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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file SurfaceArrayCreatorTests.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #include <boost/test/data/test_case.hpp>
10 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
22 #include <fstream>
23 #include <random>
25 #include <boost/format.hpp>
30 namespace bdata = boost::unit_test::data;
31 namespace tt = boost::test_tools;
33 namespace Acts {
35 namespace Test {
37 // Create a test context
40 #define CHECK_ROTATION_ANGLE(t, a, tolerance) \
41  { \
42  Vector3D v = (*t) * Vector3D(1, 0, 0); \
43  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(phi(v), (a), tolerance); \
44  }
46 using SrfVec = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>>;
50  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> m_surfaces;
54  Acts::getDefaultLogger("SurfaceArrayCreator",
55  Acts::Logging::VERBOSE)) {
56  BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("setup fixture");
57  }
58  ~SurfaceArrayCreatorFixture() { BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("teardown fixture"); }
60  template <typename... Args>
62  return m_SAC.createEquidistantAxis(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
63  }
65  template <typename... Args>
67  return m_SAC.createVariableAxis(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
68  }
71  typename... Args>
72  std::unique_ptr<SurfaceArray::ISurfaceGridLookup> makeSurfaceGridLookup2D(
73  Args&&... args) {
74  return m_SAC.makeSurfaceGridLookup2D<bdtA, bdtB>(
75  std::forward<Args>(args)...);
76  }
78  SrfVec fullPhiTestSurfacesEC(size_t n = 10, double shift = 0,
79  double zbase = 0, double r = 10, double w = 2,
80  double h = 1) {
81  SrfVec res;
82  // TODO: The test is extremely numerically unstable in the face of upward
83  // rounding in this multiplication and division. Find out why.
84  double phiStep = 2 * M_PI / n;
85  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
86  double z = zbase + ((i % 2 == 0) ? 1 : -1) * 0.2;
87  double phi = std::fma(i, phiStep, shift);
89  Transform3D trans;
90  trans.setIdentity();
91  trans.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(phi, Vector3D(0, 0, 1)));
92  trans.translate(Vector3D(r, 0, z));
94  auto bounds = std::make_shared<const RectangleBounds>(w, h);
96  std::shared_ptr<Surface> srf =
97  Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(trans, bounds);
99  res.push_back(srf);
100  m_surfaces.push_back(
101  std::move(srf)); // keep shared, will get destroyed at the end
102  }
104  return res;
105  }
107  SrfVec fullPhiTestSurfacesBRL(size_t n = 10, double shift = 0,
108  double zbase = 0, double incl = M_PI / 9.,
109  double w = 2, double h = 1.5) {
110  SrfVec res;
111  // TODO: The test is extremely numerically unstable in the face of upward
112  // rounding in this multiplication and division. Find out why.
113  double phiStep = 2 * M_PI / n;
114  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
115  double z = zbase;
116  double phi = std::fma(i, phiStep, shift);
118  Transform3D trans;
119  trans.setIdentity();
120  trans.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(phi, Vector3D(0, 0, 1)));
121  trans.translate(Vector3D(10, 0, z));
122  trans.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(incl, Vector3D(0, 0, 1)));
123  trans.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(M_PI / 2., Vector3D(0, 1, 0)));
125  auto bounds = std::make_shared<const RectangleBounds>(w, h);
126  std::shared_ptr<Surface> srf =
127  Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(trans, bounds);
129  res.push_back(srf);
130  m_surfaces.push_back(
131  std::move(srf)); // keep shared, will get destroyed at the end
132  }
134  return res;
135  }
138  size_t n = 10., double step = 3, const Vector3D& origin = {0, 0, 1.5},
139  const Transform3D& pretrans = Transform3D::Identity(),
140  const Vector3D& dir = {0, 0, 1}) {
141  SrfVec res;
142  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
143  Transform3D trans;
144  trans.setIdentity();
145  trans.translate(origin + dir * step * i);
146  // trans.rotate(AngleAxis3D(M_PI/9., Vector3D(0, 0, 1)));
147  trans.rotate(AngleAxis3D(M_PI / 2., Vector3D(1, 0, 0)));
148  trans = trans * pretrans;
150  auto bounds = std::make_shared<const RectangleBounds>(2, 1.5);
152  std::shared_ptr<Surface> srf =
153  Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(trans, bounds);
155  res.push_back(srf);
156  m_surfaces.push_back(
157  std::move(srf)); // keep shared, will get destroyed at the end
158  }
160  return res;
161  }
163  SrfVec makeBarrel(int nPhi, int nZ, double w, double h) {
164  double z0 = -(nZ - 1) * w;
165  SrfVec res;
167  for (int i = 0; i < nZ; i++) {
168  double z = i * w * 2 + z0;
169  // std::cout << "z=" << z << std::endl;
170  SrfVec ring = fullPhiTestSurfacesBRL(nPhi, 0, z, M_PI / 9., w, h);
171  res.insert(res.end(), ring.begin(), ring.end());
172  }
174  return res;
175  }
177  std::pair<SrfVec, std::vector<std::pair<const Surface*, const Surface*>>>
178  makeBarrelStagger(int nPhi, int nZ, double shift = 0, double incl = M_PI / 9.,
179  double w = 2, double h = 1.5) {
180  double z0 = -(nZ - 1) * w;
181  SrfVec res;
182  std::vector<std::pair<const Surface*, const Surface*>> pairs;
183  // TODO: The test is extremely numerically unstable in the face of upward
184  // rounding in this multiplication and division. Find out why.
