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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file FairModule.cxx
1 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // ----- FairModule source file -----
3 // ----- Created 06/01/04 by M. Al-Turany -----
4 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 /* Generated by Together */
7 #include "FairModule.h"
10 #include "FairVolume.h"
11 #include "FairVolumeList.h"
12 #include "FairBaseParSet.h"
13 #include "FairRun.h"
15 #include "FairGeoNode.h"
16 #include "FairRuntimeDb.h"
18 #include "FairGeoInterface.h"
19 #include "FairGeoLoader.h"
20 #include "FairGeoNode.h"
21 #include "FairGeoRootBuilder.h"
22 #include "FairGeoMedia.h"
25 #include "TString.h"
26 #include "TObjArray.h"
27 #include "TGeoVolume.h"
28 #include "TFile.h"
29 #include "TList.h"
30 #include "TKey.h"
31 #include "TGeoManager.h"
32 #include "TGeoVoxelFinder.h"
33 #include "TGeoMatrix.h"
36 #include "TSystem.h"
37 #include <fstream>
38 #include <iostream>
41 TArrayI* FairModule::volNumber=0;
44 TRefArray* FairModule::svList=0;
48 //__________________________________________________________________________
50 {
51  fLogger->Warning(MESSAGE_ORIGIN,"FairModule::ConstructGeometry() : this method has to be implimented in detector class");
53 }
54 //__________________________________________________________________________
56 {
57  fLogger->Debug2(MESSAGE_ORIGIN,"FairModule::ConstructOpGeometry : this method has to be implimented in detector class");
59 }
60 //__________________________________________________________________________
62 {
64 }
65 //__________________________________________________________________________
66 FairModule::FairModule(const char* Name, const char* title ,Bool_t Active)
67  :TNamed(Name, title),
68  fMotherVolumeName(""),
69  fgeoVer("Not defined"),
70  fgeoName("Not defined"),
71  fModId(-1),
72  fActive(Active),
73  fNbOfSensitiveVol(0),
74  fVerboseLevel(0),
75  flGeoPar(0),
76  kGeoSaved(kFALSE),
77  fRootMaterialImportFlag(kFALSE),
78  fLogger(FairLogger::GetLogger())
79 {
80  if(!svList) { svList=new TRefArray(); }
81  if(!vList) { vList=new FairVolumeList(); }
83 }
85 //__________________________________________________________________________
88  : TNamed(),
89  fMotherVolumeName(""),
90  fgeoVer("Not defined"),
91  fgeoName("Not defined"),
92  fModId(-1),
93  fActive(kFALSE),
94  fNbOfSensitiveVol(0),
95  fVerboseLevel(0),
96  flGeoPar(0),
97  kGeoSaved(kFALSE),
98  fRootMaterialImportFlag(kFALSE),
99  fLogger(FairLogger::GetLogger())
100 {
102 }
104 //__________________________________________________________________________
105 void FairModule::Streamer(TBuffer& b)
106 {
107  TNamed::Streamer(b);
110  if (b.IsReading()) {
111  fgeoVer.Streamer(b);
112  fgeoName.Streamer(b);
113  b >> fActive;
114  b >> fModId;
115  } else {
116  fgeoVer.Streamer(b);
117  fgeoName.Streamer(b);
118  b << fActive;
119  b << fModId;
120  }
122 }
123 //__________________________________________________________________________
124 void FairModule::SetGeometryFileName(TString fname, TString geoVer)
125 {
126  fgeoVer=geoVer;
127  TString FileName = fname;
128  TString work = getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
129  TString userwork = getenv("GEOMPATH");
130  if(userwork != "") {
131  fgeoName=userwork;
132  if (!fgeoName.EndsWith("/")) { fgeoName+="/"; }
133  //fgeoName+=fname;
134  if (TString(gSystem->FindFile(fgeoName.Data(),fname)) != TString("")) {
135  fgeoName=fname;
136  fLogger->Info(MESSAGE_ORIGIN, "User path for detector geometry : %s ", fgeoName.Data());
137  } else {
138  fLogger->Warning(MESSAGE_ORIGIN, "Detector geometry was not found in user path : %s ", FileName.Data());
139  fgeoName=work+"/geometry/";
140  fLogger->Info(MESSAGE_ORIGIN, "Try the standard path : %s ",fgeoName.Data());
141  if (TString(gSystem->FindFile(fgeoName.Data(),FileName)) != TString("")) {
142  fgeoName=FileName;
143  fLogger->Info(MESSAGE_ORIGIN, "Reading detector geometry from : %s ", FileName.Data());
144  } else {
145  fLogger->Fatal(MESSAGE_ORIGIN,"Detector geometry not found.");
146  }
147  }
