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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CombinatorialKalmanFilterTests.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
38 #include <algorithm>
39 #include <cmath>
40 #include <random>
41 #include <vector>
43 using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
46 namespace Acts {
47 namespace Test {
50  size_t sourceID = 0;
54  bool operator==(const ExtendedMinimalSourceLink& rhs) const {
55  return meas == rhs.meas;
56  }
58  const Surface& referenceSurface() const {
59  return *MeasurementHelpers::getSurface(*meas);
60  }
63  return *meas;
64  }
65 };
67 // helper function to create geometry ids
68 GeometryIdentifier makeId(int volume = 0, int layer = 0, int sensitive = 0) {
70  sensitive);
71 }
73 // A few initialisations and definitionas
74 using SourceLink = ExtendedMinimalSourceLink;
75 using Jacobian = BoundMatrix;
77 using Resolution = std::pair<BoundIndices, double>;
78 using ElementResolution = std::vector<Resolution>;
79 using VolumeResolution = std::map<GeometryIdentifier::Value, ElementResolution>;
80 using DetectorResolution =
81  std::map<GeometryIdentifier::Value, VolumeResolution>;
83 std::normal_distribution<double> gauss(0., 1.);
84 std::default_random_engine generator(42);
89 // Create a test context
94 template <BoundIndices... params>
102  MeasurementCreator() = default;
107  using result_type = std::vector<FittableMeasurement<SourceLink>>;
116  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
117  void operator()(propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
118  result_type& result) const {
119  // monitor the current surface
120  auto surface = state.navigation.currentSurface;
121  if (surface and surface->associatedDetectorElement()) {
122  auto geoID = surface->geometryId();
123  auto volumeID = geoID.volume();
124  auto layerID = geoID.layer();
125  // find volume and layer information for this
126  auto vResolution = detectorResolution.find(volumeID);
127  if (vResolution != detectorResolution.end()) {
128  // find layer resolutions
129  auto lResolution = vResolution->second.find(layerID);
130  if (lResolution != vResolution->second.end()) {
131  // Apply global to local
132  auto lpResult = surface->globalToLocal(
133  state.geoContext, stepper.position(state.stepping),
134  stepper.direction(state.stepping));
135  Acts::Vector2D lPos = lpResult.value();
136  if (lResolution->second.size() == 1) {
137  double sp = lResolution->second[0].second;
138  cov1D << sp * sp;
139  double dp = sp * gauss(generator);
140  if (lResolution->second[0].first == eBoundLoc0) {
141  // push back & move a LOC_0 measurement
142  MeasurementType<eBoundLoc0> m0(surface->getSharedPtr(), {}, cov1D,
143  lPos[eBoundLoc0] + dp);
144  result.push_back(std::move(m0));
145  } else {
146  // push back & move a LOC_1 measurement
147  MeasurementType<eBoundLoc1> m1(surface->getSharedPtr(), {}, cov1D,
148  lPos[eBoundLoc1] + dp);
149  result.push_back(std::move(m1));
150  }
151  } else if (lResolution->second.size() == 2) {
152  // Create the measurment and move it
153  double sx = lResolution->second[eBoundLoc0].second;
154  double sy = lResolution->second[eBoundLoc1].second;
155  cov2D << sx * sx, 0., 0., sy * sy;
156  double dx = sx * gauss(generator);
157  double dy = sy * gauss(generator);
158  // push back & move a LOC_0, LOC_1 measurement
160  surface->getSharedPtr(), {}, cov2D, lPos[eBoundLoc0] + dx,
161  lPos[eBoundLoc1] + dy);
162  result.push_back(std::move(m01));
163  }
164  }
165  }
166  }
167  }
168 };
174 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(comb_kalman_filter_zero_field) {
175  // Build detector
177  auto detector = cGeometry();
179  // Build navigator for the measurement creatoin
180  Navigator mNavigator(detector);
181  mNavigator.resolvePassive = false;
182  mNavigator.resolveMaterial = true;
183  mNavigator.resolveSensitive = true;
185  // Use straingt line stepper to create the measurements
186  StraightLineStepper mStepper;
188  // Define the measurement propagator
189  using MeasurementPropagator = Propagator<StraightLineStepper, Navigator>;
191  // Build propagator for the measurement creation
192  MeasurementPropagator mPropagator(mStepper, mNavigator);
194  // Create action list for the measurement creation
195  using MeasurementActions = ActionList<MeasurementCreator>;
196  using MeasurementAborters = AbortList<EndOfWorldReached>;
198  auto pixelResX = Resolution(eBoundLoc0, 25_um);
199  auto pixelResY = Resolution(eBoundLoc1, 50_um);
200  auto stripResX = Resolution(eBoundLoc0, 100_um);
201  auto stripResY = Resolution(eBoundLoc1, 150_um);
203  ElementResolution pixelElementRes = {pixelResX, pixelResY};
204  ElementResolution stripElementResI = {stripResX};
205  ElementResolution stripElementResO = {stripResY};
207  VolumeResolution pixelVolumeRes;
208  pixelVolumeRes[2] = pixelElementRes;
209  pixelVolumeRes[4] = pixelElementRes;
211  VolumeResolution stripVolumeRes;
212  stripVolumeRes[2] = stripElementResI;
213  stripVolumeRes[4] = stripElementResO;
214  stripVolumeRes[6] = stripElementResI;
215  stripVolumeRes[8] = stripElementResO;
217  DetectorResolution detRes;
218  detRes[2] = pixelVolumeRes;
219  detRes[3] = stripVolumeRes;
221  // Set options for propagator
224  auto& mCreator = mOptions.actionList.get<MeasurementCreator>();
225  mCreator.detectorResolution = detRes;
227  // This vector owns the measurements
228  std::multimap<size_t, FittableMeasurement<SourceLink>> measurements;
230  // Make a vector of source links and further processed for KF inputs
231  std::vector<SourceLink> sourcelinks;
233  // Set the starting positions for propagation
234  double eps = 15_mm;
235  std::map<size_t, Vector3D> startingPos;
236  startingPos.emplace(0, Vector3D{-3_m, 0., 0.});
237  startingPos.emplace(1, Vector3D{-3_m, -1.0 * eps, -1.0 * eps});
238  startingPos.emplace(2, Vector3D{-3_m, eps, eps});
240  // Run the propagation for a few times such that multiple measurements exist
241  // on one surface
242  // Set the starting momentum for propagation
243  for (const auto& [trackID, mPos] : startingPos) {
244  Vector4D pos4 = makeVector4(mPos, 42_ns);
245  NeutralCurvilinearTrackParameters mStart(pos4, 0_degree, 90_degree,
246  1 / 1_GeV);
247  // Launch and collect - the measurements
248  auto result = mPropagator.propagate(mStart, mOptions);
249  BOOST_CHECK(result.ok());
251  // Extract measurements from result of propagation.