185  double phiStep = 2 * M_PI / nPhi;
186  for (int i = 0; i < nZ; i++) {
187  double z = i * w * 2 + z0;
188  for (int j = 0; j < nPhi; ++j) {
189  double phi = std::fma(j, phiStep, shift);
190  Transform3D trans;
191  trans.setIdentity();
192  trans.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(phi, Vector3D(0, 0, 1)));
193  trans.translate(Vector3D(10, 0, z));
194  trans.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(incl, Vector3D(0, 0, 1)));
195  trans.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(M_PI / 2., Vector3D(0, 1, 0)));
197  auto bounds = std::make_shared<const RectangleBounds>(w, h);
198  std::shared_ptr<Surface> srfA =
199  Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(trans, bounds);
201  Vector3D nrm = srfA->normal(tgContext);
202  Transform3D transB = trans;
203  transB.pretranslate(nrm * 0.1);
204  std::shared_ptr<Surface> srfB =
205  Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(transB, bounds);
207  pairs.push_back(std::make_pair(srfA.get(), srfB.get()));
209  res.push_back(srfA);
210  res.push_back(srfB);
211  m_surfaces.push_back(std::move(srfA));
212  m_surfaces.push_back(std::move(srfB));
213  }
214  }
216  return std::make_pair(res, pairs);
217  }
218 };
220 void draw_surfaces(SrfVec surfaces, const std::string& fname) {
221  std::ofstream os;
222  os.open(fname);
224  os << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4);
226  size_t nVtx = 0;
227  for (const auto& srfx : surfaces) {
228  std::shared_ptr<const PlaneSurface> srf =
230  const PlanarBounds* bounds =
231  dynamic_cast<const PlanarBounds*>(&srf->bounds());
233  for (const auto& vtxloc : bounds->vertices()) {
234  Vector3D vtx =
235  srf->transform(tgContext) * Vector3D(vtxloc.x(), vtxloc.y(), 0);
236  os << "v " << vtx.x() << " " << vtx.y() << " " << vtx.z() << "\n";
237  }
239  // connect them
240  os << "f";
241  for (size_t i = 1; i <= bounds->vertices().size(); ++i) {
242  os << " " << nVtx + i;
243  }
244  os << "\n";
246  nVtx += bounds->vertices().size();
247  }
249  os.close();
250 }
254 BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(SurfaceArrayCreator_createEquidistantAxis_Phi,
256  // fail on empty srf vector
257  std::vector<const Surface*> emptyRaw;
258  ProtoLayer pl(tgContext, emptyRaw);
259  auto tr = Transform3D::Identity();
261  createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, emptyRaw, BinningValue::binPhi, pl, tr),
262  std::logic_error);
264  std::vector<float> bdExp = {
265  -3.14159, -2.93215, -2.72271, -2.51327, -2.30383, -2.0944, -1.88496,
266  -1.67552, -1.46608, -1.25664, -1.0472, -0.837758, -0.628319, -0.418879,
267  -0.20944, 0, 0.20944, 0.418879, 0.628319, 0.837758, 1.0472,
268  1.25664, 1.46608, 1.67552, 1.88496, 2.09439, 2.30383, 2.51327,
269  2.72271, 2.93215, 3.14159};
271  double step = 2 * M_PI / 30.;
273  // endcap style modules
275  for (int i = -1; i <= 2; i += 2) {
276  double z = 10 * i;
277  // case 1: one module sits at pi / -pi
278  double angleShift = step / 2.;
279  auto surfaces = fullPhiTestSurfacesEC(30, angleShift, z);
280  std::vector<const Surface*> surfacesRaw = unpack_shared_vector(surfaces);
281  pl = ProtoLayer(tgContext, surfacesRaw);
282  tr = Transform3D::Identity();
283  auto axis = createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, surfacesRaw,
284  BinningValue::binPhi, pl, tr);
286  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.nBins, 30u);
287  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.max, M_PI, 1e-6);
288  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.min, -M_PI, 1e-6);
289  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.bType, equidistant);
290  CHECK_SMALL(phi(tr * Vector3D::UnitX()), 1e-6);
292  // case 2: two modules sit symmetrically around pi / -pi
293  angleShift = 0.;
294  surfaces = fullPhiTestSurfacesEC(30, angleShift, z);
