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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file simulation.C
2 //
3 // Tracker simulation script; all parameters hardcoded for simplicity;
4 //
6 void simulation(Int_t nEvents = 1000)
7 {
8  // Load basic libraries;
9  gROOT->Macro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C");
11  // Create the simulation run manager; use GEANT4 transport;
12  EicRunSim *fRun = new EicRunSim("TGeant3");
13  fRun->SetOutputFile("simulation.root");
15  // Well, do not need secondaries in this simulation;
16  fRun->SuppressSecondaries();
18  // "FWDST" name here (case-insensitive) should match the respective name
19  // in tracker.C script used to create the detector; one can actually
20  // create more than one tracking detector this way, and as long as their names differ
21  // (and physical locations do not overlap), all the simulation/digitization/reconstruction
22  // scheme will work (including Kalman filter track fitting); qMergeStepsInOneHit as a
23  // last parameter means that if particle makes more than one step in silicon, they will
24  // be merged together and yield only one hit;
25  fRun->AddModule(new EicDetector("FWDST", "./fwdst.root", qDUMMY, qMergeStepsInOneHit));
27  // Create and set up (Box) Event Generator;
28  {
29  int PDG = 211; // pion
30  double pmin = 5.0, pmax = 5.0, theta = 6.8; // [9..11] GeV/c @ 5 degrees
32  EicBoxGenerator* boxGen = new EicBoxGenerator(PDG);
33  boxGen->SetMomentumRange(pmin, pmax);
34  boxGen->SetTheta(theta);
35  boxGen->SetPhi(45.0);
37  fRun->AddGenerator(boxGen);
38  }
40  // Create and set up Elmer-based Apr'2016 solenoid field (binary file "input/SolenoidMap8.root");
41  //fRun->AddField(new PndSolenoidMap("SolenoidMap8", "R"));
42  fRun->AddField(new PndDipoleMap("DipoleMap3", "R"));
44  // Initialize and run the simulation; exit at the end;
45  fRun->Run(nEvents);
46 } // simulation()