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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file ffqaplots.cxx
1 // Based on qaplots.cxx with a more focused selection
2 // of far forward plots
3 // It's assumed you've already created the input root file
4 // for example with qaplots. Otherwise uncomment the
5 // BuildTree command below
9 #include "ffqaplots.hh"
11 #include <eicsmear/functions.h>
18 #include "eicsmear/smear/EventS.h"
19 #include "eicsmear/smear/Smear.h"
23 #include "eicsmeardetectors.hh"
25 // Note: The remaining includes are not necessary for eic-smear usage
26 #include <TSystem.h>
27 #include <TDatabasePDG.h>
28 #include <TFile.h>
29 #include <TChain.h>
30 #include <TCanvas.h>
31 #include <TProfile.h>
32 #include <TLegend.h>
33 #include <TText.h>
34 #include <TStyle.h>
36 #include <string>
37 #include <iomanip>
38 #include <cctype>
39 #include <exception>
40 #include <vector>
41 #include <map>
43 // Convenience only
44 using std::cout;
45 using std::cerr;
46 using std::endl;
47 using std::string;
48 using std::vector;
49 using std::map;
51 // some helpers
52 static const TString getrootname(const qaparameters& qapars );
53 static void initializepidqabook(const qaparameters& qapars, map<int,pidqacollection>& qabook );
54 static void initializeeventqa(const qaparameters& qapars, eventqacollection& eventqa );
55 static void FillEventQA( eventqacollection& eventqa , const erhic::EventMC* const inEvent, const Smear::Event* const inEventS );
56 static void FillParticleQA( map<int,pidqacollection>& qabook,
57  const Particle* const inParticle,
58  const Smear::ParticleMCS* const inParticleS,
59  const qaparameters& qapars);
60 static void PlotQA ( const qaparameters& qapars, eventqacollection& eventqa, map<int,pidqacollection>& qabook );
62 int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
64  // Parse arguments
65  // ---------------
66  // Defaults are set in qaplots.h
67  qaparameters qapars = ParseArguments ( argc, argv );
69  // Set up output name
70  TString rootname = getrootname(qapars);
72  // First try to instantiate the detector
73  // to avoid pointlessly transforming if that doesn't work
74  // ------------------------------------------------------
75  Smear::Detector detector;
76  if ( qapars.beam_mom_nn < 0 ) detector = BuildByName(qapars.detstring);
77  else detector = BuildByName(qapars.detstring, qapars.beam_mom_nn);
78  if ( detector.GetNDevices() == 0 ) {
79  cerr << "Detector sepcified as " << qapars.detstring
80  << " with beam_mom_nn=" << qapars.beam_mom_nn
81  << " not recognized or empty." << endl;
82  return -1;
83  }
85  // Convert input file to tree
86  // --------------------------
87  if ( gSystem->AccessPathName( rootname ) ){ // quoting the ROOT documentation: "Attention, bizarre convention of return value!!"
88  cout << " ======================= " << endl;
89  cout << " Transforming input file " << endl
90  << qapars.txtfilename << endl
91  << " into root file " << endl
92  << rootname << endl;
93  auto buildresult = BuildTree(qapars.txtfilename.c_str(), qapars.outpath.c_str(), qapars.nevents);
94  if ( buildresult !=0 ){
95  cerr << "Failed to build a tree from " << qapars.txtfilename << endl;
96  return buildresult;
97  }
98  } else {
99  cout << " ======================= " << endl;
100  cout << " Reusing existing root file " << rootname << endl;
101  }
103  // Smear the tree
104  // --------------
105  TString smearedname = rootname;
106  smearedname.ReplaceAll (".root",".smeared.root" );
107  // Can disable warnings here.