295  surfacesRaw = unpack_shared_vector(surfaces);
296  pl = ProtoLayer(tgContext, surfacesRaw);
297  tr = Transform3D::Identity();
298  axis = createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, surfacesRaw, BinningValue::binPhi,
299  pl, tr);
300  draw_surfaces(surfaces,
301  "SurfaceArrayCreator_createEquidistantAxis_EC_2.obj");
302  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.nBins, 30u);
303  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.max, M_PI, 1e-6);
304  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.min, -M_PI, 1e-6);
305  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.bType, equidistant);
306  // CHECK_CLOSE_REL(bdExp, axis.binEdges, 0.001);
307  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(phi(tr * Vector3D::UnitX()), -0.5 * step, 1e-3);
308  // case 3: two modules sit asymmetrically around pi / -pi shifted up
309  angleShift = step / -4.;
310  surfaces = fullPhiTestSurfacesEC(30, angleShift, z);
311  surfacesRaw = unpack_shared_vector(surfaces);
312  pl = ProtoLayer(tgContext, surfacesRaw);
313  tr = Transform3D::Identity();
314  axis = createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, surfacesRaw, BinningValue::binPhi,
315  pl, tr);
316  draw_surfaces(surfaces,
317  "SurfaceArrayCreator_createEquidistantAxis_EC_3.obj");
318  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.nBins, 30u);
319  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.max, M_PI, 1e-6);
320  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.min, -M_PI, 1e-6);
321  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.bType, equidistant);
322  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(phi(tr * Vector3D::UnitX()), step / -4., 1e-3);
324  // case 4: two modules sit asymmetrically around pi / -pi shifted down
325  angleShift = step / 4.;
326  surfaces = fullPhiTestSurfacesEC(30, angleShift, z);
327  surfacesRaw = unpack_shared_vector(surfaces);
328  pl = ProtoLayer(tgContext, surfaces);
329  surfacesRaw = unpack_shared_vector(surfaces);
330  tr = Transform3D::Identity();
331  axis = createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, surfacesRaw, BinningValue::binPhi,
332  pl, tr);
333  surfacesRaw = unpack_shared_vector(surfaces);
334  draw_surfaces(surfaces,
335  "SurfaceArrayCreator_createEquidistantAxis_EC_4.obj");
336  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.nBins, 30u);
337  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.max, M_PI, 1e-6);
338  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.min, -M_PI, 1e-6);
339  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.bType, equidistant);
340  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(phi(tr * Vector3D::UnitX()), step / 4., 1e-3);
341  }
343  for (int i = -1; i <= 2; i += 2) {
344  double z = 10 * i;
345  // case 1: one module sits at pi / -pi
346  double angleShift = step / 2.;
347  auto surfaces = fullPhiTestSurfacesBRL(30, angleShift, z);
348  auto surfacesRaw = unpack_shared_vector(surfaces);
349  pl = ProtoLayer(tgContext, surfacesRaw);
350  tr = Transform3D::Identity();
351  auto axis = createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, surfacesRaw,
352  BinningValue::binPhi, pl, tr);
353  draw_surfaces(surfaces,
354  "SurfaceArrayCreator_createEquidistantAxis_BRL_1.obj");
355  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.nBins, 30u);
356  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.max, M_PI, 1e-6);
357  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.min, -M_PI, 1e-6);
358  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.bType, equidistant);
359  CHECK_SMALL(phi(tr * Vector3D::UnitX()), 1e-6);
361  // case 2: two modules sit symmetrically around pi / -pi
362  angleShift = 0.;
363  surfaces = fullPhiTestSurfacesBRL(30, angleShift, z);
364  surfacesRaw = unpack_shared_vector(surfaces);
