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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file FairGeanePro.cxx
1 // Class for the interface to propagate track parameters with GEANE
2 //
3 // Authors: M. Al-Turany, A. Fontana, L. Lavezzi and A. Rotondi
4 //
6 #include "FairGeanePro.h"
7 #include "FairTrackParP.h"
8 #include "FairTrackParH.h"
9 #include "FairRunAna.h"
10 #include "FairField.h"
11 #include "FairGeaneUtil.h"
13 #include "TGeant3TGeo.h"
14 #include "TVector3.h"
15 #include "TArrayD.h"
16 #include "TDatabasePDG.h"
17 #include "TGeoTorus.h"
18 #include "TMatrixFSym.h"
19 #include "TVirtualMC.h"
20 #include "TGeant3.h"
21 #include "FairGeaneApplication.h"
22 #include <iostream>
23 #include <cmath>
25 using std::cout;
26 using std::endl;
28 // ----- Default constructor -------------------------------------------
30  : TNamed("Geane", "Propagate Tracks"),
31  //gMC3((TGeant3*) gMC),
32  fPropOption(""),
33  nepred(1),
34  fdbPDG(TDatabasePDG::Instance()),
35  //afErtrio(gMC3->fErtrio),
36  GeantCode(0),
37  ProMode(0),
38  VName(""),
39  VCopyNo(0),
40  VEnter(kTRUE),
41  fpoint(TVector3(0., 0., 0.)),
42  fwire1(TVector3(0., 0., 0.)),
43  fwire2(TVector3(0., 0., 0.)),
44  fPCA(0),
45  fRad(0.),
46  fDi(0.),
47  fvpf(TVector3(0., 0., 0.)),
48  fvwi(TVector3(0., 0., 0.)),
49  ftrklength(0.),
50  flag(0),
51  fApp(FairGeaneApplication::Instance())
52 {
53  gMC3 = (TGeant3*)gMC;//),
54  if(gMC3==NULL) {
55  std::cerr<<"FairGeanePro::TGeant3 has not been initialized! ABORTING!"<<std::endl;
56  throw;
57  }
58  afErtrio = gMC3->fErtrio;
60  // nepred=1;
61  xlf[0] = 0.;
62  // fdbPDG= TDatabasePDG::Instance();
63  // fErrorMat= new TArrayD(15);
64  // afErtrio=gMC3->fErtrio;
65  // Pos=TVector3(0, 0 , 0);
66  // PosErr = TVector3(0,0,0);
67  // Mom=TVector3(0,0,0);
68  // fTrkPar= new FairTrackPar();
69  // ProMode=0;
70  // FairRunAna *fRun= FairRunAna::Instance();
71  // fField= fRun->GetField();
73  // PCA stuff
74  // fPCA = 0;
75  /*
76  fpoint = TVector3(0., 0., 0.);
77  fwire1 = TVector3(0., 0., 0.);
78  fwire2 = TVector3(0., 0., 0.);
79  */
81  for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { trpmat[i][j] = 0.; }
83  // fApp = FairGeaneApplication::Instance();
85  // fPropOption = "";
86  for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
87  ein[i] = 0.;
88  if(i < 3) {
89  x2[i] = 0;
90  p2[i] = 0;
91  x1[i] = 0;
92  p1[i] = 0;
93  }
94  }
96  pli[0] = 1.;
97  pli[1] = 0.;
98  pli[2] = 0.;
99  pli[3] = 0.;
100  pli[4] = 1.;
101  pli[5] = 0.;
103  plo[0] = 0.;
104  plo[1] = 0.;
105  plo[2] = 0.;
106  plo[3] = 1.;
107  plo[4] = 0.;
108  plo[5] = 0.;
109  plo[6] = 0.;
110  plo[7] = 1.;
111  plo[8] = 0.;
112  plo[9] = 0.;
113  plo[10] = 0.;
114  plo[11] = 1.;
116  // GeantCode = 0;
117  /*
118  VName = "";
119  VCopyNo = 0;
120  VEnter = kTRUE;
121  */
123 }
125 // ----- Destructor ----------------------------------------------------
130 Bool_t FairGeanePro::Propagate(FairTrackParH* TParam, FairTrackParH* TEnd, Int_t PDG)
131 {
132  // Propagate a helix track and return a helix (SC system)
134  //Bool_t NeedSDSC=kFALSE;
135  Int_t ch=1; // CHARGE OF PARTICLE
137  Double_t fCov[15], fCovOut[15];
138  TParam->GetCovQ(fCov);
140  Init(TParam);
141  Double_t Q = TParam->GetQ();
142  if (fabs(Q)>1.E-8) { ch= int (Q/TMath::Abs(Q)); }
143  if (ProMode==1) { //Propagate to Volume
144  //***** We have the right representation go further
145  for(Int_t i=0; i<15; i++) {
146  ein[i]=fCov[i];
148  }
149  if(fPropOption.Contains("V")) {
150  //cout << "Propagate Helix to Volume" << endl;
151  Int_t option;
152  if(VEnter) { option =1; }
153  else { option =2; }
154  gMC3->Eufilv(1, ein, (Char_t*)VName.Data(), &VCopyNo, &option);
155  } else if(fPropOption.Contains("L")) {
156  if(fPCA == 0) {
157  gMC3->Eufill(nepred, ein,xlf);
158  } else if(fPCA != 0) {
160  // max length estimate:
161  // we calculate the geometrical distance of the start point
162  // from the point/wire extremity and multiply it * 2
163  TVector3 start = TVector3(TParam->GetX(), TParam->GetY(), TParam->GetZ());
164  Double_t maxdistance = 0;
165  if(fPCA == 1) { maxdistance = (fpoint - start).Mag(); }
166  else if(fPCA == 2) {
167  Double_t distance1, distance2;
168  distance1 = (fwire1 - start).Mag();
169  distance2 = (fwire2 - start).Mag();
170  if(distance1 < distance2) { maxdistance = distance2; }
171  else { maxdistance = distance1; }
172  }
173  maxdistance *= 2.;
175  // output
176  Int_t findpca = FindPCA(fPCA, PDG, fpoint, fwire1, fwire2, maxdistance, fRad, fvpf, fvwi, fDi, ftrklength);
177  if(findpca != 0) { return kFALSE; }
179  // reset parameters
180  Init(TParam);
181  gMC3->Eufill(nepred, ein, &ftrklength);
182  }
183  }
184  } else if(ProMode ==3) {
185  cout << "Propagate Helix parameter to Plane is not implimented yet" << endl;
186  return kFALSE;
187  }
188  //Propagate
189  if(Propagate(PDG)==kFALSE) { return kFALSE; }
191  for(Int_t i=0; i<15; i++) {
192  fCovOut[i]=afErtrio->errout[i];
193  if(i == 0) { fCovOut[i] = fCovOut[i] * ch * ch; }
194  if(i > 0 && i < 5) { fCovOut[i] = fCovOut[i] * ch; }
195  }
