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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PHField3DCylindrical.cc
1 #include "PHField3DCylindrical.h"
3 #include <TDirectory.h> // for TDirectory, gDirectory
4 #include <TFile.h>
5 #include <TNtuple.h>
7 #include <Geant4/G4SystemOfUnits.hh>
9 #include <boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp>
11 #include <algorithm>
12 #include <cassert>
13 #include <cmath>
14 #include <cstdlib>
15 #include <iostream>
16 #include <iterator>
17 #include <set>
18 #include <utility>
20 using namespace std;
22 PHField3DCylindrical::PHField3DCylindrical(const string &filename, const int verb, const float magfield_rescale)
23  : PHField(verb)
24 {
25  cout << "\n================ Begin Construct Mag Field =====================" << endl;
26  cout << "\n-----------------------------------------------------------"
27  << "\n Magnetic field Module - Verbosity:" << Verbosity()
28  << "\n-----------------------------------------------------------";
30  // open file
31  TFile *rootinput = TFile::Open(filename.c_str());
32  if (!rootinput)
33  {
34  cout << "\n could not open " << filename << " exiting now" << endl;
35  exit(1);
36  }
37  cout << "\n ---> "
38  "Reading the field grid from "
39  << filename << " ... " << endl;
40  rootinput->cd();
42  // get root NTuple objects
43  TNtuple *field_map = (TNtuple *) gDirectory->Get("map");
44  Float_t ROOT_Z, ROOT_R, ROOT_PHI;
46  field_map->SetBranchAddress("z", &ROOT_Z);
47  field_map->SetBranchAddress("r", &ROOT_R);
48  field_map->SetBranchAddress("phi", &ROOT_PHI);
49  field_map->SetBranchAddress("bz", &ROOT_BZ);
50  field_map->SetBranchAddress("br", &ROOT_BR);
51  field_map->SetBranchAddress("bphi", &ROOT_BPHI);
53  // get the number of entries in the tree
54  int nz, nr, nphi;
55  nz = field_map->GetEntries("z>-1e6");
56  nr = field_map->GetEntries("r>-1e6");
57  nphi = field_map->GetEntries("phi>-1e6");
58  static const int NENTRIES = field_map->GetEntries();
60  // run checks on entries
61  cout << " ---> The field grid contained " << NENTRIES << " entries" << endl;
62  if (Verbosity() > 0)
63  {
64  cout << "\n NENTRIES should be the same as the following values:"
65  << "\n [ Number of values r,phi,z: "
66  << nr << " " << nphi << " " << nz << " ]! " << endl;
67  }
69  if (nz != nr || nz != nphi || nr != nphi)
70  {
71  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
72  << "\n The file you entered is not a \"table\" of values"
73  << "\n Something very likely went oh so wrong"
74  << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
75  }
77  // Keep track of the unique z, r, phi values in the grid using sets
78  std::set<float> z_set, r_set, phi_set;
80  // Sort the entries to get rid of any stupid ordering problems...
82  // We copy the TNtuple into a std::map (which is always sorted)
83  // using a 3-tuple of (z, r, phi) so it is sorted in z, then r, then
84  // phi.