365  pl = ProtoLayer(tgContext, surfacesRaw);
366  tr = Transform3D::Identity();
367  axis = createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, surfacesRaw, BinningValue::binPhi,
368  pl, tr);
369  draw_surfaces(surfaces,
370  "SurfaceArrayCreator_createEquidistantAxis_BRL_2.obj");
371  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.nBins, 30u);
372  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.max, M_PI, 1e-6);
373  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.min, -M_PI, 1e-6);
374  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.bType, equidistant);
375  // CHECK_CLOSE_REL(bdExp, axis.binEdges, 0.001);
376  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(phi(tr * Vector3D::UnitX()), -0.5 * step, 1e-3);
378  // case 3: two modules sit asymmetrically around pi / -pi shifted up
379  angleShift = step / -4.;
380  surfaces = fullPhiTestSurfacesBRL(30, angleShift, z);
381  surfacesRaw = unpack_shared_vector(surfaces);
382  pl = ProtoLayer(tgContext, surfacesRaw);
383  tr = Transform3D::Identity();
384  axis = createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, surfacesRaw, BinningValue::binPhi,
385  pl, tr);
386  draw_surfaces(surfaces,
387  "SurfaceArrayCreator_createEquidistantAxis_BRL_3.obj");
388  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.nBins, 30u);
389  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.max, M_PI, 1e-6);
390  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.min, -M_PI, 1e-6);
391  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.bType, equidistant);
392  // CHECK_CLOSE_REL(bdExp, axis.binEdges, 0.001);
393  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(phi(tr * Vector3D::UnitX()), step / -4., 1e-3);
395  // case 4: two modules sit asymmetrically around pi / -pi shifted down
396  angleShift = step / 4.;
397  surfaces = fullPhiTestSurfacesBRL(30, angleShift, z);
398  surfacesRaw = unpack_shared_vector(surfaces);
399  pl = ProtoLayer(tgContext, surfacesRaw);
400  tr = Transform3D::Identity();
401  axis = createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, surfacesRaw, BinningValue::binPhi,
402  pl, tr);
403  draw_surfaces(surfaces,
404  "SurfaceArrayCreator_createEquidistantAxis_BRL_4.obj");
405  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.nBins, 30u);
406  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.max, M_PI, 1e-6);
407  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.min, -M_PI, 1e-6);
408  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.bType, equidistant);
409  // CHECK_CLOSE_REL(bdExp, axis.binEdges, 0.001);
410  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(phi(tr * Vector3D::UnitX()), step / 4., 1e-3);
411  }
413  SrfVec surfaces;
415  // single element in phi
416  surfaces = fullPhiTestSurfacesEC(1);
417  auto surfacesRaw = unpack_shared_vector(surfaces);
418  draw_surfaces(surfaces,
419  "SurfaceArrayCreator_createEquidistantAxis_EC_Single.obj");
421  pl = ProtoLayer(tgContext, surfacesRaw);
422  tr = Transform3D::Identity();
423  auto axis = createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, surfacesRaw,
424  BinningValue::binPhi, pl, tr);
425  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.nBins, 1u);
427  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(axis.max, phi(Vector3D(8, 1, 0)), 1e-3);
428  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(axis.min, phi(Vector3D(8, -1, 0)), 1e-3);
429  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.bType, equidistant);
430 }
432 BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(SurfaceArrayCreator_createEquidistantAxis_Z,
434  // single element in z
435  auto surfaces = straightLineSurfaces(1);
436  auto surfacesRaw = unpack_shared_vector(surfaces);
437  ProtoLayer pl = ProtoLayer(tgContext, surfacesRaw);
438  auto trf = Transform3D::Identity();