148  } else {
149  fgeoName=work+"/geometry/";
150  fgeoName+=fname;
151  }
152 }
153 //__________________________________________________________________________
154 void FairModule::ProcessNodes(TList* aList)
155 {
157  TListIter iter(aList);
158  FairGeoNode* node = NULL;
159  FairGeoNode* MotherNode =NULL;
160  FairVolume* volume = NULL;
162  FairBaseParSet* par=(FairBaseParSet*)(rtdb->getContainer("FairBaseParSet"));
163  TObjArray* fNodes = par->GetGeoNodes();
164  while( (node = (FairGeoNode*)iter.Next()) ) {
166  node->calcLabTransform();
167  MotherNode=node->getMotherNode();
168  volume = new FairVolume( node->getTruncName(), fNbOfVolumes++);
169  volume->setRealName(node->GetName());
170  vList->addVolume(volume);
171  volume->setGeoNode(node);
172  volume->setCopyNo( node->getCopyNo());
174  if(MotherNode!=0) {
175  volume->setMotherId(node->getMCid());
176  volume->setMotherCopyNo(MotherNode->getCopyNo());
177  }
178  FairGeoVolume* aVol=NULL;
180  if ( node->isSensitive() && fActive ) {
181  volume->setModId(fModId);
182  volume->SetModule(this);
183  svList->Add(volume);
184  aVol = dynamic_cast<FairGeoVolume*> ( node );
185  fNodes->AddLast( aVol );
187  }
189  }
190 }
191 //__________________________________________________________________________
193 {
195  fLogger->Debug2(MESSAGE_ORIGIN, "FairModule::AddSensitiveVolume", v->GetName());
196  // Only register volumes which are not already registered
197  // Otherwise the stepping will be slowed down
198  if( ! vList->findObject(v->GetName() ) ) {
199  FairVolume* volume = NULL;
200  volume = new FairVolume(v->GetName(), fNbOfVolumes++);
201  vList->addVolume(volume);
202  volume->setModId(fModId);
203  volume->SetModule(this);
204  svList->Add(volume);
206  }
207 }
210 //__________________________________________________________________________
212 {
213  FairVolume* fv;
214  FairVolume* fvol=0;
215  for(Int_t i=0; i<vList->getEntries(); i++) {
216  fv=vList->At(i);
217  if((fv->getGeoNode())==fN) {
218  fvol=fv;
219  return fvol;
220  break;
221  }
222  }
223  return fvol;
224 }
225 //__________________________________________________________________________
227 {
236  TGeoManager* OldGeo=gGeoManager;
237  TGeoManager* NewGeo=0;
238  TGeoVolume* volume=0;;
239  TFile* f=new TFile(GetGeometryFileName().Data());
240  TList* l= f->GetListOfKeys();
241  TKey* key;
242  TIter next( l);
243  TGeoNode* n=0;
244  TGeoVolume* v1=0;
245  while ((key = (TKey*)next())) {
246  //std::cout << key->GetClassName() << std::endl;
250  if (strcmp(key->GetClassName(),"TGeoManager") != 0) { continue; }
251  gGeoManager=0;
252  NewGeo = (TGeoManager*)key->ReadObj();
253  break;
254  }
255  if (NewGeo!=0) {
259  NewGeo->cd();
260  volume=(TGeoVolume*)NewGeo->GetNode(0)->GetDaughter(0)->GetVolume();
261  v1=volume->MakeCopyVolume(volume->GetShape());
262  // n=NewGeo->GetTopNode();
263  n=v1->GetNode(0);
264  // NewGeo=0;
265  // delete NewGeo; //move it to the end of the method
267  } else {
272  //key=(TKey*) l->At(0); //Get the first key in the list
273  //volume=dynamic_cast<TGeoVolume*> (key->ReadObj());
274  //if(volume!=0) { n=volume->GetNode(0); }
275  //if(n!=0) { v1=n->GetVolume(); std::cout << n->GetName() << " " << GetName() << std::endl; }
277  //
278  // - AYK, 2013/09/29 -> consider to perform a bit cleaner search (loop
279  // through all keys and request name match); this way may use MC files
280  // to import detector geometry;
281  //
282  TKey* qkey;
283  TIter qnext( l);
285  while ((qkey = (TKey*)qnext())) {
286  volume=dynamic_cast<TGeoVolume*> (qkey->ReadObj());
287  if (!volume) continue;
289  n = volume->GetNode(0);
290  if (!n) continue;
292  // Well, may want to do a better check later (remove "_N" suffix and request
293  // exact match); later;
294  if (TString(n->GetName()).BeginsWith(GetName()))
295  {
296  v1 = n->GetVolume();
298  std::cout << n->GetName() << " " << GetName() << std::endl;
299  break;
300  } //if
301  }
302  }
304  if(v1==0) {
305  fLogger->Fatal(MESSAGE_ORIGIN, "\033[5m\033[31mFairModule::ConstructRootGeometry(): could not find any geometry in File!! \033[0m", GetGeometryFileName().Data());
