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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PHSiliconTpcTrackMatching.cc
3 #include "AssocInfoContainer.h"
6 #include <trackbase/TrkrDefs.h> // for cluskey, getTrkrId, tpcId
12 #include <trackbase_historic/SvtxVertex.h> // for SvtxVertex
16 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h> // for PHG4Hit
17 #include <g4main/PHG4Particle.h> // for PHG4Particle
18 #include <g4main/PHG4HitDefs.h> // for keytype
22 #include <phool/phool.h>
23 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
24 #include <phool/getClass.h>
27 #if __cplusplus < 201402L
28 #include <boost/make_unique.hpp>
29 #endif
31 #include <TF1.h>
33 #include <climits> // for UINT_MAX
34 #include <iostream> // for operator<<, basic_ostream
35 #include <cmath> // for fabs, sqrt
36 #include <set> // for _Rb_tree_const_iterator
37 #include <utility> // for pair
38 #include <memory>
40 using namespace std;
42 //____________________________________________________________________________..
44  SubsysReco(name)
45  , _track_map_name_silicon("SvtxSiliconTrackMap")
46 {
47  //cout << "PHSiliconTpcTrackMatching::PHSiliconTpcTrackMatching(const std::string &name) Calling ctor" << endl;
48 }
50 //____________________________________________________________________________..
52 {
54 }
56 //____________________________________________________________________________..
58 {
59  // put these in the output file
60  cout << PHWHERE "_is_ca_seeder " << _is_ca_seeder << " Search windows: phi " << _phi_search_win << " eta "
61  << _eta_search_win << " pp_mode " << _pp_mode << endl;
63  // corrects the PHTpcTracker phi bias
64  fdphi = new TF1("f1", "[0] + [1]/x^[2]");
65  fdphi->SetParameter(0, _par0);
66  fdphi->SetParameter(1, _par1);
67  fdphi->SetParameter(2, _par2);
69  // corrects the space charge distortion phi bias
70  if(!_is_ca_seeder)
71  {
72  // PHTpcTracker correction is opposite in sign
73  // and different in magnitude - why?
74  _parsc0 *= -1.0 * 0.7;
75  _parsc1 *= -1.0 * 0.7;
76  }
77  fscdphi = new TF1("f2","[0] + [1]*x^2");
81  int ret = GetNodes(topNode);
82  if (ret != Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK) return ret;
84  return ret;
85 }
87 //____________________________________________________________________________..
89 {
90  // _track_map contains the TPC seed track stubs
91  // _track_map_silicon contains the silicon seed track stubs
92  // We will add the silicon clusters to the TPC tracks already on the node tree
93  // We will have to expand the number of tracks whenever we find multiple matches to the silicon
96  _z_mismatch_map.clear();
98  if(Verbosity() > 0)
99  cout << PHWHERE << " TPC track map size " << _track_map->size() << " Silicon track map size " << _track_map_silicon->size() << endl;
101  if(_track_map->size() == 0)
104  if(Verbosity() > 2)
105  {
106  // list silicon tracks
107  for (auto phtrk_iter_si = _track_map_silicon->begin();
108  phtrk_iter_si != _track_map_silicon->end();
109  ++phtrk_iter_si)
110  {
111  _tracklet_si = phtrk_iter_si->second;
113  double si_phi = atan2(_tracklet_si->get_py(), _tracklet_si->get_px());
114  double si_eta = _tracklet_si->get_eta();
116  cout << " Si track " << _tracklet_si->get_id() << " si_phi " << si_phi << " si_eta " << si_eta << endl;
117  }
118  }
120  // Find all matches of tpc and si tracklets in eta and phi, x and y
121  // If _pp_mode is not set, a match in z is also required - gives same behavior as old code
122  // In any case, multiple matches are handled by duplicating the tpc tracklet into a new track
123  // "_seed_track_map" records (original id,duplicate id) so that the track cleaner can choose the one with the best Acts fit later
124  std::multimap<unsigned int, unsigned int> tpc_matches;
125  std::set<unsigned int> tpc_matched_set;
126  findEtaPhiMatches(tpc_matched_set, tpc_matches);
128  // We have a complete list of all eta/phi matched tracks in the map "tpc_matches"
129  // In all cases, the crossing value is only rough at this point (it is only a tag)
130  std::multimap<int, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> crossing_matches;
131  std::map<unsigned int, int> tpc_crossing_map;
132  std::set<int> crossing_set;
133  if(_pp_mode)
134  {
135  // This section is to correct the TPC z positions of tracks for all bunch crossings.
