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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file DD4hepDetectorOptions.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #pragma once
13 #include <Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp>
15 #include <cstdlib>
16 #include <utility>
18 #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
20 namespace po = boost::program_options;
22 namespace ActsExamples {
24 namespace Options {
26 void sortFCChhDetElements(std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement>& det) {
27  std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> tracker;
28  std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> eCal;
29  std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> hCal;
30  std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> muon;
31  for (auto& detElement : det) {
32  std::string detName = detElement.name();
33  if (detName.find("Muon") != std::string::npos)
34  muon.push_back(detElement);
35  else if (detName.find("ECal") != std::string::npos)
36  eCal.push_back(detElement);
37  else if (detName.find("HCal") != std::string::npos)
38  hCal.push_back(detElement);
39  else
40  tracker.push_back(detElement);
41  }
42  sort(muon.begin(), muon.end(),
43  [](const dd4hep::DetElement& a, const dd4hep::DetElement& b) {
44  return (a.id() < b.id());
45  });
46  sort(eCal.begin(), eCal.end(),
47  [](const dd4hep::DetElement& a, const dd4hep::DetElement& b) {
48  return (a.id() < b.id());
49  });
50  sort(hCal.begin(), hCal.end(),
51  [](const dd4hep::DetElement& a, const dd4hep::DetElement& b) {
52  return (a.id() < b.id());
53  });
54  sort(tracker.begin(), tracker.end(),
55  [](const dd4hep::DetElement& a, const dd4hep::DetElement& b) {
56  return (a.id() < b.id());
57  });
58  det.clear();
59  det = tracker;
61  det.insert(det.end(), eCal.begin(), eCal.end());
62  det.insert(det.end(), hCal.begin(), hCal.end());
63  det.insert(det.end(), muon.begin(), muon.end());
64 }
67 template <typename aopt_t>
68 void addDD4hepOptions(aopt_t& opt) {
69  opt.add_options()(
70  "dd4hep-input",
71  po::value<read_strings>()->multitoken()->default_value(
72  {"file:Detectors/DD4hepDetector/compact/OpenDataDetector/"
73  "OpenDataDetector.xml"}),
74  "The locations of the input DD4hep files, use 'file:foo.xml'. In case "
75  "you want to read in multiple files, just seperate the strings by "
76  "space.")(
77  "dd4hep-envelopeR",
78  po::value<double>()->default_value(1. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm),
79  "The envelop cover in R for DD4hep volumes.")(
80  "dd4hep-envelopeR",
81  po::value<double>()->default_value(1. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm),
82  "The tolerance added to the geometrical extension in r of the "
83  "layers contained to build the volume envelope around in mm.")(
84  "dd4hep-envelopeZ",
85  po::value<double>()->default_value(1. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm),
86  "The tolerance added to the geometrical extension in z of the "
87  "layers contained to build the volume envelope around in mm.")(
88  "dd4hep-layerThickness", po::value<double>()->default_value(10e-10),
89  "In case no surfaces (to be contained by the layer) are handed over, "
90  "the layer thickness will be set to this value.")(
91  "dd4hep-buildFCChh", po::value<bool>()->default_value(true),
92  "If you are not building the FCChh detector please set this flag to "
93  "false.")("dd4hep-loglevel", po::value<size_t>()->default_value(2),
94  "The output log level of the geometry building. Please set the "
95  "wished "
96  "number (0 = VERBOSE, 1 = "
97  "DEBUG, 2 = INFO, 3 = WARNING, 4 = ERROR, 5 = FATAL).");
98 }
101 template <typename amap_t>
103  const amap_t& vm) {
105  gsConfig.logLevel =
106  Acts::Logging::Level(vm["dd4hep-loglevel"].template as<size_t>());
107  gsConfig.xmlFileNames = vm["dd4hep-input"].template as<read_strings>();
108  gsConfig.bTypePhi = Acts::equidistant;
109  gsConfig.bTypeR = Acts::arbitrary;
110  gsConfig.bTypeZ = Acts::equidistant;
111  gsConfig.envelopeR = vm["dd4hep-envelopeR"].template as<double>();
112  gsConfig.envelopeZ = vm["dd4hep-envelopeZ"].template as<double>();
113  gsConfig.defaultLayerThickness =
114  vm["dd4hep-layerThickness"].template as<double>();
115  if (vm["dd4hep-buildFCChh"].template as<bool>()) {
117  }
118  return gsConfig;
119 }
120 } // namespace Options
121 } // namespace ActsExamples