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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file BuildGenericDetector.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #pragma once
26 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
30 #include <array>
31 #include <cmath>
32 #include <iostream>
33 #include <list>
34 #include <memory>
35 #include <vector>
37 namespace Acts {
38 class TrackingGeometry;
39 }
41 namespace ActsExamples {
42 namespace Generic {
50 std::vector<Acts::Vector3D> modulePositionsCylinder(
51  double radius, double zStagger, double moduleHalfLength, double lOverlap,
52  const std::pair<int, int>& binningSchema);
60 std::vector<Acts::Vector3D> modulePositionsRing(double z, double radius,
61  double phiStagger,
62  double phiSubStagger,
63  int nPhiBins);
75 std::vector<std::vector<Acts::Vector3D>> modulePositionsDisc(
76  double z, double ringStagger, std::vector<double> phiStagger,
77  std::vector<double> phiSubStagger, double innerRadius, double outerRadius,
78  const std::vector<size_t>& discBinning,
79  const std::vector<double>& moduleHalfLength);
100 template <typename detector_element_t>
101 std::unique_ptr<const Acts::TrackingGeometry> buildDetector(
102  const typename detector_element_t::ContextType& gctx,
103  std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<detector_element_t>>>&
104  detectorStore,
105  size_t level,
106  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::IMaterialDecorator> matDecorator = nullptr,
107  bool protoMaterial = false,
110  Acts::Logging::Level volumeLLevel = Acts::Logging::INFO) {
111  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
113  using ProtoLayerCreator = ProtoLayerCreatorT<detector_element_t>;
114  using LayerBuilder = LayerBuilderT<detector_element_t>;
116  // configure surface array creator
118  auto surfaceArrayCreator = std::make_shared<const Acts::SurfaceArrayCreator>(
119  sacConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger("SurfaceArrayCreator", surfaceLLevel));
120  // configure the layer creator that uses the surface array creator
122  lcConfig.surfaceArrayCreator = surfaceArrayCreator;
123  auto layerCreator = std::make_shared<const Acts::LayerCreator>(
124  lcConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger("LayerCreator", layerLLevel));
125  // configure the layer array creator
127  auto layerArrayCreator = std::make_shared<const Acts::LayerArrayCreator>(
128  lacConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger("LayerArrayCreator", layerLLevel));
129  // tracking volume array creator
131  auto tVolumeArrayCreator =
132  std::make_shared<const Acts::TrackingVolumeArrayCreator>(
133  tvacConfig,
134  Acts::getDefaultLogger("TrackingVolumeArrayCreator", volumeLLevel));
135  // configure the cylinder volume helper
137  cvhConfig.layerArrayCreator = layerArrayCreator;
138  cvhConfig.trackingVolumeArrayCreator = tVolumeArrayCreator;
139  auto cylinderVolumeHelper =
140  std::make_shared<const Acts::CylinderVolumeHelper>(
141  cvhConfig,
142  Acts::getDefaultLogger("CylinderVolumeHelper", volumeLLevel));
143  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
144  // vector of the volume builders
145  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ITrackingVolumeBuilder>>
146  volumeBuilders;
148  // Prepare the proto material - in case it's desinged to do so
149  // - cylindrical
150  Acts::BinUtility pCylinderUtility(10, -1, 1, Acts::closed, Acts::binPhi);
151  pCylinderUtility += Acts::BinUtility(10, -1, 1, Acts::open, Acts::binZ);
152  auto pCylinderMaterial =
153  std::make_shared<const Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial>(pCylinderUtility);
154  // - disc
155  Acts::BinUtility pDiscUtility(10, 0, 1, Acts::open, Acts::binR);
156  pDiscUtility += Acts::BinUtility(10, -1, 1, Acts::closed, Acts::binPhi);
157  auto pDiscMaterial =
158  std::make_shared<const Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial>(pDiscUtility);
159  // - plane
160  Acts::BinUtility pPlaneUtility(1, -1, 1, Acts::open, Acts::binX);
161  auto pPlaneMaterial =
162  std::make_shared<const Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial>(pPlaneUtility);
