  stepper.updateSurfaceStatus(state, *target, BoundaryCheck(false));
491  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.stepSize.value(ConstrainedStep::actor),
492  navDir * distance);
494  // test the step size modification in the context of a surface
495  stepper.updateStepSize(
496  state,
497  target->intersect(state.geoContext, stepper.position(state),
498  state.navDir * stepper.direction(state), false),
499  false);
500  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.stepSize, distance);
502  // start with a different step size
503  state.stepSize = navDir * stepSize;
504  stepper.updateStepSize(
505  state,
506  target->intersect(state.geoContext, stepper.position(state),
507  state.navDir * stepper.direction(state), false),
508  true);
509  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.stepSize, distance);
510 }
514 } // namespace Test
515 } // namespace Acts