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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file AnnulusBounds.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
15 #include <cmath>
16 #include <iomanip>
17 #include <iostream>
20  const std::array<double, eSize>& values) noexcept(false)
21  : m_values(values), m_moduleOrigin({values[eOriginX], values[eOriginY]}) {
22  checkConsistency();
25  Eigen::Translation<double, 2>(Vector2D(0, -get(eAveragePhi)));
26  m_translation = Eigen::Translation<double, 2>(m_moduleOrigin);
28  m_shiftXY = m_moduleOrigin * -1;
32  // we need the corner points of the module to do the inside
33  // checking, calculate them here once, they don't change
35  // find inner outer radius at edges in STRIP PC
36  auto circIx = [](double O_x, double O_y, double r, double phi) -> Vector2D {
37  // _____________________________________________
38  // / 2 2 2 2 2 2
39  // O_x + O_y*m - \/ - O_x *m + 2*O_x*O_y*m - O_y + m *r + r
40  // x = --------------------------------------------------------------
41  // 2
42  // m + 1
43  //
44  // y = m*x
45  //
46  double m = std::tan(phi);
47  Vector2D dir(std::cos(phi), std::sin(phi));
48  double x1 = (O_x + O_y * m -
49  std::sqrt(-std::pow(O_x, 2) * std::pow(m, 2) +
50  2 * O_x * O_y * m - std::pow(O_y, 2) +
51  std::pow(m, 2) * std::pow(r, 2) + std::pow(r, 2))) /
52  (std::pow(m, 2) + 1);
53  double x2 = (O_x + O_y * m +
54  std::sqrt(-std::pow(O_x, 2) * std::pow(m, 2) +
55  2 * O_x * O_y * m - std::pow(O_y, 2) +
56  std::pow(m, 2) * std::pow(r, 2) + std::pow(r, 2))) /
57  (std::pow(m, 2) + 1);
59  Vector2D v1(x1, m * x1);
60  if (v1.dot(dir) > 0)
61  return v1;
62  return {x2, m * x2};
63  };
65  // calculate corners in STRIP XY, keep them we need them for minDistance()
67  circIx(m_moduleOrigin[eBoundLoc0], m_moduleOrigin[eBoundLoc1], get(eMaxR),
68  get(eMaxPhiRel));
70  circIx(m_moduleOrigin[eBoundLoc0], m_moduleOrigin[eBoundLoc1], get(eMinR),
71  get(eMaxPhiRel));
73  circIx(m_moduleOrigin[eBoundLoc0], m_moduleOrigin[eBoundLoc1], get(eMaxR),
74  get(eMinPhiRel));
76  circIx(m_moduleOrigin[eBoundLoc0], m_moduleOrigin[eBoundLoc1], get(eMinR),
77  get(eMinPhiRel));
88  m_outLeftModulePC = stripXYToModulePC(m_outLeftStripXY);
89  m_inLeftModulePC = stripXYToModulePC(m_inLeftStripXY);
90  m_outRightModulePC = stripXYToModulePC(m_outRightStripXY);
91  m_inRightModulePC = stripXYToModulePC(m_inRightStripXY);
92 }
94 std::vector<Acts::Vector2D> Acts::AnnulusBounds::corners() const {
95  auto rot = m_rotationStripPC.inverse();
97  return {rot * m_outRightStripPC, rot * m_outLeftStripPC,
98  rot * m_inLeftStripPC, rot * m_inRightStripPC};
99 }
101 std::vector<Acts::Vector2D> Acts::AnnulusBounds::vertices(
102  unsigned int lseg) const {
103  // List of vertices counter-clockwise starting with left inner
104  std::vector<Acts::Vector2D> rvertices;
106  double phiMinInner = VectorHelpers::phi(m_inLeftStripXY);
107  double phiMaxInner = VectorHelpers::phi(m_inRightStripXY);
