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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file KalmanFitter.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #pragma once
11 // Workaround for building on clang+libstdc++
37 #include <functional>
38 #include <map>
39 #include <memory>
41 namespace Acts {
51 template <typename outlier_finder_t = VoidOutlierFinder>
53  // Broadcast the outlier finder type
54  using OutlierFinder = outlier_finder_t;
57  KalmanFitterOptions() = delete;
71  KalmanFitterOptions(std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> gctx,
72  std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> mctx,
73  std::reference_wrapper<const CalibrationContext> cctx,
74  const OutlierFinder& outlierFinder_,
75  LoggerWrapper logger_,
76  const PropagatorPlainOptions& pOptions,
77  const Surface* rSurface = nullptr,
78  bool mScattering = true, bool eLoss = true,
79  bool bwdFiltering = false)
80  : geoContext(gctx),
81  magFieldContext(mctx),
82  calibrationContext(cctx),
83  outlierFinder(outlierFinder_),
84  propagatorPlainOptions(pOptions),
85  referenceSurface(rSurface),
86  multipleScattering(mScattering),
87  energyLoss(eLoss),
88  backwardFiltering(bwdFiltering),
89  logger(logger_) {}
92  std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext;
94  std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> magFieldContext;
96  std::reference_wrapper<const CalibrationContext> calibrationContext;
105  const Surface* referenceSurface = nullptr;
108  bool multipleScattering = true;
111  bool energyLoss = true;
114  bool backwardFiltering = false;
118 };
120 template <typename source_link_t>
122  // Fitted states that the actor has handled.
125  // This is the index of the 'tip' of the track stored in multitrajectory.
126  // Since this KF only stores one trajectory, it is unambiguous.
127  // SIZE_MAX is the start of a trajectory.
128  size_t trackTip = SIZE_MAX;
130  // The optional Parameters at the provided surface
131  std::optional<BoundTrackParameters> fittedParameters;
133  // Counter for states with measurements
134  size_t measurementStates = 0;
136  // Counter for handled states
137  size_t processedStates = 0;
139  // Indicator if smoothing has been done.
140  bool smoothed = false;
142  // Indicator if the propagation state has been reset
143  bool reset = false;
145  // Indicator if track fitting has been done
146  bool finished = false;
148  // Measurement surfaces without hits
149  std::vector<const Surface*> missedActiveSurfaces;
151  // Indicator if forward filtering has been done
152  bool forwardFiltered = false;
154  // Measurement surfaces handled in both forward and backward filtering
155  std::vector<const Surface*> passedAgainSurfaces;
158 };
191 template <typename propagator_t, typename updater_t = VoidKalmanUpdater,
192  typename smoother_t = VoidKalmanSmoother,
193  typename outlier_finder_t = VoidOutlierFinder,
194  typename calibrator_t = VoidMeasurementCalibrator>
196  public:
198  using MeasurementSurfaces = std::multimap<const Layer*, const Surface*>;
200  using KalmanNavigator = typename propagator_t::Navigator;
203  static constexpr bool isDirectNavigator =
207  KalmanFitter() = delete;
211  : m_propagator(std::move(pPropagator)) {}
213  private:
224  template <typename source_link_t, typename parameters_t>
225  class Actor {
226  public:
231  const Surface* targetSurface = nullptr;
234  std::map<const Surface*, source_link_t> inputMeasurements;
237  bool multipleScattering = true;
240  bool energyLoss = true;
243  bool backwardFiltering = false;
253  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
254  void operator()(propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
255  result_type& result) const {
256  const auto& logger = state.options.logger;
258  if (result.finished) {
259  return;
260  }
262  ACTS_VERBOSE("KalmanFitter step");
264  // This following is added due to the fact that the navigation
265  // reinitialization in reverse call cannot guarantee the navigator to
266  // target for extra layers in the backward-propagation starting volume.
267  // Currently, manually set navigation stage to allow for targeting layers
268  // after all the surfaces on the backward-propagation starting layer has
269  // been processed. Otherwise, the navigation stage will be
270  // Stage::boundaryTarget after navigator status call which means the extra
271  // layers on the backward-propagation starting volume won't be targeted.