108  // Many warnings are harmless ( x or y can be smeared to values >1)
109  // But it is recommended to leave it on and follow up on "inf", "nan" etc. if you test a new detector
111  SmearTree( detector, rootname.Data(), smearedname.Data());
113  // -------------
114  // Load the tree
115  // -------------
116  TChain* inTree = new TChain("EICTree");
117  inTree->Add(rootname);
118  inTree->AddFriend("Smeared",smearedname);
120  // Setup Input Event Buffer
121  erhic::EventMC* inEvent(NULL);
122  Smear::Event* inEventS(NULL);
123  inTree->SetBranchAddress("event",&inEvent);
124  inTree->SetBranchAddress("eventS",&inEventS);
126  // Open histo root file and book histograms
127  // ----------------------------------------
128  TFile * outfile = new TFile ( qapars.outfilebase + qapars.detstring + "_" + qapars.beam_mom_nn + ".root", "RECREATE");
130  // A collection of event-wise qa plots, like kinematics
131  // eventqacollection is defined in the header
132  eventqacollection eventqa = {}; // this syntax initializes everything to 0
133  initializeeventqa ( qapars, eventqa );
135  // We'll also have a collection of histos and maybe other info for every pid
136  // pidqacollection is defined in the header
137  map<int,pidqacollection> qabook;
138  // By default, use the standard particles
139  if ( qapars.pids.size() == 0 ) qapars.pids = { 2212, 2112 }; // p, n
140  // if ( qapars.pids.size() == 0 ) qapars.pids = { 2212, 2112, 22, 130, 3122 }; // p, n, gamma, K0L, Lambda0
141  initializepidqabook ( qapars, qabook );
143  // -------------
144  // Analysis loop
145  // -------------
146  for(long iEvent=0; iEvent<inTree->GetEntries(); iEvent++){
148  //Read next Event
149  if(inTree->GetEntry(iEvent) <=0) break;
150  if(iEvent%10000 == 0) cout << "Event " << iEvent << endl;
152  // -------------
153  // event-wise QA
154  // -------------
155  // Following function just contains many statements of the form
156  // if ( inEventS->GetQ2()>0 ) eventqa.Q2_NM->Fill ( std::log10(inEvent->GetQ2()), std::log10(inEventS->GetQ2()));
157  FillEventQA( eventqa, inEvent, inEventS );
159  // -------------------
160  // Loop over Particles
161  // -------------------
162  for(int j=0; j<inEventS->GetNTracks(); j++){
163  // Skip beam
164  if ( j<3 ) continue;
166  const Smear::ParticleMCS* inParticleS = inEventS->GetTrack(j); // Smeared Particle
167  const Particle* inParticle = inEvent->GetTrack(j); // Unsmeared Particle
169  // Skip non-final particles.
170  if ( inParticle->GetStatus() != 1 ) continue;
172  // Particle was not smeared
173  if(inParticleS == NULL) continue;
175  // ----------------
176  // Particle-wise QA
177  // ----------------
178  // Following function just contains many statements of the form
179  // coll.dEta_p->Fill(inParticle->GetP(), inParticle->GetEta() - inParticleS->GetEta());
180  FillParticleQA( qabook, inParticle, inParticleS, qapars );
181  }
182  }
184  // NOTE: The remainder of this long file is tedious and explicit creation and filling of histograms
185  // The Fill*QA functions demonstrate how to access values in detail, but this is the end of the
186  // basic work flow to use eic-smear from start to finish!
188  qapars.usedevents = inTree->GetEntries();
189  PlotQA( qapars, eventqa, qabook );
190  outfile->Write();
192  return 0;
193 }
195 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
196 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
198 void FillEventQA( eventqacollection& eventqa , const erhic::EventMC* const inEvent, const Smear::Event* const inEventS ){
200  // Q2
201  // if ( eventqa.Q2_JB && inEventS->GetQ2JacquetBlondel()>0 ) eventqa.Q2_JB->Fill ( std::log10(inEvent->GetQ2()), std::log10(inEventS->GetQ2JacquetBlondel()));
202  // else eventqa.missedQ2_JB++;
203  // if ( eventqa.Q2_DA && inEventS->GetQ2DoubleAngle()>0 ) eventqa.Q2_DA->Fill ( std::log10(inEvent->GetQ2()), std::log10(inEventS->GetQ2DoubleAngle()));
204  // else eventqa.missedQ2_DA++;
206  // y
207  // if ( eventqa.y_JB && inEventS->GetYJacquetBlondel()>0 ) eventqa.y_JB->Fill ( inEvent->GetY(), inEventS->GetYJacquetBlondel());
208  // else eventqa.missedy_JB++;
209  // if ( eventqa.y_DA && inEventS->GetYDoubleAngle()>0 ) eventqa.y_DA->Fill ( inEvent->GetY(), inEventS->GetYDoubleAngle());
210  // else eventqa.missedy_DA++;
212  // x
213  // if ( eventqa.x_JB && inEventS->GetXJacquetBlondel()>0 ) eventqa.x_JB->Fill ( std::log10(inEvent->GetX()), std::log10(inEventS->GetXJacquetBlondel()));
214  // else eventqa.missedx_JB++;
215  // if ( eventqa.x_DA && inEventS->GetXDoubleAngle()>0 ) eventqa.x_DA->Fill ( std::log10(inEvent->GetX()), std::log10(inEventS->GetXDoubleAngle()));
216  // else eventqa.missedx_DA++;
218 }
219 // ---------------------------------------------------------------
220 void FillParticleQA( map<int,pidqacollection>& qabook,
221  const Particle* const inParticle,
222  const Smear::ParticleMCS* const inParticleS,
223  const qaparameters& qapars){
224  // If any component is smeared, all others are either smeared or 0 (meaning "not detected").
