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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file BEmcRec.cc
1 // Name: BEmcRec.h
2 // Author: A. Bazilevsky, Apr 2012
3 // Modified from EmcSectorRec.cxx and EmcScSectorRec.cxx
5 // BEmcRec -- base class for sPHENIX EMCal
7 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 #include "BEmcRec.h"
10 #include "BEmcCluster.h"
11 #include "BEmcProfile.h"
13 #include <TMath.h>
15 #include <cstdlib>
16 #include <fstream>
17 #include <iostream>
18 #include <utility>
20 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21 // BEmcRec member functions
24 {
25  fTowerGeom.clear();
26  fModules = new std::vector<EmcModule>;
27  fClusters = new std::vector<EmcCluster>;
28 }
30 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
33 {
34  if (fModules)
35  {
36  fModules->clear();
37  delete fModules;
38  }
40  if (fClusters)
41  {
42  fClusters->clear();
43  delete fClusters;
44  }
46  delete _emcprof;
47 }
49 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
51 void BEmcRec::LoadProfile(const std::string& /*fname*/)
52 {
53  std::cout << "Warning from BEmcRec::LoadProfile(): No acton defined for shower profile evaluation; should be defined in a detector specific module " << Name() << std::endl;
54 }
56 void BEmcRec::PrintTowerGeometry(const std::string& fname)
57 {
58  std::ofstream outfile(fname);
59  if (!outfile.is_open())
60  {
61  std::cout << "Error in BEmcRec::PrintTowerGeometry(): Failed to open file "
62  << fname << std::endl;
63  return;
64  }
65  outfile << "Number of bins:" << std::endl;
66  outfile << fNx << " " << fNy << std::endl;
67  outfile << "ix iy x y z dx0 dy0 dz0 dx1 dy1 dz1" << std::endl;
68  int ich;
69  TowerGeom geom;
70  std::map<int, TowerGeom>::iterator it;
71  for (int iy = 0; iy < fNy; iy++)
72  {
73  for (int ix = 0; ix < fNx; ix++)
74  {
75  ich = iy * fNx + ix;
76  it = fTowerGeom.find(ich);
77  if (it != fTowerGeom.end())
78  {
79  geom = it->second;
80  outfile << ix << " " << iy << " " << geom.Xcenter << " "
81  << geom.Ycenter << " " << geom.Zcenter << " " << geom.dX[0] << " "
82  << geom.dY[0] << " " << geom.dZ[0] << " " << geom.dX[1] << " "
83  << geom.dY[1] << " " << geom.dZ[1] << std::endl;
84  // std::cout << "Z0: " << geom.dZ[0] << " || Z1: " << geom.dZ[1] << std::endl;
85  }
86  }
87  }
88 }
90 bool BEmcRec::GetTowerGeometry(int ix, int iy, TowerGeom& geom)
91 {
92  if (ix < 0 || ix >= fNx || iy < 0 || iy >= fNy) return false;
94  int ich = iy * fNx + ix;
95  std::map<int, TowerGeom>::iterator it = fTowerGeom.find(ich);
96  if (it == fTowerGeom.end()) return false;
98  geom = it->second;
99  return true;
100 }
102 bool BEmcRec::SetTowerGeometry(int ix, int iy, float xx, float yy, float zz)
103 {
104  if (ix < 0 || ix >= fNx || iy < 0 || iy >= fNy) return false;
106  TowerGeom geom;
107  geom.Xcenter = xx;
108  geom.Ycenter = yy;
109  geom.Zcenter = zz;
110  geom.dX[0] = geom.dX[1] = 0; // These should be calculated by CompleteTowerGeometry()
111  geom.dY[0] = geom.dY[1] = 0;
112  geom.dZ[0] = geom.dZ[1] = 0;
114  int ich = iy * fNx + ix;
115  fTowerGeom[ich] = geom;
116  return true;
117 }