164  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
165  // Beam Pipe
166  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
167  // BeamPipe material
168  const auto beryllium = Acts::Material::fromMassDensity(
169  352.8_mm, 407_mm, 9.012, 4.0, 1.848_g / 1_cm3);
170  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> beamPipeMaterial =
171  std::make_shared<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(
172  Acts::MaterialSlab(beryllium, 0.8_mm));
173  if (protoMaterial) {
174  beamPipeMaterial = pCylinderMaterial;
175  }
177  // configure the beam pipe layer builder
179  bplConfig.layerIdentification = "BeamPipe";
180  bplConfig.centralLayerRadii = std::vector<double>(1, 19.);
181  bplConfig.centralLayerHalflengthZ = std::vector<double>(1, 3000.);
182  bplConfig.centralLayerThickness = std::vector<double>(1, 0.8);
183  bplConfig.centralLayerMaterial = {beamPipeMaterial};
184  auto beamPipeBuilder = std::make_shared<const Acts::PassiveLayerBuilder>(
185  bplConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger("BeamPipeLayerBuilder", layerLLevel));
186  // create the volume for the beam pipe
188  bpvConfig.trackingVolumeHelper = cylinderVolumeHelper;
189  bpvConfig.volumeName = "BeamPipe";
190  bpvConfig.layerBuilder = beamPipeBuilder;
191  bpvConfig.layerEnvelopeR = {1. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm,
193  bpvConfig.buildToRadiusZero = true;
194  bpvConfig.volumeSignature = 0;
195  auto beamPipeVolumeBuilder =
196  std::make_shared<const Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder>(
197  bpvConfig,
198  Acts::getDefaultLogger("BeamPipeVolumeBuilder", volumeLLevel));
199  // add to the list of builders
200  volumeBuilders.push_back(beamPipeVolumeBuilder);
202  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
203  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
204  // Pixel detector
205  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
206  // some prep work
207  // envelope for layers
208  std::pair<double, double> pcEnvelope(2., 2.);
210  double pCentralModuleT = 0.15;
211  double pEndcapModuleT = 0.15;
213  // Module material properties - X0, L0, A, Z, Rho
214  // Acts::Material pcMaterial(95.7, 465.2, 28.03, 14., 2.32e-3);
215  const auto silicon = Acts::Material::fromMassDensity(95.7_mm, 465.2_mm, 28.03,
216  14., 2.32_g / 1_cm3);
217  Acts::MaterialSlab pcModuleMaterial(silicon, pCentralModuleT);
218  Acts::MaterialSlab peModuleMaterial(silicon, pEndcapModuleT);
219  // Layer material properties - thickness, X0, L0, A, Z, Rho
220  Acts::MaterialSlab pcmbProperties(silicon, 1.5_mm);
221  Acts::MaterialSlab pcmecProperties(silicon, 1.5_mm);
223  // Module, central and disc material
224  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> pCentralMaterial =
225  std::make_shared<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(pcmbProperties);
226  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> pEndcapMaterial =
227  std::make_shared<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(pcmecProperties);
228  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> pCentralModuleMaterial =
229  std::make_shared<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(
230  pcModuleMaterial);
231  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> pEndcapModuleMaterial =
232  std::make_shared<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(
233  peModuleMaterial);
234  if (protoMaterial) {
235  pCentralMaterial = pCylinderMaterial;
236  pCentralModuleMaterial = pPlaneMaterial;
237  pEndcapMaterial = pDiscMaterial;
238  pEndcapModuleMaterial = pPlaneMaterial;
239  }
241  // configure the pixel proto layer builder
242  typename ProtoLayerCreator::Config pplConfig;
243  // standard, an approach envelope
244  pplConfig.approachSurfaceEnvelope = 1.;
245  // BARREL :
246  // 4 pixel layers
247  // configure the central barrel
248  pplConfig.centralLayerBinMultipliers = {1, 1};
249  pplConfig.centralLayerRadii = {32., 72., 116., 172.};
250  pplConfig.centralLayerEnvelopes = {pcEnvelope, pcEnvelope, pcEnvelope,
251  pcEnvelope};
252  pplConfig.centralModuleBinningSchema = {
253  {16, 14}, {32, 14}, {52, 14}, {78, 14}};