108  double phiMinOuter = VectorHelpers::phi(m_outRightStripXY);
109  double phiMaxOuter = VectorHelpers::phi(m_outLeftStripXY);
111  std::vector<double> phisInner =
112  detail::VerticesHelper::phiSegments(phiMinInner, phiMaxInner);
113  std::vector<double> phisOuter =
114  detail::VerticesHelper::phiSegments(phiMinOuter, phiMaxOuter);
116  // Inner bow from phi_min -> phi_max
117  for (unsigned int iseg = 0; iseg < phisInner.size() - 1; ++iseg) {
118  int addon = (iseg == phisInner.size() - 2) ? 1 : 0;
119  detail::VerticesHelper::createSegment<Vector2D, Transform2D>(
120  rvertices, {get(eMinR), get(eMinR)}, phisInner[iseg],
121  phisInner[iseg + 1], lseg, addon);
122  }
123  // Upper bow from phi_min -> phi_max
124  for (unsigned int iseg = 0; iseg < phisOuter.size() - 1; ++iseg) {
125  int addon = (iseg == phisOuter.size() - 2) ? 1 : 0;
126  detail::VerticesHelper::createSegment<Vector2D, Transform2D>(
127  rvertices, {get(eMaxR), get(eMaxR)}, phisOuter[iseg],
128  phisOuter[iseg + 1], lseg, addon);
129  }
131  return rvertices;
132 }
134 bool Acts::AnnulusBounds::inside(const Vector2D& lposition, double tolR,
135  double tolPhi) const {
136  // locpo is PC in STRIP SYSTEM
137  // need to perform internal rotation induced by m_phiAvg
138  Vector2D locpo_rotated = m_rotationStripPC * lposition;
139  double phiLoc = locpo_rotated[eBoundLoc1];
140  double rLoc = locpo_rotated[eBoundLoc0];
142  if (phiLoc < (get(eMinPhiRel) - tolPhi) ||
143  phiLoc > (get(eMaxPhiRel) + tolPhi)) {
144  return false;
145  }
147  // calculate R in MODULE SYSTEM to evaluate R-bounds
148  if (tolR == 0.) {
149  // don't need R, can use R^2
150  double r_mod2 =
151  m_shiftPC[eBoundLoc0] * m_shiftPC[eBoundLoc0] + rLoc * rLoc +
152  2 * m_shiftPC[eBoundLoc0] * rLoc * cos(phiLoc - m_shiftPC[eBoundLoc1]);
154  if (r_mod2 < get(eMinR) * get(eMinR) || r_mod2 > get(eMaxR) * get(eMaxR)) {
155  return false;
156  }
157  } else {
158  // use R
159  double r_mod = sqrt(
160  m_shiftPC[eBoundLoc0] * m_shiftPC[eBoundLoc0] + rLoc * rLoc +
161  2 * m_shiftPC[eBoundLoc0] * rLoc * cos(phiLoc - m_shiftPC[eBoundLoc1]));
163  if (r_mod < (get(eMinR) - tolR) || r_mod > (get(eMaxR) + tolR)) {
164  return false;
165  }
166  }
167  return true;
168 }
170 bool Acts::AnnulusBounds::inside(const Vector2D& lposition,
171  const BoundaryCheck& bcheck) const {
172  // locpo is PC in STRIP SYSTEM
173  if (bcheck.type() == BoundaryCheck::Type::eAbsolute) {
174  return inside(lposition, bcheck.tolerance()[eBoundLoc0],
175  bcheck.tolerance()[eBoundLoc1]);
176  } else {
177  // first check if inside. We don't need to look into the covariance if
178  // inside
179  if (inside(lposition, 0., 0.)) {
180  return true;
181  }
183  // we need to rotated the locpo
184  Vector2D locpo_rotated = m_rotationStripPC * lposition;
186  // covariance is given in STRIP SYSTEM in PC
187  // we need to convert the covariance to the MODULE SYSTEM in PC
188  // via jacobian.