120 // Calculates tower front size from coordinates of tower center coordinates
121 {
122  if (fTowerGeom.empty() || fNx <= 0)
123  {
124  std::cout << "Error in BEmcRec::CalculateTowerSize(): Tower geometry not well setup (NX = "
125  << fNx << ")" << std::endl;
126  return false;
127  }
129  const int nb = 8;
130  int idx[nb] = {0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1};
131  int idy[nb] = {-1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1};
133  std::map<int, TowerGeom>::iterator it;
135  for (it = fTowerGeom.begin(); it != fTowerGeom.end(); ++it)
136  {
137  int ich = it->first;
138  TowerGeom geom0 = it->second;
139  int ix = ich % fNx;
140  int iy = ich / fNx;
142  TowerGeom geomx;
143  int inx = 0;
145  while (inx < nb && (idx[inx] == 0 || !GetTowerGeometry(ix + idx[inx], iy + idy[inx], geomx))) inx++;
146  if (inx >= nb)
147  {
148  std::cout << "Error in BEmcRec::CompleteTowerGeometry(): Error when locating neighbour for (ix,iy)=("
149  << ix << "," << iy << ")" << std::endl;
150  return false;
151  }
153  TowerGeom geomy;
154  int iny = 0;
156  while (iny < nb && (idy[iny] == 0 || !GetTowerGeometry(ix + idx[iny], iy + idy[iny], geomy))) iny++;
157  if (iny >= nb)
158  {
159  std::cout << "Error in BEmcRec::CompleteTowerGeometry(): Error when locating neighbour for (ix,iy)=("
160  << ix << "," << iy << ")" << std::endl;
161  return false;
162  }
164  geom0.dX[0] = (geomx.Xcenter - geom0.Xcenter) / float(idx[inx]);
165  geom0.dY[0] = (geomx.Ycenter - geom0.Ycenter) / float(idx[inx]);
166  geom0.dZ[0] = (geomx.Zcenter - geom0.Zcenter) / float(idx[inx]);
167  geom0.dX[1] = (geomy.Xcenter - geom0.Xcenter) / float(idy[iny]);
168  geom0.dY[1] = (geomy.Ycenter - geom0.Ycenter) / float(idy[iny]);
169  geom0.dZ[1] = (geomy.Zcenter - geom0.Zcenter) / float(idy[iny]);
171  it->second = geom0;
173  } // it = fTowerGeom.begin()
175  return true;
176 }
178 void BEmcRec::Tower2Global(float E, float xC, float yC,
179  float& xA, float& yA, float& zA)
180 // xC and yC are local position in tower units
181 // For CYL geometry (xC,yC) is actually (phiC,zC)
182 {
183  xA = 0;
184  yA = 0;
185  zA = 0;
187  int ix = xC + 0.5; // tower #
188  if (ix < 0 || ix >= fNx)
189  {
190  std::cout << m_ThisName << " Error in BEmcRec::Tower2Global: wrong input x: " << ix << std::endl;
191  return;
192  }
194  int iy = yC + 0.5; // tower #
195  if (iy < 0 || iy >= fNy)
196  {
197  std::cout << "Error in BEmcRec::Tower2Global: wrong input y: " << iy << std::endl;
198  return;
199  }
201  // Get tower where the shower is positioned
202  TowerGeom geom0;
204  if (!GetTowerGeometry(ix, iy, geom0))
205  {
206  // Weird case: cluster center of gravity outside the EMCal, take geometry from the neighbouring tower
207  int idx[4] = {1, 0, -1, 0};
208  int idy[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
209  int ii = 0;
210  while (ii < 4 && !GetTowerGeometry(ix + idx[ii], iy + idy[ii], geom0)) ii++;
211  if (ii >= 4)
212  {
213  std::cout << "Error in BEmcRec::Tower2Global: can not identify neighbour for tower ("
214  << ix << "," << iy << ")" << std::endl;
215  return;
216  }
217  float Xc = geom0.Xcenter - idx[ii] * geom0.dX[0] - idy[ii] * geom0.dX[1];