252  auto value = std::move(result.value());
253  auto measurementsCreated = value.get<MeasurementCreator::result_type>();
254  for (auto& meas : measurementsCreated) {
255  measurements.emplace(trackID, std::move(meas));
256  }
257  }
259  // Transform the measurments to sourcelinks
260  std::transform(measurements.begin(), measurements.end(),
261  std::back_inserter(sourcelinks), [](const auto& m) {
262  return SourceLink{m.first, &m.second};
263  });
265  // There should be 18 source links in total
266  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sourcelinks.size(), 18);
268  // The CombinatorialKalmanFilter - we use the eigen stepper for covariance
269  // transport Build navigator for the measurement creatoin
270  Navigator rNavigator(detector);
271  rNavigator.resolvePassive = false;
272  rNavigator.resolveMaterial = true;
273  rNavigator.resolveSensitive = true;
275  // Configure propagation with deactivated B-field
276  ConstantBField bField(Vector3D(0., 0., 0.));
277  using RecoStepper = EigenStepper<ConstantBField>;
278  RecoStepper rStepper(bField);
279  using RecoPropagator = Propagator<RecoStepper, Navigator>;
280  RecoPropagator rPropagator(rStepper, rNavigator);
282  using Updater = GainMatrixUpdater;
283  using Smoother = GainMatrixSmoother;
284  using SourceLinkSelector = CKFSourceLinkSelector;
286  CombinatorialKalmanFilter<RecoPropagator, Updater, Smoother,
287  SourceLinkSelector>;
289  // Implement different chi2/nSourceLinks cutoff at different detector level
290  // NB: pixel volumeID = 2, strip volumeID= 3
291  SourceLinkSelector::Config sourcelinkSelectorConfig = {
292  // global default valies
293  {makeId(), {8.0, 10}},
294  // pixel layer 2 chi2/nSourceLinks cutoff: 8.0/5
295  {makeId(2, 2), {8.0, 5}},
296  // pixel layer 4 chi2/nSourceLinks cutoff: 7.0/5
297  {makeId(2, 4), {7.0, 5}},
298  // pixel volume chi2/nSourceLinks cutoff: 7.0/5
299  {makeId(2), {7.0, 5}},
300  // strip volume chi2/nSourceLinks cutoff: 8.0/5
301  {makeId(3), {8.0, 5}},
302  };
303  CombinatorialKalmanFilter cKF(rPropagator);
305  // Run the CombinaltorialKamanFitter for track finding from different starting
306  // parameter
307  for (const auto& [trackID, pos] : startingPos) {
308  // Set initial parameters for the particle track
309  Covariance cov;
310  cov << pow(10_um, 2), 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., pow(10_um, 2), 0., 0., 0., 0.,
311  0., 0., pow(0.0002, 2), 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., pow(0.0002, 2), 0., 0.,
312  0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0001, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.;
313  Vector3D rPos =
314  pos + Vector3D{0, 10_um * gauss(generator), 10_um * gauss(generator)};
315  double rPhi = 0_degree + 0.0002 * gauss(generator);
316  double rTheta = 90_degree + 0.0002 * gauss(generator);
317  CurvilinearTrackParameters rStart(makeVector4(rPos, 42_ns), rPhi, rTheta,
318  1_GeV, 1_e, cov);
320  const Surface* rSurface = &rStart.referenceSurface();
322  auto logger =
323  getDefaultLogger("CombinatorialKalmanFilter", Logging::VERBOSE);
325  tgContext, mfContext, calContext, sourcelinkSelectorConfig,
326  LoggerWrapper{*logger}, PropagatorPlainOptions(), rSurface);
328  // Found the track(s)
329  auto combKalmanFilterRes = cKF.findTracks(sourcelinks, rStart, ckfOptions);
330  BOOST_CHECK(combKalmanFilterRes.ok());
332  auto foundTrack = *combKalmanFilterRes;
333  auto& fittedStates = foundTrack.fittedStates;
334  auto& trackTips = foundTrack.trackTips;
336  for (const auto& tip : trackTips) {
337  std::vector<size_t> sourceIds;
338  fittedStates.visitBackwards(tip, [&](const auto& trackState) {
339  sourceIds.push_back(trackState.uncalibrated().sourceID);
340  });
342  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sourceIds.size(), 6);
344  size_t numFakeHit = 0;
345  for (const auto& id : sourceIds) {
346  numFakeHit = numFakeHit + (id != trackID ? 1 : 0);
347  }
349  // Check if there are fake hits from other tracks
350  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(numFakeHit, 0);
351  }
352  }
353 }
355 } // namespace Test
356 } // namespace Acts