85  if (Verbosity() > 0)
86  {
87  cout << " --> Sorting Entries..." << endl;
88  }
89  std::map<trio, trio> sorted_map;
90  for (int i = 0; i < field_map->GetEntries(); i++)
91  {
92  field_map->GetEntry(i);
93  trio coord_key(ROOT_Z, ROOT_R, ROOT_PHI);
94  trio field_val(ROOT_BZ, ROOT_BR, ROOT_BPHI);
95  sorted_map[coord_key] = field_val;
97  z_set.insert(ROOT_Z * cm);
98  r_set.insert(ROOT_R * cm);
99  phi_set.insert(ROOT_PHI * deg);
100  }
102  // couts for assurance
103  if (Verbosity() > 4)
104  {
105  map<trio, trio>::iterator it = sorted_map.begin();
106  print_map(it);
107  float last_z = it->first.get<0>();
108  for (it = sorted_map.begin(); it != sorted_map.end(); ++it)
109  {
110  if (it->first.get<0>() != last_z)
111  {
112  last_z = it->first.get<0>();
113  print_map(it);
114  }
115  }
116  }
118  if (Verbosity() > 0)
119  {
120  cout << " --> Putting entries into containers... " << endl;
121  }
123  // grab the minimum and maximum z values
124  minz_ = *(z_set.begin());
125  std::set<float>::iterator ziter = z_set.end();
126  --ziter;
127  maxz_ = *ziter;
129  // initialize maps
130  nz = z_set.size();
131  nr = r_set.size();
132  nphi = phi_set.size();
133  r_map_.resize(nr, 0);
134  z_map_.resize(nz, 0);
135  phi_map_.resize(nphi, 0);
137  std::copy(z_set.begin(), z_set.end(), z_map_.begin());
138  std::copy(phi_set.begin(), phi_set.end(), phi_map_.begin());
139  std::copy(r_set.begin(), r_set.end(), r_map_.begin());
141  // initialize the field map vectors to the correct sizes
142  BFieldR_.resize(nz, vector<vector<float> >(nr, vector<float>(nphi, 0)));
143  BFieldPHI_.resize(nz, vector<vector<float> >(nr, vector<float>(nphi, 0)));
144  BFieldZ_.resize(nz, vector<vector<float> >(nr, vector<float>(nphi, 0)));
146  // all of this assumes that z_prev < z , i.e. the table is ordered (as of right now)
147  unsigned int ir = 0, iphi = 0, iz = 0; // useful indexes to keep track of
148  map<trio, trio>::iterator iter = sorted_map.begin();
149  for (; iter != sorted_map.end(); ++iter)
150  {
151  // equivalent to ->GetEntry(iter)
152  float z = iter->first.get<0>() * cm;
153  float r = iter->first.get<1>() * cm;
154  float phi = iter->first.get<2>() * deg;
155  float Bz = iter->second.get<0>() * gauss;
156  float Br = iter->second.get<1>() * gauss;
157  float Bphi = iter->second.get<2>() * gauss;
159  if (z > maxz_) maxz_ = z;
160  if (z < minz_) minz_ = z;
162  // check for change in z value, when z changes we have a ton of updates to do
163  if (z != z_map_[iz])
164  {
165  ++iz;
166  ir = 0;
167  iphi = 0; // reset indices
168  }
169  else if (r != r_map_[ir])
170  { // check for change in r value
171  ++ir;
172  iphi = 0;
173  }
174  else if (phi != phi_map_[iphi])
175  { // change in phi value? (should be every time)
176  ++iphi;
177  }
179  // shouldn't happen
180  if (iz > 0 && z < z_map_[iz - 1])
181  {
182  cout << "!!!!!!!!! Your map isn't ordered.... z: " << z << " zprev: " << z_map_[iz - 1] << endl;
183  }
185  BFieldR_[iz][ir][iphi] = Br * magfield_rescale;
186  BFieldPHI_[iz][ir][iphi] = Bphi * magfield_rescale;
187  BFieldZ_[iz][ir][iphi] = Bz * magfield_rescale;
189  // you can change this to check table values for correctness
190  // print_map prints the values in the root table, and the