306  }
307  gGeoManager=OldGeo;
308  gGeoManager->cd();
309  // If AddToVolume is empty add the volume to the top volume Cave
310  // If it is defined check i´f the volume exists and if it exists add the volume from the root file
311  // to the already existing volume
312  TGeoVolume* Cave=NULL;
313  if ( 0 == fMotherVolumeName.Length() ) {
314  Cave= gGeoManager->GetTopVolume(); //printf("%s\n", Cave->GetName()); exit(0);
315  } else {
316  Cave = gGeoManager->GetVolume(fMotherVolumeName); //exit(0);
317  }
318  if(Cave!=NULL) {
320  gGeoManager->AddVolume(v1);
322  TGeoVoxelFinder* voxels = v1->GetVoxels();
323  if (voxels) { voxels->SetNeedRebuild(); }
325  // else { fLogger->Fatal(MESSAGE_ORIGIN, "\033[5m\033[31mFairModule::ConstructRootGeometry(): could not find voxels \033[0m"); }
330  TGeoMatrix* M = n->GetMatrix();
334  gGeoManager->GetListOfMatrices()->Remove(M);
335  TGeoHMatrix* global = gGeoManager->GetHMatrix();
336  gGeoManager->GetListOfMatrices()->Remove(global); //Remove the Identity matrix
338  Cave->AddNode(v1,0, M);
344  ExpandNode(n);
345  if(NewGeo!=0) { delete NewGeo; }
346  delete f;
347  } else {
348  fLogger->Fatal(MESSAGE_ORIGIN,"\033[5m\033[31mFairModule::ConstructRootGeometry(): could not find the given mother volume \033[0m %s \033[5m\033[31m where the geomanger should be added. \033[0m", fMotherVolumeName.Data());
349  }
350 }
351 //__________________________________________________________________________
353 {
354  fLogger->Warning(MESSAGE_ORIGIN,"FairModule::ConstructASCIIGeometry() : this method has to be implimented in detector class");
356 }
357 //__________________________________________________________________________
359 {
360  fLogger->Warning(MESSAGE_ORIGIN,"FairModule::CheckIfSensitive(std::string name): this method has to be implimented in detector class");
361  return kFALSE;
362 }
363 //__________________________________________________________________________
365 void FairModule::ExpandNode(TGeoNode* fN)
366 {
367  TGeoMatrix* Matrix =fN->GetMatrix();
368  if(gGeoManager->GetListOfMatrices()->FindObject(Matrix)) { gGeoManager->GetListOfMatrices()->Remove(Matrix); }
369  TGeoVolume* v1=fN->GetVolume();
370  TObjArray* NodeList=v1->GetNodes();
371  for (Int_t Nod=0; Nod<NodeList->GetEntriesFast(); Nod++) {
372  TGeoNode* fNode =(TGeoNode*)NodeList->At(Nod);
373  TGeoMatrix* M =fNode->GetMatrix();
376  TGeoVolume* v= fNode->GetVolume();
378  // Skip th erest of the loop (including ExpandNode() recursion) once a volume was served once;
379  // NB: this implementation is still not clean since v->RegisterYourself() has a recursion inside
380  // (so daughters will be registered there more than one time, depending on level difference
381  // in the hierarchy); ideally one would call n->GetVolume()->RegisterYourself() in
382  // ConstructRootGeometry() outside of the ExpandNode() call; this way it works, but
383  // simulation itself (for FEMC) becomes few times slower (why?); the implemented trivial
384  // solution speeds up FEMC init phase from ~2 minutes to <1 second and does not affect
385  // simulation time; leave it like this and be happy; eventually may want to arrange
386  // a similar lookup table in AssignMediumAtImport() - see eg eic.patch file in EicRoot
387  // r219 where this stuff is commented out but not removed (media lookup is not really
388  // needed, volume lookup suffices there);
389  if (fGeoVolumeLut.find(v) != fGeoVolumeLut.end()) continue;
390  fGeoVolumeLut.insert(v);
392  if(fNode->GetNdaughters()>0) { ExpandNode(fNode); }
394  if (!gGeoManager->FindVolumeFast(v->GetName())) {
395  fLogger->Debug2(MESSAGE_ORIGIN,"Register Volume : %s ", v->GetName());
396  v->RegisterYourself();
397  }
398  if (CheckIfSensitive(v->GetName())) {
399  fLogger->Debug2(MESSAGE_ORIGIN,"Sensitive Volume : %s ", v->GetName());
401  }
402  }
403 }
404 //__________________________________________________________________________
406 {
407  // Copied from root TGeoMatrix::SetDefaultName() and modified (memory leak)
408  // If no name was supplied in the ctor, the type of transformation is checked.
