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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file GFTrackCand.h
1 /* Copyright 2008-2010, Technische Universitaet Muenchen,
2  Authors: Christian Hoeppner & Sebastian Neubert
4  This file is part of GENFIT.
6  GENFIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
8  by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
11  GENFIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17  along with GENFIT. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  */
22 #ifndef GFTRACKCAND_H
23 #define GFTRACKCAND_H
25 #include <vector>
26 #include <set>
27 #include <iostream>
28 #include <assert.h>
30 #include <TObject.h>
31 #include <TVector3.h>
32 #include <TMatrixD.h>
33 #include <TDatabasePDG.h>
35 #include <cmath>
63 class GFTrackCand : public TObject {
64 public:
66  // Constructors/Destructors ---------
67  GFTrackCand();
68  ~GFTrackCand();
70  /* @brief == operator does not check for rho */
71  friend bool operator== (const GFTrackCand& lhs, const GFTrackCand& rhs);
73  // Accessors -----------------------
76  void getHit(unsigned int i,
77  unsigned int& detId,
78  unsigned int& hitId) const {
79  assert(i < getNHits());
80  detId = fDetId.at(i); hitId = fHitId.at(i);
81  }
85  void getHit(unsigned int i,
86  unsigned int& detId,
87  unsigned int& hitId,
88  double& rho) const {
89  assert(i < getNHits());
90  detId = fDetId.at(i); hitId = fHitId.at(i);
91  rho = fRho.at(i);
92  }
96  void getHitWithPlane(unsigned int i,
97  unsigned int& detId,
98  unsigned int& hitId,
99  unsigned int& planeId) const {
100  assert(i < getNHits());
101  detId = fDetId.at(i); hitId = fHitId.at(i);
102  planeId = fPlaneId.at(i);
103  }
105  unsigned int getNHits() const {return fDetId.size();}
106  double getCurv() const {
107  std::cerr << "the method GFTrackCand::getCurv() is deprecated. Use the setter/getter for the 6D state or pos,mom instead instead\n";
108  return fCurv;}
109  double getDip() const {
110  std::cerr << "the method GFTrackCand::getDip() is deprecated. Use the setter/getter for the 6D state or pos,mom instead instead\n";
111  return fDip;}
112  //bool inverted() const {return fInv;} //nobody seems to use it so I commented it out
113  std::vector<unsigned int> getHitIDs(int detId = -1) const;
114  std::vector<unsigned int> GetHitIDs(int detId = -1) const;
115  std::vector<unsigned int> getDetIDs() const {return fDetId;}
116  std::vector<unsigned int> GetDetIDs() const { std::cerr << "the method GFTrackCand::GetDetIDs() is deprecated. Use GFTrackCand::getDetIDs() instead\n"; return fDetId;}
117  std::vector<double> getRhos() const {return fRho;}
118  std::vector<double> GetRhos() const {
119  std::cerr << "the method GFTrackCand::GetRhos() is deprecated. Use GFTrackCand::getRhos() instead\n";
120  return fRho;
121  }
122  std::set<unsigned int> getUniqueDetIDs() const {
123  std::set<unsigned int> retVal;
124  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fDetId.size(); ++i) {
125  retVal.insert(fDetId.at(i));
126  }
127  return retVal;
128  }
131  int getMcTrackId() const {return fMcTrackId;}
133  TVector3 getPosSeed() const {
134  TVector3 posSeed(fState6D(0,0), fState6D(1,0), fState6D(2,0));
135  return posSeed;
136  }
138  TVector3 getMomSeed() const {
139  TVector3 momSeed(fState6D(3,0), fState6D(4,0), fState6D(5,0));
140  return momSeed;
141  }
143  TVector3 getDirSeed() const {
144  std::cerr << "the method GFTrackCand::getDirSeed() is deprecated. Use GFTrackCand::getStateSeed() or GFTrackCand::getMomSeed() instead\n";
145  double p = std::sqrt(fState6D(3,0) * fState6D(3,0) + fState6D(4,0) * fState6D(4,0) + fState6D(5,0) * fState6D(5,0));