254  pplConfig.centralModuleTiltPhi = {0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14};
255  pplConfig.centralModuleHalfX = {8.4, 8.4, 8.4, 8.4};
256  pplConfig.centralModuleHalfY = {36., 36., 36., 36.};
257  pplConfig.centralModuleThickness = {pCentralModuleT, pCentralModuleT,
258  pCentralModuleT, pCentralModuleT};
259  pplConfig.centralModuleMaterial = {
260  pCentralModuleMaterial, pCentralModuleMaterial, pCentralModuleMaterial,
261  pCentralModuleMaterial};
262  // pitch definitions
263  pplConfig.centralModuleReadoutBinsX = {336, 336, 336, 336};
264  pplConfig.centralModuleReadoutBinsY = {1280, 1280, 1280, 1280};
265  pplConfig.centralModuleReadoutSide = {-1, -1, -1, -1};
266  pplConfig.centralModuleLorentzAngle = {0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12};
268  // no frontside/backside
269  pplConfig.centralModuleFrontsideStereo = {};
270  pplConfig.centralModuleBacksideStereo = {};
271  pplConfig.centralModuleBacksideGap = {};
272  // mPositions
273  std::vector<std::vector<Acts::Vector3D>> pplCentralModulePositions;
274  for (size_t plb = 0; plb < pplConfig.centralLayerRadii.size(); ++plb) {
275  // call the helper function
276  pplCentralModulePositions.push_back(
277  modulePositionsCylinder(pplConfig.centralLayerRadii[plb],
278  0.5, // 1 mm stagger
279  pplConfig.centralModuleHalfY[plb],
280  2., // 4 mm module overlap in z
281  pplConfig.centralModuleBinningSchema[plb]));
282  }
283  pplConfig.centralModulePositions = pplCentralModulePositions;
284  // ENDCAP :
285  // 7 pixel layers each side
286  // configure the endcaps
287  pplConfig.posnegLayerBinMultipliers = {1, 1};
289  pplConfig.posnegLayerPositionsZ = {
293  1500 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm};
295  pplConfig.posnegLayerEnvelopeR = {
300  std::vector<double> perHX = {8.4, 8.4}; // half length x
301  std::vector<double> perHY = {36., 36.}; // half length y
302  std::vector<size_t> perBP = {40, 68}; // bins in phi
303  std::vector<double> perT = {pEndcapModuleT,
304  pEndcapModuleT}; // module thickness
305  std::vector<size_t> perBX = {336, 336}; // bins in x
306  std::vector<size_t> perBY = {1280, 1280}; // bins in y
307  std::vector<int> perRS = {-1, -1}; // readout side
308  std::vector<double> perLA = {0., 0.}; // lorentz angle
309  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial>> perM = {
310  pEndcapModuleMaterial, pEndcapModuleMaterial}; // material
312  pplConfig.posnegModuleMinHalfX = std::vector<std::vector<double>>(7, perHX);
313  pplConfig.posnegModuleMaxHalfX = {};
314  pplConfig.posnegModuleHalfY = std::vector<std::vector<double>>(7, perHY);
315  pplConfig.posnegModulePhiBins = std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>(7, perBP);
316  pplConfig.posnegModuleThickness = std::vector<std::vector<double>>(7, perT);
317  pplConfig.posnegModuleReadoutBinsX =
318  std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>(7, perBX);
319  pplConfig.posnegModuleReadoutBinsY =
320  std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>(7, perBY);
321  pplConfig.posnegModuleReadoutSide = std::vector<std::vector<int>>(7, perRS);
322  pplConfig.posnegModuleLorentzAngle =
323  std::vector<std::vector<double>>(7, perLA);
324  pplConfig.posnegModuleMaterial =
325  std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial>>>(
326  7, perM);
328  // no frontside/backside
329  pplConfig.posnegModuleFrontsideStereo = {};
330  pplConfig.posnegModuleBacksideStereo = {};
331  pplConfig.posnegModuleBacksideGap = {};
332  // mPositions
333  std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Acts::Vector3D>>>
334  pplPosnegModulePositions;
335  for (size_t id = 0; id < pplConfig.posnegLayerPositionsZ.size(); ++id) {
336  pplPosnegModulePositions.push_back(modulePositionsDisc(
337  pplConfig.posnegLayerPositionsZ[id], 0.0, {4.0, 4.0}, {0.5, 0.}, 30.,
338  176., pplConfig.posnegModulePhiBins[id],
339  pplConfig.posnegModuleHalfY[id]));
340  }
341  pplConfig.posnegModulePositions = pplPosnegModulePositions;
344  ProtoLayerCreator pplCreator(
345  pplConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger("PixelProtoLayerCreator", layerLLevel));
347  // configure pixel layer builder
348  typename LayerBuilder::Config plbConfig;
