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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder.ipp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
11 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
13  const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& allTracks,
14  const VertexingOptions<InputTrack_t>& vertexingOptions,
15  State& /*state*/) const -> Result<std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> {
16  if (allTracks.empty()) {
17  return VertexingError::EmptyInput;
18  }
19  // Original tracks
20  const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& origTracks = allTracks;
22  // Seed tracks
23  std::vector<const InputTrack_t*> seedTracks = allTracks;
25  FitterState_t fitterState(vertexingOptions.magFieldContext);
26  SeedFinderState_t seedFinderState;
28  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> allVertices;
30  std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*> allVerticesPtr;
32  int iteration = 0;
33  std::vector<const InputTrack_t*> removedSeedTracks;
34  while (((m_cfg.addSingleTrackVertices && seedTracks.size() > 0) ||
35  ((!m_cfg.addSingleTrackVertices) && seedTracks.size() > 1)) &&
36  iteration < m_cfg.maxIterations) {
37  // Tracks that are used for searching compatible tracks
38  // near a vertex candidate
39  std::vector<const InputTrack_t*> searchTracks;
40  if (m_cfg.doRealMultiVertex) {
41  searchTracks = origTracks;
42  } else {
43  searchTracks = seedTracks;
44  }
45  Vertex<InputTrack_t> currentConstraint = vertexingOptions.vertexConstraint;
46  // Retrieve seed vertex from all remaining seedTracks
47  auto seedResult = doSeeding(seedTracks, currentConstraint, vertexingOptions,
48  seedFinderState, removedSeedTracks);
49  if (!seedResult.ok()) {
50  return seedResult.error();
51  }
52  allVertices.push_back(std::make_unique<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>(*seedResult));
54  Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtxCandidate = *allVertices.back();
55  allVerticesPtr.push_back(&vtxCandidate);
57  ACTS_DEBUG("Position of current vertex candidate after seeding: "
58  << vtxCandidate.fullPosition());
59  if (vtxCandidate.position().z() ==
60  vertexingOptions.vertexConstraint.position().z()) {
62  "No seed found anymore. Break and stop primary vertex finding.");
63  allVertices.pop_back();
64  allVerticesPtr.pop_back();
65  break;
66  }
68  // Clear the seed track collection that has been removed in last iteration
69  // now after seed finding is done
70  removedSeedTracks.clear();
72  auto prepResult = canPrepareVertexForFit(searchTracks, seedTracks,
73  vtxCandidate, currentConstraint,
74  fitterState, vertexingOptions);
76  if (!prepResult.ok()) {
77  return prepResult.error();
78  }
79  if (!(*prepResult)) {
80  ACTS_DEBUG("Could not prepare for fit anymore. Break.");
81  allVertices.pop_back();
82  allVerticesPtr.pop_back();
83  break;
84  }
85  // Update fitter state with all vertices
86  fitterState.addVertexToMultiMap(vtxCandidate);
88  // Perform the fit
89  auto fitResult = m_cfg.vertexFitter.addVtxToFit(
90  fitterState, vtxCandidate, m_cfg.linearizer, vertexingOptions);
91  if (!fitResult.ok()) {
92  return fitResult.error();
93  }
94  ACTS_DEBUG("New position of current vertex candidate after fit: "
95  << vtxCandidate.fullPosition());
96  // Check if vertex is good vertex
97  auto [nCompatibleTracks, isGoodVertex] =
98  checkVertexAndCompatibleTracks(vtxCandidate, seedTracks, fitterState);
100  ACTS_DEBUG("Vertex is good vertex: " << isGoodVertex);
101  if (nCompatibleTracks > 0) {
102  removeCompatibleTracksFromSeedTracks(vtxCandidate, seedTracks,
103  fitterState, removedSeedTracks);
104  } else {
105  bool removedIncompatibleTrack = removeTrackIfIncompatible(
106  vtxCandidate, seedTracks, fitterState, removedSeedTracks,
107  vertexingOptions.geoContext);
108  if (!removedIncompatibleTrack) {
110  "Could not remove any further track from seed tracks. Break.");
111  allVertices.pop_back();
112  allVerticesPtr.pop_back();
113  break;
114  }
115  }
116  bool keepVertex = isGoodVertex &&
117  keepNewVertex(vtxCandidate, allVerticesPtr, fitterState);