439  auto axis = createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, surfacesRaw, BinningValue::binZ,
440  pl, trf);
441  draw_surfaces(surfaces, "SurfaceArrayCreator_createEquidistantAxis_Z_1.obj");
442  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.nBins, 1u);
443  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(axis.max, 3, 1e-6);
444  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(axis.min, 0, 1e-6);
445  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.bType, equidistant);
447  // z rows with varying starting point
448  for (size_t i = 0; i <= 20; i++) {
449  double z0 = -10 + 1. * i;
450  surfaces = straightLineSurfaces(10, 3, Vector3D(0, 0, z0 + 1.5));
451  surfacesRaw = unpack_shared_vector(surfaces);
452  pl = ProtoLayer(tgContext, surfacesRaw);
453  trf = Transform3D::Identity();
454  axis = createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, surfacesRaw, BinningValue::binZ, pl,
455  trf);
457  surfaces,
458  (boost::format(
459  "SurfaceArrayCreator_createEquidistantAxis_Z_2_%1%.obj") %
460  i)
461  .str());
462  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.nBins, 10u);
463  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(axis.max, 30 + z0, 1e-6);
464  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(axis.min, z0, 1e-6);
465  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.bType, equidistant);
466  }
468  // z row where elements are rotated around y
469  Transform3D tr = Transform3D::Identity();
470  tr.rotate(AngleAxis3D(M_PI / 4., Vector3D(0, 0, 1)));
471  surfaces = straightLineSurfaces(10, 3, Vector3D(0, 0, 0 + 1.5), tr);
472  surfacesRaw = unpack_shared_vector(surfaces);
473  pl = ProtoLayer(tgContext, surfacesRaw);
474  trf = Transform3D::Identity();
475  axis = createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, surfacesRaw, BinningValue::binZ, pl,
476  trf);
477  draw_surfaces(surfaces, "SurfaceArrayCreator_createEquidistantAxis_Z_3.obj");
478  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.nBins, 10u);
479  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(axis.max, 30.9749, 1e-3);
480  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(axis.min, -0.974873, 1e-3);
481  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.bType, equidistant);
482 }
484 BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(SurfaceArrayCreator_createEquidistantAxis_R,
486  // single element in r
487  auto surfaces = fullPhiTestSurfacesEC(1, 0, 0, 15);
488  auto surfacesRaw = unpack_shared_vector(surfaces);
489  draw_surfaces(surfaces, "SurfaceArrayCreator_createEquidistantAxis_R_1.obj");
490  auto trf = Transform3D::Identity();
491  ProtoLayer pl = ProtoLayer(tgContext, surfacesRaw);
492  auto axis = createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, surfacesRaw, BinningValue::binR,
493  pl, trf);
494  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.nBins, 1u);
495  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(axis.max, perp(Vector3D(17, 1, 0)), 1e-3);
496  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(axis.min, 13, 1e-3);
497  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.bType, equidistant);
499  // multiple rings
500  surfaces.resize(0);
501  auto ringa = fullPhiTestSurfacesEC(30, 0, 0, 10);
502  surfaces.insert(surfaces.end(), ringa.begin(), ringa.end());
503  auto ringb = fullPhiTestSurfacesEC(30, 0, 0, 15);
504  surfaces.insert(surfaces.end(), ringb.begin(), ringb.end());
505  auto ringc = fullPhiTestSurfacesEC(30, 0, 0, 20);
506  surfaces.insert(surfaces.end(), ringc.begin(), ringc.end());
507  draw_surfaces(surfaces, "SurfaceArrayCreator_createEquidistantAxis_R_2.obj");
509  surfacesRaw = unpack_shared_vector(surfaces);
510  pl = ProtoLayer(tgContext, surfacesRaw);
511  trf = Transform3D::Identity();
512  axis = createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, surfacesRaw, BinningValue::binR, pl,