272  // @Todo: Let the navigator do all the re-initialization
273  if constexpr (not isDirectNavigator) {
274  if (result.reset and state.navigation.navSurfaceIter ==
275  state.navigation.navSurfaces.end()) {
276  // So the navigator target call will target layers
278  state.navigation.navigationStage =
279  KalmanNavigator::Stage::layerTarget;
280  // We only do this after the backward-propagation
281  // starting layer has been processed
282  result.reset = false;
283  }
284  }
285  // Update:
286  // - Waiting for a current surface
287  auto surface = state.navigation.currentSurface;
288  if (surface != nullptr) {
289  // Check if the surface is in the measurement map
290  // -> Get the measurement / calibrate
291  // -> Create the predicted state
292  // -> Perform the kalman update
293  // -> Check outlier behavior
294  // -> Fill strack state information & update stepper information if
295  // non-outlier
296  if (state.stepping.navDir == forward and not result.smoothed and
297  not result.forwardFiltered) {
298  ACTS_VERBOSE("Perform forward filter step with surface ");
299  ACTS_VERBOSE(surface->geometryId());
300  auto res = filter(surface, state, stepper, result);
301  if (!res.ok()) {
302  ACTS_ERROR("Error in forward filter: " << res.error());
303  result.result = res.error();
304  }
305  } else if (state.stepping.navDir == backward and
306  result.forwardFiltered) {
307  ACTS_VERBOSE("Perform backward filter step");
308  auto res = backwardFilter(surface, state, stepper, result);
309  if (!res.ok()) {
310  ACTS_ERROR("Error in backward filter: " << res.error());
311  result.result = res.error();
312  }
313  }
314  }
316  // Finalization:
317  // when all track states have been handled or the navigation is breaked,
318  // reset navigation&stepping before run backward filtering or
319  // proceed to run smoothing
320  if (state.stepping.navDir == forward) {
321  if (result.measurementStates == inputMeasurements.size() or
322  (result.measurementStates > 0 and
323  state.navigation.navigationBreak)) {
324  if (backwardFiltering and not result.forwardFiltered) {
325  ACTS_VERBOSE("Forward filtering done");
326  result.forwardFiltered = true;
327  // Start to run backward filtering:
328  // Reverse navigation direction and reset navigation and stepping
329  // state to last measurement
330  ACTS_VERBOSE("Reverse navigation direction.");
331  reverse(state, stepper, result);
332  } else if (not result.smoothed) {
333  // --> Search the starting state to run the smoothing
334  // --> Call the smoothing
335  // --> Set a stop condition when all track states have been
336  // handled
337  ACTS_VERBOSE("Finalize/run smoothing");
338  auto res = finalize(state, stepper, result);
339  if (!res.ok()) {
340  ACTS_ERROR("Error in finalize: " << res.error());
341  result.result = res.error();
342  }
343  }
344  }
345  }
347  // Post-finalization:
348  // - Progress to target/reference surface and built the final track
349  // parameters
350  if (result.smoothed or state.stepping.navDir == backward) {
351  if (targetSurface == nullptr) {
352  // If no target surface provided:
353  // -> Return an error when using backward filtering mode
354  // -> Fitting is finished here
355  if (backwardFiltering) {
357  "The target surface needed for aborting backward propagation "
358  "is not provided");
359  result.result =
360  Result<void>(KalmanFitterError::BackwardUpdateFailed);
361  } else {
363  "No target surface set. Completing without fitted track "
364  "parameter");
365  // Remember the track fitting is done
366  result.finished = true;
367  }
368  } else if (targetReached(state, stepper, *targetSurface)) {
369  ACTS_VERBOSE("Completing with fitted track parameter");
370  // Transport & bind the parameter to the final surface
371  auto fittedState = stepper.boundState(state.stepping, *targetSurface);
372  // Assign the fitted parameters
373  result.fittedParameters = std::get<BoundTrackParameters>(fittedState);
375  // Reset smoothed status of states missed in backward filtering
376  if (backwardFiltering) {
377  result.fittedStates.applyBackwards(
378  result.trackTip, [&](auto trackState) {
379  auto fSurface = &trackState.referenceSurface();
380  auto surface_it = std::find_if(
381  result.passedAgainSurfaces.begin(),
382  result.passedAgainSurfaces.end(),
383  [=](const Surface* s) { return s == fSurface; });
384  if (surface_it == result.passedAgainSurfaces.end()) {
