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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file ClusterIso.cc
10 #include "ClusterIso.h"
12 #include <calobase/RawCluster.h>
13 #include <calobase/RawClusterContainer.h>
14 #include <calobase/RawClusterUtility.h>
15 #include <calobase/RawTower.h>
16 #include <calobase/RawTowerContainer.h>
17 #include <calobase/RawTowerGeom.h>
18 #include <calobase/RawTowerGeomContainer.h>
20 #include <g4vertex/GlobalVertex.h>
23 #include <fun4all/Fun4AllBase.h> // for Fun4AllBase::VERBOSITY_MORE
24 #include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h>
26 #include <phool/getClass.h>
28 #include <CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h>
30 #include <iostream>
31 #include <map>
32 #include <utility>
40 double ClusterIso::getTowerEta(RawTowerGeom *tower_geom, double vx, double vy, double vz)
41 {
42  float r;
43  if (vx == 0 && vy == 0 && vz == 0)
44  {
45  r = tower_geom->get_eta();
46  }
47  else
48  {
49  double radius = sqrt((tower_geom->get_center_x() - vx) * (tower_geom->get_center_x() - vx) + (tower_geom->get_center_y() - vy) * (tower_geom->get_center_y() - vy));
50  double theta = atan2(radius, tower_geom->get_center_z() - vz);
51  r = -log(tan(theta / 2.));
52  }
53  return r;
54 }
60 ClusterIso::ClusterIso(const std::string &kname, float eTCut = 0.0, int coneSize = 3, bool do_subtracted = 1, bool do_unsubtracted = 1)
61  : SubsysReco(kname)
62  , m_do_subtracted(do_subtracted)
63  , m_do_unsubtracted(do_unsubtracted)
64 {
65  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_SOME) std::cout << Name() << "::ClusterIso constructed" << '\n';
66  if (coneSize == 0 && Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_QUIET) std::cout << "WARNING in " << Name() << "ClusterIso:: cone size is zero" << '\n';
67  m_vx = m_vy = m_vz = 0;
68  setConeSize(coneSize);
69  seteTCut(eTCut);
71  {
72  std::cout << Name() << "::ClusterIso::m_coneSize is:" << m_coneSize << '\n';
73  std::cout << Name() << "::ClusterIso::m_eTCut is:" << m_eTCut << '\n';
74  }
75  if (!do_subtracted && !do_unsubtracted && Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_QUIET) std::cout << "WARNING in " << Name() << "ClusterIso:: all processes turned off doing nothing" << '\n';
76 }
79 {
80  return 0;
81 }
86 void ClusterIso::seteTCut(float eTCut)
87 {
88  this->m_eTCut = eTCut;
89 }
94 void ClusterIso::setConeSize(int coneSize)
95 {
96  this->m_coneSize = coneSize / 10.0;
97 }
102 /*const*/ float ClusterIso::geteTCut()
103 {
104  return m_eTCut;
105 }
110 /*const*/ int ClusterIso::getConeSize()
111 {
112  return (int) m_coneSize * 10;
113 }
118 /*const*/ CLHEP::Hep3Vector ClusterIso::getVertex()
119 {
120  return CLHEP::Hep3Vector(m_vx, m_vy, m_vz);
121 }
130 {
131  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE) std::cout << Name() << "::ClusterIso::process_event" << '\n';
139  if (m_do_subtracted)
140  {
141  {
142  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_EVEN_MORE) std::cout << Name() << "::ClusterIso starting subtracted calculation" << '\n';
143  //get EMCal towers
144  RawTowerContainer *towersEM3old = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(topNode, "TOWER_CALIB_CEMC_RETOWER_SUB1");
145  if (towersEM3old == nullptr)
146  {
147  m_do_subtracted = false;
148  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_SOME) std::cout << "In " << Name() << "::ClusterIso WARNING substracted towers do not exist subtracted isolation cannot be preformed \n";
149  }
150  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE) std::cout << Name() << "::ClusterIso::process_event: " << towersEM3old->size() << " TOWER_CALIB_CEMC_RETOWER_SUB1 towers" << '\n';
