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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CsvPlanarClusterReader.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
13 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
23 #include <dfe/dfe_io_dsv.hpp>
25 #include "TrackMlData.hpp"
30  : m_cfg(cfg)
31  // TODO check that all files (hits,cells,truth) exists
32  ,
33  m_eventsRange(determineEventFilesRange(cfg.inputDir, "hits.csv")),
34  m_logger(Acts::getDefaultLogger("CsvPlanarClusterReader", lvl)) {
35  if (m_cfg.outputClusters.empty()) {
36  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing cluster output collection");
37  }
38  if (m_cfg.outputHitIds.empty()) {
39  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing hit id output collection");
40  }
41  if (m_cfg.outputHitParticlesMap.empty()) {
42  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing hit-particles map output collection");
43  }
44  if (m_cfg.outputSimulatedHits.empty()) {
45  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing simulated hits output collection");
46  }
47  if (not m_cfg.trackingGeometry) {
48  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing tracking geometry");
49  }
50  // fill the geo id to surface map once to speed up lookups later on
51  m_cfg.trackingGeometry->visitSurfaces([this](const Acts::Surface* surface) {
52  this->m_surfaces[surface->geometryId()] = surface;
53  });
54 }
57  const {
58  return "CsvPlanarClusterReader";
59 }
61 std::pair<size_t, size_t>
63  return m_eventsRange;
64 }
66 namespace {
67 struct CompareHitId {
68  // support transparent comparision between identifiers and full objects
69  using is_transparent = void;
70  template <typename T>
71  constexpr bool operator()(const T& left, const T& right) const {
72  return left.hit_id < right.hit_id;
73  }
74  template <typename T>
75  constexpr bool operator()(uint64_t left_id, const T& right) const {
76  return left_id < right.hit_id;
77  }
78  template <typename T>
79  constexpr bool operator()(const T& left, uint64_t right_id) const {
80  return left.hit_id < right_id;
81  }
82 };
85 inline Acts::GeometryIdentifier extractGeometryId(
86  const ActsExamples::HitData& data) {
87  // if available, use the encoded geometry directly
88  if (data.geometry_id != 0u) {
89  return data.geometry_id;
90  }
91  // otherwise, reconstruct it from the available components
93  geoId.setVolume(data.volume_id);
94  geoId.setLayer(data.layer_id);
95  geoId.setSensitive(data.module_id);
96  return geoId;
97 }
99 struct CompareGeometryId {
100  bool operator()(const ActsExamples::HitData& left,
101  const ActsExamples::HitData& right) const {
102  auto leftId = extractGeometryId(left).value();
103  auto rightId = extractGeometryId(right).value();
104  return leftId < rightId;
105  }
106 };
108 template <typename Data>
109 inline std::vector<Data> readEverything(
110  const std::string& inputDir, const std::string& filename,
111  const std::vector<std::string>& optionalColumns, size_t event) {
112  std::string path = ActsExamples::perEventFilepath(inputDir, filename, event);
113  dfe::NamedTupleCsvReader<Data> reader(path, optionalColumns);
115  std::vector<Data> everything;
116  Data one;
117  while (reader.read(one)) {
118  everything.push_back(one);
119  }
121  return everything;
122 }
124 std::vector<ActsExamples::HitData> readHitsByGeometryId(
125  const std::string& inputDir, size_t event) {
126  // geometry_id and t are optional columns
127  auto hits = readEverything<ActsExamples::HitData>(
128  inputDir, "hits.csv", {"geometry_id", "t"}, event);
129  // sort same way they will be sorted in the output container
130  std::sort(hits.begin(), hits.end(), CompareGeometryId{});
131  return hits;
132 }
134 std::vector<ActsExamples::CellData> readCellsByHitId(
135  const std::string& inputDir, size_t event) {
136  // timestamp is an optional element
137  auto cells = readEverything<ActsExamples::CellData>(inputDir, "cells.csv",
138  {"timestamp"}, event);
139  // sort for fast hit id look up
140  std::sort(cells.begin(), cells.end(), CompareHitId{});
141  return cells;
142 }
144 std::vector<ActsExamples::TruthHitData> readTruthHitsByHitId(
145  const std::string& inputDir, size_t event) {
146  // define all optional columns
147  std::vector<std::string> optionalColumns = {
148  "geometry_id", "tt", "te", "deltapx",
149  "deltapy", "deltapz", "deltae", "index",
150  };
151  auto truths = readEverything<ActsExamples::TruthHitData>(
152  inputDir, "truth.csv", optionalColumns, event);
153  // sort for fast hit id look up
154  std::sort(truths.begin(), truths.end(), CompareHitId{});
155  return truths;
156 }
158 } // namespace
161  const ActsExamples::AlgorithmContext& ctx) {
162  // hit_id in the files is not required to be neither continuous nor
163  // monotonic. internally, we want continous indices within [0,#hits)
164  // to simplify data handling. to be able to perform this mapping we first
165  // read all data into memory before converting to the internal event data
166  // types.