136  //=================================================================================
138  // All tracks treated as if we do not know the bunch crossing
139  // The crossing estimate here is crude, for now
140  tagMatchCrossing(tpc_matches, crossing_set, crossing_matches, tpc_crossing_map);
142  // Sort candidates by the silicon tracklet Z position by putting them in si_sorted map
143  // -- captures crossing, tpc_id and si_id
144  std::multimap<double, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> si_sorted_map;
145  for( auto ncross : crossing_set)
146  {
147  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << " ncross = " << ncross << std::endl;
149  auto ret = crossing_matches. equal_range(ncross);
150  for(auto it = ret.first; it != ret.second; ++it)
151  {
152  if(Verbosity() > 1)
153  std::cout << " crossing " << it->first << " tpc_id " << it->second.first << " si_id " << it->second.second
154  << " pT " << _track_map->get(it->second.first)->get_pt()
155  << " eta " << _track_map->get(it->second.first)->get_eta()
156  << " tpc_z " << _track_map->get(it->second.first)->get_z()
157  << " si_z " << _track_map_silicon->get(it->second.second)->get_z()
158  << std::endl;
160  double z_si = _track_map_silicon->get(it->second.second)->get_z();
161  si_sorted_map.insert(std::make_pair(z_si, std::make_pair(it->second.first, it->second.second)));
162  }
163  }
165  // make a list of silicon vertices, and a multimap with all associated tpc/si pairs
166  std::multimap<unsigned int, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> vertex_map;
167  std::vector<double> vertex_list;
168  getSiVertexList(si_sorted_map, vertex_list, vertex_map);
170  // find the crossing number for every track from the mismatch with the associated silicon vertex z position
171  std::map<unsigned int, double> vertex_crossings_map;
172  getCrossingNumber(vertex_list, vertex_map, vertex_crossings_map);
174  // Remove tracks from vertex_map where the vertex crossing is badly inconsistent with the initial crossing estimate
175  cleanVertexMap( vertex_crossings_map, vertex_map, tpc_crossing_map );
177  // correct the TPC cluster z values for the bunch crossing offset
178  correctTpcClusterZ(vertex_crossings_map, vertex_map);
180  // add silicon clusters to the surviving tracks
181  addSiliconClusters(vertex_map);
183  //===================================================
184  }
185  else
186  {
187  // only crossing zero has been added to the tpc_matches map, just add silicon clusters
188  addSiliconClusters(tpc_matches);
189  }
191  // loop over all tracks and copy the silicon clusters to the corrected cluster map
195  if(Verbosity() > 0)
196  cout << " Final track map size " << _track_map->size()
197  << " seed-track map size " << _seed_track_map->size() << endl;
199  if (Verbosity() > 0)
200  cout << "PHSiliconTpcTrackMatching::process_event(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Leaving process_event" << endl;
203  }
206 {
208 }
211 {
212  //---------------------------------
213  // Get additional objects off the Node Tree
214  //---------------------------------
216  _assoc_container = findNode::getClass<AssocInfoContainer>(topNode, "AssocInfoContainer");
217  if (!_assoc_container)
218  {
219  cerr << PHWHERE << " ERROR: Can't find AssocInfoContainer." << endl;
221  }
223  _track_map_silicon = findNode::getClass<SvtxTrackMap>(topNode, _silicon_track_map_name);
224  if (!_track_map_silicon)
225  {
226  cerr << PHWHERE << " ERROR: Can't find SvtxSiliconTrackMap: " << endl;
228  }
230  _track_map = findNode::getClass<SvtxTrackMap>(topNode, _track_map_name);
231  if (!_track_map)
232  {
233  cerr << PHWHERE << " ERROR: Can't find SvtxTrackMap " << endl;
235  }
237  _seed_track_map = findNode::getClass<TpcSeedTrackMap>(topNode, _tpcseed_track_map_name);
238  if(!_seed_track_map)
239  {
240  std::cout << "Creating node TpcSeedTrackMap" << std::endl;
243  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode);
244  PHCompositeNode *dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
247  if (!dstNode)
248  {
249  std::cerr << "DST Node missing, quitting" << std::endl;
250  throw std::runtime_error("failed to find DST node in PHActsSourceLinks::createNodes");
251  }
254  PHCompositeNode *svtxNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "SVTX"));
257  if (!svtxNode)
258  {
259  svtxNode = new PHCompositeNode("SVTX");
260  dstNode->addNode(svtxNode);
261  }
266  svtxNode->addNode(node);
267  }
269  _corrected_cluster_map = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode,"CORRECTED_TRKR_CLUSTER");
271  {
272  std::cout << " Found CORRECTED_TRKR_CLUSTER node " << std::endl;
273  }
275  _cluster_map = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_CLUSTER");
276  if (!_cluster_map)
277  {
278  std::cout << PHWHERE << " ERROR: Can't find node TRKR_CLUSTER" << std::endl;
280  }
282  _tGeometry = findNode::getClass<ActsTrackingGeometry>(topNode,"ActsTrackingGeometry");
283  if(!_tGeometry)
284  {
285  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Error, can't find acts tracking geometry" << std::endl;
287  }
289  _surfmaps = findNode::getClass<ActsSurfaceMaps>(topNode,"ActsSurfaceMaps");
290  if(!_surfmaps)
291  {
292  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Error, can't find acts surface maps" << std::endl;
294  }
297 }
299 double PHSiliconTpcTrackMatching::getBunchCrossing(unsigned int trid, double z_mismatch )
300 {
301  // the bunch crossing separation is 110 nsec
302  double vdrift = 8.00; // cm /microsecond
303  double z_bunch_separation = 0.107 * vdrift; // 107 ns bunch crossing interval
305  // The sign of z_mismatch will depend on which side of the TPC the tracklet is in
306  SvtxTrack *track = _track_map->get(trid);
