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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TGeoDetectorOptions.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #pragma once
12 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
15 #include <cstdlib>
16 #include <iostream>
17 #include <sstream>
18 #include <utility>
20 #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
22 namespace po = boost::program_options;
24 namespace ActsExamples {
26 namespace Options {
33 template <typename options_t>
34 void addTGeoGeometryOptions(options_t& opt) {
35  opt.add_options()("geo-tgeo-filename",
36  po::value<std::string>()->default_value(""),
37  "Root file name.")(
38  "geo-tgeo-worldvolume", po::value<std::string>()->default_value(""),
39  "Root world volume to start search from.")(
40  "geo-tgeo-unit-scalor", po::value<double>()->default_value(10.),
41  "Unit scalor from ROOT to Acts.")(
42  "geo-tgeo-bp-parameters",
44  po::value<read_range>()->multitoken()->default_value({}),
47  "Potential beam pipe parameters {r, z, t} in [mm].")(
48  "geo-tgeo-nlayers", po::value<read_series>()->default_value({}),
49  "Number of layers on the negative side.")(
50  "geo-tgeo-clayers", po::value<read_series>()->default_value({}),
51  "Number of layers in the barrel.")(
52  "geo-tgeo-players", po::value<read_series>()->default_value({}),
53  "Number of layers on the positive side.")(
54  "geo-tgeo-ringlayout", po::value<read_series>()->default_value({}),
55  "Indicator if ring layout is present.")(
56  "geo-tgeo-ringtolerance", po::value<read_range>()->default_value({}),
57  "Tolerance for ring layout detection in [mm].")(
58  "geo-tgeo-nvolume-name", po::value<read_strings>()->default_value({}),
59  "Name identifier of the volume for searching negative layers.")(
60  "geo-tgeo-cvolume-name", po::value<read_strings>()->default_value({}),
61  "Name identifier of the volume for searching central layers.")(
62  "geo-tgeo-pvolume-name", po::value<read_strings>()->default_value({}),
63  "Name identifier of the volume for searching positive layers.")(
64  "geo-tgeo-nmodule-name", po::value<read_strings>()->default_value({}),
65  "Name identifier for negative sensitive objects, odered along the "
66  "series.")("geo-tgeo-cmodule-name",
67  po::value<read_strings>()->default_value({}),
68  "Name identifier for central sensitive objects, odered "
69  "along the series.")(
70  "geo-tgeo-pmodule-name", po::value<read_strings>()->default_value({}),
71  "Name identifier for positive sensitive objects, odered along the "
72  "series.")("geo-tgeo-nlayer-r-range",
73  po::value<std::vector<Interval>>()->default_value({}),
74  "Radial range(s) for negative layers "
75  "to restrict the module parsing (optional).")(
76  "geo-tgeo-clayer-r-range",
77  po::value<std::vector<Interval>>()->default_value({}),
78  "Radial range(s) for central layers "
79  "to restrict the module parsing (optional).")(
80  "geo-tgeo-player-r-range",
81  po::value<std::vector<Interval>>()->default_value({}),
82  "Radial range(s) for positive layers "
83  "to restrict the module parsing (optional).")(
84  "geo-tgeo-nlayer-z-range",
85  po::value<std::vector<Interval>>()->default_value({}),
86  "Longitudinal range(s) for negative layers "
87  "to restrict the module parsing (optional).")(
88  "geo-tgeo-clayer-z-range",
89  po::value<std::vector<Interval>>()->default_value({}),
90  "Longitudinal range(s) for central layers "
91  "to restrict the module parsing (optional).")(
92  "geo-tgeo-player-z-range",
93  po::value<std::vector<Interval>>()->default_value({}),