197  // do not remove (useful for debug)
198  if(fabs(p2[0]) < 1e-9 && fabs(p2[1]) < 1e-9 && fabs(p2[2]) < 1e-9) { return kFALSE; }
199  TEnd->SetTrackPar(x2[0], x2[1], x2[2],p2[0],p2[1],p2[2], ch ,fCovOut );
200  return kTRUE;
202 }
203 Bool_t FairGeanePro::Propagate(FairTrackParP* TStart, FairTrackParH* TEnd, Int_t PDG)
204 {
205  // Propagate a parabola track (SD system) and return a helix (SC system) (not used nor implemented)
206  cout << "FairGeanePro::Propagate(FairTrackParP *TParam, FairTrackParH &TEnd, Int_t PDG) : (not used nor implemented)" << endl;
207  return kFALSE;
208 }
210 Bool_t FairGeanePro::Propagate(FairTrackParP* TStart, FairTrackParP* TEnd, Int_t PDG)
211 {
212  // Propagate a parabola track (SD system) and return a parabola (SD system) (not used nor implemented)
213  Int_t ch=1; // CHARGE OF PARTICLE
214  Double_t fCov[15], fCovOut[15];
215  TStart->GetCovQ(fCov);
217  //printf("FairGeanePro::Propagate() #1\n");
219  Init(TStart);
220  Double_t Q = TStart->GetQ() ;
221  if (Q!=0) { ch= int (Q/TMath::Abs(Q)); }
223  if (ProMode==1) { //Propagate to Volume
224  cout << "Propagate Parabola parameter to Volume is not implimented yet" << endl;
225  return kFALSE;
226  } else if(ProMode ==3) {
228  for(Int_t i=0; i<15; i++) {
229  ein[i]=fCov[i];
231  }
233  if(fPropOption.Contains("P")) { gMC3->Eufilp(nepred, ein, pli, plo); }
234  else if(fPropOption.Contains("L")) {
235  if(fPCA == 0) { cout << "Propagate Parabola to Parabola in Length not yet implemented" << endl; }
236  else if(fPCA != 0) {
238  // max length estimate:
239  // we calculate the geometrical distance of the start point
240  // from the point/wire extremity and multiply it * 2
241  TVector3 start = TVector3(TStart->GetX(), TStart->GetY(), TStart->GetZ());
242  Double_t maxdistance = 0;
243  if(fPCA == 1) { maxdistance = (fpoint - start).Mag(); }
244  else if(fPCA == 2) {
245  Double_t distance1, distance2;
246  distance1 = (fwire1 - start).Mag();
247  distance2 = (fwire2 - start).Mag();
248  if(distance1 < distance2) { maxdistance = distance2; }
249  else { maxdistance = distance1; }
250  }
251  maxdistance *= 2.;
253  // output
254  Int_t findpca = FindPCA(fPCA, PDG, fpoint, fwire1, fwire2, maxdistance, fRad, fvpf, fvwi, fDi, ftrklength);
255  //std::cout<<" FairGeanePro::ftrklength="<<ftrklength<< std::endl;
256  if(findpca != 0) { return kFALSE; }
258  // reset parameters
259  Init(TStart);
261  // find plane
262  // unitary vector along distance
263  // fvpf on track, fvwi on wire
264  TVector3 fromwiretoextr = fvpf - fvwi;
265  fromwiretoextr.SetMag(1.);
266  if(fabs(fromwiretoextr.Mag()-1)>1E-4) {
267  std::cerr<<"fromwire.Mag()!=1"<<std::endl;
268  return kFALSE;
269  }
271  //for wires:
272  // unitary vector along the wire
273  TVector3 wiredirection = fwire2 - fwire1;
274  if(fPCA==1) { // point
275  TVector3 mom(TStart->GetPx(),TStart->GetPy(),TStart->GetPz());
276  wiredirection=mom.Cross(fromwiretoextr);
277  }
278  wiredirection.SetMag(1.);
279  // check orthogonality
280  if(fabs(fromwiretoextr * wiredirection) > 1e-3) {
281  return kFALSE; // throw away the event
282  // wiredirection = (fromwiretoextr.Cross(wiredirection)).Cross(fromwiretoextr);
283  // wiredirection.SetMag(1.);
284  }
286  TVector3 jver = TStart->GetJVer();;
287  TVector3 kver = TStart->GetKVer();
288  Bool_t backtracking = kFALSE;
289  if(fPropOption.Contains("B")) { backtracking = kTRUE; }
290  PropagateFromPlane(jver, kver);
291  PropagateToPlane(fvwi, fromwiretoextr, wiredirection);
292  if(backtracking == kTRUE) { fPropOption = "BPE"; }
294  gMC3->Eufilp(nepred, ein, pli, plo);
295  }
296  }
297  }
298  //printf("FairGeanePro::Propagate() #2\n");
299  //Propagate
300  if(Propagate(PDG)==kFALSE) { return kFALSE; }
301  //printf("FairGeanePro::Propagate() #3\n");
303  for(Int_t i=0; i<15; i++) {
304  fCovOut[i]=afErtrio->errout[i];
305  if(i == 0) { fCovOut[i] = fCovOut[i] * ch * ch; }
306  if(i > 0 && i < 5) { fCovOut[i] = fCovOut[i] * ch; }
307  }
309  // plane
310  TVector3 origin(plo[6], plo[7], plo[8]);
311  TVector3 dj(plo[0], plo[1], plo[2]);
312  TVector3 dk(plo[3], plo[4], plo[5]);
313  TVector3 di(plo[9], plo[10], plo[11]); // = dj.Cross(dk);
316  if(fabs(p2[0]) < 1e-9 && fabs(p2[1]) < 1e-9 && fabs(p2[2]) < 1e-9) { return kFALSE; }
318  TEnd->SetTrackPar(x2[0], x2[1], x2[2],p2[0],p2[1],p2[2], ch ,fCovOut, origin, di, dj, dk);
320  return kTRUE;
322 }
325 Bool_t FairGeanePro::Propagate(FairTrackParH* TStart, FairTrackParP* TEnd, Int_t PDG)
326 {
327  // Propagate a helix track (SC system) and return a parabola (SD system) (not used nor implemented)
328  cout << "FairGeanePro::Propagate(FairTrackParH *TParam, FairTrackParP &TEnd, Int_t PDG) not implemented" << endl;
329  return kFALSE;
330 }
332 Bool_t FairGeanePro::Propagate(Float_t* X1, Float_t* P1, Float_t* X2, Float_t* P2,Int_t PDG)
333 {
334 // fApp->GeanePreTrack(X1, P1, PDG);
335  GeantCode=fdbPDG->ConvertPdgToGeant3(PDG);
336  xlf[0]=1000
337  ;
338  gMC3->Eufill(1, ein,xlf);
339  gMC3->Ertrak(X1,P1,X2,P2,GeantCode, "L");
340  if(X2[0]<-1.E29) { return kFALSE; }
341  if(gMC3->IsTrackOut()) { return kFALSE; }
