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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TrackingVolume.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
18 #include <functional>
19 #include <utility>
22  const Transform3D& transform, VolumeBoundsPtr volbounds,
23  const std::shared_ptr<const TrackingVolumeArray>& containedVolumeArray,
24  const std::string& volumeName)
25  : Volume(transform, std::move(volbounds)),
26  m_volumeMaterial(nullptr),
27  m_boundarySurfaces(),
28  m_confinedLayers(nullptr),
29  m_confinedVolumes(containedVolumeArray),
30  m_name(volumeName) {
33 }
35 // constructor for arguments
37  const Transform3D& transform, VolumeBoundsPtr volumeBounds,
38  std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial> volumeMaterial,
39  std::unique_ptr<const LayerArray> staticLayerArray,
40  std::shared_ptr<const TrackingVolumeArray> containedVolumeArray,
41  MutableTrackingVolumeVector denseVolumeVector,
42  const std::string& volumeName)
43  : Volume(transform, std::move(volumeBounds)),
44  m_volumeMaterial(std::move(volumeMaterial)),
45  m_confinedLayers(std::move(staticLayerArray)),
46  m_confinedVolumes(std::move(containedVolumeArray)),
47  m_confinedDenseVolumes({}),
48  m_name(volumeName) {
49  createBoundarySurfaces();
50  interlinkLayers();
51  connectDenseBoundarySurfaces(denseVolumeVector);
52 }
54 // constructor for arguments
56  const Transform3D& transform, VolumeBoundsPtr volbounds,
57  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Volume::BoundingBox>> boxStore,
58  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const Volume>> descendants,
59  const Volume::BoundingBox* top,
60  std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial> volumeMaterial,
61  const std::string& volumeName)
62  : Volume(transform, std::move(volbounds)),
63  m_volumeMaterial(std::move(volumeMaterial)),
64  m_name(volumeName),
65  m_descendantVolumes(std::move(descendants)),
66  m_bvhTop(top) {
68  // we take a copy of the unique box pointers, but we want to
69  // store them as consts.
70  for (auto& uptr : boxStore) {
71  m_boundingBoxes.push_back(
72  std::unique_ptr<Volume::BoundingBox>(uptr.release()));
73  }
74 }
77  delete m_glueVolumeDescriptor;
78 }
81  const GeometryContext& /*gctx*/, const Vector3D& position,
82  const double tol) const {
83  // confined static volumes - highest hierarchy
84  if (m_confinedVolumes) {
85  return (m_confinedVolumes->object(position).get());
86  }
88  // search for dense volumes
89  if (!m_confinedDenseVolumes.empty())
90  for (auto& denseVolume : m_confinedDenseVolumes)
91  if (denseVolume->inside(position, tol))
92  return denseVolume.get();
94  // there is no lower sub structure
95  return this;
96 }
99  const {
100  return (m_boundarySurfaces);
101 }
104  MutableTrackingVolumeVector& confinedDenseVolumes) {
105  if (!confinedDenseVolumes.empty()) {
107  // Walk over each dense volume
108  for (auto& confDenseVol : confinedDenseVolumes) {
109  // Walk over each boundary surface of the volume
110  auto& boundSur = confDenseVol->boundarySurfaces();
111  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < boundSur.size(); i++) {
112  // Skip empty entries since we do not know the shape of the dense volume
113  // and therewith the used indices
114  if (boundSur.at(i) == nullptr) {
115  continue;
116  }
118  // Use mother volume as the opposite direction of the already used
119  // direction
120  auto mutableBs =
122  boundSur.at(i));
123  if (mutableBs->m_oppositeVolume != nullptr &&
124  mutableBs->m_alongVolume == nullptr) {
125  navDir = forward;
126  mutableBs->attachVolume(this, navDir);
127  } else {
128  if (mutableBs->m_oppositeVolume == nullptr &&
