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#include <string.h>
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Macros | |
#define | pycomp pycomp_ |
#define | py1ent py1ent_ |
#define | pyjets pyjets_ |
#define | pydat1 pydat1_ |
#define | pydat3 pydat3_ |
#define | type_of_call |
Functions | |
void * | pythia6_common_address (const char *name) |
Variables | |
int | pyjets [2+5 *4000+2 *2 *5 *4000] |
int | pydat1 [200+2 *200+200+2 *200] |
int | pydat3 [3 *500+2 *8000+2 *8000+5 *8000] |
#define py1ent py1ent_ |
Definition at line 38 of file pythia6_common_address.c.
View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 38 of file pythia6_common_address.c
#define pycomp pycomp_ |
Definition at line 37 of file pythia6_common_address.c.
View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 37 of file pythia6_common_address.c
#define pydat1 pydat1_ |
Definition at line 40 of file pythia6_common_address.c.
View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 40 of file pythia6_common_address.c
Referenced by fhhiggscorr(), fhsetflags(), fhsetpara(), genevent(), getmass(), init(), initpythia(), jewel(), py1ent(), py2ent(), py2frm(), py3ent(), py4ent(), py4frm(), py4jet(), py6frm(), pyadsh(), pyalem(), pyalps(), pyangl(), pyapps(), pybesq(), pyboei(), pycell(), pycjdc(), pyckbd(), pyclus(), pycomp(), pycttr(), pydcyk(), pydecy(), pydiff(), pydisg(), pydocu(), pyedit(), pyeevt(), pyerrm(), pyevnt(), pyevnw(), pyevol(), pyevwt(), pyexec(), pyfeyn(), pyfowo(), pyfram(), pyfscr(), pygaga(), pygfxx(), pygive(), pyglui(), pygram(), pygraw(), pyh2xx(), pyhepc(), pyhext(), pyhfth(), pyhggm(), pyi3au(), pyinbm(), pyindf(), pyinit(), pyinki(), pyinom(), pyinpr(), pyinre(), pyjmas(), pyjoin(), pyk(), pykcut(), pykfdi(), pykfin(), pyklim(), pykmap(), pylist(), pylogo(), pymass(), pymaxi(), pymemx(), pymewt(), pymign(), pymihk(), pymirm(), pymrun(), pymsin(), pymult(), pyname(), pynjdc(), pynmes(), pyofsh(), pyonia(), pyonof(), pyp(), pypdel(), pypdfl(), pypdfu(), pypdga(), pypdpi(), pypdpo(), pypdpr(), pypile(), pyplot(), pypole(), pyprep(), pyptdi(), pyptfs(), pyptis(), pyptmi(), pyqqbh(), pyradk(), pyrand(), pyreco(), pyremn(), pyresd(), pyrghm(), pyrobo(), pyrvch(), pyrvgl(), pyrvne(), pyrvsb(), pyscat(), pysfdc(), pysgex(), pysghf(), pysghg(), pysgqc(), pysgsu(), pysgtc(), pysgwz(), pyshow(), pysigh(), pyslha(), pyspen(), pysphe(), pyspli(), pysspa(), pystat(), pystbh(), pystop(), pystrf(), pysubh(), pysugi(), pytabu(), pytaud(), pytbbc(), pytbbn(), pytbdy(), pytbhg(), pytbhq(), pytecm(), pytest(), pythia6_common_address(), pythrg(), pythru(), pytune(), pyuedc(), pyupda(), pyupev(), pyveto(), pywaux(), pywdkk(), pywidt(), pywidx(), pyx3jt(), pyx4jt(), pyxdif(), pyxdin(), pyxjet(), pyxkfl(), pyxtee(), pyxtot(), pyxxz6(), pyzdis(), ssmssm(), sugra(), and visaje().
#define pydat3 pydat3_ |
Definition at line 41 of file pythia6_common_address.c.
View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 41 of file pythia6_common_address.c
Referenced by genevent(), getmass(), init(), initpythia(), jewel(), pyckbd(), pydecy(), pyevnt(), pyevnw(), pyexec(), pygive(), pyinit(), pyinpr(), pyinre(), pyklim(), pylist(), pymaxi(), pymign(), pymsin(), pyofsh(), pyonof(), pyprep(), pyptmi(), pyrand(), pyresd(), pyscat(), pysgex(), pysghg(), pysgqc(), pysgtc(), pysgwz(), pysigh(), pyslha(), pystat(), pytabu(), pytest(), pythia6_common_address(), pyuedc(), pyupda(), pyupev(), pywidt(), pywidx(), and pyxdin().
#define pyjets pyjets_ |
Definition at line 39 of file pythia6_common_address.c.
View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 39 of file pythia6_common_address.c
Referenced by cleanup(), compressevent(), converttohepmc(), dofistatescat(), doinstatescat(), dokinematics(), genevent(), getdeltat(), getmass(), getnewmass(), getpnorad1(), getqvec(), init(), initpythia(), isprimhadron(), isprimstring(), issecstring(), jewel(), makebranch(), makecascade(), makeinsplit(), makesplitting(), makestrings_minl(), makestrings_vac(), pevrec(), py1ent(), py2ent(), py2frm(), py3ent(), py4ent(), py4frm(), py4jet(), py4jts(), py4jtw(), py6frm(), pyadsh(), pybesq(), pyboei(), pycell(), pyckbd(), pyclus(), pycttr(), pydecy(), pydiff(), pydisg(), pydocu(), pyedit(), pyeevt(), pyerrm(), pyevnt(), pyevnw(), pyevol(), pyexec(), pyfowo(), pyfscr(), pygaga(), pygive(), pyhepc(), pyinbm(), pyindf(), pyinki(), pyjmas(), pyjoin(), pyk(), pyklim(), pylist(), pymemx(), pymewt(), pymign(), pymihg(), pymihk(), pymirm(), pymult(), pyonia(), pyp(), pypdfu(), pyprep(), pyptfs(), pyptis(), pyptmi(), pyreco(), pyremn(), pyresd(), pyrobo(), pyscat(), pyshow(), pysigh(), pysphe(), pysspa(), pystrf(), pytabu(), pytaud(), pytbdy(), pytest(), pythia6_common_address(), pythru(), pyupev(), pyupin(), pyveto(), and pyxdif().
#define type_of_call |
Definition at line 42 of file pythia6_common_address.c.
View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 42 of file pythia6_common_address.c
void* pythia6_common_address | ( | const char * | name | ) |
Definition at line 57 of file pythia6_common_address.c.
View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 57 of file pythia6_common_address.c
References pydat1, pydat3, and pyjets.
Referenced by Pythia6::Pythia6().
int pydat1[200+2 *200+200+2 *200] |
Definition at line 53 of file pythia6_common_address.c.
View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 53 of file pythia6_common_address.c
Referenced by PHPythia6::ReadConfig().
int pydat3[3 *500+2 *8000+2 *8000+5 *8000] |
Definition at line 54 of file pythia6_common_address.c.
View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 54 of file pythia6_common_address.c
Referenced by PHPythia6::ReadConfig().
int pyjets[2+5 *4000+2 *2 *5 *4000] |
Definition at line 52 of file pythia6_common_address.c.
View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 52 of file pythia6_common_address.c
Referenced by PHPythia6::ReadConfig().