342  return kTRUE;
343 }
345 Bool_t FairGeanePro::Propagate(Int_t PDG)
346 {
347  // main propagate call to fortran ERTRAK
349  //printf("FairGeanePro::Propagate(PDG) #1\n");
350  GeantCode=fdbPDG->ConvertPdgToGeant3(PDG);
351  //cout << " FairGeanePro::Propagate ---------------------------"<< " " << x1[0]<< " "<< x1[1]<< " "<< x1[2] << endl;
352  //fApp->GeanePreTrack(x1, p1, PDG);
353  gMC3->Ertrak(x1,p1,x2,p2,GeantCode, fPropOption.Data());
354  if(x2[0]<-1.E29) { return kFALSE; }
355  //printf("FairGeanePro::Propagate(PDG) #2\n");
356  if(gMC3->IsTrackOut()) { return kFALSE; }
358  //printf("FairGeanePro::Propagate(PDG) #3\n");
359  ftrklength=gMC3->TrackLength();
361  Double_t trasp[25];
362  for(int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
363  // trasp[i] = afErtrio->ertrsp[i]; // single precision tr. mat.
364  trasp[i] = afErtrio->erdtrp[i]; // double precision tr. mat.
365  }
366  FairGeaneUtil fUtil;
367  fUtil.FromVecToMat(trpmat, trasp);
368  return kTRUE;
369 }
372 {
373  // starting and ending point initialization
374  x1[0]=TParam->GetX();
375  x1[1]=TParam->GetY();
376  x1[2]=TParam->GetZ();
377  p1[0]=TParam->GetPx();
378  p1[1]=TParam->GetPy();
379  p1[2]=TParam->GetPz();
381  x2[0]=0;
382  x2[1]=0;
383  x2[2]=0;
384  p2[0]=0;
385  p2[1]=0;
386  p2[2]=0;
387 }
389 Bool_t FairGeanePro::PropagateFromPlane(TVector3& v1, TVector3& v2)
390 {
391  // define initial plane (option "P")
392  TVector3 v1u=v1.Unit();
393  TVector3 v2u=v2.Unit();
394  pli[0]=v1u.X();
395  pli[1]=v1u.Y();
396  pli[2]=v1u.Z();
397  pli[3]=v2u.X();
398  pli[4]=v2u.Y();
399  pli[5]=v2u.Z();
400  return kTRUE;
401 }
403 Bool_t FairGeanePro::PropagateToPlane(TVector3& v0, TVector3& v1, TVector3& v2)
404 {
405  // define final plane (option "P")
406  // uncomment to set the initial error to zero
407  // for(Int_t i=0;i<15;i++) ein[i]=0.00;
408  TVector3 v1u=v1.Unit();
409  TVector3 v2u=v2.Unit();
412  plo[0]=v1u.X();
413  plo[1]=v1u.Y();
414  plo[2]=v1u.Z();
415  plo[3]=v2u.X();
416  plo[4]=v2u.Y();
417  plo[5]=v2u.Z();
419  plo[6]=v0.X();
420  plo[7]=v0.Y();
421  plo[8]=v0.Z();
423  TVector3 v3=v1u.Cross(v2u);
425  plo[9]=v3(0);
426  plo[10]=v3(1);
427  plo[11]=v3(2);
429  fPropOption="PE";
430  ProMode=3; //need errors in representation 3 (SD)(see Geane doc)
431  // gMC3->Eufilp(nepred, ein, pli, plo);
432  return kTRUE;
433 }
434 Bool_t FairGeanePro::PropagateToVolume(TString VolName, Int_t CopyNo , Int_t option)
435 {
436  // define final volume (option "V")
437  for(Int_t i=0; i<15; i++) { ein[i]=0.00; }
438  VName= VolName;
439  VCopyNo= CopyNo;
440  if(option==1) { VEnter=kTRUE; }
441  else { VEnter=kFALSE; }
442  fPropOption="VE";
443  ProMode=1; //need errors in representation 1 (SC) (see Geane doc)
444  return kTRUE;
445 }
448 {
449  // define final length (option "L")
450  xlf[0]=length;
451  fPropOption="LE";
452  ProMode=1; //need errors in representation 1 (SC)(see Geane doc)
453  return kTRUE;
454 }
456 {
457  int index = fPropOption.Index("E");
458  if(index == -1) { fPropOption.Append("O"); }
459  else { fPropOption.Replace(index, 1, "O"); }
460  return kTRUE;
461 }
463 Bool_t FairGeanePro::SetWire(TVector3 extremity1, TVector3 extremity2)
464 {
465  // define wires for PCA extrapolation in STT
466  fwire1 = extremity1;
467  fwire2 = extremity2;
468  return kTRUE;
469 }
471 Bool_t FairGeanePro::SetPoint(TVector3 pnt)
472 {
473  // define point for PCA extrapolation in TPC
474  fpoint = pnt;
475  return kTRUE;
476 }
479 {
480  // through track length
481  fPropOption="LE";
482  ProMode=1; //need errors in representation 1 (SC)(see Geane doc)
483  fPCA = pca;
484  // initialization
485  fRad = 0.;
486  fDi = 0.;
487  fvpf = TVector3(0.,0.,0.);
488  fvwi = TVector3(0.,0.,0.);
489  ftrklength = 0;
490  return kTRUE;
491 }
493 Bool_t FairGeanePro::PropagateToPCA(Int_t pca, Int_t dir)
494 {
495  // through track length
496  if(dir > 0) { fPropOption="LE"; }
497  else if(dir < 0) { fPropOption="BLE"; }
498  else { cout << "FairGeanePro::PropagateToPCA(int, int) ERROR: no direction set" << endl; }
499  ProMode=1; //need errors in representation 1 (SC)(see Geane doc)
500  fPCA = pca;
501  // initialization
502  fRad = 0.;
503  fDi = 0.;
504  fvpf = TVector3(0.,0.,0.);
505  fvwi = TVector3(0.,0.,0.);
506  ftrklength = 0;
507  return kTRUE;
508 }
510 Bool_t FairGeanePro::ActualFindPCA(Int_t pca, FairTrackParP* par, Int_t dir)
511 {
512  Init(par);
513  // through track length
514  if(dir > 0) { fPropOption="LE"; }
515  else if(dir < 0) { fPropOption="BLE"; }
516  else { cout << "FairGeanePro::ActualFindPCA ERROR: no direction set" << endl; }
517  ProMode=1; //need errors in representation 1 (SC)(see Geane doc)
518  fPCA = pca;
519  // initialization
520  fRad = 0.;
521  fDi = 0.;
522  fvpf = TVector3(0.,0.,0.);
523  fvwi = TVector3(0.,0.,0.);
524  ftrklength = 0;
525  for(Int_t i=0; i<15; i++) { ein[i]=0.00; }
526  return kTRUE;
527 }
530 {
531  // through track length
532  fPropOption="BLE";
533  ProMode=1; //need errors in representation 1 (SC)(see Geane doc)
534  fPCA = 1; // to point
535  // initialization (forse non necessario) CHECK!!!!