349  plbConfig.layerCreator = layerCreator;
350  plbConfig.layerIdentification = "Pixel";
351  // material concentration alsways outside the modules
352  plbConfig.centralProtoLayers =
353  pplCreator.centralProtoLayers(gctx, detectorStore);
354  plbConfig.centralLayerMaterialConcentration = {1, 1, 1, 1};
355  plbConfig.centralLayerMaterial = {pCentralMaterial, pCentralMaterial,
356  pCentralMaterial, pCentralMaterial};
357  if (level > 0) {
358  // material concentration is always behind the layer in the pixels
359  plbConfig.posnegLayerMaterialConcentration = std::vector<int>(7, 0);
360  // layer structure surface has pixel material properties
361  plbConfig.posnegLayerMaterial = {
362  pEndcapMaterial, pEndcapMaterial, pEndcapMaterial, pEndcapMaterial,
363  pEndcapMaterial, pEndcapMaterial, pEndcapMaterial};
364  // negative proto layers
365  plbConfig.negativeProtoLayers =
366  pplCreator.negativeProtoLayers(gctx, detectorStore);
367  plbConfig.positiveProtoLayers =
368  pplCreator.positiveProtoLayers(gctx, detectorStore);
369  }
370  // define the builder
371  auto pixelLayerBuilder = std::make_shared<const LayerBuilder>(
372  plbConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger("PixelLayerBuilder", layerLLevel));
373  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
374  // build the pixel volume
376  pvbConfig.trackingVolumeHelper = cylinderVolumeHelper;
377  pvbConfig.volumeName = "Pixel";
378  pvbConfig.buildToRadiusZero = false;
379  pvbConfig.layerEnvelopeR = {1. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm,
381  pvbConfig.layerBuilder = pixelLayerBuilder;
382  pvbConfig.volumeSignature = 0;
383  auto pixelVolumeBuilder = std::make_shared<const Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder>(
384  pvbConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger("PixelVolumeBuilder", volumeLLevel));
385  // add to the list of builders
386  volumeBuilders.push_back(pixelVolumeBuilder);
388  if (level > 1) {
389  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
390  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
391  // Pixel Support Tybe (PST)
392  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
393  // Material
394  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> pstMaterial =
395  std::make_shared<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(
396  Acts::MaterialSlab(beryllium, 1.8_mm));
397  if (protoMaterial) {
398  pstMaterial = pCylinderMaterial;
399  }
401  // Configuration
403  pstConfig.layerIdentification = "PST";
404  pstConfig.centralLayerRadii = std::vector<double>(1, 200.);
405  pstConfig.centralLayerHalflengthZ = std::vector<double>(1, 2800.);
406  pstConfig.centralLayerThickness = std::vector<double>(1, 1.8);
407  pstConfig.centralLayerMaterial = {pstMaterial};
408  auto pstBuilder = std::make_shared<const Acts::PassiveLayerBuilder>(
409  pstConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger("PSTBuilder", layerLLevel));
410  // create the volume for the beam pipe
412  pstvolConfig.trackingVolumeHelper = cylinderVolumeHelper;
413  pstvolConfig.volumeName = "PST";
414  pstvolConfig.buildToRadiusZero = false;
415  pstvolConfig.layerBuilder = pstBuilder;
416  pstvolConfig.volumeSignature = 0;
417  auto pstVolumeBuilder = std::make_shared<const Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder>(
418  pstvolConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger("PSTVolumeBuilder", volumeLLevel));
419  // add to the detector builds
420  volumeBuilders.push_back(pstVolumeBuilder);
422  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
423  // SHORT strip detector
424  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
425  // first add a Pixel Support Tube
426  // STRIPS
427  //
428  // fill necessary vectors for configuration
429  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
430  // some prep work
432  double ssCentralModuleT = 0.25;
433  double ssEndcapModuleT = 0.25;
434  // envelope double
435  std::pair<double, double> ssEnvelope(2., 2.);
437  // Module material properties - X0, L0, A, Z, Rho
438  // Acts::Material sscMaterial(95.7, 465.2, 28.03, 14., 2.32e-3);