513  trf);
515  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.nBins, 3u);
516  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(axis.max, perp(Vector3D(20 + 2, 1, 0)), 1e-3);
517  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(axis.min, 8, 1e-3);
518  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axis.bType, equidistant);
519 }
521 // if there are concentring disc or barrel modules, the bin count might be off
522 // we want to create _as few bins_ as possible, meaning the r-ring with
523 // the lowest number of surfaces should be used for the bin count or
524 // as basis for the variable edge procedure
525 // double filling will make sure no surfaces are dropped
526 BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(SurfaceArrayCreator_dependentBinCounts,
528  auto ringA = fullPhiTestSurfacesEC(10, 0, 0, 10, 2, 3);
529  auto ringB = fullPhiTestSurfacesEC(15, 0, 0, 15, 2, 3.5);
530  auto ringC = fullPhiTestSurfacesEC(20, 0, 0, 20, 2, 3.8);
532  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces;
533  std::copy(ringA.begin(), ringA.end(), std::back_inserter(surfaces));
534  std::copy(ringB.begin(), ringB.end(), std::back_inserter(surfaces));
535  std::copy(ringC.begin(), ringC.end(), std::back_inserter(surfaces));
536  draw_surfaces(surfaces, "SurfaceArrayCreator_dependentBinCounts.obj");
538  std::unique_ptr<SurfaceArray> sArray =
539  m_SAC.surfaceArrayOnDisc(tgContext, surfaces, equidistant, equidistant);
540  auto axes = sArray->getAxes();
541  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axes.at(0)->getNBins(), 3u);
542  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axes.at(1)->getNBins(), 10u);
544  // Write the surrace array with grid
545  ObjVisualization3D objVis;
547  objVis.write("SurfaceArrayCreator_EndcapGrid");
548 }
550 BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(SurfaceArrayCreator_completeBinning,
552  SrfVec brl = makeBarrel(30, 7, 2, 1);
553  std::vector<const Surface*> brlRaw = unpack_shared_vector(brl);
554  draw_surfaces(brl, "SurfaceArrayCreator_completeBinning_BRL.obj");
556  detail::Axis<detail::AxisType::Equidistant, detail::AxisBoundaryType::Closed>
557  phiAxis(-M_PI, M_PI, 30u);
558  detail::Axis<detail::AxisType::Equidistant, detail::AxisBoundaryType::Bound>
559  zAxis(-14, 14, 7u);
561  double R = 10.;
562  auto globalToLocal = [](const Vector3D& pos) {
563  return Vector2D(phi(pos) + 2 * M_PI / 30 / 2, pos.z());
564  };
565  auto localToGlobal = [R](const Vector2D& loc) {
566  double phi = loc[0] - 2 * M_PI / 30 / 2;
567  return Vector3D(R * std::cos(phi), R * std::sin(phi), loc[1]);
568  };
570  auto sl = std::make_unique<
572  globalToLocal, localToGlobal,
573  std::make_tuple(std::move(phiAxis), std::move(zAxis)));
574  sl->fill(tgContext, brlRaw);
575  SurfaceArray sa(std::move(sl), brl);
577  // Write the surrace array with grid
578  ObjVisualization3D objVis;
580  objVis.write("SurfaceArrayCreator_BarrelGrid");
582  // actually filled SA
583  for (const auto& srf : brl) {
584  Vector3D ctr = srf->binningPosition(tgContext, binR);
585  auto binContent = sa.at(ctr);
587  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(binContent.size(), 1u);
588  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(srf.get(), binContent.at(0));
589  }
590 }
592 BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(SurfaceArrayCreator_barrelStagger,
594  auto barrel = makeBarrelStagger(30, 7, 0, M_PI / 9.);
595  auto brl = barrel.first;
596  std::vector<const Surface*> brlRaw = unpack_shared_vector(brl);
597  draw_surfaces(brl, "SurfaceArrayCreator_barrelStagger.obj");
599  ProtoLayer pl(tgContext, brl);
602  Transform3D tr = Transform3D::Identity();
604  auto pAxisPhi =
605  createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, brlRaw, BinningValue::binPhi, pl, tr);
606  auto pAxisZ =