536  fRad = 0.;
537  fDi = 0.;
538  fvpf = TVector3(0.,0.,0.);
539  fvwi = TVector3(0.,0.,0.);
540  ftrklength = 0;
541  return kTRUE;
542 }
545 {
546  // through track length
547  fPropOption="LE";
548  ProMode=3; //need errors in representation 3 (SD)(see Geane doc)
549  fPCA = pca;
550  // initialization
551  fRad = 0.;
552  fDi = 0.;
553  fvpf = TVector3(0.,0.,0.);
554  fvwi = TVector3(0.,0.,0.);
555  ftrklength = 0;
556  return kTRUE;
557 }
560 {
561  // through track length
562  fPropOption="BLE";
563  ProMode=3; //need errors in representation 3 (SD)(see Geane doc)
564  fPCA = pca;
565  // initialization
566  fRad = 0.;
567  fDi = 0.;
568  fvpf = TVector3(0.,0.,0.);
569  fvwi = TVector3(0.,0.,0.);
570  ftrklength = 0;
571  return kTRUE;
572 }
574 //=====================
576 int FairGeanePro::FindPCA(Int_t pca, Int_t PDGCode, TVector3 point, TVector3 wire1, TVector3 wire2, Double_t maxdistance, Double_t& Rad, TVector3& vpf, TVector3& vwi, Double_t& Di, Float_t& trklength)
577 {
578  // find the point of closest approach of the track to a point(measured position) or to a line(wire)
580  // INPUT ----------------------------------------
581  // .. pca = ic = 1 closest approach to point
582  // = 2 closest approach to wire
583  // = 0 no closest approach
584  // .. PDGCode = pdg code of the particle
585  // .. point point with respect to which calculate the closest approach
586  // .. wire, wire2 line with respect to which calculate the closest approach
587  // .. maxdistance = geometrical distance[start - point/wire extr] * 2
588  // OUTPUT ----------------------------------------
589  // .. Rad radius if the found circle
590  // .. vpf: point of closest approach on track
591  // .. vwi: point of closest approach on wire
592  // .. Di : distance between track and wire in the PCA
593  // .. trklength : track length to add to the GEANE one
595  Float_t pf[3] = {point.X(), point.Y(), point.Z()};
596  Float_t w1[3] = {wire1.X(), wire1.Y(), wire1.Z()};
597  Float_t w2[3] = {wire2.X(), wire2.Y(), wire2.Z()};
599  GeantCode=fdbPDG->ConvertPdgToGeant3(PDGCode);
601  // flags Rotondi's function
602  int flg=0;
604  // cl track length to the three last points of closest approach
605  // dst assigned distance between initial point in ERTRAK and PFINAL along straight line (currently noy used)
606  Float_t cl[3],dst;
608  // GEANE filled points
609  Float_t po1[3],po2[3],po3[3];
611  // cl track length to the three last points of closest approach
612  Float_t clen[3];
614  // track length to add to GEANE computed one
615  Double_t Le=0.0;
616  Double_t dist1,dist2;
618  // initialization of some variables
619  dst = 999.;
620  cl[0] = 0;
621  cl[1] = 0;
622  cl[2] = 0;
624  // GEANE filled points
625  po1[0]=0;
626  po1[1]=0;
627  po1[2]=0;
628  po2[0]=0;
629  po2[1]=0;
630  po2[2]=0;
631  po3[0]=0;
632  po3[1]=0;
633  po3[2]=0;
635  gMC3->SetClose(pca,pf,dst,w1,w2,po1,po2,po3,cl);
637  // maximum distance calculated 2 * geometric distance
638  // start point - end point (the point to which we want
639  // to find the PCA)
640  Float_t stdlength[1] = {maxdistance};
642  gMC3->Eufill(1, ein, stdlength);
644  //check needed for low momentum tracks
645  gMC3->Ertrak(x1,p1,x2,p2,GeantCode, fPropOption.Data());
646  if(x2[0]<-1.E29) { return 1; }
647  if(gMC3->IsTrackOut()) { return 1; }
648  gMC3->GetClose(po1,po2,po3,clen);
650  // check on cases when only two steps are performed!