189  // The following transforms into STRIP XY, does the shift into MODULE XY,
190  // and then transforms into MODULE PC
191  double dphi = m_phiAvg;
192  double phi_strip = locpo_rotated[eBoundLoc1];
193  double r_strip = locpo_rotated[eBoundLoc0];
194  double O_x = m_shiftXY[eBoundLoc0];
195  double O_y = m_shiftXY[eBoundLoc1];
197  // For a transformation from cartesian into polar coordinates
198  //
199  // [ _________ ]
200  // [ / 2 2 ]
201  // [ \/ x + y ]
202  // [ r' ] [ ]
203  // v = [ ] = [ / y \]
204  // [phi'] [2*atan|----------------|]
205  // [ | _________|]
206  // [ | / 2 2 |]
207  // [ \x + \/ x + y /]
208  //
209  // Where x, y are polar coordinates that can be rotated by dPhi
210  //
211  // [x] [O_x + r*cos(dPhi - phi)]
212  // [ ] = [ ]
213  // [y] [O_y - r*sin(dPhi - phi)]
214  //
215  // The general jacobian is:
216  //
217  // [d d ]
218  // [--(f_x) --(f_x)]
219  // [dx dy ]
220  // Jgen = [ ]
221  // [d d ]
222  // [--(f_y) --(f_y)]
223  // [dx dy ]
224  //
225  // which means in this case:
226  //
227  // [ d d ]
228  // [ ----------(rMod) ---------(rMod) ]
229  // [ dr_{strip} dphiStrip ]
230  // J = [ ]
231  // [ d d ]
232  // [----------(phiMod) ---------(phiMod)]
233  // [dr_{strip} dphiStrip ]
234  //
235  // Performing the derivative one gets:
236  //
237  // [B*O_x + C*O_y + rStrip rStrip*(B*O_y + O_x*sin(dPhi - phiStrip))]
238  // [---------------------- -----------------------------------------]
239  // [ ___ ___ ]
240  // [ \/ A \/ A ]
241  // J = [ ]
242  // [ -(B*O_y - C*O_x) rStrip*(B*O_x + C*O_y + rStrip) ]
243  // [ ----------------- ------------------------------- ]
244  // [ A A ]
245  //
246  // where
247  // 2 2 2
248  // A = O_x + 2*O_x*rStrip*cos(dPhi - phiStrip) + O_y -
249  // 2*O_y*rStrip*sin(dPhi - phiStrip) + rStrip B = cos(dPhi - phiStrip) C =
250  // -sin(dPhi - phiStrip)
252  double cosDPhiPhiStrip = std::cos(dphi - phi_strip);
253  double sinDPhiPhiStrip = std::sin(dphi - phi_strip);
255  double A = O_x * O_x + 2 * O_x * r_strip * cosDPhiPhiStrip + O_y * O_y -
256  2 * O_y * r_strip * sinDPhiPhiStrip + r_strip * r_strip;
257  double sqrtA = std::sqrt(A);
259  double B = cosDPhiPhiStrip;
260  double C = -sinDPhiPhiStrip;
261  Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 2> jacobianStripPCToModulePC;
262  jacobianStripPCToModulePC(0, 0) = (B * O_x + C * O_y + r_strip) / sqrtA;
263  jacobianStripPCToModulePC(0, 1) =
264  r_strip * (B * O_y + O_x * sinDPhiPhiStrip) / sqrtA;
265  jacobianStripPCToModulePC(1, 0) = -(B * O_y - C * O_x) / A;
266  jacobianStripPCToModulePC(1, 1) =
267  r_strip * (B * O_x + C * O_y + r_strip) / A;
269  // covariance is given in STRIP PC
270  auto covStripPC = bcheck.covariance();
271  // calculate covariance in MODULE PC using jacobian from above
272  auto covModulePC = jacobianStripPCToModulePC * covStripPC *
273  jacobianStripPCToModulePC.transpose();
275  // Mahalanobis distance uses inverse covariance as weights
276  auto weightStripPC = covStripPC.inverse();
277  auto weightModulePC = covModulePC.inverse();
279  double minDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
281  Vector2D currentClosest;
282  double currentDist;
284  // do projection in STRIP PC
286  // first: STRIP system. locpo is in STRIP PC already