129  mutableBs->m_alongVolume != nullptr) {
130  navDir = backward;
131  mutableBs->attachVolume(this, navDir);
132  }
133  }
135  // Update the boundary
136  confDenseVol->updateBoundarySurface((BoundarySurfaceFace)i, mutableBs);
137  }
138  // Store the volume
139  m_confinedDenseVolumes.push_back(std::move(confDenseVol));
140  }
141  }
142 }
145  using Boundary = BoundarySurfaceT<TrackingVolume>;
147  // Transform Surfaces To BoundarySurfaces
148  auto orientedSurfaces = Volume::volumeBounds().orientedSurfaces(m_transform);
150  m_boundarySurfaces.reserve(orientedSurfaces.size());
151  for (auto& osf : orientedSurfaces) {
152  TrackingVolume* opposite = nullptr;
153  TrackingVolume* along = nullptr;
154  if (osf.second == backward) {
155  opposite = this;
156  } else {
157  along = this;
158  }
159  m_boundarySurfaces.push_back(std::make_shared<const Boundary>(
160  std::move(osf.first), opposite, along));
161  }
162 }
165  BoundarySurfaceFace bsfMine,
166  TrackingVolume* neighbor,
167  BoundarySurfaceFace bsfNeighbor) {
168  // Find the connection of the two tracking volumes: binR returns the center
169  // except for cylindrical volumes
170  Vector3D bPosition(binningPosition(gctx, binR));
171  Vector3D distance =
172  Vector3D(neighbor->binningPosition(gctx, binR) - bPosition);
173  // glue to the face
174  std::shared_ptr<const BoundarySurfaceT<TrackingVolume>> bSurfaceMine =
175  boundarySurfaces().at(bsfMine);
176  // @todo - complex glueing could be possible with actual intersection for the
177  // normal vector
178  Vector3D nvector =
179  bSurfaceMine->surfaceRepresentation().normal(gctx, bPosition);
180  // estimate the orientation
182  (nvector.dot(distance) > 0.) ? forward : backward;
183  // The easy case :
184  // - no glue volume descriptors on either side
185  if ((m_glueVolumeDescriptor == nullptr) ||
186  m_glueVolumeDescriptor->glueVolumes(bsfMine) == nullptr) {
187  // the boundary orientation
188  auto mutableBSurfaceMine =
190  mutableBSurfaceMine->attachVolume(neighbor, navDir);
191  // Make sure you keep the boundary material if there
192  const Surface& neighborSurface =
193  neighbor->m_boundarySurfaces.at(bsfNeighbor)->surfaceRepresentation();
194  auto neighborMaterial = neighborSurface.surfaceMaterialSharedPtr();
195  const Surface& mySurface = bSurfaceMine->surfaceRepresentation();
196  auto myMaterial = mySurface.surfaceMaterialSharedPtr();
197  // Keep the neighbor material
198  if (myMaterial == nullptr and neighborMaterial != nullptr) {
199  Surface* myMutbableSurface = const_cast<Surface*>(&mySurface);
200  myMutbableSurface->assignSurfaceMaterial(neighborMaterial);
201  }
202  // Now set it to the neighbor volume
203  (neighbor->m_boundarySurfaces).at(bsfNeighbor) = bSurfaceMine;
204  }
205 }
208  const GeometryContext& gctx, BoundarySurfaceFace bsfMine,
209  const std::shared_ptr<TrackingVolumeArray>& neighbors,
210  BoundarySurfaceFace bsfNeighbor) {
211  // find the connection of the two tracking volumes : binR returns the center
212  // except for cylindrical volumes
213  std::shared_ptr<const TrackingVolume> nRefVolume =
214  neighbors->arrayObjects().at(0);
215  // get the distance
216  Vector3D bPosition(binningPosition(gctx, binR));
217  Vector3D distance =
218  Vector3D(nRefVolume->binningPosition(gctx, binR) - bPosition);
219  // take the normal at the binning positio
220  std::shared_ptr<const BoundarySurfaceT<TrackingVolume>> bSurfaceMine =
221  boundarySurfaces().at(bsfMine);
222  // @todo - complex glueing could be possible with actual intersection for the
223  // normal vector
224  Vector3D nvector =
225  bSurfaceMine->surfaceRepresentation().normal(gctx, bPosition);