651  // in these cases po1[i] = 0 ==> let' s copy po2 into
652  // po1 in order to use only the two actually extrapolated
653  // points po2 and po3 to complete the PCA calculation
654  if(clen[0] == 0 && clen[1] == 0) {
655  po1[0] = po2[0];
656  po1[1] = po2[1];
657  po1[2] = po2[2];
658  }
660  if(pca == 1) {
661  if((po1[0] == po2[0] && po1[1] == po2[1] && po1[2] == po2[2])
662  || (po2[0] == po3[0] && po2[1] == po3[1] && po2[2] == po3[2])) {
663  Int_t quitFlag=0;
664  Track2ToPoint(TVector3(po1),TVector3(po3),TVector3(pf),vpf,Di,Le,quitFlag);
665  if(quitFlag!=0) {std::cerr<<"ABORT"<<std::endl; return 1;} //abort
666  } else {
667  Track3ToPoint(TVector3(po1),TVector3(po2),TVector3(po3),TVector3(pf),vpf,flg,Di,Le,Rad);
668  if(flg==1) {
669  Int_t quitFlag=0;
670  Track2ToPoint(TVector3(po1),TVector3(po3),TVector3(pf),vpf,Di,Le,quitFlag);
671  if(quitFlag!=0) {std::cerr<<"ABORT"<<std::endl; return 1;} //abort
672  } else if(flg==2) {std::cerr<<"ABORT"<<std::endl; return 1;} //abort
673  }
674  // if the propagation to closest approach to a POINT is performed
675  // vwi is the point itself (with respect to which the PCA is calculated)
676  vwi = point;
677  } else if(pca == 2) {
678  if((po1[0] == po2[0] && po1[1] == po2[1] && po1[2] == po2[2])
679  || (po2[0] == po3[0] && po2[1] == po3[1] && po2[2] == po3[2])) {
680  Track2ToLine(TVector3(po1),TVector3(po3),TVector3(w1),
681  TVector3(w2),vpf,vwi,flg,Di,Le);
682  if(flg==1) {
683  dist1 = (vwi-TVector3(w1)).Mag();
684  dist2 = (vwi-TVector3(w2)).Mag();
685  Int_t quitFlag=0;
686  dist1<dist2?Track2ToPoint(TVector3(po1),TVector3(po3),TVector3(w1),vpf,Di,Le,quitFlag):
687  Track2ToPoint(TVector3(po1),TVector3(po3),TVector3(w2),vpf,Di,Le,quitFlag);
688  if(quitFlag!=0) {std::cerr<<"ABORT"<<std::endl; return 1;} //abort
689  } else if(flg==2) {
690  std::cerr<<"ABORT"<<std::endl;
691  return 1;
692  }
693  } else {
694  Track3ToLine(TVector3(po1),TVector3(po2),TVector3(po3),
695  TVector3(w1),TVector3(w2),vpf,vwi,flg,Di,Le,Rad);
696  if(flg==1) {
697  Track2ToLine(TVector3(po1),TVector3(po3),TVector3(w1),
698  TVector3(w2),vpf,vwi,flg,Di,Le);
699  if(flg==1) {
700  dist1 = (vwi-TVector3(w1)).Mag();
701  dist2 = (vwi-TVector3(w2)).Mag();
702  Int_t quitFlag=0;
703  dist1<dist2?Track2ToPoint(TVector3(po1),TVector3(po3),TVector3(w1),vpf,Di,Le,quitFlag):
704  Track2ToPoint(TVector3(po1),TVector3(po3),TVector3(w2),vpf,Di,Le,quitFlag);
705  if(quitFlag!=0) {std::cerr<<"ABORT"<<std::endl; return 1;} //abort
706  } else if(flg==2) {
707  std::cerr<<"ABORT"<<std::endl;
708  return 1;
709  }
710  } else if(flg==2) {
711  dist1 = (vwi-TVector3(w1)).Mag();
712  dist2 = (vwi-TVector3(w2)).Mag();
714  dist1<dist2?Track3ToPoint(TVector3(po1),TVector3(po2),TVector3(po3),TVector3(w1),vpf,flg,Di,Le,Rad):
715  Track3ToPoint(TVector3(po1),TVector3(po2),TVector3(po3),TVector3(w2),vpf,flg,Di,Le,Rad);
716  if(flg==2) {std::cerr<<"ABORT"<<std::endl; return 1;} //abort
717  } else if(flg==3) {
718  dist1 = (vwi-TVector3(w1)).Mag();
719  dist2 = (vwi-TVector3(w2)).Mag();
720  Int_t quitFlag=0;
721  dist1<dist2?Track2ToPoint(TVector3(po1),TVector3(po3),TVector3(w1),vpf,Di,Le,quitFlag):
722  Track2ToPoint(TVector3(po1),TVector3(po3),TVector3(w2),vpf,Di,Le,quitFlag);
723  if(quitFlag!=0) {std::cerr<<"ABORT"<<std::endl; return 1;} //abort
724  } else if(flg==4) {
725  Track2ToLine(TVector3(po1),TVector3(po3),TVector3(w1),
726  TVector3(w2),vpf,vwi,flg,Di,Le);
727  if(flg==2) {
728  std::cerr<<"ABORT"<<std::endl;
729  return 1;
730  }
731  }
733  }
734  }
736  // calculated track length corresponding
737  // to the point of closest approach
738  trklength = clen[0]+Le;
740  // PCA before starting point
741  if(trklength<0) { return 1; }
742  flag = flg;
744  return 0;
745 }
748 void FairGeanePro::Track2ToLine( TVector3 X1, TVector3 X2, TVector3 w1,
749  TVector3 w2, TVector3& Pfinal, TVector3& Pwire,
750  Int_t& Iflag, Double_t& Dist, Double_t& Length)
751 {
753  // Closest approach to a line from 2 GEANE points
754  //
755  // METHOD: the nearest points on the two lines
756  // x1,x2 and w1,w2 is found.
757  // The method is described in:
758  // http://softsurfer.com/Archive/algorithm_0106/algorithm_0106.htm
759  // http://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/DistanceLine3Line3.pdf.
760  //
761  // INPUT: x1, x2 closest appoach GEANE points
762  // w1, w2 points of the line (wire) to approach
763  //
764  // OUTPUT: Pfinal point of closest approach on the track
765  // Pwire point of closest approach on the wire
766  // Dist distance between Pfian and w1
767  // Length arc length to add to the GEANE length of x1
768  // Iflag =1 when Pwire is outside [w1,w2]
769  // In this case, when w1 and w2 are the extremes
770  // of the wire, the user could remake the procedure
771  // by calling Track3ToPoint or Track2ToPoint, where the
772  // Point is w1 or w2;
773  // = 2 when the two lines are parallel and the solution
774  // does not exists.