94  "Longitudinal range(s) for positive layers "
95  "to restrict the module parsing (optional).")(
96  "geo-tgeo-nlayer-r-split", po::value<read_range>()->default_value({}),
97  "R-tolerances (if > 0.) that triggers splitting "
98  " of collected surfaces into different negative layers.")(
99  "geo-tgeo-nlayer-z-split", po::value<read_range>()->default_value({}),
100  "Z-tolerances (if > 0.) that triggers splitting "
101  " of collected surfaces into different negative layers.")(
102  "geo-tgeo-clayer-r-split", po::value<read_range>()->default_value({}),
103  "R-tolerances (if > 0.) that triggers splitting "
104  " of collected surfaces into different central layers.")(
105  "geo-tgeo-clayer-z-split", po::value<read_range>()->default_value({}),
106  "Z-tolerances (if > 0.) that triggers splitting "
107  " of collected surfaces into different central layers.")(
108  "geo-tgeo-player-r-split", po::value<read_range>()->default_value({}),
109  "R-tolerances (if > 0.) that triggers splitting "
110  " of collected surfaces into different positive layers.")(
111  "geo-tgeo-sfbin-z-tolerance",
112  po::value<std::vector<Interval>>()->default_value({}),
113  "Tolerance interval in z [mm] for automated surface binning.")(
114  "geo-tgeo-sfbin-r-tolerance",
115  po::value<std::vector<Interval>>()->default_value({}),
116  "Tolerance interval in r [mm] for automated surface binninng.")(
117  "geo-tgeo-sfbin-phi-tolerance",
118  po::value<std::vector<Interval>>()->default_value({}),
119  "Tolerance interval in phi [rad] for automated surface binning.")(
120  "geo-tgeo-nmodule-axes", po::value<read_strings>()->default_value({}),
121  "Axes definition for negative sensitive objects, odered "
122  "along the series.")(
123  "geo-tgeo-player-z-split", po::value<read_range>()->default_value({}),
124  "Z-tolerances (if > 0.) that triggers splitting "
125  " of collected surfaces into different positive layers.")(
126  "geo-tgeo-cmodule-axes", po::value<read_strings>()->default_value({}),
128  "Axes definition for central sensitive objects, odered along the "
129  "series.")("geo-tgeo-pmodule-axes",
130  po::value<read_strings>()->default_value({}),
131  "Axes definition for positive sensitive objects, odered "
132  "along the series.");
133 }
143 template <typename variable_map_t>
144 std::vector<Acts::TGeoLayerBuilder::Config> readTGeoLayerBuilderConfigs(
145  const variable_map_t& vm) {
146  std::vector<Acts::TGeoLayerBuilder::Config> detLayerConfigs;
148  // General: subdetector naming
149  read_strings subDetectors =
150  vm["geo-detector-volume"].template as<read_strings>();
151  double unitScalor = vm["geo-tgeo-unit-scalor"].template as<double>();
153  // The number of layers, can be set 1 with splitting detection
154  read_series nLayers = vm["geo-tgeo-nlayers"].template as<read_series>();
155  read_series cLayers = vm["geo-tgeo-clayers"].template as<read_series>();
156  read_series pLayers = vm["geo-tgeo-players"].template as<read_series>();
158  std::array<read_series, 3> layers = {nLayers, cLayers, pLayers};
160  std::array<size_t, 3> seriesSize = {nLayers.size(), cLayers.size(),
161  pLayers.size()};
163  read_series ringLayout = vm["geo-tgeo-ringlayout"].template as<read_series>();
165  read_range ringTolerance =
166  vm["geo-tgeo-ringtolerance"].template as<read_range>();
170  // The layer names to parse for in the TGeo
172  read_strings nVolumeName =
173  vm["geo-tgeo-nvolume-name"].template as<read_strings>();
174  read_strings cVolumeName =
175  vm["geo-tgeo-cvolume-name"].template as<read_strings>();