308  double crossings = z_mismatch / z_bunch_separation;
310  // Check the sign of z for the first cluster in the track
311  // loop over associated clusters to get hits for TPC only, add to new track copy
312  double clus_z = 0.0;
313  ActsTransformations transformer;
315  iter != track->end_cluster_keys();
316  ++iter)
317  {
318  TrkrDefs::cluskey cluster_key = *iter;
319  unsigned int trkrid = TrkrDefs::getTrkrId(cluster_key);
320  if(trkrid == TrkrDefs::tpcId)
321  {
323  TrkrCluster *tpc_clus;
325  tpc_clus = _corrected_cluster_map->findCluster(cluster_key);
326  else
327  tpc_clus = _cluster_map->findCluster(cluster_key);
329  auto global = transformer.getGlobalPosition(tpc_clus,
330  _surfmaps,
331  _tGeometry);
332  clus_z = global[2];
333  break; // we only need the first one
334  }
335  }
337  // if true z > 0, the z offset will be negative from a positive t0, so z_tpc - z_si will be negative for a positive crossing offset
338  // -- reverse the sign of crossings to get a positive crossing for a positive t0
339  // if true z < 0, the z offset will be positive from a positive t0, z_tpc - z_si will be positive for a positive crossing offset
340  // -- the sign of crossings is OK
341  // have to correct clus_z for the z_mismatch to see if it was really positive or negative
342  if(clus_z -z_mismatch > 0)
343  crossings *= -1.0;
345  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << " trackid " << trid << " clus_z " << clus_z << " z_mismatch " << z_mismatch << " crossings " << crossings << std::endl;
347  return crossings;
348 }
350 double PHSiliconTpcTrackMatching::getMedian(std::vector<double> &v)
351 {
352  if(v.size() == 0) return NAN;
354  double median = 0.0;
356  if( (v.size() % 2) == 0)
357  {
358  // even number of entries
359  // we want the average of the middle two numbers, v.size()/2 and v.size()/2-1
360  auto m1 = v.begin() + v.size()/2;
361  std::nth_element(v.begin(), m1, v.end());
362  double median1 = v[v.size()/2];
364  auto m2 = v.begin() + v.size()/2 - 1;
365  std::nth_element(v.begin(), m2, v.end());
366  double median2 = v[v.size()/2 - 1];
368  median = (median1 + median2) / 2.0;
369  if(Verbosity() > 2) std::cout << "The vector size is " << v.size()
370  << " element m is " << v.size() / 2 << " = " << v[v.size()/2]
371  << " element m-1 is " << v.size() / 2 -1 << " = " << v[v.size()/2-1]
372  << std::endl;
373  }
374  else
375  {
376  // odd number of entries
377  auto m = v.begin() + v.size()/2;
378  std::nth_element(v.begin(), m, v.end());
379  median = v[v.size()/2];
380  if(Verbosity() > 2) std::cout << "The vector size is " << v.size() << " element m is " << v.size() / 2 << " = " << v[v.size()/2] << std::endl;
381  }
383  return median ;
384 }
386 void PHSiliconTpcTrackMatching::addSiliconClusters( std::multimap<unsigned int, unsigned int> &tpc_matches )
387 {
389  for(auto it = tpc_matches.begin(); it != tpc_matches.end(); ++it)
390  {
391  unsigned int tpcid = it->first;
392  SvtxTrack *tpc_track = _track_map->get(tpcid);
393  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << " tpcid " << tpcid << " original z " << tpc_track->get_z() << std::endl;
395  // add the silicon cluster keys to the track
396  unsigned int si_id = it->second;
397  SvtxTrack *si_track = _track_map_silicon->get(si_id);
398  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << " si track id " << si_id << std::endl;
399  for (SvtxTrack::ConstClusterKeyIter si_iter = si_track->begin_cluster_keys();
400  si_iter != si_track->end_cluster_keys();
401  ++si_iter)
402  {
403  TrkrDefs::cluskey si_cluster_key = *si_iter;
405  if(Verbosity() > 1)
406  cout << " inserting si cluster key " << si_cluster_key << " into existing TPC track " << tpc_track->get_id() << endl;
408  tpc_track->insert_cluster_key(si_cluster_key);
409  _assoc_container->SetClusterTrackAssoc(si_cluster_key, tpc_track->get_id());
412  }
414  // update the track position to the si one
415  tpc_track->set_x(si_track->get_x());
416  tpc_track->set_y(si_track->get_y());
417  tpc_track->set_z(si_track->get_z());
419  if(Verbosity() > 2)
420  std::cout << " TPC seed track ID " << tpc_track->get_id() << " si track id " << si_track->get_id()
421  << " new nclus " << tpc_track->size_cluster_keys() << std::endl;
423  if(Verbosity() > 2)
424  tpc_track->identify();
425  }
427  return;
428 }
430 // not used
431 void PHSiliconTpcTrackMatching::addSiliconClusters( std::multimap<int, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> &crossing_matches )
432 {
434  for(auto it = crossing_matches.begin(); it != crossing_matches.end(); ++it)
435  {
436  unsigned int tpcid = it->second.first;
437  SvtxTrack *tpc_track = _track_map->get(tpcid);
438  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << " tpcid " << tpcid << " original z " << tpc_track->get_z() << std::endl;
440  // add the silicon cluster keys to the track
441  unsigned int si_id = it->second.second;
442  SvtxTrack *si_track = _track_map_silicon->get(si_id);
443  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << " si track id " << si_id << std::endl;
444  for (SvtxTrack::ConstClusterKeyIter si_iter = si_track->begin_cluster_keys();
445  si_iter != si_track->end_cluster_keys();
446  ++si_iter)
447  {
448  TrkrDefs::cluskey si_cluster_key = *si_iter;
450  if(Verbosity() > 1)
451  cout << " inserting si cluster key " << si_cluster_key << " into existing TPC track " << tpc_track->get_id() << endl;
453  tpc_track->insert_cluster_key(si_cluster_key);
454  _assoc_container->SetClusterTrackAssoc(si_cluster_key, tpc_track->get_id());
456  }
458  // update the track position to the si one
459  tpc_track->set_x(si_track->get_x());
460  tpc_track->set_y(si_track->get_y());
461  tpc_track->set_z(si_track->get_z());
463  if(Verbosity() > 2)