152  //get InnerHCal towers
153  RawTowerContainer *towersIH3 = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(topNode, "TOWER_CALIB_HCALIN_SUB1");
154  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE) std::cout << Name() << "::ClusterIso::process_event: " << towersIH3->size() << " TOWER_CALIB_HCALIN_SUB1 towers" << '\n';
156  //get outerHCal towers
157  RawTowerContainer *towersOH3 = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(topNode, "TOWER_CALIB_HCALOUT_SUB1");
158  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE) std::cout << Name() << "::ClusterIso::process_event: " << towersOH3->size() << " TOWER_CALIB_HCALOUT_SUB1 towers" << std::endl;
160  //get geometry of calorimeter towers
161  RawTowerGeomContainer *geomEM = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_HCALIN");
162  RawTowerGeomContainer *geomIH = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_HCALIN");
163  RawTowerGeomContainer *geomOH = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_HCALOUT");
165  {
166  RawClusterContainer *clusters = findNode::getClass<RawClusterContainer>(topNode, "CLUSTER_CEMC");
167  RawClusterContainer::ConstRange begin_end = clusters->getClusters();
169  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_SOME) std::cout << Name() << "::ClusterIso sees " << clusters->size() << " clusters " << '\n';
171  //vertexmap is used to get correct collision vertex
172  GlobalVertexMap *vertexmap = findNode::getClass<GlobalVertexMap>(topNode, "GlobalVertexMap");
173  m_vx = m_vy = m_vz = 0;
174  if (vertexmap && !vertexmap->empty())
175  {
176  GlobalVertex *vertex = (vertexmap->begin()->second);
177  m_vx = vertex->get_x();
178  m_vy = vertex->get_y();
179  m_vz = vertex->get_z();
180  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_SOME)
181  {
182  std::cout << Name() << "::ClusterIso Event Vertex Calculated at x:" << m_vx << " y:" << m_vy << " z:" << m_vz << '\n';
183  }
184  }
186  for (rtiter = begin_end.first; rtiter != begin_end.second; ++rtiter)
187  {
188  RawCluster *cluster = rtiter->second;
190  CLHEP::Hep3Vector vertex(m_vx, m_vy, m_vz);
191  CLHEP::Hep3Vector E_vec_cluster = RawClusterUtility::GetEVec(*cluster, vertex);
192  double cluster_energy = E_vec_cluster.mag();
193  double cluster_eta = E_vec_cluster.pseudoRapidity();
194  double cluster_phi = E_vec_cluster.phi();
195  double et = cluster_energy / cosh(cluster_eta);
196  double isoEt = 0;
198  if (et < m_eTCut)
199  {
200  continue;
201  } //skip if cluster is under eT cut
203  //calculate EMCal tower contribution to isolation energy
204  {
205  RawTowerContainer::ConstRange begin_end = towersEM3old->getTowers();
206  for (RawTowerContainer::ConstIterator rtiter = begin_end.first; rtiter != begin_end.second; ++rtiter)
207  {
208  RawTower *tower = rtiter->second;
209  RawTowerGeom *tower_geom = geomEM->get_tower_geometry(tower->get_key());
210  double this_phi = tower_geom->get_phi();
211  double this_eta = tower_geom->get_eta();
212  if (deltaR(cluster_eta, this_eta, cluster_phi, this_phi) < m_coneSize)
213  {
214  isoEt += tower->get_energy() / cosh(this_eta); //if tower is in cone, add energy
215  }
216  }
217  }
219  //calculate Inner HCal tower contribution to isolation energy
220  {
221  RawTowerContainer::ConstRange begin_end = towersIH3->getTowers();
222  for (RawTowerContainer::ConstIterator rtiter = begin_end.first; rtiter != begin_end.second; ++rtiter)
223  {
224  RawTower *tower = rtiter->second;
225  RawTowerGeom *tower_geom = geomIH->get_tower_geometry(tower->get_key());