385  // If backward filtering missed this surface, then there is
386  // no smoothed parameter
387  trackState.data().ismoothed =
389  }
390  });
391  }
392  // Remember the track fitting is done
393  result.finished = true;
394  }
395  }
396  }
406  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
407  void reverse(propagator_state_t& state, stepper_t& stepper,
408  result_type& result) const {
409  // Remember the navigation direciton has been reserved
410  result.reset = true;
412  // Reset propagator options
413  state.options.maxStepSize = -1.0 * state.options.maxStepSize;
414  // Not sure if reset of pathLimit during propagation makes any sense
415  state.options.pathLimit = -1.0 * state.options.pathLimit;
417  // Reset stepping&navigation state using last measurement track state on
418  // sensitive surface
419  state.navigation = typename propagator_t::NavigatorState();
420  result.fittedStates.applyBackwards(result.trackTip, [&](auto st) {
421  if (st.typeFlags().test(Acts::TrackStateFlag::MeasurementFlag)) {
422  // Set the navigation state
423  state.navigation.startSurface = &st.referenceSurface();
424  if (state.navigation.startSurface->associatedLayer() != nullptr) {
425  state.navigation.startLayer =
426  state.navigation.startSurface->associatedLayer();
428  }
429  state.navigation.startVolume =
430  state.navigation.startLayer->trackingVolume();
431  state.navigation.targetSurface = targetSurface;
432  state.navigation.currentSurface = state.navigation.startSurface;
433  state.navigation.currentVolume = state.navigation.startVolume;
435  // Update the stepping state
436  stepper.resetState(state.stepping, st.filtered(),
437  st.filteredCovariance(), st.referenceSurface(),
438  backward, state.options.maxStepSize);
440  // For the last measurement state, smoothed is filtered
441  st.smoothed() = st.filtered();
442  st.smoothedCovariance() = st.filteredCovariance();
443  result.passedAgainSurfaces.push_back(&st.referenceSurface());
445  // Update material effects for last measurement state in backward
446  // direction
447  materialInteractor(state.navigation.currentSurface, state, stepper);
449  return false; // abort execution
450  }
451  return true; // continue execution
452  });
453  }
464  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
465  Result<void> filter(const Surface* surface, propagator_state_t& state,
466  const stepper_t& stepper, result_type& result) const {
467  const auto& logger = state.options.logger;
468  // Try to find the surface in the measurement surfaces
469  auto sourcelink_it = inputMeasurements.find(surface);
470  if(sourcelink_it != inputMeasurements.end()){
471  }
472  else
473  ACTS_VERBOSE("Couldn't find source link in measurement list");
475  if (sourcelink_it != inputMeasurements.end()) {
476  // Screen output message
477  ACTS_VERBOSE("Measurement surface " << surface->geometryId()
478  << " detected.");
480  // Transport & bind the state to the current surface
481  auto [boundParams, jacobian, pathLength] =
482  stepper.boundState(state.stepping, *surface);
484  // Update state and stepper with pre material effects
485  materialInteractor(surface, state, stepper, preUpdate);
487  // add a full TrackState entry multi trajectory
488  // (this allocates storage for all components, we will set them later)
489  result.trackTip = result.fittedStates.addTrackState(
490  TrackStatePropMask::All, result.trackTip);
492  // now get track state proxy back
493  auto trackStateProxy =
494  result.fittedStates.getTrackState(result.trackTip);
496  // assign the source link to the track state
497  trackStateProxy.uncalibrated() = sourcelink_it->second;
499  // Fill the track state
500  trackStateProxy.predicted() = std::move(boundParams.parameters());
501  trackStateProxy.predictedCovariance() =
502  std::move(*boundParams.covariance());
503  trackStateProxy.jacobian() = std::move(jacobian);
504  trackStateProxy.pathLength() = std::move(pathLength);
506  // We have predicted parameters, so calibrate the uncalibrated input
507  // measuerement
508  std::visit(
509  [&](const auto& calibrated) {
510  trackStateProxy.setCalibrated(calibrated);
511  },
512  m_calibrator(trackStateProxy.uncalibrated(),
513  trackStateProxy.predicted()));
515  // Get and set the type flags
516  auto& typeFlags = trackStateProxy.typeFlags();
517  typeFlags.set(TrackStateFlag::MaterialFlag);
518  typeFlags.set(TrackStateFlag::ParameterFlag);
520  // Check if the state is an outlier.