191  // couts print the values entered into the vectors
192  if (fabs(z) < 10 && ir < 10 /*&& iphi==2*/ && Verbosity() > 3)
193  {
194  print_map(iter);
196  cout << " B("
197  << r_map_[ir] << ", "
198  << phi_map_[iphi] << ", "
199  << z_map_[iz] << "): ("
200  << BFieldR_[iz][ir][iphi] << ", "
201  << BFieldPHI_[iz][ir][iphi] << ", "
202  << BFieldZ_[iz][ir][iphi] << ")" << endl;
203  }
205  } // end loop over root field map file
207  rootinput->Close();
209  cout << "\n ---> ... read file successfully "
210  << "\n ---> Z Boundaries ~ zlow, zhigh: "
211  << minz_ / cm << "," << maxz_ / cm << " cm " << endl;
213  cout << "\n================= End Construct Mag Field ======================\n"
214  << endl;
215 }
217 void PHField3DCylindrical::GetFieldValue(const double point[4], double *Bfield) const
218 {
219  if (Verbosity() > 2)
220  cout << "\nPHField3DCylindrical::GetFieldValue" << endl;
221  double x = point[0];
222  double y = point[1];
223  double z = point[2];
224  double r = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
225  double phi;
226  if (x == 0)
227  {
228  phi = atan2(y, 0.00000000001);
229  }
230  else
231  {
232  phi = atan2(y, x);
233  }
234  if (phi < 0) phi += 2 * M_PI; // normalize phi to be over the range [0,2*pi]
236  // Check that the point is within the defined z region (check r in a second)
237  if ((z >= minz_) && (z <= maxz_))
238  {
239  double BFieldCyl[3];
240  double cylpoint[4] = {z, r, phi, 0};
242  // take <z,r,phi> location and return a vector of <Bz, Br, Bphi>
243  GetFieldCyl(cylpoint, BFieldCyl);
245  // X direction of B-field ( Bx = Br*cos(phi) - Bphi*sin(phi)
246  Bfield[0] = cos(phi) * BFieldCyl[1] - sin(phi) * BFieldCyl[2]; // unit vector transformations
248  // Y direction of B-field ( By = Br*sin(phi) + Bphi*cos(phi)
249  Bfield[1] = sin(phi) * BFieldCyl[1] + cos(phi) * BFieldCyl[2];
251  // Z direction of B-field
252  Bfield[2] = BFieldCyl[0];
253  }
254  else
255  { // x,y,z is outside of z range of the field map
257  Bfield[0] = 0.0;
258  Bfield[1] = 0.0;
259  Bfield[2] = 0.0;
260  if (Verbosity() > 2)
261  cout << "!!!!!!!!!! Field point not in defined region (outside of z bounds)" << endl;
262  }
264  if (Verbosity() > 2)
265  {
266  cout << "END PHField3DCylindrical::GetFieldValue\n"
267  << " ---> {Bx, By, Bz} : "
268  << "< " << Bfield[0] << ", " << Bfield[1] << ", " << Bfield[2] << " >" << endl;
269  }
271  return;
272 }
274 void PHField3DCylindrical::GetFieldCyl(const double CylPoint[4], double *BfieldCyl) const
275 {
276  float z = CylPoint[0];
277  float r = CylPoint[1];
278  float phi = CylPoint[2];
280  BfieldCyl[0] = 0.0;
281  BfieldCyl[1] = 0.0;
282  BfieldCyl[2] = 0.0;
284  if (Verbosity() > 2)
285  cout << "GetFieldCyl@ <z,r,phi>: {" << z << "," << r << "," << phi << "}" << endl;
287  if (z <= z_map_[0] || z >= z_map_[z_map_.size() - 1])
288  {
289  if (Verbosity() > 2)
290  cout << "!!!! Point not in defined region (|z| too large)" << endl;
291  return;
292  }
293  if (r < r_map_[0])
294  {
295  r = r_map_[0];
296  if (Verbosity() > 2)
297  cout << "!!!! Point not in defined region (radius too small in specific z-plane). Use min radius" << endl;
298  // return;
299  }