775  //
776  // Authors: Andrea Fontana and Alberto Rotondi 20 MAy 2007
777  //
780  TVector3 x21, x32, w21;
781  TVector3 xw1, xw2;
783  Double_t a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, t1, s1;
784  Double_t Delta1;
786  Double_t Eps = 1.E-08;
788  Iflag =0;
790  // line-line distance
791  x21 = X2-X1;
792  w21 = w2-w1;
794  xw1 = X1-w1;
795  xw2 = X2-w1;
797  a1 = x21.Mag2();
798  b1 = x21.Dot(w21);
799  c1 = w21.Mag2();
800  d1 = xw1.Dot(x21);
801  e1 = xw1.Dot(w21);
803  Delta1 = a1*c1-b1*b1;
805  if(Delta1 > Eps) {
806  t1 = (a1*e1-b1*d1)/Delta1;
807  s1 = (b1*e1-c1*d1)/Delta1;
809  Pfinal = (X1 + x21*s1);
810  Pwire = (w1 + w21*t1);
811  Length = s1*x21.Mag();
812  Dist= (Pfinal-Pwire).Mag();
814  } else {
815  // lines are paralllel, no solution does exist
816  Pfinal.SetXYZ(0.,0.,0.);
817  Pwire.SetXYZ(0.,0.,0.);
818  Dist=0.;
819  Length=0.;
820  Iflag = 2;
821  return;
822  }
823  // flag when the point on the wire is outside (w1,w2)
824  if((((Pwire[0]<w1[0] && Pwire[0]<w2[0]) || (w2[0]<Pwire[0] && w1[0]<Pwire[0]))
825  && (fabs(Pwire[0]-w1[0]) > 1e-11 && fabs(Pwire[0]- w2[0]) > 1e-11))
826  || (((Pwire[1]<w1[1] && Pwire[1]<w2[1]) || (w2[1]<Pwire[1] && w1[1]<Pwire[1]))
827  && (fabs(Pwire[1]-w1[1]) > 1e-11 && fabs(Pwire[1]- w2[1]) > 1e-11))
828  || (((Pwire[2]<w1[2] && Pwire[2]<w2[2]) || (w2[2]<Pwire[2] && w1[2]<Pwire[2]))
829  && (fabs(Pwire[2]-w1[2]) > 1e-11 && fabs(Pwire[2]- w2[2]) > 1e-11))) {
830  Iflag=1;
831  }
832 }
836 void FairGeanePro::Track2ToPoint( TVector3 X1, TVector3 X2, TVector3 w1, TVector3& Pfinal,
837  Double_t& Dist, Double_t& Length, Int_t& quitFlag)
838 {
840  //
841  // Closest approach to a point from 2 GEANE points
842  //
843  // METHOD: the nearest point to w1 on the line x1,x2
844  // is found. Elementary vector calculus is used!
845  //
846  // INPUT: x1, x2 closest appoach GEANE points
847  // w1 point to approach w1
848  //
849  // OUTPUT: Pfinal point of closest approach
850  // Dist distance between Pfinal and w1
851  // Length arc length to add to the GEANE length of x1
852  // quitFlag error flag which will be set to 1 if points dont form line
853  // Authors: Andrea Fontana and Alberto Rotondi May 2007
854  //
856  quitFlag = 0;
858  TVector3 u21;
860  Double_t a, t1;
862  // w-point - x-line distance
863  Double_t d=(X2-X1).Mag();
864  if(fabs(d)<1.E-8) {
865  quitFlag=1;
866  return;
867  }
868  a= 1./d;
870  u21 = (X2-X1).Unit();
872  // output
873  Dist= ((w1-X1).Cross(u21)).Mag();
874  t1 = a*(w1-X1).Dot(u21);
875  Pfinal = (X2-X1)*t1 + X1;
876  Length = (X2-X1).Mag()*t1;
877 }
880 void FairGeanePro::Track3ToLine(TVector3 X1, TVector3 X2, TVector3 X3,
881  TVector3 w1, TVector3 w2,
882  // output
883  TVector3& Pfinal, TVector3& Wire,
884  Int_t& Iflag, Double_t& Dist,
885  Double_t& Length, Double_t& Radius)
886 {
888  // Find the closest approach points between a curve (helix)
889  // and a line (wire)
890  //
891  // METHOD:the classical Eberly method is used: see
892  // http://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/DistanceLine3Circle.pdf.
893  // (see also www.geometrictools.com for the other formulae used
894  // in this interface).
895  // The 4-degree polynomial resulting for the line parameter t is
896  // solved with the efficient SolveQuartic Root routine.
897  // The minimal distance solution is found by using our Track3ToPoint
898  // routine
899  //
900  // INPUT: x1, x2, x3 closest appoach GEANE points
901  // w1, w2 points of the line (wire) to approach
902  //
903  // OUTPUT: Pfinal track point of closest approach
904  // Wire line point of closest approach
905  // Iflag = 1, the points are on a straight line
906  // within the precision of the method (20 micron).
907  // In this case the user should recall Track2ToPoint
908  // = 2, Pwire is outside [w1,w2]
909  // In this case, when w1 and w2 are the extremes
910  // of the wire, the user could remake the procedure
911  // by calling Track3ToPoint, where the Point is w1 or w2.
912  // = 3 both conditions 1 and 2 are encountered
913  // = 4, the method failed for mathematical reasons.
914  // In this case the user should use Track2ToLine where
915  // x1=x1 and x2=x3.