226  // estimate the orientation
228  (nvector.dot(distance) > 0.) ? forward : backward;
229  // the easy case :
230  // - no glue volume descriptors on either side
231  if ((m_glueVolumeDescriptor == nullptr) ||
232  !m_glueVolumeDescriptor->glueVolumes(bsfMine)) {
233  // the boundary orientation
234  auto mutableBSurfaceMine =
236  mutableBSurfaceMine->attachVolumeArray(neighbors, navDir);
237  // now set it to the neighbor volumes - the optised way
238  for (auto& nVolume : neighbors->arrayObjects()) {
239  auto mutableNVolume = std::const_pointer_cast<TrackingVolume>(nVolume);
240  (mutableNVolume->m_boundarySurfaces).at(bsfNeighbor) = bSurfaceMine;
241  }
242  }
243 }
246  std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial> surfaceMaterial,
247  BoundarySurfaceFace bsFace) {
248  auto bSurface = m_boundarySurfaces.at(bsFace);
249  Surface* surface = const_cast<Surface*>(&bSurface->surfaceRepresentation());
250  surface->assignSurfaceMaterial(std::move(surfaceMaterial));
251 }
255  std::shared_ptr<const BoundarySurfaceT<TrackingVolume>> bs,
256  bool checkmaterial) {
257  if (checkmaterial) {
258  auto cMaterialPtr = m_boundarySurfaces.at(bsf)
259  ->surfaceRepresentation()
260  .surfaceMaterialSharedPtr();
261  auto bsMaterial = bs->surfaceRepresentation().surfaceMaterial();
262  if (cMaterialPtr != nullptr && bsMaterial == nullptr) {
263  Surface* surface = const_cast<Surface*>(&bs->surfaceRepresentation());
264  surface->assignSurfaceMaterial(cMaterialPtr);
265  }
266  }
267  m_boundarySurfaces.at(bsf) = std::move(bs);
268 }
271  GlueVolumesDescriptor* gvd) {
272  delete m_glueVolumeDescriptor;
273  m_glueVolumeDescriptor = gvd;
274 }
277  if (m_glueVolumeDescriptor == nullptr) {
278  m_glueVolumeDescriptor = new GlueVolumesDescriptor;
279  }
280  return (*m_glueVolumeDescriptor);
281 }
283 void Acts::TrackingVolume::synchronizeLayers(double envelope) const {
284  // case a : Layers exist
285  // msgstream << MSG::VERBOSE << " -> synchronizing Layer dimensions of
286  // TrackingVolume '" << volumeName() << "'." << endreq;
288  if (m_confinedLayers) {
289  // msgstream << MSG::VERBOSE << " ---> working on " <<
290  // m_confinedLayers->arrayObjects().size() << " (material+navigation)
291  // layers." << endreq;
292  for (auto& clayIter : m_confinedLayers->arrayObjects()) {
293  if (clayIter) {
294  // @todo implement syncrhonize layer
295  // if (clayIter->surfaceRepresentation().type() == Surface::Cylinder &&
296  // !(center().isApprox(clayIter->surfaceRepresentation().center())) )
297  // clayIter->resizeAndRepositionLayer(volumeBounds(),center(),envelope);
298  // else
299  // clayIter->resizeLayer(volumeBounds(),envelope);
300  } // else
301  // msgstream << MSG::WARNING << " ---> found 0 pointer to layer,
302  // indicates problem." << endreq;
303  }
304  }
306  // case b : container volume -> step down
307  if (m_confinedVolumes) {
308  // msgstream << MSG::VERBOSE << " ---> no confined layers, working on " <<
309  // m_confinedVolumes->arrayObjects().size() << " confined volumes." <<
310  // endreq;
311  for (auto& cVolumesIter : m_confinedVolumes->arrayObjects()) {
312  cVolumesIter->synchronizeLayers(envelope);
313  }
314  }
315 }
318  if (m_confinedLayers) {
319  auto& layers = m_confinedLayers->arrayObjects();
321  // forward register the last one as the previous one
322  // first <- | -> second, first <- | -> second, first <- | -> second
323  const Layer* lastLayer = nullptr;
324  for (auto& layerPtr : layers) {
325  // we'll need to mutate our confined layers to perform this operation
326  Layer& mutableLayer = *(std::const_pointer_cast<Layer>(layerPtr));
327  // register the layers