464  std::cout << " TPC seed track ID " << tpc_track->get_id() << " si track id " << si_track->get_id()
465  << " new nclus " << tpc_track->size_cluster_keys() << std::endl;
467  if(Verbosity() > 2)
468  tpc_track->identify();
469  }
471  return;
472 }
474 void PHSiliconTpcTrackMatching::addSiliconClusters( std::multimap<unsigned int, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> &vertex_map)
475 {
477  for(auto it = vertex_map.begin(); it != vertex_map.end(); ++it)
478  {
479  unsigned int tpcid = it->second.first;
480  SvtxTrack *tpc_track = _track_map->get(tpcid);
481  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << " tpcid " << tpcid << " original z " << tpc_track->get_z() << std::endl;
483  // add the silicon cluster keys to the track
484  unsigned int si_id = it->second.second;
485  SvtxTrack *si_track = _track_map_silicon->get(si_id);
486  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << " si track id " << si_id << std::endl;
487  for (SvtxTrack::ConstClusterKeyIter si_iter = si_track->begin_cluster_keys();
488  si_iter != si_track->end_cluster_keys();
489  ++si_iter)
490  {
491  TrkrDefs::cluskey si_cluster_key = *si_iter;
493  if(Verbosity() > 1)
494  cout << " inserting si cluster key " << si_cluster_key << " into existing TPC track " << tpc_track->get_id() << endl;
496  tpc_track->insert_cluster_key(si_cluster_key);
497  _assoc_container->SetClusterTrackAssoc(si_cluster_key, tpc_track->get_id());
499  }
501  // update the track position to the si one
502  tpc_track->set_x(si_track->get_x());
503  tpc_track->set_y(si_track->get_y());
504  tpc_track->set_z(si_track->get_z());
506  if(Verbosity() > 2)
507  {
508  std::cout << " TPC seed track ID " << tpc_track->get_id() << " si track id " << si_track->get_id()
509  << " new nclus " << tpc_track->size_cluster_keys() << std::endl;
510  }
512  if(Verbosity() > 2)
513  tpc_track->identify();
514  }
516  return;
517 }
520  std::map<unsigned int, double> &vertex_crossings_map,
521  std::multimap<unsigned int, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> &vertex_map )
522 {
523  if(vertex_crossings_map.size() == 0) return;
525  // Correct the z positions of the clusters
526  double vdrift = 8.00; // cm /microsecond
527  double z_bunch_separation = 0.107 * vdrift; // 107 ns bunch crossing interval
528  ActsTransformations transformer;
529  for(auto [ivert, crossing] : vertex_crossings_map)
530  {
531  // the direction of the z shift depends on
532  // a) the sign of crossings (ie. t0 earlier or later), b) the side of the TPC
533  // positive (corrected) z values: z values decrease for positive crossings, correction is positive = crossings * z_bunch_separation
534  // negative z values: z values increase for positive crossings, correction is negative = - crossings * z_bunch_separation
536  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << " ivert " << ivert << " crossing " << crossing << std::endl;
538  if(crossing == 0) continue;
540  // loop over all tracks associated with this vertex
541  // remember that any tracks not associated with one of the vertices are unusable
542  auto ret = vertex_map.equal_range(ivert);
543  for(auto it = ret.first; it != ret.second; ++it)
544  {
545  unsigned int tpcid = it->second.first;
546  SvtxTrack *tpc_track = _track_map->get(tpcid);
547  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << " tpcid " << tpcid << " original z " << tpc_track->get_z() << std::endl;
549  // loop over associated clusters to get hits for TPC only, shift the z positions by z_shift
550  for (SvtxTrack::ConstClusterKeyIter iter = tpc_track->begin_cluster_keys();
551  iter != tpc_track->end_cluster_keys();
552  ++iter)
553  {
554  TrkrDefs::cluskey cluster_key = *iter;
555  unsigned int trkrid = TrkrDefs::getTrkrId(cluster_key);
556  if(trkrid == TrkrDefs::tpcId)
557  {
558  // get the cluster z
559  TrkrCluster *tpc_clus;
561  tpc_clus = _corrected_cluster_map->findCluster(cluster_key);
562  else
563  tpc_clus = _cluster_map->findCluster(cluster_key);
565  if(Verbosity() > 2) std::cout << " original local cluster z " << tpc_clus->getLocalY() << std::endl;
566  auto global = transformer.getGlobalPosition(tpc_clus,
567  _surfmaps,
568  _tGeometry);
569  double clus_z = global[2];
570  if(Verbosity() > 2) std::cout << " global: x " << global[0] << " y " << global[1] << " z " << global[2] << std::endl;
572  double corrected_clus_z;
573  if(clus_z > 0)
574  corrected_clus_z = clus_z + crossing * z_bunch_separation;
575  else
576  corrected_clus_z = clus_z - crossing * z_bunch_separation;
578  auto surface = transformer.getSurface(tpc_clus, _surfmaps);
580  double surfZCenter = center[2];
581  double local_z = corrected_clus_z - surfZCenter;
582  tpc_clus->setLocalY(local_z);
583  if(Verbosity() > 2) std::cout << " original clus_z " << clus_z << " corrected_clus_z " << corrected_clus_z << " local z " << local_z << std::endl;
586  if(Verbosity() > 2)
587  {
588  TrkrCluster *tpc_clus_check;
590  tpc_clus_check = _corrected_cluster_map->findCluster(cluster_key);
591  else
592  tpc_clus_check = _cluster_map->findCluster(cluster_key);
594  auto global_check = transformer.getGlobalPosition(tpc_clus_check,
595  _surfmaps,
596  _tGeometry);
597  std::cout << " global check: x " << global_check[0] << " y " << global_check[1] << " z " << global_check[2] << std::endl;
598  }
599  }
600  }
601  }
602  }
603  return;
604 }
607  std::map<unsigned int, double> &vertex_crossings_map,
608  std::multimap<unsigned int, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> &vertex_map,
609  std::map<unsigned int, int> &tpc_crossing_map )
610 {
611  if(vertex_crossings_map.size() == 0) return;
613  // Sanity check: is the initial rough crossing estimate consistent with the crossing number for this si vertex?