118  ACTS_DEBUG("New vertex will be saved: " << keepVertex);
120  // Delete vertex from allVertices list again if it's not kept
121  if (not keepVertex) {
122  auto deleteVertexResult =
123  deleteLastVertex(vtxCandidate, allVertices, allVerticesPtr,
124  fitterState, vertexingOptions);
125  if (not deleteVertexResult.ok()) {
126  return deleteVertexResult.error();
127  }
128  }
129  iteration++;
130  } // end while loop
132  return getVertexOutputList(allVerticesPtr, fitterState);
133 }
135 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
137  const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& trackVector,
138  Vertex<InputTrack_t>& currentConstraint,
139  const VertexingOptions<InputTrack_t>& vertexingOptions,
140  SeedFinderState_t& seedFinderState,
141  const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& removedSeedTracks) const
143  VertexingOptions<InputTrack_t> seedOptions = vertexingOptions;
144  seedOptions.vertexConstraint = currentConstraint;
147  seedFinderState.tracksToRemove = removedSeedTracks;
148  }
150  // Run seed finder
151  auto seedResult =
152  m_cfg.seedFinder.find(trackVector, seedOptions, seedFinderState);
154  if (!seedResult.ok()) {
155  return seedResult.error();
156  }
158  Vertex<InputTrack_t> seedVertex = (*seedResult).back();
159  // Update constraints according to seed vertex
160  setConstraintAfterSeeding(currentConstraint, seedVertex);
162  return seedVertex;
163 }
165 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
168  const Vertex<InputTrack_t>& seedVertex) const
169  -> void {
170  if (m_cfg.useBeamSpotConstraint) {
171  if (currentConstraint.fullCovariance() == SymMatrix4D::Zero()) {
173  "No constraint provided, but useBeamSpotConstraint set to true.");
174  }
175  if (m_cfg.useSeedConstraint) {
176  currentConstraint.setFullPosition(seedVertex.fullPosition());
177  currentConstraint.setFullCovariance(seedVertex.fullCovariance());
178  }
179  } else {
180  currentConstraint.setFullPosition(seedVertex.fullPosition());
181  currentConstraint.setFullCovariance(SymMatrix4D::Identity() *
182  m_cfg.looseConstrValue);
183  currentConstraint.setFitQuality(m_cfg.defaultConstrFitQuality);
184  }
185 }
187 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
189  const InputTrack_t* track, const Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx,
190  const VertexingOptions<InputTrack_t>& vertexingOptions) const
191  -> Result<double> {
192  // TODO: In original implementation the covariance of the given vertex is set
193  // to zero. I did the same here now, but consider removing this and just
194  // passing the vtx object to the estimator without changing its covariance.
195  // After all, the vertex seed does have a non-zero convariance in general and
196  // it probably should be used.
197  Vertex<InputTrack_t> newVtx = vtx;
198  if (not m_cfg.useVertexCovForIPEstimation) {
199  newVtx.setFullCovariance(SymMatrix4D::Zero());
200  }
202  auto estRes = m_cfg.ipEstimator.estimateImpactParameters(
203  m_extractParameters(*track), newVtx, vertexingOptions.geoContext,
204  vertexingOptions.magFieldContext);
205  if (!estRes.ok()) {
206  return estRes.error();
207  }
209  ImpactParametersAndSigma ipas = *estRes;
211  double significance = 0.;
212  if (ipas.sigmad0 > 0 && ipas.sigmaz0 > 0) {
213  significance = std::sqrt(std::pow(ipas.IPd0 / ipas.sigmad0, 2) +
214  std::pow(ipas.IPz0 / ipas.sigmaz0, 2));
215  }
217  return significance;
218 }
220 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
223  const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& tracks,
224  Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx, FitterState_t& fitterState,
225  const VertexingOptions<InputTrack_t>& vertexingOptions) const
226  -> Result<void> {
227  for (const auto& trk : tracks) {
228  auto params = m_extractParameters(*trk);
229  auto pos = params.position(vertexingOptions.geoContext);
230  // If track is too far away from vertex, do not consider checking the IP
231  // significance
232  if (m_cfg.tracksMaxZinterval < std::abs(pos[eZ] - vtx.position()[eZ])) {
233  continue;