300  if (r > r_map_[r_map_.size() - 1])
301  {
302  if (Verbosity() > 2)
303  cout << "!!!! Point not in defined region (radius too large in specific z-plane)" << endl;
304  return;
305  }
307  vector<float>::const_iterator ziter = upper_bound(z_map_.begin(), z_map_.end(), z);
308  int z_index0 = distance(z_map_.begin(), ziter) - 1;
309  int z_index1 = z_index0 + 1;
311  assert(z_index0 >= 0);
312  assert(z_index1 >= 0);
313  assert(z_index0 < (int) z_map_.size());
314  assert(z_index1 < (int) z_map_.size());
316  vector<float>::const_iterator riter = upper_bound(r_map_.begin(), r_map_.end(), r);
317  int r_index0 = distance(r_map_.begin(), riter) - 1;
318  if (r_index0 >= (int) r_map_.size())
319  {
320  if (Verbosity() > 2)
321  cout << "!!!! Point not in defined region (radius too large in specific z-plane)" << endl;
322  return;
323  }
325  int r_index1 = r_index0 + 1;
326  if (r_index1 >= (int) r_map_.size())
327  {
328  if (Verbosity() > 2)
329  cout << "!!!! Point not in defined region (radius too large in specific z-plane)" << endl;
330  return;
331  }
333  assert(r_index0 >= 0);
334  assert(r_index1 >= 0);
336  vector<float>::const_iterator phiiter = upper_bound(phi_map_.begin(), phi_map_.end(), phi);
337  int phi_index0 = distance(phi_map_.begin(), phiiter) - 1;
338  int phi_index1 = phi_index0 + 1;
339  if (phi_index1 >= (int) phi_map_.size())
340  phi_index1 = 0;
342  assert(phi_index0 >= 0);
343  assert(phi_index0 < (int) phi_map_.size());
344  assert(phi_index1 >= 0);
346  double Br000 = BFieldR_[z_index0][r_index0][phi_index0];
347  double Br001 = BFieldR_[z_index0][r_index0][phi_index1];
348  double Br010 = BFieldR_[z_index0][r_index1][phi_index0];
349  double Br011 = BFieldR_[z_index0][r_index1][phi_index1];
350  double Br100 = BFieldR_[z_index1][r_index0][phi_index0];
351  double Br101 = BFieldR_[z_index1][r_index0][phi_index1];
352  double Br110 = BFieldR_[z_index1][r_index1][phi_index0];
353  double Br111 = BFieldR_[z_index1][r_index1][phi_index1];
355  double Bphi000 = BFieldPHI_[z_index0][r_index0][phi_index0];
356  double Bphi001 = BFieldPHI_[z_index0][r_index0][phi_index1];
357  double Bphi010 = BFieldPHI_[z_index0][r_index1][phi_index0];
358  double Bphi011 = BFieldPHI_[z_index0][r_index1][phi_index1];
359  double Bphi100 = BFieldPHI_[z_index1][r_index0][phi_index0];
360  double Bphi101 = BFieldPHI_[z_index1][r_index0][phi_index1];
361  double Bphi110 = BFieldPHI_[z_index1][r_index1][phi_index0];
362  double Bphi111 = BFieldPHI_[z_index1][r_index1][phi_index1];
364  double Bz000 = BFieldZ_[z_index0][r_index0][phi_index0];
365  double Bz001 = BFieldZ_[z_index0][r_index0][phi_index1];
366  double Bz100 = BFieldZ_[z_index1][r_index0][phi_index0];
367  double Bz101 = BFieldZ_[z_index1][r_index0][phi_index1];
368  double Bz010 = BFieldZ_[z_index0][r_index1][phi_index0];
369  double Bz110 = BFieldZ_[z_index1][r_index1][phi_index0];
370  double Bz011 = BFieldZ_[z_index0][r_index1][phi_index1];
371  double Bz111 = BFieldZ_[z_index1][r_index1][phi_index1];
373  double zweight = z - z_map_[z_index0];
374  double zspacing = z_map_[z_index1] - z_map_[z_index0];
375  zweight /= zspacing;
377  double rweight = r - r_map_[r_index0];
378  double rspacing = r_map_[r_index1] - r_map_[r_index0];
