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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PropagationAlgorithm.ipp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
11 #include <random>
13 template <typename propagator_t>
14 std::optional<Acts::BoundSymMatrix>
15 PropagationAlgorithm<propagator_t>::generateCovariance(
17  std::normal_distribution<double>& gauss) const {
18  if (m_cfg.covarianceTransport) {
19  // We start from the correlation matrix
20  Acts::BoundSymMatrix newCov(m_cfg.correlations);
21  // Then we draw errors according to the error values
22  Acts::BoundVector covs_smeared = m_cfg.covariances;
23  for (size_t k = 0; k < size_t(covs_smeared.size()); ++k) {
24  covs_smeared[k] *= gauss(rnd);
25  }
26  // and apply a double loop
27  for (size_t i = 0; i < size_t(newCov.rows()); ++i) {
28  for (size_t j = 0; j < size_t(newCov.cols()); ++j) {
29  (newCov)(i, j) *= covs_smeared[i];
30  (newCov)(i, j) *= covs_smeared[j];
31  }
32  }
33  return newCov;
34  }
35  return std::nullopt;
36 }
38 template <typename propagator_t>
39 PropagationAlgorithm<propagator_t>::PropagationAlgorithm(
41  Acts::Logging::Level loglevel)
42  : BareAlgorithm("PropagationAlgorithm", loglevel), m_cfg(cfg) {}
49 template <typename propagator_t>
50 template <typename parameters_t>
52  const AlgorithmContext& context, const parameters_t& startParameters,
53  double pathLength) const {
54  ACTS_DEBUG("Test propagation/extrapolation starts");
56  PropagationOutput pOutput;
58  // This is the outside in mode
59  if (m_cfg.mode == 0) {
60  // The step length logger for testing & end of world aborter
61  using MaterialInteractor = Acts::MaterialInteractor;
62  using SteppingLogger = Acts::detail::SteppingLogger;
65  // Action list and abort list
67  using AbortList = Acts::AbortList<EndOfWorld>;
68  using PropagatorOptions =
71  PropagatorOptions options(context.geoContext, context.magFieldContext,
72  Acts::LoggerWrapper{logger()});
73  options.pathLimit = pathLength;
75  // Activate loop protection at some pt value
76  options.loopProtection =
77  (startParameters.transverseMomentum() < m_cfg.ptLoopers);
79  // Switch the material interaction on/off & eventually into logging mode
80  auto& mInteractor = options.actionList.get<MaterialInteractor>();
81  mInteractor.multipleScattering = m_cfg.multipleScattering;
82  mInteractor.energyLoss = m_cfg.energyLoss;
83  mInteractor.recordInteractions = m_cfg.recordMaterialInteractions;
85  // Set a maximum step size
86  options.maxStepSize = m_cfg.maxStepSize;
88  // Propagate using the propagator
89  const auto& result =
90  m_cfg.propagator.propagate(startParameters, options).value();
91  auto steppingResults = result.template get<SteppingLogger::result_type>();
93  // Set the stepping result
94  pOutput.first = std::move(steppingResults.steps);
95  // Also set the material recording result - if configured
96  if (m_cfg.recordMaterialInteractions) {
97  auto materialResult =
98  result.template get<MaterialInteractor::result_type>();
99  pOutput.second = std::move(materialResult);
100  }
101  }
102  return pOutput;
103 }
105 template <typename propagator_t>
107  const AlgorithmContext& context) const {
108  // Create a random number generator
110  m_cfg.randomNumberSvc->spawnGenerator(context);
112  // Standard gaussian distribution for covarianmces
113  std::normal_distribution<double> gauss(0., 1.);
115  // Setup random number distributions for some quantities
116  std::uniform_real_distribution<double> phiDist(m_cfg.phiRange.first,
117  m_cfg.phiRange.second);
118  std::uniform_real_distribution<double> etaDist(m_cfg.etaRange.first,
119  m_cfg.etaRange.second);
120  std::uniform_real_distribution<double> ptDist(m_cfg.ptRange.first,
121  m_cfg.ptRange.second);
122  std::uniform_real_distribution<double> qDist(0., 1.);
124  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::PerigeeSurface> surface =
125  Acts::Surface::makeShared<Acts::PerigeeSurface>(
126  Acts::Vector3D(0., 0., 0.));
128  // Output : the propagation steps
129  std::vector<std::vector<Acts::detail::Step>> propagationSteps;
130  propagationSteps.reserve(m_cfg.ntests);
132  // Output (optional): the recorded material
133  std::vector<RecordedMaterialTrack> recordedMaterial;
134  if (m_cfg.recordMaterialInteractions) {
135  recordedMaterial.reserve(m_cfg.ntests);
136  }
138  // loop over number of particles
139  for (size_t it = 0; it < m_cfg.ntests; ++it) {
141  double d0 = m_cfg.d0Sigma * gauss(rng);
142  double z0 = m_cfg.z0Sigma * gauss(rng);
143  double phi = phiDist(rng);
144  double eta = etaDist(rng);
145  double theta = 2 * atan(exp(-eta));
146  double pt = ptDist(rng);
147  double p = pt / sin(theta);
148  double charge = qDist(rng) > 0.5 ? 1. : -1.;
149  double qop = charge / p;
150  double t = m_cfg.tSigma * gauss(rng);
151  // parameters
152  Acts::BoundVector pars;
153  pars << d0, z0, phi, theta, qop, t;
154  // some screen output
156  Acts::Vector3D sPosition(0., 0., 0.);
157  Acts::Vector3D sMomentum(0., 0., 0.);
159  // The covariance generation
160  auto cov = generateCovariance(rng, gauss);
162  // execute the test for charged particles
163  PropagationOutput pOutput;
164  if (charge) {
165  // charged extrapolation - with hit recording
166  Acts::BoundTrackParameters startParameters(surface, std::move(pars),
167  std::move(cov));
168  sPosition = startParameters.position(context.geoContext);
169  sMomentum = startParameters.momentum();
170  pOutput = executeTest(context, startParameters);
171  } else {
172  // execute the test for neeutral particles
173  Acts::NeutralBoundTrackParameters neutralParameters(
174  surface, std::move(pars), std::move(cov));
175  sPosition = neutralParameters.position(context.geoContext);
176  sMomentum = neutralParameters.momentum();
177  pOutput = executeTest(context, neutralParameters);
178  }
179  // Record the propagator steps
180  propagationSteps.push_back(std::move(pOutput.first));
181  if (m_cfg.recordMaterialInteractions &&
182  pOutput.second.materialInteractions.size()) {
183  // Create a recorded material track
184  RecordedMaterialTrack rmTrack;
185  // Start position
186  rmTrack.first.first = std::move(sPosition);
187  // Start momentum
188  rmTrack.first.second = std::move(sMomentum);
189  // The material
190  rmTrack.second = std::move(pOutput.second);
191  // push it it
192  recordedMaterial.push_back(std::move(rmTrack));
193  }
194  }
196  // Write the propagation step data to the event store
197  context.eventStore.add(m_cfg.propagationStepCollection,
198  std::move(propagationSteps));
200  // Write the recorded material to the event store
201  if (m_cfg.recordMaterialInteractions) {
202  context.eventStore.add(m_cfg.propagationMaterialCollection,
203  std::move(recordedMaterial));
204  }
206  return ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
207 }