439  Acts::MaterialSlab sscModuleMaterial(silicon, ssCentralModuleT);
440  Acts::MaterialSlab sseModuleMaterial(silicon, ssEndcapModuleT);
442  // Layer material properties - thickness, X0, L0, A, Z, Rho
443  Acts::MaterialSlab ssbmProperties(silicon, 2_mm);
444  Acts::MaterialSlab ssecmProperties(silicon, 2.5_mm);
446  // Module, central and disc material
447  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> ssCentralMaterial =
448  std::make_shared<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(
449  ssbmProperties);
450  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> ssEndcapMaterial =
451  std::make_shared<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(
452  ssecmProperties);
453  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> ssCentralModuleMaterial =
454  std::make_shared<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(
455  sscModuleMaterial);
456  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> ssEndcapModuleMaterial =
457  std::make_shared<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(
458  sseModuleMaterial);
459  if (protoMaterial) {
460  ssCentralMaterial = pCylinderMaterial;
461  ssCentralModuleMaterial = pPlaneMaterial;
462  ssEndcapMaterial = pDiscMaterial;
463  ssEndcapModuleMaterial = pPlaneMaterial;
464  }
466  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
467  // Configure the short strip proto layer builder
468  typename ProtoLayerCreator::Config ssplConfig;
469  // configure the central barrel
470  ssplConfig.centralLayerBinMultipliers = {1, 1};
471  ssplConfig.centralLayerRadii = {260., 360., 500., 660.};
472  ssplConfig.centralLayerEnvelopes = {ssEnvelope, ssEnvelope, ssEnvelope,
473  ssEnvelope};
475  ssplConfig.centralModuleBinningSchema = {
476  {40, 21}, {56, 21}, {78, 21}, {102, 21}};
477  ssplConfig.centralModuleTiltPhi = {-0.15, -0.15, -0.15, -0.15};
478  ssplConfig.centralModuleHalfX = {24., 24., 24., 24.};
479  ssplConfig.centralModuleHalfY = {54., 54., 54., 54.};
480  ssplConfig.centralModuleThickness = {ssCentralModuleT, ssCentralModuleT,
481  ssCentralModuleT, ssCentralModuleT};
483  ssplConfig.centralModuleReadoutBinsX = {600, 600, 600, 600}; // 80 um pitch
484  ssplConfig.centralModuleReadoutBinsY = {90, 90, 90, 90}; // 1.2 mm strixels
485  ssplConfig.centralModuleReadoutSide = {1, 1, 1, 1};
486  ssplConfig.centralModuleLorentzAngle = {0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12};
488  ssplConfig.centralModuleMaterial = {
489  ssCentralModuleMaterial, ssCentralModuleMaterial,
490  ssCentralModuleMaterial, ssCentralModuleMaterial};
491  ssplConfig.centralModuleFrontsideStereo = {};
492  ssplConfig.centralModuleBacksideStereo = {};
493  ssplConfig.centralModuleBacksideGap = {};
494  // mPositions
495  std::vector<std::vector<Acts::Vector3D>> ssplCentralModulePositions;
496  for (size_t sslb = 0; sslb < ssplConfig.centralLayerRadii.size(); ++sslb) {
497  // call the helper function
498  ssplCentralModulePositions.push_back(
499  modulePositionsCylinder(ssplConfig.centralLayerRadii[sslb],
500  3., // 3 mm stagger
501  ssplConfig.centralModuleHalfY[sslb],
502  5., // 5 mm module overlap
503  ssplConfig.centralModuleBinningSchema[sslb]));
504  }
505  ssplConfig.centralModulePositions = ssplCentralModulePositions;
507  // configure the endcaps
508  std::vector<double> mrMinHx = {16.4, 24.2, 32.2};
509  std::vector<double> mrMaxHx = {24.2, 32.2, 40.0};
510  std::vector<double> mrHy = {78., 78., 78.};
512  // simplified strixels readout
513  std::vector<size_t> mrReadoutBinsX = {605, 805, 1000}; // 80 um pitch
514  std::vector<size_t> mrReadoutBinsY = {130, 130, 130}; // 1.2 mm strixels
515  std::vector<int> mrReadoutSide = {1, 1, 1};
516  std::vector<double> mrLorentzAngle = {0., 0., 0.};
518  std::vector<size_t> mPhiBins = {54, 56, 60};
519  std::vector<double> mThickness = {ssEndcapModuleT, ssEndcapModuleT,
520  ssEndcapModuleT};
521  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial>> mMaterial = {
522  ssEndcapModuleMaterial, ssEndcapModuleMaterial, ssEndcapModuleMaterial};
524  ssplConfig.posnegLayerBinMultipliers = {1, 2};
526  ssplConfig.posnegLayerPositionsZ = {1220., 1500., 1800.,
527  2150., 2550., 2950.};
528  size_t nposnegs = ssplConfig.posnegLayerPositionsZ.size();