328  mutableLayer.m_nextLayerUtility = m_confinedLayers->binUtility();
329  mutableLayer.m_nextLayers.first = lastLayer;
330  // register the volume
331  mutableLayer.encloseTrackingVolume(*this);
332  // remember the last layer
333  lastLayer = &mutableLayer;
334  }
335  // backward loop
336  lastLayer = nullptr;
337  for (auto layerIter = layers.rbegin(); layerIter != layers.rend();
338  ++layerIter) {
339  // set the other next volume
340  Layer& mutableLayer = *(std::const_pointer_cast<Layer>(*layerIter));
341  mutableLayer.m_nextLayers.second = lastLayer;
342  lastLayer = &mutableLayer;
343  }
344  }
345 }
348  const IMaterialDecorator* materialDecorator,
349  std::map<std::string, const TrackingVolume*>& volumeMap, size_t& vol) {
350  // insert the volume into the map
351  volumeMap[volumeName()] = this;
353  // we can construct the volume ID from this
354  auto volumeID = GeometryIdentifier().setVolume(++vol);
355  // assign the Volume ID to the volume itself
356  auto thisVolume = const_cast<TrackingVolume*>(this);
357  thisVolume->assignGeometryId(volumeID);
359  // assign the material if you have a decorator
360  if (materialDecorator != nullptr) {
361  materialDecorator->decorate(*thisVolume);
362  }
363  if (thisVolume->volumeMaterial() == nullptr && thisVolume->motherVolume() &&
364  thisVolume->motherVolume()->volumeMaterial() != nullptr) {
365  auto protoMaterial = dynamic_cast<const Acts::ProtoVolumeMaterial*>(
366  thisVolume->motherVolume()->volumeMaterial());
367  if (protoMaterial == nullptr) {
368  thisVolume->assignVolumeMaterial(
369  thisVolume->motherVolume()->volumeMaterialSharedPtr());
370  }
371  }
373  this->assignGeometryId(volumeID);
374  // loop over the boundary surfaces
375  GeometryIdentifier::Value iboundary = 0;
376  // loop over the boundary surfaces
377  for (auto& bSurfIter : boundarySurfaces()) {
378  // get the intersection soltuion
379  auto& bSurface = bSurfIter->surfaceRepresentation();
380  // create the boundary surface id
381  auto boundaryID = GeometryIdentifier(volumeID).setBoundary(++iboundary);
382  // now assign to the boundary surface
383  auto& mutableBSurface = *(const_cast<Surface*>(&bSurface));
384  mutableBSurface.assignGeometryId(boundaryID);
385  // assign the material if you have a decorator
386  if (materialDecorator != nullptr) {
387  materialDecorator->decorate(mutableBSurface);
388  }
389  }
391  // A) this is NOT a container volume, volumeID is already incremented
392  if (!m_confinedVolumes) {
393  // loop over the confined layers
394  if (m_confinedLayers) {
395  GeometryIdentifier::Value ilayer = 0;
396  // loop over the layers
397  for (auto& layerPtr : m_confinedLayers->arrayObjects()) {
398  // create the layer identification
399  auto layerID = GeometryIdentifier(volumeID).setLayer(++ilayer);
400  // now close the geometry
401  auto mutableLayerPtr = std::const_pointer_cast<Layer>(layerPtr);
402  mutableLayerPtr->closeGeometry(materialDecorator, layerID);
403  }
404  } else if (m_bvhTop != nullptr) {
405  GeometryIdentifier::Value isurface = 0;
406  for (const auto& descVol : m_descendantVolumes) {
407  // Attempt to cast to AbstractVolume: only one we'll handle
408  const AbstractVolume* avol =
409  dynamic_cast<const AbstractVolume*>(descVol.get());
410  if (avol != nullptr) {
411  const auto& bndSrf = avol->boundarySurfaces();
412  for (const auto& bnd : bndSrf) {
413  const auto& srf = bnd->surfaceRepresentation();
414  Surface* mutableSurfcePtr = const_cast<Surface*>(&srf);
415  auto geoID = GeometryIdentifier(volumeID).setSensitive(++isurface);
416  mutableSurfcePtr->assignGeometryId(geoID);
417  }
418  }
419  }
420  }
421  } else {
422  // B) this is a container volume, go through sub volume