234  }
235  auto sigRes = getIPSignificance(trk, vtx, vertexingOptions);
236  if (!sigRes.ok()) {
237  return sigRes.error();
238  }
239  double ipSig = *sigRes;
240  if (ipSig < m_cfg.tracksMaxSignificance) {
241  // Create TrackAtVertex objects, unique for each (track, vertex) pair
242  fitterState.tracksAtVerticesMap.emplace(std::make_pair(trk, &vtx),
243  TrackAtVertex(params, trk));
245  // Add the original track parameters to the list for vtx
246  fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx].trackLinks.push_back(trk);
247  }
248  }
249  return {};
250 }
252 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
255  const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& allTracks,
256  const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
258  const Vertex<InputTrack_t>& currentConstraint,
259  FitterState_t& fitterState,
260  const VertexingOptions<InputTrack_t>& vertexingOptions) const
261  -> Result<bool> {
262  // Recover from cases where no compatible tracks to vertex
263  // candidate were found
264  // TODO: This is for now how it's done in athena... this look a bit
265  // nasty to me
266  if (fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx].trackLinks.empty()) {
267  // Find nearest track to vertex candidate
268  double smallestDeltaZ = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
269  double newZ = 0;
270  bool nearTrackFound = false;
271  for (const auto& trk : seedTracks) {
272  auto pos =
273  m_extractParameters(*trk).position(vertexingOptions.geoContext);
274  auto zDistance = std::abs(pos[eZ] - vtx.position()[eZ]);
275  if (zDistance < smallestDeltaZ) {
276  smallestDeltaZ = zDistance;
277  nearTrackFound = true;
278  newZ = pos[eZ];
279  }
280  }
281  if (nearTrackFound) {
282  vtx.setFullPosition(Vector4D(0., 0., newZ, 0.));
284  // Update vertex info for current vertex
285  fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx] =
286  VertexInfo<InputTrack_t>(currentConstraint, vtx.fullPosition());
288  // Try to add compatible track with adapted vertex position
289  auto res = addCompatibleTracksToVertex(allTracks, vtx, fitterState,
290  vertexingOptions);
291  if (!res.ok()) {
292  return Result<bool>::failure(res.error());
293  }
295  if (fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx].trackLinks.empty()) {
297  "No tracks near seed were found, while at least one was "
298  "expected. Break.");
299  return Result<bool>::success(false);
300  }
302  } else {
303  ACTS_DEBUG("No nearest track to seed found. Break.");
304  return Result<bool>::success(false);
305  }
306  }
308  return Result<bool>::success(true);
309 }
311 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
314  const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& allTracks,
315  const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
317  const Vertex<InputTrack_t>& currentConstraint,
318  FitterState_t& fitterState,
319  const VertexingOptions<InputTrack_t>& vertexingOptions) const
320  -> Result<bool> {
321  // Add vertex info to fitter state
322  fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx] =
323  VertexInfo<InputTrack_t>(currentConstraint, vtx.fullPosition());
325  // Add all compatible tracks to vertex
326  auto resComp = addCompatibleTracksToVertex(allTracks, vtx, fitterState,
327  vertexingOptions);
328  if (!resComp.ok()) {
329  return Result<bool>::failure(resComp.error());
330  }
332  // Try to recover from cases where adding compatible track was not possible
333  auto resRec = canRecoverFromNoCompatibleTracks(allTracks, seedTracks, vtx,
334  currentConstraint, fitterState,
335  vertexingOptions);
336  if (!resRec.ok()) {
337  return Result<bool>::failure(resRec.error());
338  }
340  return Result<bool>::success(*resRec);
341 }
343 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
347  const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
348  FitterState_t& fitterState) const -> std::pair<int, bool> {
349  bool isGoodVertex = false;
350  int nCompatibleTracks = 0;
351  for (const auto& trk : fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx].trackLinks) {
352  const auto& trkAtVtx =