529  ssplConfig.posnegLayerEnvelopeR = std::vector<double>(nposnegs, 5.);
531  ssplConfig.posnegModuleMinHalfX =
532  std::vector<std::vector<double>>(nposnegs, mrMinHx);
533  ssplConfig.posnegModuleMaxHalfX =
534  std::vector<std::vector<double>>(nposnegs, mrMaxHx);
535  ssplConfig.posnegModuleHalfY =
536  std::vector<std::vector<double>>(nposnegs, mrHy);
537  ssplConfig.posnegModulePhiBins =
538  std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>(nposnegs, mPhiBins);
539  ssplConfig.posnegModuleThickness =
540  std::vector<std::vector<double>>(nposnegs, mThickness);
542  ssplConfig.posnegModuleReadoutBinsX =
543  std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>(nposnegs, mrReadoutBinsX);
544  ssplConfig.posnegModuleReadoutBinsY =
545  std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>(nposnegs, mrReadoutBinsY);
546  ssplConfig.posnegModuleReadoutSide =
547  std::vector<std::vector<int>>(nposnegs, mrReadoutSide);
548  ssplConfig.posnegModuleLorentzAngle =
549  std::vector<std::vector<double>>(nposnegs, mrLorentzAngle);
551  ssplConfig.posnegModuleMaterial =
552  std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial>>>(
553  nposnegs, mMaterial);
555  ssplConfig.posnegModuleFrontsideStereo = {};
556  ssplConfig.posnegModuleBacksideStereo = {};
557  ssplConfig.posnegModuleBacksideGap = {};
559  // mPositions
560  std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Acts::Vector3D>>>
561  ssplPosnegModulePositions;
562  for (size_t id = 0; id < ssplConfig.posnegLayerPositionsZ.size(); ++id) {
563  ssplPosnegModulePositions.push_back(modulePositionsDisc(
564  ssplConfig.posnegLayerPositionsZ[id], 6.0, {3., 3., 3.}, {0., 0., 0.},
565  240., 700., ssplConfig.posnegModulePhiBins[id],
566  ssplConfig.posnegModuleHalfY[id]));
567  }
568  ssplConfig.posnegModulePositions = ssplPosnegModulePositions;
570  // The ProtoLayer creator
571  ProtoLayerCreator ssplCreator(
572  ssplConfig,
573  Acts::getDefaultLogger("SStripProtoLayerCreator", layerLLevel));
575  // configure short strip layer builder
576  typename LayerBuilder::Config sslbConfig;
577  sslbConfig.layerCreator = layerCreator;
578  sslbConfig.layerIdentification = "SStrip";
580  sslbConfig.centralProtoLayers =
581  ssplCreator.centralProtoLayers(gctx, detectorStore);
582  sslbConfig.centralLayerMaterialConcentration = {-1, -1, -1, -1};
583  sslbConfig.centralLayerMaterial = {ssCentralMaterial, ssCentralMaterial,
584  ssCentralMaterial, ssCentralMaterial};
586  if (level > 2) {
587  sslbConfig.negativeProtoLayers =
588  ssplCreator.negativeProtoLayers(gctx, detectorStore);
589  sslbConfig.positiveProtoLayers =
590  ssplCreator.positiveProtoLayers(gctx, detectorStore);
592  sslbConfig.posnegLayerMaterialConcentration =
593  std::vector<int>(nposnegs, 0);
594  sslbConfig.posnegLayerMaterial =
595  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial>>(
596  nposnegs, ssEndcapMaterial);
597  }
599  // define the builder
600  auto sstripLayerBuilder = std::make_shared<const LayerBuilder>(
601  sslbConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger("SStripLayerBuilder", layerLLevel));
602  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
603  // build the pixel volume
605  ssvbConfig.trackingVolumeHelper = cylinderVolumeHelper;
606  ssvbConfig.volumeName = "SStrip";
607  ssvbConfig.buildToRadiusZero = false;
608  ssvbConfig.layerBuilder = sstripLayerBuilder;
609  ssvbConfig.volumeSignature = 0;
610  auto sstripVolumeBuilder =
611  std::make_shared<const Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder>(
612  ssvbConfig,
613  Acts::getDefaultLogger("SStripVolumeBuilder", volumeLLevel));
615  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
616  // add to the list of builders
617  volumeBuilders.push_back(sstripVolumeBuilder);
618  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
619  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
620  // LONG strip detector
621  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
622  // fill necessary vectors for configuration
623  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
625  // some prep work
626  // envelope double