615  std::multimap<unsigned int, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> bad_map;
616  for(auto [ivert, crossing] : vertex_crossings_map)
617  {
618  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << " CleanVertexMap: ivert " << ivert << " crossing " << crossing << std::endl;
620  // loop over all tracks associated with this vertex
621  // remember that any tracks not associated with one of the vertices are unusable, they are ignored
622  auto ret = vertex_map.equal_range(ivert);
623  for(auto it = ret.first; it != ret.second; ++it)
624  {
625  unsigned int tpcid = it->second.first;
626  unsigned int si_id = it->second.second;
628  // need the initial crossing estimate for comparison - stored in tpc_ crossing_map
629  auto sit = tpc_crossing_map.find(tpcid);
630  if(abs(sit->second - crossing) > 2)
631  {
632  // Fails the sanity check, mark for removal from the vertex map
633  if(Verbosity() > 1)
634  std::cout << " Crossing mismatch: ivert " << ivert << " tpc id " << tpcid << " vert crossing " << crossing << " track crossing " << sit->second << std::endl;
636  bad_map.insert(std::make_pair(ivert, std::make_pair(tpcid, si_id)));
637  }
638  }
639  }
641  // If we delete an entry from vertex map, the TPC track is not associated with a bunch crossing,
642  // -- the cluster z values are not changed, and the silicon clusters are not added.
643  // The track remains in the track map as a TPC-only track, by default assumed to be in bunch crossing zero
644  // If multiple entries are deleted from vertex map, the TPC-only track copies are left in the track map, and also in _seed-track_map
645  // The track cleaner will remove all but one of them, based on chisq from the Acts fitter.
647  // remove bad entries from vertex_map so the wrong silicon is not associated
648  for(auto [ivert, id_pair] : bad_map)
649  {
650  unsigned int tpc_id = id_pair.first;
651  unsigned int si_id = id_pair.second;
653  // Have to iterate over vertex_map and examine each pair to find the one matching bad_map
654  // this logic works because we call the equal range on vertex_map for every id_pair
655  // so we only delete one entry per equal range call
656  auto ret = vertex_map.equal_range(ivert);
657  for(auto it = ret.first; it != ret.second; ++it)
658  {
659  if(it->second.first == tpc_id && it->second.second == si_id)
660  {
661  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << " erasing entry for ivert " << ivert << " tpc_id " << tpc_id << " si_id " << si_id << std::endl;
662  vertex_map.erase(it);
663  break; // the iterator is no longer valid
664  }
665  }
666  }
668  return;
669 }
672  std::vector<double> &vertex_list,
673  std::multimap<unsigned int, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> &vertex_map,
674  std::map<unsigned int, double> &vertex_crossings_map)
675 {
676  if(vertex_list.size() == 0) return;
678  for(unsigned int ivert = 0; ivert<vertex_list.size(); ++ivert)
679  {
680  std::vector<double> crossing_vec;
682  double vert_z = vertex_list[ivert];
683  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << "Vertex " << ivert << " vertex z " << vert_z << std::endl;
685  auto ret = vertex_map.equal_range(ivert);
686  for(auto it = ret.first; it != ret.second; ++it)
687  {
688  unsigned int tpcid = it->second.first;
689  double tpc_z = _track_map->get(tpcid)->get_z();
690  double z_mismatch = tpc_z - vert_z;
692  double crossings = getBunchCrossing(tpcid, z_mismatch);
693  crossing_vec.push_back(crossings);
695  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << " tpc_id " << tpcid << " tpc pT " << _track_map->get(tpcid)->get_pt()
696  << " tpc eta " << _track_map->get(tpcid)->get_eta() << " si_id " << it->second.second
697  << " tpc z " << tpc_z << " crossings " << crossings << std::endl;
698  }
700  if(crossing_vec.size() == 0) continue;
701  double crossing_median = getMedian(crossing_vec);
703  double crossing_avge = 0.0;
704  double crossing_wt = 0.0;
705  for(auto cross : crossing_vec)
706  {
707  if(fabs(cross-crossing_median) < 1.0)
708  {
709  crossing_avge += cross;
710  crossing_wt++;
711  }
712  }
713  crossing_avge /= crossing_wt;
714  double crossing_avge_rounded = round(crossing_avge);
715  vertex_crossings_map.insert(std::make_pair(ivert, crossing_avge_rounded));
717  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << " crossing_median " << crossing_median << " crossing average = " << crossing_avge << " crossing_wt " << crossing_wt
718  << " crossing integer " << crossing_avge_rounded << std::endl;
719  }
720  return;
721 }
724  std::multimap<double, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> &si_sorted_map,
725  std::vector<double> &vertex_list,
726  std::multimap<unsigned int, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> &vertex_map)
727 {
728  if(si_sorted_map.size() == 0) return;
730  // process si_sorted_map to get the vertex list, and the average silicon z value for each vertex
731  double zkeep = 999;