225  // Could detect the latter case (with a given accuracy):
226  // const double epsilon = 1e-9;
228  // Fill histograms
229  for ( auto& pidcoll : qabook ){
230  auto& pid = pidcoll.first;
231  auto& coll = pidcoll.second;
232  if ( pid==0 || inParticle->GetPdgCode() == pid ){
234  auto th = inParticle->GetTheta();
236  auto P = inParticle->GetP();
237  coll.P_th->Fill(th, P);
239  auto Pt = inParticle->GetPt();
240  coll.Pt_th->Fill(th, Pt);
242  auto xL = inParticle->GetP() / qapars.beam_mom_nn;
243  coll.xL_th->Fill(th, xL);
245  coll.Phi_theta->Fill(th, inParticle->GetPhi());
246  }
247  }
248 }
250 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
252 qaparameters ParseArguments ( int argc, char* argv[] ){
253  vector<string> arguments(argv + 1, argv + argc);
254  bool argsokay=true;
255  qaparameters qapars;
256  try{
257  for ( auto parg = arguments.begin() ; parg!=arguments.end() ; ++parg){
258  string arg=*parg;
259  if ( arg == "-h" ){
260  argsokay=false;
261  break;
262  } else if ( arg == "-o" ){
263  if (++parg == arguments.end() ){ argsokay=false; break; }
264  qapars.outfilebase=*parg;
265  } else if ( arg == "-i" ){
266  if (++parg ==arguments.end() ){ argsokay=false; break; }
267  qapars.txtfilename=*parg;
268  } else if ( arg == "-N" ){
269  if (++parg==arguments.end() ){ argsokay=false; break; }
270  qapars.nevents=std::stoi(parg->data());
271  } else if ( arg == "-addpid" ){
272  if ( ++parg == arguments.end() ){ argsokay=false; break; }
273  qapars.pids.push_back(std::stoi(parg->data()));
274  } else if ( arg == "-det" ){
275  if (++parg == arguments.end() ){ argsokay=false; break; }
276  qapars.detstring=*parg;
277  for (auto & c: qapars.detstring) c = toupper(c);
278  if ( TString(qapars.detstring).Contains("MATRIX") && TString(qapars.detstring).Contains("FF")){
279  if (++parg == arguments.end() ){ argsokay=false; break; }
280  qapars.beam_mom_nn = std::stoi(parg->data());
281  }
282  } else {
283  argsokay=false;
284  break;
285  }
286  }
287  } catch ( const std::exception& e){
288  cerr << "Caught exception during argument parsing: "
289  << e.what() << endl;
290  argsokay=false;
291  }
293  if ( !argsokay ) {
294  cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << endl
295  << " [-i txtfilename] (Lund-style file)" << endl
296  << " [-o OutFileBase] (extension will be added)" << endl
297  << " [-N Nevents] (<0 for all)" << endl
298  << " [-addpid pid] (can be called multiple times)" << endl
299  << " [-det detstring] matrix, matrixff [beam_mom_nn], handbook, perfect, beast, ephenix, zeus, jleic (capitalization does not matter.)" << endl
300  << endl;
301  throw std::runtime_error("Not a valid list of options");
302  }
303  for (auto & c: qapars.detstring) c = toupper(c);
305  return qapars;
306 }
308 // ---------------------------------------------------------------
309 const TString getrootname(const qaparameters& qapars ){
310  // The root file name is created by replacing the extension by ".root"
312  TString rootname = qapars.txtfilename;
314  // Remove zip extension, if there is one.
315  if ( rootname.EndsWith(".gz", TString::kIgnoreCase) ||
316  rootname.EndsWith(".zip", TString::kIgnoreCase) )
317  rootname.Replace(rootname.Last('.'), rootname.Length(), "");
319  // Remove the remaining extension, if there is one.