916  // Dist distance between Pfinal and Wire
917  // Length arc length to add to the GEANE length of x1
918  // Radius radius of the found circle
919  //
920  // Authors: Andrea Fontana and Alberto Rotondi 20 June 2007
921  //
923  TVector3 xp1, xp2, xp3, xp32;
924  TVector3 x21, x31;
925  TVector3 e1, e2, e3, aperp;
926  TVector3 Ppfinal, Pwire;
927  TVector3 wp1, wp2, wpt, xR, xpR;
928  TVector3 xw1, xw2;
929  TVector3 px;
931  Double_t T[3][3], TM1[3][3];
933  TVector3 N, M, D, B, Pointw;
934  Double_t a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1, c2;
935  Double_t d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, sol4[4], dmin;
936  Double_t Angle;
937  Double_t dx;
938  Int_t it, imin;
940  Iflag = 0;
942  // go to the circle plane: matrix of director cosines
944  x21 = X2-X1;
945  e1 = x21.Unit();
946  T[0][0] = e1.X();
947  T[0][1] = e1.Y();
948  T[0][2] = e1.Z();
950  x31 = X3-X1;
951  e3 = e1.Cross(x31);
952  // if the points are on the same line
953  if(e3.Mag() < 1e-8) {
954  Iflag = 1;
955  return;
956  }
957  e3 = e3.Unit();
959  T[2][0] = e3.X();
960  T[2][1] = e3.Y();
961  T[2][2] = e3.Z();
963  e2 = e3.Cross(e1);
964  T[1][0] = e2.X();
965  T[1][1] = e2.Y();
966  T[1][2] = e2.Z();
968  // new coordinates
969  for(Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) {
970  xp1[i]=0.;
971  xp2[i]=0.;
972  xp3[i]=0.;
973  wp1[i]=0.;
974  wp2[i]=0.;
975  }
976  for(Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) {
977  xp1[i] = 0.;
978  for(Int_t j=0; j<3; j++) {
979  TM1[i][j] = T[j][i];
980  xp2[i] += T[i][j] * (X2[j]-X1[j]);
981  xp3[i] += T[i][j] * (X3[j]-X1[j]);
982  wp1[i] += T[i][j] * (w1[j]-X1[j]);
983  wp2[i] += T[i][j] * (w2[j]-X1[j]);
984  }
985  }
987  // radius and center
989  xp32= xp3 - xp2;
990  xpR[0] = 0.5*xp2[0];
991  if(fabs(xp3[1])<1.E-8) {
992  Iflag = 4;
993  return;
994  }
995  xpR[1] = 0.5*(xp32[0]*xp3[0]/xp3[1]+ xp3[1]);
996  xpR[2] = 0.;
997  Radius = sqrt(pow(xpR[0]-xp1[0],2)+pow(xpR[1]-xp1[1],2));
999  // Eberly's method
1001  B = wp1;
1002  M = wp2 - wp1;
1003  D = wp1-xpR;
1004  N.SetXYZ(0.,0.,1.);
1006  a0 = M.Dot(D);
1007  a1 = M.Dot(M);
1008  b0 = M.Dot(D) -(N.Dot(M))*(N.Dot(D));
1009  b1 = M.Dot(M) -(N.Dot(M))*(N.Dot(M));
1010  c0 = D.Dot(D) -(N.Dot(D))*(N.Dot(D));
1011  c1 = b0;
1012  c2 = b1;
1014  d0 = a0*a0*c0 -b0*b0*Radius*Radius;
1015  d1 = 2.*(a0*a1*c0+a0*a0*c1-b0*b1*Radius*Radius);
1016  d2 = a1*a1*c0+4.*a0*a1*c1+a0*a0*c2-b1*b1*Radius*Radius;
1017  d3 = 2.*(a1*a1*c1+a0*a1*c2);
1018  d4 = a1*a1*c2;
1020  // solve the quartic equation
1021  for(Int_t k=0; k<4; k++) {
1022  sol4[k] =0.;
1023  }
1024  if(fabs(d4) < 1.E-12) {
1025  Iflag = 4;
1026  return;
1027  }
1029  TGeoTorus t;
1030  it = t.SolveQuartic(d3/d4,d2/d4,d1/d4,d0/d4,sol4);
1032  if(it==0) {
1033  Iflag = 4;
1034  return;
1035  }
1037  // select the right solution
1038  dmin = 1.e+08;
1039  imin=-1;
1040  for(Int_t j=0; j<it; j++) {
1041  Pointw[0] = B[0] + sol4[j]*M[0];
1042  Pointw[1] = B[1] + sol4[j]*M[1];
1043  Pointw[2] = B[2] + sol4[j]*M[2];
1044  Track3ToPoint(xp1,xp2,xp3, Pointw, px, Iflag, dx, Length, Radius);
1045  if(Iflag==2) {
1046  Iflag = 4;
1047  return;
1048  }
1049  if(dx<dmin) {
1050  dmin=dx;
1051  imin=j;
1052  }
1053  }
1055  // final solution
1056  Pwire[0] = B[0] + sol4[imin]*M[0];
1057  Pwire[1] = B[1] + sol4[imin]*M[1];
1058  Pwire[2] = B[2] + sol4[imin]*M[2];
1059  Track3ToPoint(xp1,xp2,xp3, Pwire, px, Iflag, dx, Length, Radius);
1060  if(Iflag==2) {
1061  Iflag = 4;
1062  return;
1063  }
1065  // output: distance and points in the circle plane reference
1067  Dist = dx;
1068  Ppfinal = px;
1070  //
1071  // back to lab coordinates
1072  //
1074  xR[0]=0.;
1075  xR[1]=0.;
1076  xR[2]=0.;
1077  Pfinal[0]=0.;
1078  Pfinal[1]=0.;
1079  Pfinal[2]=0.;
1080  Wire[0]=0.;
1081  Wire[1]=0.;
1082  Wire[2]=0.;
1084  for(Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) {
1085  for(Int_t j=0; j<3; j++) {
1086  Pfinal[i] += TM1[i][j] * Ppfinal[j];
1087  Wire[i] += TM1[i][j] * Pwire[j];
1088  xR[i] += TM1[i][j] * xpR[j];
1089  }
1090  }
1091  Pfinal = Pfinal+X1;
1092  Wire = Wire + X1;
1093  xR = xR + X1;
1095  double dx1=(X1-xR).Mag();
1096  double dx2=(Pfinal-xR).Mag();
1097  double dx12=dx1*dx2;
1098  if(fabs(dx12)<1.E-8) {
1099  Iflag = 4;
1100  return;
1101  }
1103  // now find the length
1104  Angle = TMath::ACos((X1-xR).Dot(Pfinal-xR)/(dx12));
1105  Length = Radius*Angle;
1106  if((X2-X1).Dot(Pfinal-X1) < 0.) { Length = -Length; }
1108  // flag straight points within 20 microns
1109  Double_t epsi=0;
1110  if(Radius>1E-8) { epsi = Radius*(1.-TMath::Cos(0.5*(X3-X1).Mag()/Radius)); }
1111  if(epsi < 0.0020) { Iflag=1; }
1113  // flag when the point on the wire is outside (w1,w2)
1114  if((((Wire[0]<w1[0] && Wire[0]<w2[0]) || (w2[0]<Wire[0] && w1[0]<Wire[0]))
1115  && (fabs(Wire[0]-w1[0]) > 1e-11 && fabs(Wire[0]- w2[0]) > 1e-11))
1116  || (((Wire[1]<w1[1] && Wire[1]<w2[1]) || (w2[1]<Wire[1] && w1[1]<Wire[1]))
1117  && (fabs(Wire[1]-w1[1]) > 1e-11 && fabs(Wire[1]- w2[1]) > 1e-11))
1118  || (((Wire[2]<w1[2] && Wire[2]<w2[2]) || (w2[2]<Wire[2] && w1[2]<Wire[2]))
1119  && (fabs(Wire[2]-w1[2]) > 1e-11 && fabs(Wire[2]- w2[2]) > 1e-11))) {
1120  Iflag=2;
1121  }
1122 }
1124 void FairGeanePro::Track3ToPoint( TVector3 X1, TVector3 X2, TVector3 X3, TVector3 w1,
1125  // output
1126  TVector3& Pfinal, Int_t& Iflag,
1127  Double_t& Dist, Double_t& Length, Double_t& Radius)
1128 {
1130  // Closest approach to a point from 3 GEANE points
1131  //
1132  // METHOD: first, we go on the circle plane to have
1133  // x1=(0,0), x2=(x2,0), x3=(x3,y3).