732  double zavge = 0.0;
733  double zwt = 0.0;
734  unsigned int nvert = 0;
735  for(auto it = si_sorted_map.begin(); it != si_sorted_map.end(); ++it)
736  {
737  double z_si = it->first;
738  std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> id_pair = it->second;
739  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << " z_si " << z_si << " tpc_id " << it->second.first << " si_id " << it->second.second << std::endl;
741  if( (zkeep == 999) || (fabs(z_si - zkeep) < _si_vertex_dzmax) )
742  {
743  vertex_map.insert(std::make_pair(nvert, id_pair));
744  zavge+= z_si;
745  zwt++;
746  zkeep = z_si;
747  }
748  else
749  {
750  zavge /= zwt;
751  vertex_list.push_back(zavge);
753  // start a new vertex
754  nvert++;
755  zavge = z_si;
756  zwt = 1.0;
757  zkeep = z_si;
758  vertex_map.insert(std::make_pair(nvert, id_pair));
759  }
760  }
761  // get the last one
762  zavge /= zwt;
763  vertex_list.push_back(zavge);
765  return;
766 }
769  std::set<unsigned int> &tpc_matched_set,
770  std::multimap<unsigned int, unsigned int> &tpc_matches )
771 {
772  // loop over the original TPC tracks
773  for (auto phtrk_iter = _track_map->begin();
774  phtrk_iter != _track_map->end();
775  ++phtrk_iter)
776  {
777  // we may add tracks to the map, so we stop at the last original track
779  _tracklet_tpc = phtrk_iter->second;
781  if (Verbosity() > 1)
782  {
783  std::cout
784  << __LINE__
785  << ": Processing seed itrack: " << phtrk_iter->first
786  << ": nhits: " << _tracklet_tpc-> size_cluster_keys()
787  << ": Total tracks: " << _track_map->size()
788  << ": phi: " << _tracklet_tpc->get_phi()
789  << endl;
790  }
792  // This will always end up as a final track, no matter what - add it to the seed-track-map
793  if(Verbosity() > 1)
794  std::cout << " TPC seed ID " << _tracklet_tpc->get_id() << " original nclus " << _tracklet_tpc->size_cluster_keys() << std::endl;
797  double tpc_phi = atan2(_tracklet_tpc->get_py(), _tracklet_tpc->get_px());
798  double tpc_eta = _tracklet_tpc->get_eta();
799  double tpc_pt = sqrt( pow(_tracklet_tpc->get_px(),2) + pow(_tracklet_tpc->get_py(),2) );
801  // phi correction for PHTpcTracker tracklets is charge dependent
802  double sign_phi_correction = _tracklet_tpc->get_charge();
807  if(_field.find("2d") != std::string::npos)
808  {
809  sign_phi_correction *= -1;
810  if(_fieldDir > 0)
811  sign_phi_correction *= -1;
812  }
814  // this factor will increase the window size at low pT
815  // otherwise the matching efficiency drops off at low pT
816  // it would be better if this was a smooth function
817  double mag = 1.0;
818  if(tpc_pt < 6.0) mag = 2;
819  if(tpc_pt < 3.0) mag = 4.0;
821  if(Verbosity() > 3)
822  {
823  cout << "Original TPC tracklet:" << endl;
825  }
827  // This is no longer applicable I believe, and now wrong - look into it
828  //=============================
829  // correct the TPC tracklet phi for the space charge offset, if this is the calib pass
830  // this is done just to let us tighten up the matching window
831  if(_sc_calib_flag)
832  {
833  tpc_phi -= fscdphi->Eval(tpc_eta);
834  }
835  // the distortion correction can push tpc_phi outside +/- M_PI
836  if(tpc_phi < - M_PI) tpc_phi += 2.0*M_PI;
837  if(tpc_phi > M_PI) tpc_phi -= 2.0*M_PI;
838  //=============================
840  double tpc_x = _tracklet_tpc->get_x();
841  double tpc_y = _tracklet_tpc->get_y();
842  double tpc_z = _tracklet_tpc->get_z();
844  // Now search the silicon track list for a match in eta and phi
845  for (auto phtrk_iter_si = _track_map_silicon->begin();
846  phtrk_iter_si != _track_map_silicon->end();
847  ++phtrk_iter_si)
848  {
849  _tracklet_si = phtrk_iter_si->second;
851  double si_phi = atan2(_tracklet_si->get_py(), _tracklet_si->get_px());
852  double si_eta = _tracklet_si->get_eta();
853  double si_x = _tracklet_si->get_x();
854  double si_y = _tracklet_si->get_y();
855  double si_z = _tracklet_si->get_z();
857  if(Verbosity() > 2)
858  {
859  cout << " testing for a match for TPC track " << _tracklet_tpc->get_id() << " with pT " << _tracklet_tpc->get_pt()
860  << " with Si track " << _tracklet_si->get_id() << endl;
861  cout << " tpc_phi " << tpc_phi << " si_phi " << si_phi << " dphi " << tpc_phi-si_phi << " phi search " << _phi_search_win*mag << " tpc_eta " << tpc_eta
862  << " si_eta " << si_eta << " deta " << tpc_eta-si_eta << " eta search " << _eta_search_win*mag << endl;
863  std::cout << " tpc x " << tpc_x << " si x " << si_x << " tpc y " << tpc_y << " si y " << si_y << " tpc_z " << tpc_z << " si z " << si_z << std::endl;
864  std::cout << " x search " << _x_search_win*mag << " y search " << _y_search_win*mag << " z search " << _z_search_win*mag << std::endl;
865  }
867  bool eta_match = false;
868  bool phi_match = false;
869  bool position_match = false;
870  if( fabs(tpc_eta - si_eta) < _eta_search_win * mag) eta_match = true;
872  // PHTpcTracker has a bias in the tracklet phi that depends on charge sign, PHCASeeding does not