627  std::pair<double, double> lsEnvelope(2., 2.);
629  double lsCentralModuleT = 0.35;
630  double lsEndcapModuleT = 0.35;
632  // Module material properties - X0, L0, A, Z, Rho
633  // Acts::Material lsMaterial(95.7, 465.2, 28.03, 14., 2.32e-3);
634  Acts::MaterialSlab lscModuleMaterial(silicon, lsCentralModuleT);
635  Acts::MaterialSlab lseModuleMaterial(silicon, lsEndcapModuleT);
637  // Layer material properties - thickness, X0, L0, A, Z, Rho - barrel
638  Acts::MaterialSlab lsbmProperties(silicon, 2.5_mm);
639  Acts::MaterialSlab lsecmProperties(silicon, 3.5_mm);
641  // Module, central and disc material
642  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> lsCentralMaterial =
643  std::make_shared<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(
644  lsbmProperties);
645  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> lsEndcapMaterial =
646  std::make_shared<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(
647  lsecmProperties);
648  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> lsCentralModuleMaterial =
649  std::make_shared<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(
650  lscModuleMaterial);
651  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> lsEndcapModuleMaterial =
652  std::make_shared<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(
653  lseModuleMaterial);
654  if (protoMaterial) {
655  lsCentralMaterial = pCylinderMaterial;
656  lsCentralModuleMaterial = pPlaneMaterial;
657  lsEndcapMaterial = pDiscMaterial;
658  lsEndcapModuleMaterial = pPlaneMaterial;
659  }
661  // The proto layer creator
662  typename ProtoLayerCreator::Config lsplConfig;
664  // configure the central barrel
665  lsplConfig.centralLayerBinMultipliers = {1, 1};
666  lsplConfig.centralLayerRadii = {820., 1020.};
667  lsplConfig.centralLayerEnvelopes = {lsEnvelope, lsEnvelope};
669  lsplConfig.centralModuleBinningSchema = {{120, 21}, {152, 21}};
670  lsplConfig.centralModuleTiltPhi = {-0.15, -0.15};
671  lsplConfig.centralModuleHalfX = {24., 24.};
672  lsplConfig.centralModuleHalfY = {54., 54.};
673  lsplConfig.centralModuleThickness = {lsCentralModuleT, lsCentralModuleT};
674  lsplConfig.centralModuleMaterial = {lsCentralModuleMaterial,
675  lsCentralModuleMaterial};
677  lsplConfig.centralModuleReadoutBinsX = {400, 400}; // 120 um pitch
678  lsplConfig.centralModuleReadoutBinsY = {10, 10}; // 10 strips = 10.8 mm
679  lsplConfig.centralModuleReadoutSide = {1, 1};
680  lsplConfig.centralModuleLorentzAngle = {0.08, 0.08};
682  lsplConfig.centralModuleFrontsideStereo = {};
683  lsplConfig.centralModuleBacksideStereo = {};
684  lsplConfig.centralModuleBacksideGap = {};
685  // mPositions
686  std::vector<std::vector<Acts::Vector3D>> lslbCentralModulePositions;
687  for (size_t lslb = 0; lslb < lsplConfig.centralLayerRadii.size(); ++lslb) {
688  // call the helper function
689  lslbCentralModulePositions.push_back(
690  modulePositionsCylinder(lsplConfig.centralLayerRadii[lslb],
691  3., // 3 mm stagger
692  lsplConfig.centralModuleHalfY[lslb],
693  5., // 5 mm module overlap
694  lsplConfig.centralModuleBinningSchema[lslb]));
695  }
697  lsplConfig.centralModulePositions = lslbCentralModulePositions;
698  // configure the endcaps
699  mrMinHx = {54., 66.};
700  mrMaxHx = {64.2, 72.};
701  mrHy = {78., 78.};
702  mPhiBins = {48, 50};
703  mThickness = {lsEndcapModuleT, lsEndcapModuleT};
704  mMaterial = {lsEndcapModuleMaterial, lsEndcapModuleMaterial};
706  mrReadoutBinsX = {1070, 1200}; // 120 um pitch
707  mrReadoutBinsY = {15, 15}; // 15 strips - 10.2 mm
708  mrReadoutSide = {1, 1};
709  mrLorentzAngle = {0., 0.};
711  // endcap
712  lsplConfig.posnegLayerBinMultipliers = {1, 2};
713  lsplConfig.posnegLayerPositionsZ = {1220., 1500., 1800.,
714  2150., 2550., 2950.};
715  nposnegs = lsplConfig.posnegLayerPositionsZ.size();
716  lsplConfig.posnegLayerEnvelopeR = std::vector<double>(nposnegs, 5.);
718  lsplConfig.posnegModuleMinHalfX =
719  std::vector<std::vector<double>>(nposnegs, mrMinHx);
720  lsplConfig.posnegModuleMaxHalfX =
721  std::vector<std::vector<double>>(nposnegs, mrMaxHx);
722  lsplConfig.posnegModuleHalfY =
723  std::vector<std::vector<double>>(nposnegs, mrHy);
724  lsplConfig.posnegModulePhiBins =