176  read_strings pVolumeName =
177  vm["geo-tgeo-pvolume-name"].template as<read_strings>();
179  std::array<read_strings, 3> volumeName = {nVolumeName, cVolumeName,
180  pVolumeName};
182  read_strings nSensitiveNames =
183  vm["geo-tgeo-nmodule-name"].template as<read_strings>();
184  read_strings cSensitiveNames =
185  vm["geo-tgeo-cmodule-name"].template as<read_strings>();
186  read_strings pSensitiveNames =
187  vm["geo-tgeo-pmodule-name"].template as<read_strings>();
189  // The sensitive names to parse for in the TGeo
190  std::array<read_strings, 3> sensitiveNames = {
191  nSensitiveNames, cSensitiveNames, pSensitiveNames};
193  read_strings nSensitiveAxes =
194  vm["geo-tgeo-nmodule-axes"].template as<read_strings>();
195  read_strings cSensitiveAxes =
196  vm["geo-tgeo-cmodule-axes"].template as<read_strings>();
197  read_strings pSensitiveAxes =
198  vm["geo-tgeo-pmodule-axes"].template as<read_strings>();
200  std::array<read_strings, 3> sensitiveAxes = {nSensitiveAxes, cSensitiveAxes,
201  pSensitiveAxes};
203  // The parse radii in r
204  std::vector<Interval> nRrange =
205  vm["geo-tgeo-nlayer-r-range"].template as<std::vector<Interval>>();
206  std::vector<Interval> cRrange =
207  vm["geo-tgeo-clayer-r-range"].template as<std::vector<Interval>>();
208  std::vector<Interval> pRrange =
209  vm["geo-tgeo-player-r-range"].template as<std::vector<Interval>>();
210  std::array<std::vector<Interval>, 3> rRange = {nRrange, cRrange, pRrange};
212  // The parse ranges in z
213  std::vector<Interval> nZrange =
214  vm["geo-tgeo-nlayer-z-range"].template as<std::vector<Interval>>();
215  std::vector<Interval> cZrange =
216  vm["geo-tgeo-clayer-z-range"].template as<std::vector<Interval>>();
217  std::vector<Interval> pZrange =
218  vm["geo-tgeo-player-z-range"].template as<std::vector<Interval>>();
219  std::array<std::vector<Interval>, 3> zRange = {nZrange, cZrange, pZrange};
221  // The split tolerances in r and z
222  read_range nLayerSplitR =
223  vm["geo-tgeo-nlayer-r-split"].template as<read_range>();
224  read_range nLayerSplitZ =
225  vm["geo-tgeo-nlayer-z-split"].template as<read_range>();
226  read_range cLayerSplitR =
227  vm["geo-tgeo-clayer-r-split"].template as<read_range>();
228  read_range cLayerSplitZ =
229  vm["geo-tgeo-clayer-z-split"].template as<read_range>();
230  read_range pLayerSplitR =
231  vm["geo-tgeo-player-r-split"].template as<read_range>();
232  read_range pLayerSplitZ =
233  vm["geo-tgeo-player-z-split"].template as<read_range>();
235  std::array<read_range, 3> splitTolR = {nLayerSplitR, cLayerSplitR,
236  pLayerSplitR};
238  std::array<read_range, 3> splitTolZ = {nLayerSplitZ, cLayerSplitZ,
239  pLayerSplitZ};
241  // Automated binning configuration
242  std::vector<Interval> binToleranceR =
243  vm["geo-tgeo-sfbin-r-tolerance"].template as<std::vector<Interval>>();
244  std::vector<Interval> binToleranceZ =
245  vm["geo-tgeo-sfbin-z-tolerance"].template as<std::vector<Interval>>();
246  std::vector<Interval> binTolerancePhi =
247  vm["geo-tgeo-sfbin-phi-tolerance"].template as<std::vector<Interval>>();
249  // The maximum series and total counter for access of nonsplit layers
250  size_t max_series = *std::max_element(seriesSize.begin(), seriesSize.end());
251  std::array<size_t, 3> ti = {0, 0, 0};
253  // If a beam pipe is present, shift the sub detector names by one
254  // Create a beam pipe if configured to do so
255  int idetaddon = 0;
256  auto beamPipeParameters =
257  vm["geo-tgeo-bp-parameters"].template as<read_range>();