873  if(_is_ca_seeder)
874  {
875  if( fabs(tpc_phi - si_phi) < _phi_search_win * mag) phi_match = true;
876  }
877  else
878  {
879  // PHTpcTracker
880  //double si_pt = sqrt( pow(_tracklet_si->get_px(),2) + pow(_tracklet_si->get_py(),2) );
881  double phi_search_win_lo = fdphi->Eval(tpc_pt) * sign_phi_correction - _phi_search_win * mag;
882  double phi_search_win_hi = fdphi->Eval(tpc_pt) * sign_phi_correction + _phi_search_win * mag;
884  if(Verbosity() > 10)
885  cout << " phi_search_win_lo " << phi_search_win_lo << " phi_search_win_hi " << phi_search_win_hi << endl;
887  if( (tpc_phi - si_phi) > phi_search_win_lo && (tpc_phi - si_phi) < phi_search_win_hi) phi_match = true;
888  }
890  if(_pp_mode)
891  {
892  if(
893  fabs(tpc_x - si_x) < _x_search_win * mag
894  && fabs(tpc_y - si_y) < _y_search_win * mag
895  )
896  position_match = true;
897  }
898  else
899  {
900  if(
901  fabs(tpc_x - si_x) < _x_search_win * mag
902  && fabs(tpc_y - si_y) < _y_search_win * mag
903  && fabs(tpc_z - si_z) < _z_search_win * mag
904  )
905  position_match = true;
906  }
908  if(eta_match && phi_match && position_match)
909  {
910  // got a match, add to the list
911  // These stubs are matched in eta, phi, x and y already
912  tpc_matches.insert(std::make_pair(_tracklet_tpc->get_id(), _tracklet_si->get_id()));
913  tpc_matched_set.insert(_tracklet_tpc->get_id());
915  if(Verbosity() > 1)
916  {
917  cout << " found a match for TPC track " << _tracklet_tpc->get_id() << " with Si track " << _tracklet_si->get_id() << endl;
918  cout << " tpc_phi " << tpc_phi << " si_phi " << si_phi << " phi_match " << phi_match
919  << " tpc_eta " << tpc_eta << " si_eta " << si_eta << " eta_match " << eta_match << endl;
920  std::cout << " tpc x " << tpc_x << " si x " << si_x << " tpc y " << tpc_y << " si y " << si_y << " tpc_z " << tpc_z << " si z " << si_z << std::endl;
921  }
923  // temporary!
924  if(_test_windows)
925  cout << " Try_silicon: pt " << tpc_pt << " tpc_phi " << tpc_phi << " si_phi " << si_phi << " dphi " << tpc_phi-si_phi
926  << " tpc_eta " << tpc_eta << " si_eta " << si_eta << " deta " << tpc_eta-si_eta << " tpc_x " << tpc_x << " tpc_y " << tpc_y << " tpc_z " << tpc_z
927  << " dx " << tpc_x - si_x << " dy " << tpc_y - si_y << " dz " << tpc_z - si_z
928  << endl;
929  }
930  }
931  }
933  // We have all of the candidates for association, but we have to deal with cases of multiple matches for a tpc tracklet
934  // We cannot move the TPC clusters independently for multiple matches, so we duplicate the tpc tracklet
935  std::multimap<unsigned int, unsigned int> additional_tpc_matches;
936  std::multimap<unsigned int, unsigned int> remove_tpc_matches;
937  std::set<unsigned int> additional_tpc_matched_set;
938  for(unsigned int tpcid : tpc_matched_set)
939  {
940  auto ret = tpc_matches.equal_range(tpcid);
942  unsigned int size = std::distance(ret.first, ret.second);
943  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << " tpcid " << tpcid << " number of matches " << size << std::endl;
945  if(size == 1) continue;
947  // make copy of all but the first TPC tracklet
948  int counter = -1;
949  for(auto it = ret.first; it != ret.second; ++it)
950  {
951  counter++;
952  if(counter == 0) continue;
954  unsigned int si_id = it->second;
955  auto this_track = _track_map->get(tpcid);
956  auto newTrack = std::make_unique<SvtxTrack_v2>();
957  const unsigned int lastTrackKey = _track_map->empty() ? 0:std::prev(_track_map->end())->first;
958  if(Verbosity() > 1) cout << "Extra match, add a new track to node tree with key " << lastTrackKey + 1 << endl;
960  newTrack->set_id(lastTrackKey+1);
962  newTrack->set_x(this_track->get_x());
963  newTrack->set_y(this_track->get_y());
964  newTrack->set_z(this_track->get_z());
966  newTrack->set_charge(this_track->get_charge());
967  newTrack->set_px(this_track->get_px());
968  newTrack->set_py(this_track->get_py());
969  newTrack->set_pz(this_track->get_pz());
971  for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
972  {
973  for(int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
974  {
975  newTrack->set_error(i,j, this_track->get_error(i,j));
976  }
977  }
979  _seed_track_map->addAssoc(this_track->get_id(), newTrack->get_id());
981  // loop over associated clusters to get hits for TPC only, add to new track copy
982  for (SvtxTrack::ConstClusterKeyIter iter = this_track->begin_cluster_keys();
983  iter != this_track->end_cluster_keys();
984  ++iter)
985  {
986  TrkrDefs::cluskey cluster_key = *iter;
987  unsigned int trkrid = TrkrDefs::getTrkrId(cluster_key);
988  if(trkrid == TrkrDefs::tpcId)
989  {
990  newTrack->insert_cluster_key(cluster_key);
991  _assoc_container->SetClusterTrackAssoc(cluster_key, newTrack->get_id());
992  }
993  }
995  if(Verbosity() > 1) cout << " -- inserting new track with id " << newTrack->get_id() << " from TPC tracklet " << tpcid << " into trackmap " << endl;
996  _track_map->insert(newTrack.get());