146  TVector3 dirSeed(fState6D(3,0)/p, fState6D(4,0)/p, fState6D(5,0)/p);
147  return dirSeed;
148  }
150  double getQoverPseed() const {
151  std::cerr << "the method GFTrackCand::getQoverPseed() is deprecated. Use GFTrackCand::getStateSeed() or GFTrackCand::getMomSeed() and/or getChargeSeed() instead\n";
152  double p = std::sqrt(fState6D(3,0) * fState6D(3,0) + fState6D(4,0) * fState6D(4,0) + fState6D(5,0) * fState6D(5,0));
153  return fQ / p;
154  }
156  TMatrixD getStateSeed() const {
157  return fState6D;
158  }
160  TMatrixD getCovSeed() const {
161  return fCov6D;
162  }
163  double getChargeSeed()const {
164  return fQ;
165  }
167  int getPdgCode() const {return fPdg;}
168  // Modifiers -----------------------
169  void addHit(unsigned int detId, unsigned int hitId, double rho = 0., unsigned int planeId = 0);
170  void setCurv(double c) {
171  std::cerr << "the method GFTrackCand::setCurv is deprecated. Use GFTrackCand::set6DSeed instead\n";
172  fCurv = c;
173  }
174  void setDip(double d) {
175  std::cerr << "the method GFTrackCand::setDip is deprecated. Use GFTrackCand::set6DSeed instead\n";
176  fDip = d;
177  }
178  //void setInverted(bool f=true) {fInv=f;} //nobody seems to use it so I commented it out
181  void setMcTrackId(int i) {fMcTrackId = i;}
184  bool hitInTrack(unsigned int detId, unsigned int hitId) const;
188  void setComplTrackSeed(const TVector3& pos, const TVector3& mom, const int pdgCode, TVector3 posError = TVector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), TVector3 dirError = TVector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
191  void setPdgCode(int pdgCode) {
192  fPdg = pdgCode;
193  TParticlePDG* part = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(fPdg);
194  fQ = part->Charge() / (3.);
195  }
196  void append(const GFTrackCand&);
201  void sortHits();
203  void sortHits(std::vector<unsigned int> indices);
205  // Operations ----------------------
206  void reset();
209  void Print(const Option_t* = "") const ;
214  void set6DSeed(const TMatrixD& state6D, const double charge, TMatrixD cov6D = -1.0 * TMatrixD(TMatrixD::kUnit, TMatrixD(6, 6))) {
215  fQ = charge;
216  fState6D = state6D;
217  fCov6D = cov6D;
218  }
222  void set6DSeedAndPdgCode(const TMatrixD& state6D, const int pdgCode, TMatrixD cov6D = -1.0 * TMatrixD(TMatrixD::kUnit, TMatrixD(6, 6))) {
223  setPdgCode(pdgCode);
224  fState6D = state6D;
225  fCov6D = cov6D;
226  }
231  void setPosMomSeed(const TVector3& pos, const TVector3& mom, const double charge, TMatrixD cov6D = -1.0 * TMatrixD(TMatrixD::kUnit, TMatrixD(6, 6))) {
232  fQ = charge;
233  fState6D(0,0) = pos[0];
234  fState6D(1,0) = pos[1];
235  fState6D(2,0) = pos[2];
236  fState6D(3,0) = mom[0];
237  fState6D(4,0) = mom[1];
238  fState6D(5,0) = mom[2];
239  fCov6D = cov6D;
240  }
244  void setPosMomSeedAndPdgCode(const TVector3& pos, const TVector3& mom, const int pdgCode, TMatrixD cov6D = -1.0 * TMatrixD(TMatrixD::kUnit, TMatrixD(6, 6))) {
245  setPdgCode(pdgCode);
246  fState6D(0,0) = pos[0];
247  fState6D(1,0) = pos[1];
248  fState6D(2,0) = pos[2];
249  fState6D(3,0) = mom[0];
250  fState6D(4,0) = mom[1];
251  fState6D(5,0) = mom[2];
252  fCov6D = cov6D;
253  }
254 private:
256  // Private Data Members ------------
257  std::vector<unsigned int> fDetId;
258  std::vector<unsigned int> fHitId;
259  std::vector<unsigned int> fPlaneId;
260  std::vector<double> fRho;
262  double fCurv; // curvature from pattern reco. Deprecated! Will be deleted soon.
263  double fDip; // dip angle from pattern reco. Deprecated! Will be deleted soon.
266  int fPdg;
268  TMatrixD fState6D;
269  TMatrixD fCov6D;
270  double fQ;
273  // Private Methods -----------------
275 public:
276  ClassDef(GFTrackCand, 9)
277 };
279 #endif