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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file HoughTree.h
1 //
2 // AYK (ayk@bnl.gov)
3 //
4 // Hough transform track finder;
5 //
6 // Initial port from OLYMPUS sources: Oct'2015;
7 //
9 #include <map>
10 #include <cstdio>
12 #include <ResolutionLevel.h>
13 #include <HoughNodeGroup.h>
14 #include <HoughCell.h>
15 #include <MatchCandidateGroup.h>
17 #ifndef _HOUGH_TREE_
18 #define _HOUGH_TREE_
21  public:
22  HoughDimension(const char *name, double min, double max): mMin(min), mMax(max) {
23  // Sanity check, please;
24  if (!name || min >= max) {
25  printf("\n HoughDimension::HoughDimension(): illegal input!\n\n");
26  throw;
27  } //if
28  mName = strdup(name); assert(mName);
30  printf("%s -> %7.2f .. %7.2f\n", mName, mMin, mMax);
31  };
33  const char *GetName() const { return mName; };
34  double GetMin() const { return mMin; };
35  double GetMax() const { return mMax; };
37  private:
38  // For printouts and book-keeping purposes only;
39  char *mName;
41  // Parameter range;
42  double mMin, mMax;
43 };
45 // May want to consider __u64 if ever come to a situation when multi-index composed
46 // out of all the dimensions becomes larger than __u32 type; well, if 64-bits are
47 // not enough, will have to change binary search code;
49 // So depth will be counted in the range [0..31] for __u32 indices;
50 #define _MAX_BTREE_INDEX_DEPTH_ ((sizeof(t_btree_index) << 3)-1)
54 class HoughTree
55 {
56  public:
57  HoughTree();
58  // FIXME: populate with something useful, please;
59  ~HoughTree() {};
61  int AddDimension(const char *name, double min, double max);
62  int AddResolutionLevel(const unsigned div[]);
64  virtual HoughNodeGroup *AllocateNodeGroup(unsigned id) { return new HoughNodeGroup(id); };
66 #if _LATER_
67  HoughNodeGroup *AddNodeGroup(void *ptr, double min, double max,
68  double gra, SpaceGridType gridType);
69  HoughNodeGroup *AddNodeGroup(void *ptr, unsigned cdim, const double min[], const double max[],
70  const double gra[], SpaceGridType gridType);
71 #endif
72  HoughNodeGroup *AddNodeGroup(/*void *ptr,*/ unsigned id, unsigned cdim, const double min[], const double max[],
73  const double gra[]);
74  unsigned GetGdim() const { return mGroups.size(); };
76  unsigned LaunchPatternFinder();
78  void SetVerbosityLevel(unsigned level) { mVerbosityLevel = level; };
79  unsigned GetVerbosityLevel() const { return mVerbosityLevel; };
81  unsigned GetDdim() const { return mDimensions.size(); };
82  const HoughDimension *GetDimension(unsigned id) const {
83  return id < mDimensions.size() ? &mDimensions[id] : 0;
84  };
86  int SetBlindCellDecisionLevel(unsigned level) {
87  if (level >= GetLdim()) return -1;
89  mBlindCellDecisionLevel = level;
90  return 0;
91  };
92  int SetOkHitCounterLimits(unsigned min, unsigned max) {
93  // Here and below need to count node counter or such rather than just mGroups.size();
94 #if _LATER_
95  if (min > max || max > mGroups.size()) return -1;
96 #endif
99  return 0;
100  };
102  if (max > mGroups.size()) return -1;
105  return 0;
106  };
108  if (max > mGroups.size()) return -1;
111  return 0;
112  };
114  unsigned GetGroupCount() const { return mGroups.size(); };
115  HoughNodeGroup *GetGroup(unsigned gr) const { return mGroups[gr]; };
117  unsigned GetLdim() const { return mResolutionLevels.size(); };
118  ResolutionLevel *GetLevel(unsigned lv) const {
119  return (lv < mResolutionLevels.size() ? mResolutionLevels[lv] : 0);
120  };
122  // Just to arrange a loop;
125  return (tc < mMatchCandidateCount ? mMatchCandidates[tc] : 0);
126  };
128  int AllocateLookUpTable();
130  void SetFastTreeSearchMode(unsigned qualityItrNum) {
131  mTrackQualityIterationNum = qualityItrNum; assert(qualityItrNum);
132  mFastTreeSearchMode = true;
133  };
135  protected:
136  //void PrintTrackCandidateArray(unsigned from, unsigned to, TrackCandidatePrintoutFlag flag) const;
138  virtual MatchCandidate *AllocateMatchCandidate() = 0;
139  //virtual void SeparateSiamTracks(MatchCandidate *match, unsigned minHitCount,
140  // std::vector<MatchCandidate*> *newMatches) = 0;
141  //virtual void ResolveAmbiguities(MatchCandidate *match) = 0;
142  virtual void ResolveAmbiguitiesNg(MatchCandidate *match) = 0;
143  virtual void FinalFit(MatchCandidate *match) = 0;
145  // Registering detector groups to be AND'ed during calculations; configuration
146  // is assumed to be fixed upon start-up; basically *planes* in the track finder context;
147  std::vector<HoughNodeGroup*> mGroups;
149  // Track finder loop will probably be arranged between max and min values;
152  private:
153  int AddResolutionLevelCore(const unsigned div[]);
155  unsigned PurgeDuplicateTracks();
157  // Do not want to make respective HoughCell constructor; InitializeCell() iteratively
158  // calls itself to allocate daughter cells and I sort of feel uncomfortable to do
159  // this in the constructor;
160  HoughCell *GetInitializedCell(unsigned lv, const unsigned id[]);
161  unsigned CheckCell(unsigned lv, const unsigned id[], HoughCell **pcell,
162  const std::vector<GroupMember*> members[]);
164  bool IsSubset(MatchCandidate *match) const;