725  std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>(nposnegs, mPhiBins);
726  lsplConfig.posnegModuleThickness =
727  std::vector<std::vector<double>>(nposnegs, mThickness);
729  lsplConfig.posnegModuleReadoutBinsX =
730  std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>(nposnegs, mrReadoutBinsX);
731  lsplConfig.posnegModuleReadoutBinsY =
732  std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>(nposnegs, mrReadoutBinsY);
733  lsplConfig.posnegModuleReadoutSide =
734  std::vector<std::vector<int>>(nposnegs, mrReadoutSide);
735  lsplConfig.posnegModuleLorentzAngle =
736  std::vector<std::vector<double>>(nposnegs, mrLorentzAngle);
738  lsplConfig.posnegModuleMaterial =
739  std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial>>>(
740  nposnegs, mMaterial);
741  lsplConfig.posnegModuleFrontsideStereo = {};
742  lsplConfig.posnegModuleBacksideStereo = {};
743  lsplConfig.posnegModuleBacksideGap = {};
745  // mPositions
746  std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Acts::Vector3D>>>
747  lssbPosnegModulePositions;
748  for (size_t id = 0; id < lsplConfig.posnegLayerPositionsZ.size(); ++id) {
749  lssbPosnegModulePositions.push_back(modulePositionsDisc(
750  lsplConfig.posnegLayerPositionsZ[id],
751  8.0, // staggering of rings, we put the disk strucutre in between
752  {3., 3.}, {0., 0.}, 750., 1020., lsplConfig.posnegModulePhiBins[id],
753  lsplConfig.posnegModuleHalfY[id]));
754  }
755  lsplConfig.posnegModulePositions = lssbPosnegModulePositions;
757  // The ProtoLayer creator
758  ProtoLayerCreator lsplCreator(
759  lsplConfig,
760  Acts::getDefaultLogger("LStripProtoLayerCreator", layerLLevel));
762  // configure short strip layer builder
763  typename LayerBuilder::Config lslbConfig;
764  lslbConfig.layerCreator = layerCreator;
765  lslbConfig.layerIdentification = "LStrip";
766  lslbConfig.centralLayerMaterialConcentration = {-1, -1};
767  lslbConfig.centralLayerMaterial = {lsCentralMaterial, lsCentralMaterial};
768  lslbConfig.centralProtoLayers =
769  lsplCreator.centralProtoLayers(gctx, detectorStore);
771  if (level > 2) {
772  lslbConfig.posnegLayerMaterialConcentration =
773  std::vector<int>(nposnegs, 0);
774  lslbConfig.posnegLayerMaterial =
775  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial>>(
776  nposnegs, lsEndcapMaterial);
777  lslbConfig.negativeProtoLayers =
778  lsplCreator.negativeProtoLayers(gctx, detectorStore);
779  lslbConfig.positiveProtoLayers =
780  lsplCreator.positiveProtoLayers(gctx, detectorStore);
781  }
783  // define the builder
784  auto lstripLayerBuilder = std::make_shared<const LayerBuilder>(
785  lslbConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger("LStripLayerBuilder", layerLLevel));
786  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
787  // build the pixel volume
789  lsvbConfig.trackingVolumeHelper = cylinderVolumeHelper;
790  lsvbConfig.volumeName = "LStrip";
791  lsvbConfig.buildToRadiusZero = false;
792  lsvbConfig.layerBuilder = lstripLayerBuilder;
793  lsvbConfig.volumeSignature = 0;
794  auto lstripVolumeBuilder =
795  std::make_shared<const Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder>(
796  lsvbConfig,
797  Acts::getDefaultLogger("LStripVolumeBuilder", volumeLLevel));
798  // add to the list of builders
799  volumeBuilders.push_back(lstripVolumeBuilder);
800  }
802  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
803  // create the tracking geometry
805  // Add the builde call functions
806  for (auto& vb : volumeBuilders) {
807  tgConfig.trackingVolumeBuilders.push_back(
808  [=](const auto& context, const auto& inner, const auto&) {
809  return vb->trackingVolume(context, inner);
810  });
811  }
812  tgConfig.trackingVolumeHelper = cylinderVolumeHelper;
813  tgConfig.materialDecorator = matDecorator;
815  auto cylinderGeometryBuilder =
816  std::make_shared<const Acts::TrackingGeometryBuilder>(
817  tgConfig,
818  Acts::getDefaultLogger("TrackerGeometryBuilder", volumeLLevel));
819  // get the geometry
820  auto trackingGeometry = cylinderGeometryBuilder->trackingGeometry(gctx);
822  return trackingGeometry;
823 }
825 } // end of namespace Generic
826 } // end of namespace ActsExamples