521  // If not, run Kalman update, tag it as a
522  // measurement and update the stepping state. Otherwise, just tag it as
523  // an outlier
524  if (not m_outlierFinder(trackStateProxy)) {
525  // Run Kalman update
526  auto updateRes =
527  m_updater(state.geoContext, trackStateProxy, forward);
528  if (!updateRes.ok()) {
529  ACTS_ERROR("Update step failed: " << updateRes.error());
530  return updateRes.error();
531  }
532  // Set the measurement type flag
533  typeFlags.set(TrackStateFlag::MeasurementFlag);
534  // Update the stepping state with filtered parameters
535  ACTS_VERBOSE("Filtering step successful, updated parameters are : \n"
536  << trackStateProxy.filtered().transpose());
537  // update stepping state using filtered parameters after kalman
538  stepper.update(state.stepping,
540  state.options.geoContext, trackStateProxy),
541  trackStateProxy.filteredCovariance());
542  // We count the state with measurement
543  ++result.measurementStates;
544  } else {
546  "Filtering step successful. But measurement is deterimined "
547  "to "
548  "be an outlier. Stepping state is not updated.")
549  // Set the outlier type flag
550  typeFlags.set(TrackStateFlag::OutlierFlag);
551  }
553  // Update state and stepper with post material effects
554  materialInteractor(surface, state, stepper, postUpdate);
555  // We count the processed state
556  ++result.processedStates;
557  } else if (surface->surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
558  // We only create track states here if there is already measurement
559  // detected
560  if (result.measurementStates > 0) {
561  // No source links on surface, add either hole or passive material
562  // TrackState entry multi trajectory. No storage allocation for
563  // uncalibrated/calibrated measurement and filtered parameter
564  result.trackTip = result.fittedStates.addTrackState(
565  ~(TrackStatePropMask::Uncalibrated |
566  TrackStatePropMask::Calibrated | TrackStatePropMask::Filtered),
567  result.trackTip);
569  // now get track state proxy back
570  auto trackStateProxy =
571  result.fittedStates.getTrackState(result.trackTip);
573  // Set the surface
574  trackStateProxy.setReferenceSurface(surface->getSharedPtr());
576  // Set the track state flags
577  auto& typeFlags = trackStateProxy.typeFlags();
578  typeFlags.set(TrackStateFlag::MaterialFlag);
579  typeFlags.set(TrackStateFlag::ParameterFlag);
581  if (surface->associatedDetectorElement() != nullptr) {
582  ACTS_VERBOSE("Detected hole on " << surface->geometryId());
583  // If the surface is sensitive, set the hole type flag
584  typeFlags.set(TrackStateFlag::HoleFlag);
586  // Count the missed surface
587  result.missedActiveSurfaces.push_back(surface);
589  // Transport & bind the state to the current surface
590  auto [boundParams, jacobian, pathLength] =
591  stepper.boundState(state.stepping, *surface);
593  // Fill the track state
594  trackStateProxy.predicted() = std::move(boundParams.parameters());
595  trackStateProxy.predictedCovariance() =
596  std::move(*boundParams.covariance());
597  trackStateProxy.jacobian() = std::move(jacobian);
598  trackStateProxy.pathLength() = std::move(pathLength);
599  } else {
600  ACTS_VERBOSE("Detected in-sensitive surface "
601  << surface->geometryId());
603  // Transport & get curvilinear state instead of bound state
604  auto [curvilinearParams, jacobian, pathLength] =
605  stepper.curvilinearState(state.stepping);
607  // Fill the track state
608  trackStateProxy.predicted() =
609  std::move(curvilinearParams.parameters());
610  trackStateProxy.predictedCovariance() =
611  std::move(*curvilinearParams.covariance());
612  trackStateProxy.jacobian() = std::move(jacobian);
