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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file HepMCCompress.cc
1 #include "HepMCCompress.h"
2 #include "PHG4InEvent.h"
3 #include "PHG4Particle.h"
7 #include <half/half.h>
9 #include <phool/getClass.h>
11 #include <HepMC/GenEvent.h>
12 #include <gsl/gsl_const.h>
14 #include <list>
16 using namespace std;
17 const double mm_over_c_to_sec = 0.1 / GSL_CONST_CGS_SPEED_OF_LIGHT; // pythia vtx time seems to be in mm/c
22 {
23 public:
25  bool operator()( const HepMC::GenParticle* p )
26  {
27  if ( !p->end_vertex() && p->status() == 1 ) return 1;
28  return 0;
29  }
30 };
34 HepMCCompress::HepMCCompress(const std::string &name):
35  SubsysReco(name)
36 {}
38 int
40 {
41  VariableArrayContainer *vararraycontainer = findNode::getClass<VariableArrayContainer>(topNode, "HEPMC_VarArray");
42  if (!vararraycontainer)
43  {
44  PHNodeIterator iter( topNode );
45  PHCompositeNode *dstNode;
46  dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST" ));
48  vararraycontainer = new VariableArrayContainer();
50  vararraycontainer->AddVarArray(vararray);
51  vararray = new VariableArray(varids::G4PARTICLEV1);
52  vararraycontainer->AddVarArray(vararray);
54  PHIODataNode<PHObject> *newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(vararraycontainer, "HEPMC_VarArray", "PHObject");
55  dstNode->addNode(newNode);
56  }
57  return 0;
58 }
60 int
62 {
63  HepMC::GenEvent *evt = findNode::getClass<HepMC::GenEvent>(topNode, "HEPMC");
64  if (!evt)
65  {
66  cout << PHWHERE << " no evt pointer under HEPMC Node found" << endl;
68  }
69  VariableArrayContainer *vararraycontainer = findNode::getClass<VariableArrayContainer>(topNode, "HEPMC_VarArray");
70  if (!vararraycontainer)
71  {
72  cout << PHWHERE << "no PHG4INEVENT node" << endl;
74  }
76  vector<short> shepmcvtxvec;
78  std::list<HepMC::GenParticle*> finalstateparticles;
79  // units in G4 interface are GeV and CM
80  // const double mom_factor = HepMC::Units::conversion_factor( evt->momentum_unit(), HepMC::Units::GEV );
81  const double length_factor = HepMC::Units::conversion_factor( evt->length_unit(), HepMC::Units::CM );
82  for ( HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_iterator v = evt->vertices_begin();
83  v != evt->vertices_end(); ++v )
84  {
85  finalstateparticles.clear();
86  for (HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator p = (*v)->particles_begin(HepMC::children); p != (*v)->particles_end(HepMC::children); ++p)
87  {
88  if (isfinal(*p))
89  {
90  if (!select_pid.empty())
91  {
92  if (select_pid.find((*p)->pdg_id()) != select_pid.end())
93  {
94  finalstateparticles.push_back(*p);
95  }
96  continue;
97  }
98  if (!exclude_pid.empty())
99  {
100  if (exclude_pid.find((*p)->pdg_id()) != exclude_pid.end())
101  {
102  continue;
103  }
104  }
105  finalstateparticles.push_back(*p);
106  }
107  }
108  if (!finalstateparticles.empty())
109  {
110  // cout << "Vertex : " << endl;
111  // (*v)->print();
112  // cout << "id: " << (*v)->barcode() << endl;
113  // cout << "x: " << (*v)->position().x() << endl;
114  // cout << "y: " << (*v)->position().y() << endl;
115  // cout << "z: " << (*v)->position().z() << endl;
116  // cout << "t: " << (*v)->position().t() << endl;
117  // cout << "Particles" << endl;
118  shepmcvtxvec.push_back((*v)->barcode());
119  shepmcvtxvec.push_back(FloatToInt((*v)->position().x()*length_factor));
120  shepmcvtxvec.push_back(FloatToInt((*v)->position().y()*length_factor));
121  shepmcvtxvec.push_back(FloatToInt((*v)->position().z()*length_factor));
123  // for (fiter = finalstateparticles.begin(); fiter != finalstateparticles.end(); fiter++)
124  // {
125  // // (*fiter)->print();
126  // PHG4Particle *particle = new PHG4Particle();
127  // particle->set_pid((*fiter)->pdg_id());
128  // particle->set_px((*fiter)->momentum().px()*mom_factor);
129  // particle->set_py((*fiter)->momentum().py()*mom_factor);
130  // particle->set_pz((*fiter)->momentum().pz()*mom_factor);
131  // ineve->AddParticle((*v)->barcode(), particle);
132  // }
133  // }
134  }
135  }
136  // ineve->identify();
138 }
140 short int
141 HepMCCompress::FloatToInt(const float rval) const
142 {
143  half ftoi(rval);
144  return ftoi.bits();
145 }