1134  // Then, the point on the circle is found as the
1135  // intersection between the circle and the line
1136  // joining the circle center and the projection of
1137  // the point on the circle plane.
1138  // The 3D distance is found between w1 and this
1139  // point on the circle.
1140  //
1141  // INPUT: x1, x2, x3 closest appoach GEANE points
1142  // w1 point to approach
1143  //
1144  // OUTPUT: Pfinal point of closest approach on the track
1145  // Dist distance between Pfinal and w1
1146  // Length arc length to add to the GEANE length of x1
1147  // Iflag when =1 the points are on a straight line
1148  // within the precision of the method (20 micron).
1149  // In this case the user should recall Track2ToPoint
1150  // if =2 mathematical errors
1151  // Authors: Andrea Fontana and Alberto Rotondi 20 May 2007
1152  //
1155  TVector3 xp1, xp2, xp3, xp32;
1156  TVector3 x21, x31;
1157  TVector3 e1, e2, e3;
1158  TVector3 Ppfinal, x32;
1159  TVector3 wp1, wpt, xR, xpR;
1160  TVector3 xw1, xw2;
1162  TVector3 xc1, xc2, xc3, wc1;
1164  Double_t m1, m3, Rt;
1165  Double_t T[3][3], TM1[3][3];
1167  Double_t Angle;
1170  Iflag = 0;
1172  // go to the circle plane with origin in x1 prime (xp1):
1173  // matrix of director cosines
1175  x21 = X2-X1;
1177  Double_t x21mag=x21.Mag();
1178  if(x21mag<1.E-8) {
1179  Iflag=2;
1180  return;
1181  }
1183  m1 = 1./x21mag;
1184  e1 = m1*x21;
1185  T[0][0] = e1.X();
1186  T[0][1] = e1.Y();
1187  T[0][2] = e1.Z();
1189  x31 = X3-X1;
1190  e3 = e1.Cross(x31);
1192  // if the points are on the same line
1193  if(e3.Mag() < 1e-8) {
1194  Iflag = 1;
1195  return;
1196  }
1198  m3 = 1./e3.Mag();
1199  e3 = m3*e3;
1200  T[2][0] = e3.X();
1201  T[2][1] = e3.Y();
1202  T[2][2] = e3.Z();
1204  e2 = e3.Cross(e1);
1205  T[1][0] = e2.X();
1206  T[1][1] = e2.Y();
1207  T[1][2] = e2.Z();
1209  // new coordinates
1210  for(Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) {
1211  xp1[i]=0.;
1212  xp2[i]=0.;
1213  xp3[i]=0.;
1214  wp1[i]=0.;
1215  }
1216  for(Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) {
1217  for(Int_t j=0; j<3; j++) {
1218  TM1[i][j] = T[j][i];
1219  xp1[i] += 0.;
1220  xp2[i] += T[i][j] * (X2[j]-X1[j]);
1221  xp3[i] += T[i][j] * (X3[j]-X1[j]);
1222  wp1[i] += T[i][j] * (w1[j]-X1[j]);
1223  }
1224  }
1226  // radius Radius and center xpR
1228  xp32= xp3 - xp2;
1229  xpR[0] = 0.5*xp2[0];
1230  if(fabs(xp3[1])<1.E-8) {
1231  Iflag = 2;
1232  return;
1233  }
1234  xpR[1] = 0.5*(xp32[0]*xp3[0]/xp3[1]+ xp3[1]);
1235  xpR[2] = 0.;
1237  Radius = sqrt( pow(xpR[0]-xp1[0],2) + pow(xpR[1]-xp1[1],2) );
1239  // distance and points
1240  wpt = wp1;
1241  wpt[2] =0.; // point projection on the circle plane
1243  Double_t dwp=(wpt-xpR).Mag();
1244  if(fabs(dwp)<1.E-8) {
1245  Iflag = 2;
1246  return;
1247  }
1248  Rt = Radius/dwp;
1249  Ppfinal = (wpt-xpR)*Rt + xpR;
1250  Dist = (wp1-Ppfinal).Mag();
1252  // back to lab coordinates:
1253  //from Ppfinal to Pfinal and from xpR to xR
1255  xR[0]=0.;
1256  xR[1]=0.;
1257  xR[2]=0.;
1258  Pfinal[0]=0.;
1259  Pfinal[1]=0.;
1260  Pfinal[2]=0.;
1261  for(Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) {
1262  for(Int_t j=0; j<3; j++) {
1263  Pfinal[i] += TM1[i][j] * Ppfinal[j];
1264  xR[i] += TM1[i][j] * xpR[j];
1265  }
1266  }
1267  Pfinal = Pfinal+X1;
1268  xR = xR +X1;
1270  // now find the length
1271  double dx1=(X1-xR).Mag();
1272  double dx2=(Pfinal-xR).Mag();
1273  double dx12=dx1*dx2;
1274  if(fabs(dx12)<1.E-8) {
1275  Iflag = 2;
1276  return;
1277  }
1278  // now find the length
1279  Angle = TMath::ACos((X1-xR).Dot(Pfinal-xR)/(dx12));
1280  Length = Radius*Angle;
1282  // flag straight points within 20 microns
1283  Double_t epsi=0;
1284  if(Radius>1E-8) { epsi = Radius*(1.-TMath::Cos(0.5*(X3-X1).Mag()/Radius)); }
1285  if(epsi < 0.0020) { Iflag=1; }
1286 }
1288 void FairGeanePro::GetTransportMatrix(Double_t trm[5][5])
1289 {
1290  for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { trm[i][j] = trpmat[i][j]; }
1291 }