287  currentClosest = closestOnSegment(m_inLeftStripPC, m_outLeftStripPC,
288  locpo_rotated, weightStripPC);
289  currentDist = squaredNorm(locpo_rotated - currentClosest, weightStripPC);
290  minDist = currentDist;
292  currentClosest = closestOnSegment(m_inRightStripPC, m_outRightStripPC,
293  locpo_rotated, weightStripPC);
294  currentDist = squaredNorm(locpo_rotated - currentClosest, weightStripPC);
295  if (currentDist < minDist) {
296  minDist = currentDist;
297  }
299  // now: MODULE system. Need to transform locpo to MODULE PC
300  // transform is STRIP PC -> STRIP XY -> MODULE XY -> MODULE PC
301  Vector2D locpoStripXY(
302  locpo_rotated[eBoundLoc0] * std::cos(locpo_rotated[eBoundLoc1]),
303  locpo_rotated[eBoundLoc0] * std::sin(locpo_rotated[eBoundLoc1]));
304  Vector2D locpoModulePC = stripXYToModulePC(locpoStripXY);
306  // now check edges in MODULE PC (inner and outer circle)
307  // assuming Mahalanobis distances are of same unit if covariance
308  // is correctly transformed
309  currentClosest = closestOnSegment(m_inLeftModulePC, m_inRightModulePC,
310  locpoModulePC, weightModulePC);
311  currentDist = squaredNorm(locpoModulePC - currentClosest, weightModulePC);
312  if (currentDist < minDist) {
313  minDist = currentDist;
314  }
316  currentClosest = closestOnSegment(m_outLeftModulePC, m_outRightModulePC,
317  locpoModulePC, weightModulePC);
318  currentDist = squaredNorm(locpoModulePC - currentClosest, weightModulePC);
319  if (currentDist < minDist) {
320  minDist = currentDist;
321  }
323  // compare resulting Mahalanobis distance to configured
324  // "number of sigmas"
325  // we square it b/c we never took the square root of the distance
326  return minDist < bcheck.tolerance()[0] * bcheck.tolerance()[0];
327  }
328 }
331  const Vector2D& vStripXY) const {
332  Vector2D vecModuleXY = vStripXY + m_shiftXY;
333  return {vecModuleXY.norm(), VectorHelpers::phi(vecModuleXY)};
334 }
337  const Vector2D& a, const Vector2D& b, const Vector2D& p,
338  const Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 2>& weight) const {
339  // connecting vector
340  auto n = b - a;
341  // squared norm of line
342  auto f = (n.transpose() * weight * n).value();
343  // weighted scalar product of line to point and segment line
344  auto u = ((p - a).transpose() * weight * n).value() / f;
345  // clamp to [0, 1], convert to point
346  return std::min(std::max(u, 0.0), 1.0) * n + a;
347 }
350  const Vector2D& v, const Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 2>& weight) const {
351  return (v.transpose() * weight * v).value();
352 }
355  return Eigen::Rotation2D<double>(m_phiAvg) * m_moduleOrigin;
356 }
358 // Ostream operator overload
359 std::ostream& Acts::AnnulusBounds::toStream(std::ostream& sl) const {
360  sl << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
361  sl << std::setprecision(7);
362  sl << "Acts::AnnulusBounds: (innerRadius, outerRadius, minPhi, maxPhi) = ";
363  sl << "(" << get(eMinR) << ", " << get(eMaxR) << ", " << phiMin() << ", "
364  << phiMax() << ")" << '\n';
365  sl << " - shift xy = " << m_shiftXY.x() << ", " << m_shiftXY.y() << '\n';
366  ;
367  sl << " - shift pc = " << m_shiftPC.x() << ", " << m_shiftPC.y() << '\n';
368  ;
369  sl << std::setprecision(-1);
370  return sl;
371 }