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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file AnnulusBoundsBenchmark.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
13 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
15 #include <algorithm>
16 #include <chrono>
17 #include <fstream>
18 #include <functional>
19 #include <iostream>
20 #include <random>
21 #include <vector>
23 using namespace Acts;
25 int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv[]*/) {
26  std::mt19937 rng(42);
27  std::uniform_real_distribution<double> xDist(-2, 20);
28  std::uniform_real_distribution<double> yDist(-2, 20);
30  std::ofstream os{"annulus.csv"};
31  os << "x,y,inside_abs,inside_tol0,inside_tol1,inside_tol01,inside_cov"
32  << std::endl;
34  // === PROBLEM DATA ===
36  // bounds definition
37  double minRadius = 7.2;
38  double maxRadius = 12.0;
39  double minPhi = 0.74195;
40  double maxPhi = 1.33970;
41  Vector2D offset(-2., 2.);
42  AnnulusBounds aBounds(minRadius, maxRadius, minPhi, maxPhi, offset);
44  // helper to convert to expected local frame
45  auto toStripFrame = [&](const Vector2D& xy) -> Vector2D {
46  auto shifted = xy + offset;
47  double r = VectorHelpers::perp(shifted);
48  double phi = VectorHelpers::phi(shifted);
49  return Vector2D(r, phi);
50  };
52  auto random_point = [&]() -> Vector2D { return {xDist(rng), yDist(rng)}; };
54  // for covariance based check, set up one;
56  cov << 1.0, 0, 0, 0.05;
58  BoundaryCheck bcAbs{true};
59  BoundaryCheck bcTol0{true, false, 1.0, 0};
60  BoundaryCheck bcTol1{false, true, 0, 0.2};
61  BoundaryCheck bcTol01{true, true, 1.0, 0.2};
62  BoundaryCheck bcCov{cov, 1};
64  // visualization to make sense of things
65  for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
66  const Vector2D loc{xDist(rng), yDist(rng)};
67  auto locPC = toStripFrame(loc);
68  bool isInsideAbs = aBounds.inside(locPC, bcAbs);
69  bool isInsideTol0 = aBounds.inside(locPC, bcTol0);
70  bool isInsideTol1 = aBounds.inside(locPC, bcTol1);
71  bool isInsideTol01 = aBounds.inside(locPC, bcTol01);
73  bool isInsideCov = aBounds.inside(locPC, bcCov);
75  os << loc.x() << "," << loc.y() << "," << isInsideAbs << "," << isInsideTol0
76  << "," << isInsideTol1 << "," << isInsideTol01 << "," << isInsideCov
77  << std::endl;
78  }
80  std::vector<std::tuple<Vector2D, bool, std::string>> testPoints{{
81  {{7.0, 6.0}, true, "center"},
82  {{3.0, 1.0}, false, "radial far out low"},
83  {{5.0, 4.0}, false, "radial close out low"},
84  {{6.0, 5.0}, true, "radial close in low"},
85  {{8.5, 7.5}, true, "radial close in high"},
86  {{10.0, 9.0}, false, "radial close out high"},
87  {{15.0, 15.0}, false, "radial far out high"},
88  {{0.0, 11.0}, false, "angular far out left"},
89  {{4.0, 9.0}, false, "angular close out left"},
90  {{5.0, 8.5}, true, "angular close in left"},
91  {{9.0, 5.0}, true, "angular close in right"},
92  {{9.5, 4.5}, false, "angular close out right"},
93  {{11.0, 0.0}, false, "angular far out right"},
94  {{2.0, 4.0}, false, "quad low left"},
95  {{5.0, 14.0}, false, "quad high left"},
96  {{13.0, 6.0}, false, "quad high right"},
97  {{7.0, 1.0}, false, "quad low right"},
98  }};
100  // === BENCHMARKS ===
102  // Number of benchmark runs
103  constexpr int NTESTS = 5'000;
105  // Some checks are much slower, so we tune down benchmark iterations
106  constexpr int NTESTS_SLOW = NTESTS / 10;
108  // We use this to switch between iteration counts
109  enum class Mode { FastOutside, SlowOutside };
111  // Benchmark output display
112  auto print_bench_header = [](const std::string& check_name) {
113  std::cout << check_name << ":" << std::endl;
114  };
115  auto print_bench_result = [](const std::string& bench_name,
116  const Acts::Test::MicroBenchmarkResult& res) {
117  std::cout << "- " << bench_name << ": " << res << std::endl;
118  };
120  // Benchmark runner
121  auto run_bench = [&](auto&& iteration, int num_iters,
122  const std::string& bench_name) {
123  auto bench_result = Acts::Test::microBenchmark(iteration, num_iters);
124  print_bench_result(bench_name, bench_result);
125  };
127  auto run_bench_with_inputs = [&](auto&& iterationWithArg, auto&& inputs,
128  const std::string& bench_name) {
129  auto bench_result = Acts::Test::microBenchmark(iterationWithArg, inputs);
130  print_bench_result(bench_name, bench_result);
131  };
132  auto run_all_benches = [&](const BoundaryCheck& check,
133  const std::string& check_name, const Mode mode) {
134  // Announce a set of benchmarks
135  print_bench_header(check_name);
137  // Pre-determined "interesting" test points
138  int num_inside_points;
139  int num_outside_points;
140  switch (mode) {
141  case Mode::FastOutside:
142  num_inside_points = NTESTS;
143  num_outside_points = NTESTS;
144  break;
145  case Mode::SlowOutside:
146  num_inside_points = NTESTS;
147  num_outside_points = NTESTS_SLOW;
148  };
150  for (const auto& [loc, inside, label] : testPoints) {
151  const auto locPC = toStripFrame(loc);
152  run_bench([&] { return aBounds.inside(locPC, check); },
153  inside ? num_inside_points : num_outside_points, label);
154  }
156  // Pre-rolled random points
157  std::vector<Vector2D> points(num_outside_points);
158  std::generate(points.begin(), points.end(),
159  [&] { return toStripFrame(random_point()); });
160  run_bench_with_inputs(
161  [&](const auto& point) { return aBounds.inside(point, check); }, points,
162  "Random");
163  };
165  // Benchmark scenarios
166  run_all_benches(bcAbs, "Absolute", Mode::FastOutside);
167  run_all_benches(bcTol0, "Tolerance 0", Mode::FastOutside);
168  run_all_benches(bcTol1, "Tolerance 1", Mode::FastOutside);
169  run_all_benches(bcTol01, "Tolerance 01", Mode::FastOutside);
170  run_all_benches(bcCov, "Covariance", Mode::SlowOutside);
172  return 0;
173 }