226  double this_phi = tower_geom->get_phi();
227  double this_eta = getTowerEta(tower_geom, m_vx, m_vy, m_vz);
228  if (deltaR(cluster_eta, this_eta, cluster_phi, this_phi) < m_coneSize)
229  {
230  isoEt += tower->get_energy() / cosh(this_eta); //if tower is in cone, add energy
231  }
232  }
233  }
235  //calculate Outer HCal tower contribution to isolation energy
236  {
237  RawTowerContainer::ConstRange begin_end = towersOH3->getTowers();
238  for (RawTowerContainer::ConstIterator rtiter = begin_end.first; rtiter != begin_end.second; ++rtiter)
239  {
240  RawTower *tower = rtiter->second;
241  RawTowerGeom *tower_geom = geomOH->get_tower_geometry(tower->get_key());
242  double this_phi = tower_geom->get_phi();
243  double this_eta = getTowerEta(tower_geom, m_vx, m_vy, m_vz);
244  if (deltaR(cluster_eta, this_eta, cluster_phi, this_phi) < m_coneSize)
245  {
246  isoEt += tower->get_energy() / cosh(this_eta); //if tower is in cone, add energy
247  }
248  }
249  }
251  isoEt -= et; //Subtract cluster eT from isoET
253  {
254  std::cout << Name() << "::ClusterIso iso_et for ";
255  cluster->identify();
256  std::cout << "=" << isoEt << '\n';
257  }
258  cluster->set_et_iso(isoEt, (int) 10 * m_coneSize, 1, 1);
259  }
260  }
261  }
262  }
263  if (m_do_unsubtracted)
264  {
268  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_EVEN_MORE) std::cout << Name() << "::ClusterIso starting unsubtracted calculation" << '\n';
269  {
270  //get EMCal towers
271  RawTowerContainer *towersEM3old = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(topNode, "TOWER_CALIB_CEMC");
272  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE) std::cout << "ClusterIso::process_event: " << towersEM3old->size() << " TOWER_CALIB_CEMC towers" << '\n';
274  //get InnerHCal towers
275  RawTowerContainer *towersIH3 = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(topNode, "TOWER_CALIB_HCALIN");
276  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE) std::cout << "ClusterIso::process_event: " << towersIH3->size() << " TOWER_CALIB_HCALIN towers" << '\n';
278  //get outerHCal towers
279  RawTowerContainer *towersOH3 = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(topNode, "TOWER_CALIB_HCALOUT");
280  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE) std::cout << "ClusterIso::process_event: " << towersOH3->size() << " TOWER_CALIB_HCALOUT towers" << std::endl;
282  //get geometry of calorimeter towers
283  RawTowerGeomContainer *geomEM = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_CEMC");
284  RawTowerGeomContainer *geomIH = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_HCALIN");
285  RawTowerGeomContainer *geomOH = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_HCALOUT");
287  {
288  RawClusterContainer *clusters = findNode::getClass<RawClusterContainer>(topNode, "CLUSTER_CEMC");
289  RawClusterContainer::ConstRange begin_end = clusters->getClusters();
291  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_SOME) std::cout << " ClusterIso sees " << clusters->size() << " clusters " << '\n';
293  //vertexmap is used to get correct collision vertex
294  GlobalVertexMap *vertexmap = findNode::getClass<GlobalVertexMap>(topNode, "GlobalVertexMap");
295  m_vx = m_vy = m_vz = 0;
296  if (vertexmap && !vertexmap->empty())
297  {
298  GlobalVertex *vertex = (vertexmap->begin()->second);
299  m_vx = vertex->get_x();
300  m_vy = vertex->get_y();
301  m_vz = vertex->get_z();
302  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_SOME) std::cout << Name() << "ClusterIso Event Vertex Calculated at x:" << m_vx << " y:" << m_vy << " z:" << m_vz << '\n';