258  if (beamPipeParameters.size() > 2) {
259  ++idetaddon;
260  }
262  // Split the sensor names if there are mulitple ones
263  auto splitAtOr =
264  [](const std::string& sensorNames) -> std::vector<std::string> {
265  std::vector<std::string> sensors;
266  std::istringstream feed(sensorNames);
267  std::string split;
268  while (getline(feed, split, '|')) {
269  sensors.push_back(split);
270  }
271  return sensors;
272  };
274  // Prepare the TGeoLayerBuilder::Configs
275  for (size_t idet = 0; idet < max_series; ++idet) {
276  // Each detector needs a layer builder
277  Acts::TGeoLayerBuilder::Config layerBuilderConfig;
279  // Configuration of AutoBinning
280  if (binTolerancePhi.size() == binToleranceZ.size() and
281  binToleranceR.size() == binToleranceZ.size()) {
282  layerBuilderConfig.autoSurfaceBinning = true;
284  auto tolR = binToleranceR[idet];
285  std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> binTolerances{(int)Acts::binValues,
286  {0., 0.}};
287  binTolerances[Acts::binR] = {tolR.lower.value_or(0.),
288  tolR.upper.value_or(0.)};
290  auto tolZ = binToleranceZ[idet];
291  binTolerances[Acts::binZ] = {tolZ.lower.value_or(0.),
292  tolZ.upper.value_or(0.)};
293  auto tolPhi = binTolerancePhi[idet];
294  binTolerances[Acts::binPhi] = {tolPhi.lower.value_or(0.),
295  tolPhi.upper.value_or(0.)};
297  layerBuilderConfig.surfaceBinMatcher =
298  Acts::SurfaceBinningMatcher(binTolerances);
299  }
301  // Loop over the | n | c | p | configuration
302  for (unsigned int ncp = 0; ncp < 3; ++ncp) {
303  // number of layers of this configuration
304  unsigned int nl = layers[ncp].size() > idet ? layers[ncp][idet] : 0;
305  for (unsigned int in = 0; in < nl; ++in, ++ti[ncp]) {
306  // Create the layer config object and fill it
308  lConfig.volumeName = volumeName[ncp][ti[ncp]];
309  lConfig.sensorNames = splitAtOr(sensitiveNames[ncp][ti[ncp]]);
310  lConfig.localAxes = sensitiveAxes[ncp][ti[ncp]];
312  // Fill the parsing restrictions in r
313  auto rR = rRange[ncp];
314  if (rR.size() > ti[ncp]) {
315  double rMin = rR[ti[ncp]].lower.value_or(0.);
316  double rMax =
317  rR[ti[ncp]].upper.value_or(std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
318  lConfig.parseRanges.push_back({Acts::binR, {rMin, rMax}});
319  }
320  // Fill the layer splitting parameters in r
321  if (splitTolR[ncp].size() > ti[ncp]) {
322  double rsp = splitTolR[ncp][ti[ncp]];
323  if (rsp > 0.) {
324  lConfig.splitConfigs.push_back({Acts::binR, rsp});
325  }
326  }
327  // Fill the parsing restrictions in z
328  auto zR = zRange[ncp];
329  if (zR.size() > ti[ncp]) {
330  double zMin =
331  zR[ti[ncp]].lower.value_or(-std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
332  double zMax =
333  zR[ti[ncp]].upper.value_or(std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
334  lConfig.parseRanges.push_back({Acts::binZ, {zMin, zMax}});
335  }
336  // Fill the layer splitting parameters in z
337  if (splitTolZ[ncp].size() > ti[ncp]) {
338  double zsp = splitTolZ[ncp][ti[ncp]];
339  if (zsp > 0.) {
340  lConfig.splitConfigs.push_back({Acts::binZ, zsp});
341  }
342  }
343  layerBuilderConfig.layerConfigurations[ncp].push_back(lConfig);
344  }
345  }
347  // Set the scale and the layer creator
348  layerBuilderConfig.configurationName = subDetectors[idet + idetaddon];
349  layerBuilderConfig.unit = unitScalor;
351  // Now add it to the configs
352  detLayerConfigs.push_back(layerBuilderConfig);
353  }
354  return detLayerConfigs;
355 }
357 } // namespace Options
358 } // namespace ActsExamples