423  // do the loop
424  for (auto& volumesIter : m_confinedVolumes->arrayObjects()) {
425  auto mutableVolumesIter =
427  mutableVolumesIter->setMotherVolume(this);
428  mutableVolumesIter->closeGeometry(materialDecorator, volumeMap, vol);
429  }
430  }
432  if (!m_confinedDenseVolumes.empty()) {
433  for (auto& volumesIter : m_confinedDenseVolumes) {
434  auto mutableVolumesIter =
436  mutableVolumesIter->setMotherVolume(this);
437  mutableVolumesIter->closeGeometry(materialDecorator, volumeMap, vol);
438  }
439  }
440 }
443  const std::function<void(const Acts::Surface*)>& visitor) const {
444  if (!m_confinedVolumes) {
445  // no sub volumes => loop over the confined layers
446  if (m_confinedLayers) {
447  for (const auto& layer : m_confinedLayers->arrayObjects()) {
448  if (layer->surfaceArray() == nullptr) {
449  // no surface array (?)
450  continue;
451  }
452  for (const auto& srf : layer->surfaceArray()->surfaces()) {
453  visitor(srf);
454  }
455  }
456  }
457  } else {
458  // contains sub volumes
459  for (const auto& volume : m_confinedVolumes->arrayObjects()) {
460  volume->visitSurfaces(visitor);
461  }
462  }
463 }
465 // Returns the boundary surfaces ordered in probability to hit them based on
466 std::vector<Acts::BoundaryIntersection>
468  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3D& position,
469  const Vector3D& direction, const NavigationOptions<Surface>& options,
470  LoggerWrapper logger) const {
471  ACTS_VERBOSE("Finding compatibleBoundaries");
472  // Loop over boundarySurfaces and calculate the intersection
473  auto excludeObject = options.startObject;
474  std::vector<BoundaryIntersection> bIntersections;
476  // The signed direction: solution (except overstepping) is positive
477  auto sDirection = options.navDir * direction;
479  // The Limits: current, path & overstepping
480  double pLimit = options.pathLimit;
481  double oLimit = options.overstepLimit;
483  // Helper function to test intersection
484  auto checkIntersection =
485  [&](SurfaceIntersection& sIntersection,
486  const BoundarySurface* bSurface) -> BoundaryIntersection {
487  // Avoid doing anything if that's a rotten apple already
488  if (!sIntersection) {
489  return BoundaryIntersection();
490  }
492  ACTS_VERBOSE("Check intersection with surface "
493  << &bSurface->surfaceRepresentation());
494  double cLimit = sIntersection.intersection.pathLength;
495  ACTS_VERBOSE(" -> pLimit, oLimit, cLimit: " << pLimit << ", " << oLimit
496  << ", " << cLimit);
498  // Check if the surface is within limit
499  bool withinLimit =
500  (cLimit > oLimit and
501  cLimit * cLimit <= pLimit * pLimit + s_onSurfaceTolerance);
502  if (withinLimit) {
503  ACTS_VERBOSE("Intersection is WITHIN limit");
504  sIntersection.intersection.pathLength *=
505  std::copysign(1., options.navDir);
506  return BoundaryIntersection(sIntersection.intersection, bSurface,
507  sIntersection.object);
508  } else {
509  ACTS_VERBOSE("Intersection is OUTSIDE limit");
510  }
512  // Check the alternative
513  if (sIntersection.alternative) {
514  ACTS_VERBOSE("Consider alternative");
515  // Test the alternative
516  cLimit = sIntersection.alternative.pathLength;
517  ACTS_VERBOSE(" -> pLimit, oLimit, cLimit: " << pLimit << ", " << oLimit
518  << ", " << cLimit);
519  withinLimit = (cLimit > oLimit and
520  cLimit * cLimit <= pLimit * pLimit + s_onSurfaceTolerance);
521  if (sIntersection.alternative and withinLimit) {
522  ACTS_VERBOSE("Intersection is WITHIN limit");
523  sIntersection.alternative.pathLength *=
524  std::copysign(1., options.navDir);
525  return BoundaryIntersection(sIntersection.alternative, bSurface,
526  sIntersection.object);