303  }
305  for (rtiter = begin_end.first; rtiter != begin_end.second; ++rtiter)
306  {
307  RawCluster *cluster = rtiter->second;
309  CLHEP::Hep3Vector vertex(m_vx, m_vy, m_vz);
310  CLHEP::Hep3Vector E_vec_cluster = RawClusterUtility::GetEVec(*cluster, vertex);
311  double cluster_energy = E_vec_cluster.mag();
312  double cluster_eta = E_vec_cluster.pseudoRapidity();
313  double cluster_phi = E_vec_cluster.phi();
314  double et = cluster_energy / cosh(cluster_eta);
315  double isoEt = 0;
316  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MAX)
317  {
318  std::cout << Name() << "::ClusterIso processing";
319  cluster->identify();
320  std::cout << '\n';
321  }
322  if (et < m_eTCut)
323  {
324  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MAX) std::cout << "\t does not pass eT cut" << '\n';
325  continue;
326  } //skip if cluster is below eT cut
328  //calculate EMCal tower contribution to isolation energy
329  {
330  RawTowerContainer::ConstRange begin_end = towersEM3old->getTowers();
331  for (RawTowerContainer::ConstIterator rtiter = begin_end.first; rtiter != begin_end.second; ++rtiter)
332  {
333  RawTower *tower = rtiter->second;
334  RawTowerGeom *tower_geom = geomEM->get_tower_geometry(tower->get_key());
335  double this_phi = tower_geom->get_phi();
336  double this_eta = getTowerEta(tower_geom, m_vx, m_vy, m_vz);
337  if (deltaR(cluster_eta, this_eta, cluster_phi, this_phi) < m_coneSize)
338  {
339  isoEt += tower->get_energy() / cosh(this_eta); //if tower is in cone, add energy
340  }
341  }
342  }
343  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MAX) std::cout << "\t after EMCal isoEt:" << isoEt << '\n';
344  //calculate Inner HCal tower contribution to isolation energy
345  {
346  RawTowerContainer::ConstRange begin_end = towersIH3->getTowers();
347  for (RawTowerContainer::ConstIterator rtiter = begin_end.first; rtiter != begin_end.second; ++rtiter)
348  {
349  RawTower *tower = rtiter->second;
350  RawTowerGeom *tower_geom = geomIH->get_tower_geometry(tower->get_key());
351  double this_phi = tower_geom->get_phi();
352  double this_eta = getTowerEta(tower_geom, m_vx, m_vy, m_vz);
353  if (deltaR(cluster_eta, this_eta, cluster_phi, this_phi) < m_coneSize)
354  {
355  isoEt += tower->get_energy() / cosh(this_eta); //if tower is in cone, add energy
356  }
357  }
358  }
359  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MAX) std::cout << "\t after innerHCal isoEt:" << isoEt << '\n';
360  //calculate Outer HCal tower contribution to isolation energy
361  {
362  RawTowerContainer::ConstRange begin_end = towersOH3->getTowers();
363  for (RawTowerContainer::ConstIterator rtiter = begin_end.first; rtiter != begin_end.second; ++rtiter)
364  {
365  RawTower *tower = rtiter->second;
366  RawTowerGeom *tower_geom = geomOH->get_tower_geometry(tower->get_key());
367  double this_phi = tower_geom->get_phi();
368  double this_eta = getTowerEta(tower_geom, m_vx, m_vy, m_vz);
369  if (deltaR(cluster_eta, this_eta, cluster_phi, this_phi) < m_coneSize)
370  {
371  isoEt += tower->get_energy() / cosh(this_eta); //if tower is in cone, add energy
372  }
373  }
374  }
375  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MAX) std::cout << "\t after outerHCal isoEt:" << isoEt << '\n';
376  isoEt -= et; //Subtract cluster eT from isoET
378  {
379  std::cout << Name() << "::ClusterIso iso_et for ";
380  cluster->identify();
381  std::cout << "=" << isoEt << '\n';
382  }
383  cluster->set_et_iso(isoEt, (int) 10 * m_coneSize, 0, 1);
384  }
385  }
386  }
387  }
388  return 0;
389 }
392 {
393  return 0;
394 }