613  trackStateProxy.pathLength() = std::move(pathLength);
614  }
616  // Set the filtered parameter index to be the same with predicted
617  // parameter
618  trackStateProxy.data().ifiltered = trackStateProxy.data().ipredicted;
620  // We count the processed state
621  ++result.processedStates;
622  }
624  // Update state and stepper with material effects
625  materialInteractor(surface, state, stepper, fullUpdate);
626  }
627  return Result<void>::success();
628  }
639  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
640  Result<void> backwardFilter(const Surface* surface,
641  propagator_state_t& state,
642  const stepper_t& stepper,
643  result_type& result) const {
644  const auto& logger = state.options.logger;
645  // Try to find the surface in the measurement surfaces
646  auto sourcelink_it = inputMeasurements.find(surface);
647  if (sourcelink_it != inputMeasurements.end()) {
648  // Screen output message
649  ACTS_VERBOSE("Measurement surface "
650  << surface->geometryId()
651  << " detected in backward propagation.");
653  // No backward filtering for last measurement state, but still update
654  // with material effects
655  if (state.stepping.navDir == backward and
656  surface == state.navigation.startSurface) {
657  materialInteractor(surface, state, stepper);
658  return Result<void>::success();
659  }
661  // Transport & bind the state to the current surface
662  auto [boundParams, jacobian, pathLength] =
663  stepper.boundState(state.stepping, *surface);
665  // Update state and stepper with pre material effects
666  materialInteractor(surface, state, stepper, preUpdate);
668  // Create a detached track state proxy
669  auto tempTrackTip =
670  result.fittedStates.addTrackState(TrackStatePropMask::All);
672  // Get the detached track state proxy back
673  auto trackStateProxy = result.fittedStates.getTrackState(tempTrackTip);
675  // Assign the source link to the detached track state
676  trackStateProxy.uncalibrated() = sourcelink_it->second;
678  // Fill the track state
679  trackStateProxy.predicted() = std::move(boundParams.parameters());
680  trackStateProxy.predictedCovariance() =
681  std::move(*boundParams.covariance());
682  trackStateProxy.jacobian() = std::move(jacobian);
683  trackStateProxy.pathLength() = std::move(pathLength);
685  // We have predicted parameters, so calibrate the uncalibrated input
686  // measuerement
687  std::visit(
688  [&](const auto& calibrated) {
689  trackStateProxy.setCalibrated(calibrated);
690  },
691  m_calibrator(trackStateProxy.uncalibrated(),
692  trackStateProxy.predicted()));
694  // If the update is successful, set covariance and
695  auto updateRes =
696  m_updater(state.geoContext, trackStateProxy, backward, logger);
697  if (!updateRes.ok()) {
698  ACTS_ERROR("Backward update step failed: " << updateRes.error());
699  return updateRes.error();
700  } else {
701  // Update the stepping state with filtered parameters
703  "Backward Filtering step successful, updated parameters are : "
704  "\n"
705  << trackStateProxy.filtered().transpose());
707  // Fill the smoothed parameter for the existing track state
708  result.fittedStates.applyBackwards(
709  result.trackTip, [&](auto trackState) {
710  auto fSurface = &trackState.referenceSurface();
711  if (fSurface == surface) {
712  result.passedAgainSurfaces.push_back(surface);
713  trackState.smoothed() = trackStateProxy.filtered();
714  trackState.smoothedCovariance() =
715  trackStateProxy.filteredCovariance();
716  return false;
717  }
718  return true;
719  });
721  // update stepping state using filtered parameters after kalman
722  // update We need to (re-)construct a BoundTrackParameters instance
723  // here, which is a bit awkward.