353  fitterState.tracksAtVerticesMap.at(std::make_pair(trk, &vtx));
354  if ((trkAtVtx.vertexCompatibility < m_cfg.maxVertexChi2 &&
355  m_cfg.useFastCompatibility) ||
356  (trkAtVtx.trackWeight > m_cfg.minWeight &&
357  trkAtVtx.chi2Track < m_cfg.maxVertexChi2 &&
358  !m_cfg.useFastCompatibility)) {
359  // TODO: Understand why looking for compatible tracks only in seed tracks
360  // and not also in all tracks
361  auto foundIter =
362  std::find_if(seedTracks.begin(), seedTracks.end(),
363  [&trk](auto seedTrk) { return trk == seedTrk; });
364  if (foundIter != seedTracks.end()) {
365  nCompatibleTracks++;
366  ACTS_DEBUG("Compatible track found.");
368  if (m_cfg.addSingleTrackVertices && m_cfg.useBeamSpotConstraint) {
369  isGoodVertex = true;
370  break;
371  }
372  if (nCompatibleTracks > 1) {
373  isGoodVertex = true;
374  break;
375  }
376  }
377  }
378  } // end loop over all tracks at vertex
380  return {nCompatibleTracks, isGoodVertex};
381 }
383 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
386  Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx, std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
387  FitterState_t& fitterState,
388  std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& removedSeedTracks) const -> void {
389  for (const auto& trk : fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx].trackLinks) {
390  const auto& trkAtVtx =
391  fitterState.tracksAtVerticesMap.at(std::make_pair(trk, &vtx));
392  if ((trkAtVtx.vertexCompatibility < m_cfg.maxVertexChi2 &&
393  m_cfg.useFastCompatibility) ||
394  (trkAtVtx.trackWeight > m_cfg.minWeight &&
395  trkAtVtx.chi2Track < m_cfg.maxVertexChi2 &&
396  !m_cfg.useFastCompatibility)) {
397  // Find and remove track from seedTracks
398  auto foundSeedIter =
399  std::find_if(seedTracks.begin(), seedTracks.end(),
400  [&trk](auto seedTrk) { return trk == seedTrk; });
401  if (foundSeedIter != seedTracks.end()) {
402  seedTracks.erase(foundSeedIter);
403  removedSeedTracks.push_back(trk);
404  }
405  }
406  }
407 }
409 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
412  Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx, std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
413  FitterState_t& fitterState,
414  std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& removedSeedTracks,
415  const GeometryContext& geoCtx) const -> bool {
416  // Try to find the track with highest compatibility
417  double maxCompatibility = 0;
419  auto maxCompSeedIt = seedTracks.end();
420  const InputTrack_t* removedTrack = nullptr;
421  for (const auto& trk : fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx].trackLinks) {
422  const auto& trkAtVtx =
423  fitterState.tracksAtVerticesMap.at(std::make_pair(trk, &vtx));
424  double compatibility = trkAtVtx.vertexCompatibility;
425  if (compatibility > maxCompatibility) {
426  // Try to find track in seed tracks
427  auto foundSeedIter =
428  std::find_if(seedTracks.begin(), seedTracks.end(),
429  [&trk](auto seedTrk) { return trk == seedTrk; });
430  if (foundSeedIter != seedTracks.end()) {
431  maxCompatibility = compatibility;
432  maxCompSeedIt = foundSeedIter;
433  removedTrack = trk;
434  }
435  }
436  }
437  if (maxCompSeedIt != seedTracks.end()) {
438  // Remove track with highest compatibility from seed tracks
439  seedTracks.erase(maxCompSeedIt);
440  removedSeedTracks.push_back(removedTrack);
441  } else {
442  // Could not find any seed with compatibility > 0, use alternative
443  // method to remove a track from seed tracks: Closest track in z to
444  // vtx candidate
445  double smallestDeltaZ = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
446  auto smallestDzSeedIter = seedTracks.end();
447  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < seedTracks.size(); i++) {
448  auto pos = m_extractParameters(*seedTracks[i]).position(geoCtx);
449  double zDistance = std::abs(pos[eZ] - vtx.position()[eZ]);
450  if (zDistance < smallestDeltaZ) {
451  smallestDeltaZ = zDistance;
452  smallestDzSeedIter = seedTracks.begin() + i;
453  removedTrack = seedTracks[i];
454  }
455  }
456  if (smallestDzSeedIter != seedTracks.end()) {
