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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CsvTrackingGeometryWriter.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
17 #include <Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp>
19 #include <iostream>
20 #include <sstream>
21 #include <stdexcept>
23 #include <dfe/dfe_io_dsv.hpp>
25 #include "TrackMlData.hpp"
27 using namespace ActsExamples;
31  : m_cfg(cfg),
32  m_world(nullptr),
33  m_logger(Acts::getDefaultLogger("CsvTrackingGeometryWriter", lvl))
35 {
36  if (not m_cfg.trackingGeometry) {
37  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing tracking geometry");
38  }
39  m_world = m_cfg.trackingGeometry->highestTrackingVolume();
40  if (not m_world) {
41  throw std::invalid_argument("Could not identify the world volume");
42  }
43 }
45 std::string CsvTrackingGeometryWriter::name() const {
46  return "CsvTrackingGeometryWriter";
47 }
49 namespace {
50 using SurfaceWriter = dfe::NamedTupleCsvWriter<SurfaceData>;
53 void writeSurface(SurfaceWriter& writer, const Acts::Surface& surface,
57  // encoded and partially decoded geometry identifier
58  data.geometry_id = surface.geometryId().value();
59  data.volume_id = surface.geometryId().volume();
60  data.layer_id = surface.geometryId().layer();
61  data.module_id = surface.geometryId().sensitive();
62  // center position
63  auto center = surface.center(geoCtx);
64  data.cx = center.x() / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
65  data.cy = center.y() / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
66  data.cz = center.z() / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
67  // rotation matrix components are unit-less
68  auto transform = surface.transform(geoCtx);
69  data.rot_xu = transform(0, 0);
70  data.rot_xv = transform(0, 1);
71  data.rot_xw = transform(0, 2);
72  data.rot_yu = transform(1, 0);
73  data.rot_yv = transform(1, 1);
74  data.rot_yw = transform(1, 2);
75  data.rot_zu = transform(2, 0);
76  data.rot_zv = transform(2, 1);
77  data.rot_zw = transform(2, 2);
79  // module thickness
80  if (surface.associatedDetectorElement()) {
81  const auto* detElement =
82  dynamic_cast<const Acts::IdentifiedDetectorElement*>(
83  surface.associatedDetectorElement());
84  if (detElement) {
85  data.module_t = detElement->thickness() / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
86  }
87  }
89  // bounds and pitch (if available)
90  const auto& bounds = surface.bounds();
91  const auto* planarBounds = dynamic_cast<const Acts::PlanarBounds*>(&bounds);
92  if (planarBounds) {
93  // extract limits from value store
94  auto boundValues = surface.bounds().values();
95  if (boundValues.size() == 2) {
96  data.module_minhu = boundValues[0] / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
97  data.module_minhu = boundValues[0] / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
98  data.module_minhu = boundValues[1] / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
99  } else if (boundValues.size() == 3) {
100  data.module_minhu = boundValues[0] / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
101  data.module_minhu = boundValues[0] / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
102  data.module_minhu = boundValues[1] / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
103  }
104  // get the pitch from the digitization module
105  const auto* detElement =
106  dynamic_cast<const Acts::IdentifiedDetectorElement*>(
107  surface.associatedDetectorElement());
108  if (detElement and detElement->digitizationModule()) {
109  auto dModule = detElement->digitizationModule();
110  // dynamic_cast to CartesianSegmentation
111  const auto* cSegmentation =
112  dynamic_cast<const Acts::CartesianSegmentation*>(
113  &(dModule->segmentation()));
114  if (cSegmentation) {
115  auto pitch = cSegmentation->pitch();
116  data.pitch_u = pitch.first / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
117  data.pitch_u = pitch.second / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
118  }
119  }
120  }
122  writer.append(data);
123 }
126 void writeVolume(SurfaceWriter& writer, const Acts::TrackingVolume& volume,
127  const Acts::GeometryContext& geoCtx) {
128  // process all layers that are directly stored within this volume
129  if (volume.confinedLayers()) {
130  for (auto layer : volume.confinedLayers()->arrayObjects()) {
131  // we jump navigation layers
132  if (layer->layerType() == Acts::navigation) {
133  continue;
134  }
135  // check for sensitive surfaces
136  if (layer->surfaceArray()) {
137  for (auto surface : layer->surfaceArray()->surfaces()) {
138  if (surface) {
139  writeSurface(writer, *surface, geoCtx);
140  }
141  }
142  }
143  }
144  }
145  // step down into hierarchy to process all child volumnes
146  if (volume.confinedVolumes()) {
147  for (auto confined : volume.confinedVolumes()->arrayObjects()) {
148  writeVolume(writer, *confined.get(), geoCtx);
149  }
150  }
151 }
152 } // namespace
155  if (not m_cfg.writePerEvent) {
156  return ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
157  }
158  SurfaceWriter writer(
159  perEventFilepath(m_cfg.outputDir, "detectors.csv", ctx.eventNumber),
161  writeVolume(writer, *m_world, ctx.geoContext);
162  return ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
163 }
166  SurfaceWriter writer(joinPaths(m_cfg.outputDir, "detectors.csv"),
168  writeVolume(writer, *m_world, Acts::GeometryContext());
169  return ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
170 }