527  } else {
528  ACTS_VERBOSE("Intersection is OUTSIDE limit");
529  }
530  } else {
531  ACTS_VERBOSE("No alternative for intersection");
532  }
533  // Return an invalid one
534  ACTS_VERBOSE("No intersection accepted");
535  return BoundaryIntersection();
536  };
539  auto processBoundaries =
540  [&](const TrackingVolumeBoundaries& bSurfaces) -> void {
541  ACTS_VERBOSE("Processing boundaries");
542  // Loop over the boundary surfaces
543  for (auto& bsIter : bSurfaces) {
544  // Get the boundary surface pointer
545  const auto& bSurfaceRep = bsIter->surfaceRepresentation();
546  if (logger().doPrint(Logging::VERBOSE)) {
547  auto os = logger().log(Logging::VERBOSE);
548  os << "Consider boundary surface " << &bSurfaceRep << " :\n";
549  std::stringstream strm;
550  bSurfaceRep.toStream(gctx, strm);
551  os << strm.str();
552  }
554  // Exclude the boundary where you are on
555  if (excludeObject != &bSurfaceRep) {
556  auto bCandidate = bSurfaceRep.intersect(gctx, position, sDirection,
557  options.boundaryCheck);
558  // Intersect and continue
559  auto bIntersection = checkIntersection(bCandidate, bsIter.get());
560  if (bIntersection) {
561  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - Proceed with surface");
562  bIntersections.push_back(bIntersection);
563  } else {
564  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - Surface intersecion invalid");
565  }
566  } else {
567  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - Surface is excluded surface");
568  }
569  }
570  };
572  // Process the boundaries of the current volume
573  auto& bSurfaces = boundarySurfaces();
574  ACTS_VERBOSE("Volume reports " << bSurfaces.size() << " boundary surfaces");
575  processBoundaries(bSurfaces);
577  // Process potential boundaries of contained volumes
578  auto confinedDenseVolumes = denseVolumes();
579  ACTS_VERBOSE("Volume reports " << confinedDenseVolumes.size()
580  << " confined dense volumes");
581  for (const auto& dv : confinedDenseVolumes) {
582  auto& bSurfacesConfined = dv->boundarySurfaces();
583  ACTS_VERBOSE(" -> " << bSurfacesConfined.size() << " boundary surfaces");
584  processBoundaries(bSurfacesConfined);
585  }
587  // Sort them accordingly to the navigation direction
588  if (options.navDir == forward) {
589  std::sort(bIntersections.begin(), bIntersections.end());
590  } else {
591  std::sort(bIntersections.begin(), bIntersections.end(), std::greater<>());
592  }
593  return bIntersections;
594 }
596 std::vector<Acts::LayerIntersection> Acts::TrackingVolume::compatibleLayers(
597  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3D& position,
598  const Vector3D& direction, const NavigationOptions<Layer>& options) const {
599  // the layer intersections which are valid
600  std::vector<LayerIntersection> lIntersections;
602  // the confinedLayers
603  if (m_confinedLayers != nullptr) {
604  // start layer given or not - test layer
605  const Layer* tLayer = options.startObject != nullptr
606  ? options.startObject
607  : associatedLayer(gctx, position);
608  while (tLayer != nullptr) {
609  // check if the layer needs resolving
610  // - resolveSensitive -> always take layer if it has a surface array
611  // - resolveMaterial -> always take layer if it has material
612  // - resolvePassive -> always take, unless it's a navigation layer
613  // skip the start object
614  if (tLayer != options.startObject && tLayer->resolve(options)) {
615  // if it's a resolveable start layer, you are by definition on it
616  // layer on approach intersection
617  auto atIntersection =
618  tLayer->surfaceOnApproach(gctx, position, direction, options);
619  auto path = atIntersection.intersection.pathLength;