998  // add a map remove_tpc_matches so we can remove old matches with the same tpc id
999  remove_tpc_matches.insert(std::make_pair(tpcid, si_id));
1001  additional_tpc_matches.insert(std::make_pair(newTrack->get_id(), si_id));
1002  additional_tpc_matched_set.insert(newTrack->get_id());
1003  }
1004  }
1005  for(auto [tpcid, si_id] : additional_tpc_matches)
1006  {
1007  tpc_matched_set.insert(tpcid);
1008  tpc_matches.insert(std::make_pair(tpcid, si_id));
1009  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << "add to tpc_matches tpc_id " << tpcid << " si_id " << si_id << std::endl;
1010  }
1011  for(auto [tpcid, si_id] : remove_tpc_matches)
1012  {
1013  if(Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << "remove from tpc_matches tpc_id " << tpcid << " si_id " << si_id << std::endl;
1015  // Have to iterate over the multimap and examine each si_id to find the one matching remove_tpc_matches
1016  auto ret = tpc_matches.equal_range(tpcid);
1017  for(auto it = ret.first; it != ret.second; ++it)
1018  {
1019  if(it->first == tpcid && it->second == si_id)
1020  {
1021  tpc_matches.erase(it);
1022  break; // the iterator is no longer valid
1023  }
1024  }
1025  }
1027  return;
1028 }
1031  std::multimap<unsigned int, unsigned int> &tpc_matches,
1032  std::set<int> &crossing_set,
1033  std::multimap<int, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> &crossing_matches,
1034  std::map<unsigned int, int> &tpc_crossing_map )
1035 {
1037  for(auto [tpcid, si_id] : tpc_matches)
1038  {
1039  SvtxTrack *tpc_track = _track_map->get(tpcid);
1040  double tpc_z = tpc_track->get_z();
1041  double tpc_pt = tpc_track->get_pt();
1043  SvtxTrack *si_track =_track_map_silicon->get(si_id);
1044  double si_z = si_track->get_z();
1046  // this factor will increase the window size at low pT
1047  // otherwise the matching efficiency drops off at low pT
1048  // it would be better if this was a smooth function
1049  double mag = 1.0;
1050  if(tpc_pt < 6.0) mag = 2;
1051  if(tpc_pt < 3.0) mag = 4.0;
1053  // Check for a match in z
1054  if(fabs(tpc_z - si_z) < _z_search_win * mag)
1055  {
1056  //track from triggered event
1057  int crossing = 0;
1058  crossing_matches.insert(std::make_pair(crossing,std::make_pair(tpc_track->get_id(), si_track->get_id())));
1059  crossing_set.insert(crossing);
1060  tpc_crossing_map.insert(std::make_pair(tpc_track->get_id(), crossing));
1061  if(Verbosity() > 1)
1062  std::cout << " triggered: tpc_trackid " << tpc_track->get_id()
1063  << " eta " << tpc_track->get_eta()
1064  << " pT " << tpc_track->get_pt()
1065  << " si_trackid " << si_track->get_id()
1066  << " z_tpc " << tpc_track->get_z()
1067  << " z_si " << si_track->get_z()
1068  << " crossing " << crossing
1069  << std::endl;
1070  }
1071  }
1072  return;
1073 }
1076  std::multimap<unsigned int, unsigned int> &tpc_matches,
1077  std::set<int> &crossing_set,
1078  std::multimap<int, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> &crossing_matches,
1079  std::map<unsigned int, int> &tpc_crossing_map )
1080 {
1082  for(auto [tpcid, si_id] : tpc_matches)
1083  {
1084  SvtxTrack *tpc_track = _track_map->get(tpcid);
1085  double tpc_z = tpc_track->get_z();
1086  //double tpc_pt = tpc_track->get_pt();
1088  SvtxTrack *si_track =_track_map_silicon->get(si_id);
1089  double si_z = si_track->get_z();
1091  // this is an initial estimate of the bunch crossing based on the z-mismatch for this track
1092  int crossing = (int) getBunchCrossing(tpc_track->get_id(), tpc_z - si_z);
1093  crossing_matches.insert(std::make_pair(crossing,std::make_pair(tpc_track->get_id(), si_track->get_id())));
1094  crossing_set.insert(crossing);
1095  tpc_crossing_map.insert(std::make_pair(tpc_track->get_id(), crossing));
1096  if(Verbosity() > 1)
1097  std::cout << " pileup: tpc_trackid " << tpc_track->get_id()
1098  << " eta " << tpc_track->get_eta()
1099  << " pT " << tpc_track->get_pt()
1100  << " si_trackid " << si_track->get_id()
1101  << " z_tpc " << tpc_track->get_z()
1102  << " z_si " << si_track->get_z()
1103  << " crossing " << crossing
1104  << std::endl;
1105  }
1107 return;
1108 }
1111 {
1112  // loop over final track map, copy silicon clusters to corrected cluster map
1113  for (auto phtrk_iter = _track_map->begin();
1114  phtrk_iter != _track_map->end();
1115  ++phtrk_iter)
1116  {
1117  SvtxTrack *track = phtrk_iter->second;
1119  // loop over associated clusters to get keys for silicon cluster
1121  iter != track->end_cluster_keys();
1122  ++iter)
1123  {
1124  TrkrDefs::cluskey cluster_key = *iter;
1125  const unsigned int trkrid = TrkrDefs::getTrkrId(cluster_key);
1126  if(trkrid == TrkrDefs::mvtxId || trkrid == TrkrDefs::inttId)
1127  {
1128  TrkrCluster *cluster = _cluster_map->findCluster(cluster_key);
1129  if( !cluster ) continue;
1131  TrkrCluster *newclus = _corrected_cluster_map->findOrAddCluster(cluster_key)->second;
1132  newclus->CopyFrom( cluster );
1133  }
1134  }
1135  }
1136 }