320  if (rootname.Last('.') > -1) {
321  rootname.Replace(rootname.Last('.'), rootname.Length(), "");
322  } // if
324  // BuildTree includes event number in partial transformation
325  if ( qapars.nevents>=0 ) {
326  rootname += ".";
327  rootname += qapars.nevents;
328  rootname += "event";
329  }
330  rootname += ".root";
331  rootname = gSystem->BaseName( rootname );
332  rootname.Prepend( qapars.outpath );
333  return rootname;
334 }
335 // ---------------------------------------------------------------
336 void initializepidqabook(const qaparameters& qapars, map<int,pidqacollection>& qabook ){
337  gStyle->SetHistLineColor(kRed); // for Profiles
339  TString s, t;
340  auto pdgdb=TDatabasePDG::Instance() ;
342  // everything happens between 1e-7 and 20 mrad
343  // will try log bins
344  float thmin = 0;
345  float thmax = 0.025; // some room to the side, endcap starts at 35 mrad or 60 mrad - expand here to see this
346  int thbins = 100;
347  int logthbins = 100;
349  float pmin = 0;
350  float pmax = qapars.beam_mom_nn*1.1; // going a bit above so you can see if your beam_mom_nn is wrong
351  int pbins = 100;
353  float ptmin = 0;
354  float ptmax = 2; // unlikely to exceed 2.5
355  int ptbins = 50;
357  float xLmin = 0;
358  float xLmax = 1.1; // going a bit above so you can see if your beam_mom_nn is wrong
359  int xLbins = 100;
361  float phimin = 0;
362  float phimax = TMath::TwoPi();
363  int phibins = 64;
365  for ( auto pid : qapars.pids ){
366  // pid = abs ( pid );
367  TString pdgname = pdgdb->GetParticle(pid)->GetName();
368  t = qapars.detstring + " " + qapars.beam_mom_nn + " " + pdgname;
370  s = qapars.detstring + "_P_th_"; s += pid;
371  qabook[pid].P_th = new TH2D( s,t+" P vs. #theta;#theta;P", thbins, thmin, thmax, pbins, pmin, pmax);
373  s = qapars.detstring + "_Pt_th_"; s += pid;
374  qabook[pid].Pt_th = new TH2D( s,t+" p_{T} vs. #theta;#theta;Pt", thbins, thmin, thmax, ptbins, ptmin, ptmax);
376  s = qapars.detstring + "_xL_th_"; s += pid;
377  qabook[pid].xL_th = new TH2D( s,t+" x_{L} vs. #theta;#theta;xL", thbins, thmin, thmax, xLbins, xLmin, xLmax);
379  s = qapars.detstring + "_phi_theta_"; s += pid;
380  qabook[pid].Phi_theta = new TH2D( s,t+" #phi vs. #theta;#theta;#phi", thbins, thmin, thmax, phibins, phimin, phimax );
382  }
384 }
386 // ---------------------------------------------------------------
387 void initializeeventqa(const qaparameters& qapars, eventqacollection& eventqa ){
388  // recording log of x, y, Q2
389  // keep around if we want to reactivate them
390  return;
392  // TString s;
394  // float Q2min = 1e-3;
395  // float Q2max = 1e5;
396  // int logQ2bins = 240;
398  // s = qapars.detstring + "_LogQ2_JB";
399  // eventqa.Q2_JB = new TH2D( s,s+";log Q^{2};log Q^{2}_{JB}", logQ2bins, std::log10(Q2min), std::log10(Q2max), logQ2bins, std::log10(Q2min), std::log10(Q2max));
401  // s = qapars.detstring + "_LogQ2_DA";
402  // eventqa.Q2_DA = new TH2D( s,s+";log Q^{2};log Q^{2}_{DA}", logQ2bins, std::log10(Q2min), std::log10(Q2max), logQ2bins, std::log10(Q2min), std::log10(Q2max));
404  // float ymin = 0;
405  // float ymax = 1.2; // see y>1 as well
406  // int ybins = 100;
408  // s = qapars.detstring + "_y_JB";
409  // eventqa.y_JB = new TH2D( s,s+";y;y_{JB}", ybins, ymin, ymax, ybins, ymin, ymax);
411  // s = qapars.detstring + "_y_DA";
412  // eventqa.y_DA = new TH2D( s,s+";y;y_{DA}", ybins, ymin, ymax, ybins, ymin, ymax);
414  // float xmin = 1e-4;
415  // float xmax = 1e1; // see x>1 as well