166  bool IsBusy(const GroupMember *member) const {
167  return (mFastTreeSearchMode ? member->IsBooked() : member->IsBusy());
168  };
170  virtual void SetupTrackQualityIteration(unsigned itr) = 0;
172  unsigned GetUsefulGroupCount(const HoughCell *cell) const {
173  unsigned counter = 0;
175  for(unsigned gr=0; gr<GetGdim(); gr++)
176  if (cell->From(gr) != __OUT_OF_RANGE_BIT_)
177  counter++;
179  return counter;
180  };
183  if (mMatchCandidateCount == mMatchCandidates.size())
188  match->ResetToTheVirginState();
190  return match;
191  };
193  // Function which calculates expected gnum-dimensioned {wire}
194  // hit index array id[] for a given ddim-dimensioned parameter vector par[];
195  virtual void MappingCall(const double par[], t_hough_range id[]) = 0;
197  // Some allocation should be done after all the add_hough_...()
198  // configuration routines succeeded;
201  // New dimensions can be added until division strategy is selected;
204  // Well, just propagate from XML config for now;
205  unsigned mVerbosityLevel;
207  // Min number of hits in a given branch in the track finder context;
208  // max number of hits has a separate sense; it looks one can hardly
209  // estimate the most efficient branch direction (select for instance
210  // 6-hit branches first, then investigate 5-hit branches, etc, because
211  // cell calculation takes most of the CPU already; also it is not
212  // guaranteed that track candidate with max number of hits will be
213  // found earlier than any smaller-number=of-hits combination because
214  // branching decision on lower level could be wrong already (say I
215  // have 9 planes and a minimum of 7 hits; there are 2 branches, with
216  // 9 and 8 hit planes respectively; I select 9-fold one, but it
217  // effectively had noise hits in 2 planes, so track candidate will
218  // at the end have 7 hits; the 8-fold branch had all hits true, and
219  // will at the end have 8-hit track candidate; apparently a better -
220  // 8-fold track - will be found later tan 7-fold one); so for now prefer
221  // to arrange a loop from max to min, and suppress track candidates
222  // which have same hits as the ones in already found tracks, up to the
223  // missing ones; track fitting will take care to check whether there
224  // were outlier hits or not; do not want to take hroot->gnum as max,
225  // because entering with this limit is not necessarily the most
226  // efficient strategy (if there are either too many planes or plane
227  // efficiency is too low);
230  // For now allocation is perhaps not too much efficient (pointers);
231  // the convention then is: if a certain daughter cell is NULL, it
232  // has NOT been allocated yet; if pointer is mBlindCell, then cell
233  // is a "blind end", so it has no overlap with real tracks in the
234  // suggested parameter space rectangle,
235  // including higher resolution levels; since the parameter
236  // space has in general larger volume than allowed by chamber
237  // acceptance, the lower resolution cell(s) may have all edges out
238  // of acceptance (for sure can be so for 0-th level, where useful
239  // parameter space can be "enclosed" in a larger volume); then it is
240  // more safe to check their daughters up to the
241  // mBlindCellDecisionLevel, and only if they all have no
242  // overlap with acceptance, declare them all (and parent cell) as "blind";
246  // When calculation acceptance of lower level cells increase resolution
247  // up to this level only, and take largest estimate; THINK: highest resolution
248  // level for now per default and no method to change this;
251  // During track finder iterations "good" track mark their hits as "sort of
252  // used"; new track candidates can borrow few such hits if needed; "suspicious"
253  // node is such where hit is either borrowed or missing at all;
256  // Number of parameter cube dimensions; here and below prefer arrays
257  // instead of linked lists; mSingleCellEdgeNum=2**Dimensions.size(): number of
258  // single cell edges (is reset to 1 in the constructor and will be doubled with
259  // every new dimension declared by the AddDimension() call;
261  std::vector<HoughDimension> mDimensions;
263  // Hit counter limits may be assigned plane-group specific; otherwise
264  // they will be global for group #0;
265  std::map<unsigned,unsigned> mGlimits, mGcounters;
267  // Number of resolution levels; their description;
268  std::vector<ResolutionLevel*> mResolutionLevels;
270  // The actual Hough cell tree;
273  // Binary tree of 3D calculation lookup table;
274  // FIXME: a less economic allocation scheme is used for now (?);
277  protected:
278  // HoughTree::IsBusy() call is based on member->IsBooked() rather than
279  // member->IsBusy(); so track candidates grab hits right during tree search;
283  // Match (track) candidates at the highest resolution level; prefer to
284  // use std::vector as a convenient way to arrange permanent storage (do not
285  // call clear() at the end of every event), but use another running variable
286  // which indicates current number of allocated track candidates in this event;
288  std::vector<MatchCandidate*> mMatchCandidates;
289 };
291 #endif