607  createEquidistantAxis(tgContext, brlRaw, BinningValue::binZ, pl, tr);
609  double R = 10.;
610  Transform3D itr = tr.inverse();
612  auto globalToLocal = [tr](const Vector3D& pos) {
613  Vector3D rot = tr * pos;
614  return Vector2D(phi(rot), rot.z());
615  };
616  auto localToGlobal = [R, itr](const Vector2D& loc) {
617  return itr * Vector3D(R * std::cos(loc[0]), R * std::sin(loc[0]), loc[1]);
618  };
620  auto sl = makeSurfaceGridLookup2D<detail::AxisBoundaryType::Closed,
621  detail::AxisBoundaryType::Bound>(
622  globalToLocal, localToGlobal, pAxisPhi, pAxisZ);
624  sl->fill(tgContext, brlRaw);
625  SurfaceArray sa(std::move(sl), brl);
626  auto axes = sa.getAxes();
627  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axes.at(0)->getNBins(), 30u);
628  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axes.at(1)->getNBins(), 7u);
630  for (const auto& pr : barrel.second) {
631  auto A = pr.first;
632  auto B = pr.second;
634  Vector3D ctr = A->binningPosition(tgContext, binR);
635  auto binContent = sa.at(ctr);
636  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(binContent.size(), 2u);
637  std::set<const Surface*> act;
638  act.insert(binContent[0]);
639  act.insert(binContent[1]);
641  std::set<const Surface*> exp;
642  exp.insert(A);
643  exp.insert(B);
645  BOOST_CHECK(act == exp);
646  }
648  // VARIABLE
649  BOOST_TEST_CONTEXT("Barrel Stagger Variable binning") {
650  tr = Transform3D::Identity();
652  auto pAxisPhiVar =
653  createVariableAxis(tgContext, brlRaw, BinningValue::binPhi, pl, tr);
654  auto pAxisZVar =
655  createVariableAxis(tgContext, brlRaw, BinningValue::binZ, pl, tr);
657  itr = tr.inverse();
659  auto globalToLocalVar = [tr](const Vector3D& pos) {
660  Vector3D rot = tr * pos;
661  return Vector2D(phi(rot), rot.z());
662  };
663  auto localToGlobalVar = [R, itr](const Vector2D& loc) {
664  return itr * Vector3D(R * std::cos(loc[0]), R * std::sin(loc[0]), loc[1]);
665  };
667  auto sl2 = makeSurfaceGridLookup2D<detail::AxisBoundaryType::Closed,
668  detail::AxisBoundaryType::Bound>(
669  globalToLocalVar, localToGlobalVar, pAxisPhiVar, pAxisZVar);
671  sl2->fill(tgContext, brlRaw);
672  SurfaceArray sa2(std::move(sl2), brl);
673  axes = sa2.getAxes();
674  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axes.at(0)->getNBins(), 30u);
675  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(axes.at(1)->getNBins(), 7u);
677  // check bin edges
678  std::vector<double> phiEdgesExp = {
679  -3.14159, -2.93215, -2.72271, -2.51327, -2.30383, -2.0944,
680  -1.88496, -1.67552, -1.46608, -1.25664, -1.0472, -0.837758,
681  -0.628319, -0.418879, -0.20944, 4.44089e-16, 0.20944, 0.418879,
682  0.628319, 0.837758, 1.0472, 1.25664, 1.46608, 1.67552,
683  1.88496, 2.0944, 2.30383, 2.51327, 2.72271, 3.00831,
684  3.14159};
685  std::vector<double> zEdgesExp = {-14, -10, -6, -2, 2, 6, 10, 14};
686  size_t i = 0;
687  for (const auto& edge : axes.at(0)->getBinEdges()) {
688  BOOST_TEST_INFO("phi edge index " << i);
689  auto phiEdge = phiEdgesExp.at(i);
690  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(edge, phiEdge, 1e-5 * M_PI);
691  i++;
692  }
693  i = 0;
694  for (const auto& edge : axes.at(1)->getBinEdges()) {
695  BOOST_TEST_INFO("z edge index " << i);
696  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(edge, zEdgesExp.at(i), 1e-6);
697  i++;
698  }
700  for (const auto& pr : barrel.second) {
701  auto A = pr.first;
702  auto B = pr.second;
704  Vector3D ctr = A->binningPosition(tgContext, binR);
705  auto binContent = sa2.at(ctr);
706  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(binContent.size(), 2u);
707  std::set<const Surface*> act;
708  act.insert(binContent[0]);
709  act.insert(binContent[1]);
711  std::set<const Surface*> exp;
712  exp.insert(A);
713  exp.insert(B);
715  BOOST_CHECK(act == exp);
716  }
717  }
718 }
721 } // namespace Test
723 } // namespace Acts