416  // int logxbins = 200;
418  // s = qapars.detstring + "_Logx_JB";
419  // eventqa.x_JB = new TH2D( s,s+";log x;log x_{JB}", logxbins, std::log10(xmin), std::log10(xmax), logxbins, std::log10(xmin), std::log10(xmax));
421  // s = qapars.detstring + "_Logx_DA";
422  // eventqa.x_DA = new TH2D( s,s+";log x;log x_{DA}", logxbins, std::log10(xmin), std::log10(xmax), logxbins, std::log10(xmin), std::log10(xmax));
424 }
426 // ---------------------------------------------------------------
427 void PlotQA ( const qaparameters& qapars, eventqacollection& eventqa, map<int,pidqacollection>& qabook ){
429  // Stat position and size
430  // -----------------------
431  gStyle->SetStatX(0.25);
432  gStyle->SetStatW(0.15);
433  gStyle->SetStatY(0.9);
434  gStyle->SetStatH(0.15);
436  // Position of the "Missed: " box
437  float missx = 0.55;
438  float missy = 0.2;
439  float missy2 = 0.8;
440  TText t;
441  t.SetNDC();
443  // Suppress obnoxious flood of
444  // "Current canvas added to pdf file"
445  gErrorIgnoreLevel = kWarning;
447  // prep a pdf collection
448  new TCanvas;
449  auto pdfname = qapars.outfilebase + qapars.detstring + "_" + qapars.beam_mom_nn + ".pdf";
450  gPad->SaveAs( pdfname + "[" );
452  // event-wise qa
454  // // DA
455  // if ( eventqa.y_DA ) {
456  // eventqa.y_DA->Draw("colz");
457  // t.DrawText( missx,missy, Form("Missed: %ld / %ld",eventqa.missedy_DA, qapars.usedevents));
458  // gPad->SaveAs( pdfname );
459  // }
460  // if ( eventqa.x_DA ) {
461  // eventqa.x_DA->Draw("colz");
462  // t.DrawText( missx,missy, Form("Missed: %ld / %ld",eventqa.missedx_DA, qapars.usedevents));
463  // gPad->SaveAs( pdfname );
464  // }
465  // if ( eventqa.Q2_DA ) {
466  // eventqa.Q2_DA->Draw("colz");
467  // t.DrawText( missx,missy, Form("Missed: %ld / %ld",eventqa.missedQ2_DA, qapars.usedevents));
468  // gPad->SaveAs( pdfname );
469  // }
470  // // JB
471  // if ( eventqa.y_JB ) {
472  // eventqa.y_JB->Draw("colz");
473  // t.DrawText( missx,missy, Form("Missed: %ld / %ld",eventqa.missedy_JB, qapars.usedevents));
474  // gPad->SaveAs( pdfname );
475  // }
476  // if ( eventqa.x_JB ) {
477  // eventqa.x_JB->Draw("colz");
478  // t.DrawText( missx,missy, Form("Missed: %ld / %ld",eventqa.missedx_JB, qapars.usedevents));
479  // gPad->SaveAs( pdfname );
480  // }
481  // if ( eventqa.Q2_JB ) {
482  // eventqa.Q2_JB->Draw("colz");
483  // t.DrawText( missx,missy, Form("Missed: %ld / %ld",eventqa.missedQ2_JB, qapars.usedevents));
484  // gPad->SaveAs( pdfname );
485  // }
487  // particle QA
488  // -----------
489  // reposition stat box
490  gStyle->SetStatX(0.89);
491  gStyle->SetStatW(0.15);
492  gStyle->SetStatY(0.89);
493  gStyle->SetStatH(0.15);
495  // iterating over the qabook is numerically sorted by pid
496  // We'd rather use the order specified in the pids vector
497  // for ( auto& pidcoll : qabook ){
498  // auto& pid = pidcoll.first;
499  // auto& coll = pidcoll.second;
501  for ( auto& pid : qapars.pids ){
502  auto& coll = qabook[pid];
504  coll.Phi_theta->Draw("colz");
505  gPad->SaveAs( pdfname );
507  coll.P_th->Draw("colz");
508  gPad->SaveAs( pdfname );
510  coll.Pt_th->Draw("colz");
511  gPad->SaveAs( pdfname );
513  coll.xL_th->Draw("colz");
514  gPad->SaveAs( pdfname );
516  }
518  // return to standard warning level
519  gErrorIgnoreLevel = kInfo;
521  // close the pdf collection
522  gPad->SaveAs( pdfname +"]" );
523 }
524 // ---------------------------------------------------------------