409  // A letter will be prepended to the name :
410  // t - translation
411  // r - rotation
412  // s - scale
413  // c - combi (translation + rotation)
414  // g - general (tr+rot+scale)
415  // The index of the transformation in gGeoManager list of transformations will
416  // be appended.
417  if (!gGeoManager) { return; }
418  if (strlen(matrix->GetName())) { return; }
419  char type = 'n';
420  if (matrix->IsTranslation()) { type = 't'; }
421  if (matrix->IsRotation()) { type = 'r'; }
422  if (matrix->IsScale()) { type = 's'; }
423  if (matrix->IsCombi()) { type = 'c'; }
424  if (matrix->IsGeneral()) { type = 'g'; }
425  TObjArray* matrices = gGeoManager->GetListOfMatrices();
426  Int_t index = 0;
427  if (matrices) { index =matrices->GetEntriesFast() - 1; }
428  matrix->SetName(Form("%c%i", type, index));
429 }
431 //__________________________________________________________________________
434 {
443  TGeoMedium* med1=v->GetMedium();
444  if(med1 && strcmp(med1->GetName(), "dummy")) {
445  TGeoMaterial* mat1=v->GetMaterial();
446  // FairGeoBuilder does not distinguish material and media names (I guess); STAR
447  // geometry database does (say media CAVE_AIR is done from material AIR); so
448  // switch to using media names here and below;
449 #if _OLD_
450  TGeoMaterial* newMat = gGeoManager->GetMaterial(mat1->GetName());
451 #else
452  TGeoMaterial* newMat = gGeoManager->GetMaterial(med1->GetName());
453 #endif
454  if( newMat==0) {
456 #if _OLD_
457  FairGeoMedium* FairMedium=Media->getMedium(mat1->GetName());
458 #else
459  FairGeoMedium* FairMedium=Media->getMedium(med1->GetName());
460 #endif
461  if (!FairMedium) {
463  // Create medium a la FairRoot by hand; sort of mimic FairGeoMedium::read() call
464  // sequence; this may cause conflicts if more than one ROOT file have material
465  // with the same name; FIXME: if this ever becomes a problem; for now I just need
466  // to import STAR geometry database;
467  FairMedium = new FairGeoMedium(med1->GetName());
469  FairMedium->setNComponents(mat1->GetNelements());
470  //printf("%3d\n", mat1->GetNelements());
471  for(unsigned iq=0; iq<mat1->GetNelements(); iq++) {
472  double a, z, w;
474  mat1->GetElementProp(a, z, w, iq);
475  FairMedium->setComponent(iq, a, z, w);
476  } //for iq
478  FairMedium->setDensity(mat1->GetDensity());
480  // Well, FairGeoMedium::read() also calculates rad.length for pure elements only;
481  if (mat1->GetNelements() == 1) FairMedium->calcRadiationLength();
483  // Parameter order is *ucked up compared to TGeo and parameters renamed ->
484  // carelessly use FairGeoMedium::setMediumPar() sequence;
485  double params[8];
486  for(unsigned iq=0; iq<8; iq++)
487  params[iq] = med1->GetParam(iq);
488  FairMedium->sensFlag = params[0];//=sensFlag;
489  FairMedium->fldFlag = params[1];//=fldFlag;
490  FairMedium->fld = params[2];//=fld;
491  FairMedium->madfld = params[3];//=madfld;
492  FairMedium->maxstep = params[4];//=maxstep;
493  FairMedium->maxde = params[5];//=maxde;
494  FairMedium->epsil = params[6];//=epsil;
495  FairMedium->minstep = params[7];//=minstep;
497  // And do not care about Cerenkov, sorry;
498  }
499  else
500  fLogger->Fatal(MESSAGE_ORIGIN,"Material %s is not defined in ASCII file nor in Root file we Stop creating geometry",
501  mat1->GetName());
502  } //if
504  Int_t nmed=geobuild->createMedium(FairMedium);
505  //FairMedium->print();
506  v->SetMedium(gGeoManager->GetMedium(nmed));
507  gGeoManager->SetAllIndex();
508  } else {
510 #if _OLD_
511  TGeoMedium* med2= gGeoManager->GetMedium(mat1->GetName());
512 #else
513  TGeoMedium* med2= gGeoManager->GetMedium(med1->GetName());
514 #endif
515  v->SetMedium(med2);
516  }
517  } else {
518  if (strcmp(v->ClassName(),"TGeoVolumeAssembly") != 0) {
519  //[R.K.-3.3.08] // When there is NO material defined, set it to avoid conflicts in Geant
520  fLogger->Fatal(MESSAGE_ORIGIN,"The volume %s Has no medium information and not an Assembly so we have to quit", v->GetName());
521  }
522  }
523 }
525 //__________________________________________________________________________