379  rweight /= rspacing;
381  double phiweight = phi - phi_map_[phi_index0];
382  double phispacing = phi_map_[phi_index1] - phi_map_[phi_index0];
383  if (phi_index1 == 0)
384  phispacing += 2 * M_PI;
385  phiweight /= phispacing;
387  // Z direction of B-field
388  BfieldCyl[0] =
389  (1 - zweight) * ((1 - rweight) * ((1 - phiweight) * Bz000 + phiweight * Bz001) +
390  rweight * ((1 - phiweight) * Bz010 + phiweight * Bz011)) +
391  zweight * ((1 - rweight) * ((1 - phiweight) * Bz100 + phiweight * Bz101) +
392  rweight * ((1 - phiweight) * Bz110 + phiweight * Bz111));
394  // R direction of B-field
395  BfieldCyl[1] =
396  (1 - zweight) * ((1 - rweight) * ((1 - phiweight) * Br000 + phiweight * Br001) +
397  rweight * ((1 - phiweight) * Br010 + phiweight * Br011)) +
398  zweight * ((1 - rweight) * ((1 - phiweight) * Br100 + phiweight * Br101) +
399  rweight * ((1 - phiweight) * Br110 + phiweight * Br111));
401  // PHI Direction of B-field
402  BfieldCyl[2] =
403  (1 - zweight) * ((1 - rweight) * ((1 - phiweight) * Bphi000 + phiweight * Bphi001) +
404  rweight * ((1 - phiweight) * Bphi010 + phiweight * Bphi011)) +
405  zweight * ((1 - rweight) * ((1 - phiweight) * Bphi100 + phiweight * Bphi101) +
406  rweight * ((1 - phiweight) * Bphi110 + phiweight * Bphi111));
408  // cout << "wr: " << rweight << " wz: " << zweight << " wphi: " << phiweight << endl;
409  // cout << "Bz000: " << Bz000 << endl
410  // << "Bz001: " << Bz001 << endl
411  // << "Bz010: " << Bz010 << endl
412  // << "Bz011: " << Bz011 << endl
413  // << "Bz100: " << Bz100 << endl
414  // << "Bz101: " << Bz101 << endl
415  // << "Bz110: " << Bz110 << endl
416  // << "Bz111: " << Bz111 << endl
417  // << "Bz: " << BfieldCyl[0] << endl << endl;
419  if (Verbosity() > 2)
420  {
421  cout << "End GFCyl Call: <bz,br,bphi> : {"
422  << BfieldCyl[0] / gauss << "," << BfieldCyl[1] / gauss << "," << BfieldCyl[2] / gauss << "}"
423  << endl;
424  }
426  return;
427 }
429 // a binary search algorithm that puts the location that "key" would be, into index...
430 // it returns true if key was found, and false if not.
431 bool PHField3DCylindrical::bin_search(const vector<float> &vec, unsigned start, unsigned end, const float &key, unsigned &index) const
432 {
433  // Termination condition: start index greater than end index
434  if (start > end)
435  {
436  index = start;
437  return false;
438  }
440  // Find the middle element of the vector and use that for splitting
441  // the array into two pieces.
442  unsigned middle = start + ((end - start) / 2);
444  if (vec[middle] == key)
445  {
446  index = middle;
447  return true;
448  }
449  else if (vec[middle] > key)
450  {
451  return bin_search(vec, start, middle - 1, key, index);
452  }
453  return bin_search(vec, middle + 1, end, key, index);
454 }
456 // debug function to print key/value pairs in map
457 void PHField3DCylindrical::print_map(map<trio, trio>::iterator &it) const
458 {
459  cout << " Key: <"
460  << it->first.get<0>() * cm << ","
461  << it->first.get<1>() * cm << ","
462  << it->first.get<2>() * deg << ">"
464  << " Value: <"
465  << it->second.get<0>() * gauss << ","
466  << it->second.get<1>() * gauss << ","
467  << it->second.get<2>() * gauss << ">\n";
468 }