167  auto hits = readHitsByGeometryId(m_cfg.inputDir, ctx.eventNumber);
168  auto cells = readCellsByHitId(m_cfg.inputDir, ctx.eventNumber);
169  auto truths = readTruthHitsByHitId(m_cfg.inputDir, ctx.eventNumber);
171  // prepare containers for the hit data using the framework event data types
173  std::vector<uint64_t> hitIds;
174  IndexMultimap<ActsFatras::Barcode> hitParticlesMap;
175  SimHitContainer simHits;
176  clusters.reserve(hits.size());
177  hitIds.reserve(hits.size());
178  hitParticlesMap.reserve(truths.size());
179  simHits.reserve(truths.size());
181  for (const HitData& hit : hits) {
182  Acts::GeometryIdentifier geoId = extractGeometryId(hit);
184  // find associated truth/ simulation hits
185  std::vector<std::size_t> simHitIndices;
186  {
187  auto range = makeRange(std::equal_range(truths.begin(), truths.end(),
188  hit.hit_id, CompareHitId{}));
189  simHitIndices.reserve(range.size());
190  for (const auto& truth : range) {
191  const auto simGeometryId = Acts::GeometryIdentifier(truth.geometry_id);
192  // TODO validate geo id consistency
193  const auto simParticleId = ActsFatras::Barcode(truth.particle_id);
194  const auto simIndex = truth.index;
195  ActsFatras::Hit::Vector4 simPos4{
196  truth.tx * Acts::UnitConstants::mm,
197  truth.ty * Acts::UnitConstants::mm,
198  truth.tz * Acts::UnitConstants::mm,
199  truth.tt * Acts::UnitConstants::ns,
200  };
201  ActsFatras::Hit::Vector4 simMom4{
202  truth.tpx * Acts::UnitConstants::GeV,
203  truth.tpy * Acts::UnitConstants::GeV,
204  truth.tpz * Acts::UnitConstants::GeV,
205  truth.te * Acts::UnitConstants::GeV,
206  };
207  ActsFatras::Hit::Vector4 simDelta4{
208  truth.deltapx * Acts::UnitConstants::GeV,
209  truth.deltapy * Acts::UnitConstants::GeV,
210  truth.deltapz * Acts::UnitConstants::GeV,
211  truth.deltae * Acts::UnitConstants::GeV,
212  };
214  // the cluster stores indices to the underlying simulation hits. thus
215  // their position in the container must be stable. the preordering of
216  // hits by geometry id should ensure that new sim hits are always added
217  // at the end and previously created ones rest at their existing
218  // locations.
219  auto inserted = simHits.emplace_hint(simHits.end(), simGeometryId,
220  simParticleId, simPos4, simMom4,
221  simMom4 + simDelta4, simIndex);
222  if (std::next(inserted) != simHits.end()) {
223  ACTS_FATAL("Truth hit sorting broke for input hit id " << hit.hit_id);
224  return ProcessCode::ABORT;
225  }
226  simHitIndices.push_back(simHits.index_of(inserted));
227  }
228  }
230  // find matching pixel cell information
231  std::vector<Acts::DigitizationCell> digitizationCells;
232  {
233  auto range = makeRange(std::equal_range(cells.begin(), cells.end(),
234  hit.hit_id, CompareHitId{}));
235  for (const auto& c : range) {
236  digitizationCells.emplace_back(c.ch0, c.ch1, c.value);
237  }
238  }
240  // identify hit surface
241  auto it = m_surfaces.find(geoId);
242  if (it == m_surfaces.end() or not it->second) {
243  ACTS_FATAL("Could not retrieve the surface for hit " << hit);
244  return ProcessCode::ABORT;
245  }
246  const Acts::Surface& surface = *(it->second);
248  // transform global hit coordinates into local coordinates on the surface
250  hit.y * Acts::UnitConstants::mm,
251  hit.z * Acts::UnitConstants::mm);
252  double time = hit.t * Acts::UnitConstants::ns;
253  Acts::Vector3D mom(1, 1, 1); // fake momentum
254  Acts::Vector2D local(0, 0);
255  auto lpResult = surface.globalToLocal(ctx.geoContext, pos, mom);
256  if (not lpResult.ok()) {
257  ACTS_FATAL("Global to local transformation did not succeed.");
258  return ProcessCode::ABORT;
259  }
260  local = lpResult.value();
262  // TODO what to use as cluster uncertainty?
264  // create the planar cluster
266  surface.getSharedPtr(),
267  Identifier(identifier_type(geoId.value()), std::move(simHitIndices)),
268  std::move(cov), local[0], local[1], time, std::move(digitizationCells));
270  // due to the previous sorting of the raw hit data by geometry id, new
271  // clusters should always end up at the end of the container. previous
272  // elements were not touched; cluster indices remain stable and can
273  // be used to identify the hit.
274  auto inserted =
275  clusters.emplace_hint(clusters.end(), geoId, std::move(cluster));
276  if (std::next(inserted) != clusters.end()) {
277  ACTS_FATAL("Something went horribly wrong with the hit sorting");
278  return ProcessCode::ABORT;
279  }
280  auto hitIndex = clusters.index_of(inserted);
281  auto truthRange = makeRange(std::equal_range(truths.begin(), truths.end(),
282  hit.hit_id, CompareHitId{}));
283  for (const auto& truth : truthRange) {
284  hitParticlesMap.emplace_hint(hitParticlesMap.end(), hitIndex,
285  truth.particle_id);
286  }
288  // map internal hit/cluster index back to original, non-monotonic hit id
289  hitIds.push_back(hit.hit_id);
290  }
292  // write the data to the EventStore
293  ctx.eventStore.add(m_cfg.outputClusters, std::move(clusters));
294  ctx.eventStore.add(m_cfg.outputHitIds, std::move(hitIds));
295  ctx.eventStore.add(m_cfg.outputHitParticlesMap, std::move(hitParticlesMap));
296  ctx.eventStore.add(m_cfg.outputSimulatedHits, std::move(simHits));
299 }