724  stepper.update(state.stepping,
726  state.options.geoContext, trackStateProxy),
727  trackStateProxy.filteredCovariance());
729  // Update state and stepper with post material effects
730  materialInteractor(surface, state, stepper, postUpdate);
731  }
732  } else if (surface->surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
733  // Transport covariance
734  if (surface->associatedDetectorElement() != nullptr) {
735  ACTS_VERBOSE("Detected hole on " << surface->geometryId()
736  << " in backward filtering");
737  if (state.stepping.covTransport) {
738  stepper.covarianceTransport(state.stepping, *surface);
739  }
740  } else {
741  ACTS_VERBOSE("Detected in-sensitive surface "
742  << surface->geometryId() << " in backward filtering");
743  if (state.stepping.covTransport) {
744  stepper.covarianceTransport(state.stepping);
745  }
746  }
748  // Not creating bound state here, so need manually reinitialize
749  // jacobian
750  state.stepping.jacobian = BoundMatrix::Identity();
752  // Update state and stepper with material effects
753  materialInteractor(surface, state, stepper);
754  }
756  return Result<void>::success();
757  }
769  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
770  void materialInteractor(
771  const Surface* surface, propagator_state_t& state, stepper_t& stepper,
772  const MaterialUpdateStage& updateStage = fullUpdate) const {
773  const auto& logger = state.options.logger;
774  // Indicator if having material
775  bool hasMaterial = false;
777  if (surface and surface->surfaceMaterial()) {
778  // Prepare relevant input particle properties
779  detail::PointwiseMaterialInteraction interaction(surface, state,
780  stepper);
781  // Evaluate the material properties
782  if (interaction.evaluateMaterialSlab(state, updateStage)) {
783  // Surface has material at this stage
784  hasMaterial = true;
786  // Evaluate the material effects
787  interaction.evaluatePointwiseMaterialInteraction(multipleScattering,
788  energyLoss);
790  // Screen out material effects info
791  ACTS_VERBOSE("Material effects on surface: "
792  << surface->geometryId()
793  << " at update stage: " << updateStage << " are :");
794  ACTS_VERBOSE("eLoss = "
795  << interaction.Eloss << ", "
796  << "variancePhi = " << interaction.variancePhi << ", "
797  << "varianceTheta = " << interaction.varianceTheta
798  << ", "
799  << "varianceQoverP = " << interaction.varianceQoverP);
801  // Update the state and stepper with material effects
802  interaction.updateState(state, stepper);
803  }
804  }
806  if (not hasMaterial) {
807  // Screen out message
808  ACTS_VERBOSE("No material effects on surface: " << surface->geometryId()
809  << " at update stage: "
810  << updateStage);
811  }
812  }
822  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
823  Result<void> finalize(propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
824  result_type& result) const {
825  const auto& logger = state.options.logger;
826  // Remember you smoothed the track states
827  result.smoothed = true;
829  // Get the indices of measurement states;
830  std::vector<size_t> measurementIndices;
831  measurementIndices.reserve(result.measurementStates);
832  // Count track states to be smoothed
833  size_t nStates = 0;
834  result.fittedStates.applyBackwards(result.trackTip, [&](auto st) {
835  bool isMeasurement =
836  st.typeFlags().test(TrackStateFlag::MeasurementFlag);
837  if (isMeasurement) {
838  measurementIndices.emplace_back(st.index());
839  } else if (measurementIndices.empty()) {
840  // No smoothed parameters if the last measurement state has not been
841  // found yet
842  st.data().ismoothed = detail_lt::IndexData::kInvalid;
843  }
844  // Start count when the last measurement state is found
845  if (not measurementIndices.empty()) {
846  nStates++;
847  }
848  });
849  // Return error if the track has no measurement states (but this should