620  bool withinLimit =
621  (path * path <= options.pathLimit * options.pathLimit);
622  // Intersection is ok - take it (move to surface on appraoch)
623  if (atIntersection &&
624  (atIntersection.object != options.targetSurface) && withinLimit) {
625  // create a layer intersection
626  lIntersections.push_back(LayerIntersection(
627  atIntersection.intersection, tLayer, atIntersection.object));
628  }
629  }
630  // move to next one or break because you reached the end layer
631  tLayer =
632  (tLayer == options.endObject)
633  ? nullptr
634  : tLayer->nextLayer(gctx, position, options.navDir * direction);
635  }
636  // sort them accordingly to the navigation direction
637  if (options.navDir == forward) {
638  std::sort(lIntersections.begin(), lIntersections.end());
639  } else {
640  std::sort(lIntersections.begin(), lIntersections.end(), std::greater<>());
641  }
642  }
643  // and return
644  return lIntersections;
645 }
647 namespace {
648 template <typename T>
649 std::vector<const Acts::Volume*> intersectSearchHierarchy(
650  const T obj, const Acts::Volume::BoundingBox* lnode) {
651  std::vector<const Acts::Volume*> hits;
652  hits.reserve(20); // arbitrary
653  do {
654  if (lnode->intersect(obj)) {
655  if (lnode->hasEntity()) {
656  // found primitive
657  // check obb to limit false positivies
658  const Acts::Volume* vol = lnode->entity();
659  const auto& obb = vol->orientedBoundingBox();
660  if (obb.intersect(obj.transformed(vol->itransform()))) {
661  hits.push_back(vol);
662  }
663  // we skip in any case, whether we actually hit the OBB or not
664  lnode = lnode->getSkip();
665  } else {
666  // go over children
667  lnode = lnode->getLeftChild();
668  }
669  } else {
670  lnode = lnode->getSkip();
671  }
672  } while (lnode != nullptr);
674  return hits;
675 }
676 } // namespace
678 std::vector<Acts::SurfaceIntersection>
680  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3D& position,
681  const Vector3D& direction, double angle,
682  const NavigationOptions<Surface>& options) const {
683  std::vector<SurfaceIntersection> sIntersections;
684  sIntersections.reserve(20); // arbitrary
686  // The limits for this navigation step
687  double pLimit = options.pathLimit;
688  double oLimit = options.overstepLimit;
690  if (m_bvhTop == nullptr || !options.navDir) {
691  return sIntersections;
692  }
694  // The signed direction
695  Vector3D sdir = options.navDir * direction;
697  std::vector<const Volume*> hits;
698  if (angle == 0) {
699  // use ray
700  Ray3D obj(position, sdir);
701  hits = intersectSearchHierarchy(std::move(obj), m_bvhTop);
702  } else {
703  Acts::Frustum<double, 3, 4> obj(position, sdir, angle);
704  hits = intersectSearchHierarchy(std::move(obj), m_bvhTop);
705  }
707  // have cells, decompose to surfaces
708  for (const Volume* vol : hits) {
709  const AbstractVolume* avol = dynamic_cast<const AbstractVolume*>(vol);
710  const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const BoundarySurfaceT<AbstractVolume>>>&
711  boundarySurfaces = avol->boundarySurfaces();
712  for (const auto& bs : boundarySurfaces) {
713  const Surface& srf = bs->surfaceRepresentation();
714  auto sfi = srf.intersect(gctx, position, sdir, false);
715  if (sfi and sfi.intersection.pathLength > oLimit and
716  sfi.intersection.pathLength <= pLimit) {
717  sIntersections.push_back(std::move(sfi));
718  }
719  }
720  }
722  // Sort according to the path length
723  if (options.navDir == forward) {
724  std::sort(sIntersections.begin(), sIntersections.end());
725  } else {
726  std::sort(sIntersections.begin(), sIntersections.end(), std::greater<>());
727  }
729  return sIntersections;
730 }