457  seedTracks.erase(smallestDzSeedIter);
458  removedSeedTracks.push_back(removedTrack);
459  } else {
460  ACTS_DEBUG("No track found to remove. Stop vertex finding now.");
461  return false;
462  }
463  }
464  return true;
465 }
467 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
470  const std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*>& allVertices,
471  FitterState_t& fitterState) const -> bool {
472  double contamination = 0.;
473  double contaminationNum = 0;
474  double contaminationDeNom = 0;
475  for (const auto& trk : fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx].trackLinks) {
476  const auto& trkAtVtx =
477  fitterState.tracksAtVerticesMap.at(std::make_pair(trk, &vtx));
478  double trackWeight = trkAtVtx.trackWeight;
479  contaminationNum += trackWeight * (1. - trackWeight);
480  contaminationDeNom += trackWeight * trackWeight;
481  }
482  if (contaminationDeNom != 0) {
483  contamination = contaminationNum / contaminationDeNom;
484  }
485  if (contamination > m_cfg.maximumVertexContamination) {
486  return false;
487  }
489  if (isMergedVertex(vtx, allVertices)) {
490  return false;
491  }
493  return true;
494 }
496 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
498  const Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx,
499  const std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*>& allVertices) const -> bool {
500  const Vector4D& candidatePos = vtx.fullPosition();
501  const SymMatrix4D& candidateCov = vtx.fullCovariance();
502  const double candidateZPos = candidatePos[eZ];
503  const double candidateZCov = candidateCov(eZ, eZ);
505  for (const auto otherVtx : allVertices) {
506  if (&vtx == otherVtx) {
507  continue;
508  }
509  const Vector4D& otherPos = otherVtx->fullPosition();
510  const SymMatrix4D& otherCov = otherVtx->fullCovariance();
511  const double otherZPos = otherPos[eZ];
512  const double otherZCov = otherCov(eZ, eZ);
514  const Vector4D deltaPos = otherPos - candidatePos;
515  const double deltaZPos = otherZPos - candidateZPos;
516  const double sumCovZ = otherZCov + candidateZCov;
518  double significance;
519  if (not m_cfg.do3dSplitting) {
520  // Use only z significance
521  if (sumCovZ > 0.) {
522  significance = std::abs(deltaZPos) / std::sqrt(sumCovZ);
523  } else {
524  return true;
525  }
526  } else {
527  // Use full 3d information for significance
528  SymMatrix4D sumCov = candidateCov + otherCov;
529  significance =
530  std::sqrt(deltaPos.dot((sumCov.inverse().eval()) * deltaPos));
531  }
532  if (significance < m_cfg.maxMergeVertexSignificance) {
533  return true;
534  }
535  }
536  return false;
537 }
539 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
542  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>>& allVertices,
543  std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*>& allVerticesPtr,
544  FitterState_t& fitterState,
545  const VertexingOptions<InputTrack_t>& vertexingOptions) const
546  -> Result<void> {
547  allVertices.pop_back();
548  allVerticesPtr.pop_back();
550  // Update fitter state with removed vertex candidate
551  fitterState.removeVertexFromMultiMap(vtx);
553  // Do the fit with removed vertex
554  auto fitResult = m_cfg.vertexFitter.addVtxToFit(
555  fitterState, vtx, m_cfg.linearizer, vertexingOptions);
556  if (!fitResult.ok()) {
557  return fitResult.error();
558  }
560  return {};
561 }
563 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
565  const std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*>& allVerticesPtr,
566  FitterState_t& fitterState) const
568  std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>> outputVec;
569  for (auto vtx : allVerticesPtr) {
570  auto& outVtx = *vtx;
571  std::vector<TrackAtVertex<InputTrack_t>> tracksAtVtx;
572  for (const auto& trk : fitterState.vtxInfoMap[vtx].trackLinks) {
573  tracksAtVtx.push_back(
574  fitterState.tracksAtVerticesMap.at(std::make_pair(trk, vtx)));
575  }
576  outVtx.setTracksAtVertex(tracksAtVtx);
577  outputVec.push_back(outVtx);
578  }
579  return Result<std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>>(outputVec);
580 }