850  // not happen)
851  if (measurementIndices.empty()) {
852  ACTS_ERROR("Smoothing for a track without measurements.");
853  return KalmanFitterError::SmoothFailed;
854  }
855  // Screen output for debugging
856  if (logger().doPrint(Logging::VERBOSE)) {
857  ACTS_VERBOSE("Apply smoothing on " << nStates
858  << " filtered track states.");
859  }
861  // Smooth the track states
862  auto smoothRes = m_smoother(state.geoContext, result.fittedStates,
863  measurementIndices.front(), logger);
864  if (!smoothRes.ok()) {
865  ACTS_ERROR("Smoothing step failed: " << smoothRes.error());
866  return smoothRes.error();
867  }
868  // Obtain the smoothed parameters at first measurement state
869  auto firstMeasurement =
870  result.fittedStates.getTrackState(measurementIndices.back());
872  // Update the stepping parameters - in order to progress to destination
874  "Smoothing successful, updating stepping state, "
875  "set target surface.");
876  stepper.update(state.stepping,
878  state.options.geoContext, firstMeasurement),
879  firstMeasurement.smoothedCovariance());
880  // Reverse the propagation direction
881  state.stepping.stepSize =
882  ConstrainedStep(-1. * state.options.maxStepSize);
883  state.stepping.navDir = backward;
884  // Set accumulatd path to zero before targeting surface
885  state.stepping.pathAccumulated = 0.;
887  return Result<void>::success();
888  }
891  updater_t m_updater;
894  smoother_t m_smoother;
897  outlier_finder_t m_outlierFinder;
900  calibrator_t m_calibrator;
904  };
906  template <typename source_link_t, typename parameters_t>
907  class Aborter {
908  public:
912  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t,
913  typename result_t>
914  bool operator()(propagator_state_t& /*state*/, const stepper_t& /*stepper*/,
915  const result_t& result) const {
916  if (!result.result.ok() or result.finished) {
917  return true;
918  }
919  return false;
920  }
921  };
923  public:
941  template <typename source_link_t, typename start_parameters_t,
942  typename parameters_t = BoundTrackParameters>
943  auto fit(const std::vector<source_link_t>& sourcelinks,
944  const start_parameters_t& sParameters,
945  const KalmanFitterOptions<outlier_finder_t>& kfOptions) const
946  -> std::enable_if_t<!isDirectNavigator,
948  const auto& logger = kfOptions.logger;
950  static_assert(SourceLinkConcept<source_link_t>,
951  "Source link does not fulfill SourceLinkConcept");
953  // To be able to find measurements later, we put them into a map
954  // We need to copy input SourceLinks anyways, so the map can own them.
955  ACTS_VERBOSE("Preparing " << sourcelinks.size() << " input measurements");
956  std::map<const Surface*, source_link_t> inputMeasurements;
957  for (const auto& sl : sourcelinks) {
958  const Surface* srf = &sl.referenceSurface();
959  ACTS_VERBOSE("Adding surface with geoID ");
960  ACTS_VERBOSE(srf->geometryId());
961  inputMeasurements.emplace(srf, sl);
962  }
964  // Create the ActionList and AbortList
965  using KalmanAborter = Aborter<source_link_t, parameters_t>;
966  using KalmanActor = Actor<source_link_t, parameters_t>;
967  using KalmanResult = typename KalmanActor::result_type;
968  using Actors = ActionList<KalmanActor>;
969  using Aborters = AbortList<KalmanAborter>;
971  // Create relevant options for the propagation options
973  kfOptions.geoContext, kfOptions.magFieldContext, logger);
975  // Set the trivial propagator options
976  kalmanOptions.setPlainOptions(kfOptions.propagatorPlainOptions);
978  // Catch the actor and set the measurements
979  auto& kalmanActor = kalmanOptions.actionList.template get<KalmanActor>();
980  kalmanActor.inputMeasurements = std::move(inputMeasurements);
981  kalmanActor.targetSurface = kfOptions.referenceSurface;
982  kalmanActor.multipleScattering = kfOptions.multipleScattering;
983  kalmanActor.energyLoss = kfOptions.energyLoss;
984  kalmanActor.backwardFiltering = kfOptions.backwardFiltering;
986  // Set config for outlier finder
987  kalmanActor.m_outlierFinder = kfOptions.outlierFinder;
989  // Run the fitter
990  auto result = m_propagator.template propagate(sParameters, kalmanOptions);
992  if (!result.ok()) {
993  ACTS_VERBOSE("Propapation failed: " << result.error());
994  return result.error();
995  }
997  const auto& propRes = *result;
1000  auto kalmanResult = propRes.template get<KalmanResult>();
1004  if (kalmanResult.result.ok() and not kalmanResult.processedStates) {
1005  kalmanResult.result = Result<void>(KalmanFitterError::NoMeasurementFound);
1006  }
1008  if (!kalmanResult.result.ok()) {
1009  ACTS_VERBOSE("KalmanFilter failed: " << kalmanResult.result.error());
1010  return kalmanResult.result.error();
1011  }
1013  // Return the converted Track
1014  return kalmanResult;
1015  }
1035  template <typename source_link_t, typename start_parameters_t,
1036  typename parameters_t = BoundTrackParameters>
1037  auto fit(const std::vector<source_link_t>& sourcelinks,
1038  const start_parameters_t& sParameters,
1039  const KalmanFitterOptions<outlier_finder_t>& kfOptions,
1040  const std::vector<const Surface*>& sSequence) const
1041  -> std::enable_if_t<isDirectNavigator,
1043  const auto& logger = kfOptions.logger;
1044  static_assert(SourceLinkConcept<source_link_t>,
1045  "Source link does not fulfill SourceLinkConcept");
1047  // To be able to find measurements later, we put them into a map
1048  // We need to copy input SourceLinks anyways, so the map can own them.
1049  ACTS_VERBOSE("Preparing " << sourcelinks.size() << " input measurements");
1050  std::map<const Surface*, source_link_t> inputMeasurements;
1051  for (const auto& sl : sourcelinks) {
1052  const Surface* srf = &sl.referenceSurface();
1053  inputMeasurements.emplace(srf, sl);
1054  }
1056  // Create the ActionList and AbortList
1057  using KalmanAborter = Aborter<source_link_t, parameters_t>;
1058  using KalmanActor = Actor<source_link_t, parameters_t>;
1059  using KalmanResult = typename KalmanActor::result_type;
1061  using Aborters = AbortList<KalmanAborter>;
1063  // Create relevant options for the propagation options
1065  kfOptions.geoContext, kfOptions.magFieldContext, logger);
1067  // Set the trivial propagator options
1068  kalmanOptions.setPlainOptions(kfOptions.propagatorPlainOptions);
1070  // Catch the actor and set the measurements
1071  auto& kalmanActor = kalmanOptions.actionList.template get<KalmanActor>();
1072  kalmanActor.inputMeasurements = std::move(inputMeasurements);
1073  kalmanActor.targetSurface = kfOptions.referenceSurface;
1074  kalmanActor.multipleScattering = kfOptions.multipleScattering;
1075  kalmanActor.energyLoss = kfOptions.energyLoss;
1076  kalmanActor.backwardFiltering = kfOptions.backwardFiltering;
1077  // Set config for outlier finder
1078  kalmanActor.m_outlierFinder = kfOptions.outlierFinder;
1080  // Set the surface sequence
1081  auto& dInitializer =
1082  kalmanOptions.actionList.template get<DirectNavigator::Initializer>();
1083  dInitializer.navSurfaces = sSequence;
1085  // Run the fitter
1086  auto result = m_propagator.template propagate(sParameters, kalmanOptions);
1088  if (!result.ok()) {
1089  ACTS_ERROR("Propapation failed: " << result.error());
1090  return result.error();
1091  }
1093  const auto& propRes = *result;
1096  auto kalmanResult = propRes.template get<KalmanResult>();
1100  if (kalmanResult.result.ok() and not kalmanResult.processedStates) {
1101  kalmanResult.result = Result<void>(KalmanFitterError::NoMeasurementFound);
1102  }
1104  if (!kalmanResult.result.ok()) {
1105  ACTS_ERROR("KalmanFilter failed: " << kalmanResult.result.error());
1106  return kalmanResult.result.error();
1107  }
1109  // Return the converted Track
1110  return kalmanResult;
1111  }
1112 };
1114 } // namespace Acts