218  float Yc = geom0.Ycenter - idx[ii] * geom0.dY[0] - idy[ii] * geom0.dY[1];
219  float Zc = geom0.Zcenter - idx[ii] * geom0.dZ[0] - idy[ii] * geom0.dZ[1];
220  geom0.Xcenter = Xc;
221  geom0.Ycenter = Yc;
222  geom0.Zcenter = Zc;
223  }
225  float xt = geom0.Xcenter + (xC - ix) * geom0.dX[0] + (yC - iy) * geom0.dX[1];
226  float yt = geom0.Ycenter + (xC - ix) * geom0.dY[0] + (yC - iy) * geom0.dY[1];
227  float zt = geom0.Zcenter + (xC - ix) * geom0.dZ[0] + (yC - iy) * geom0.dZ[1];
229  CorrectShowerDepth(E, xt, yt, zt, xA, yA, zA);
231  // rA = sqrt(xA*xA+yA*yA);
232  // phiA = atan2(yA, xA);
233 }
235 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
237 int BEmcRec::iTowerDist(int ix1, int ix2)
238 // Distrance in tower units
239 {
240  int idist = ix2 - ix1;
241  if (bCYL)
242  {
243  int idistr = fNx - abs(idist); // Always >0
244  if (idistr < abs(idist))
245  { // Then count in opposite direction
246  if (idist < 0)
247  idist = idistr;
248  else
249  idist = -idistr;
250  }
251  }
252  // std::cout << "Dist " << ix1 << " " << ix2 << ": " << idist << std::endl;
253  return idist;
254 }
256 float BEmcRec::fTowerDist(float x1, float x2)
257 {
258  float dist = x2 - x1;
259  if (bCYL)
260  {
261  float distr = fNx - fabs(dist); // Always >0
262  if (distr < abs(dist))
263  { // Then count in opposite direction
264  if (dist < 0)
265  dist = distr;
266  else
267  dist = -distr;
268  }
269  }
270  return dist;
271 }
273 // ///////////////////////////////////
276 // Cluster search algorithm based on Lednev's one developed for GAMS.
277 // Returns number of clusters found
278 {
279  int nhit, nCl;
280  // int LenCl[fgMaxLen];
281  int* LenCl;
282  int next, ib, ie, iab, iae, last, LastCl, leng, ich;
283  int ia = 0;
285  EmcModule* vv;
286  EmcModule *vhit, *vt;
287  EmcCluster Clt(this);
288  std::vector<EmcModule>::iterator ph;
289  std::vector<EmcModule> hl;
291  (*fClusters).clear();
292  nhit = (*fModules).size();
294  if (nhit <= 0) return 0;
295  if (nhit == 1)
296  {
297  Clt.ReInitialize((*fModules));
298  fClusters->push_back(Clt);
299  return 1;
300  }
302  int MaxLen = fgMaxLen;
303  LenCl = new int[MaxLen];
304  ZeroVector(LenCl, MaxLen);
306  vt = new EmcModule[nhit];
307  vhit = new EmcModule[nhit];
309  ph = (*fModules).begin();
310  vv = vhit;
311  while (ph != (*fModules).end()) *vv++ = *ph++;
313  qsort(vhit, nhit, sizeof(EmcModule), HitNCompare);
315  nCl = 0;
316  next = 0;
317  for (ich = 1; ich < nhit + 1; ich++)
318  {
319  if (ich < nhit) ia = vhit[ich].ich;
321  // New subcluster
322  //
323  if ((ia - vhit[ich - 1].ich > 1) // the beginning of new subcluster
324  || (ich >= nhit) // just finish defining last sub-cluster
325  || (ia - ia / fNx * fNx == 0))
326  { // new raw -> new subcluster
328  ib = next;
329  ie = ich - 1;
330  next = ich;
331  if (nCl >= MaxLen)
332  {
333  // delete[] vhit;
334  // delete[] vt;
335  // return -1;
336  int* LenCltmp = new int[MaxLen];
337  CopyVector(LenCl, LenCltmp, MaxLen);
338  delete[] LenCl;
339  LenCl = new int[MaxLen * 2];
340  ZeroVector(LenCl, MaxLen * 2);
341  CopyVector(LenCltmp, LenCl, MaxLen);
342  delete[] LenCltmp;
343  MaxLen *= 2;
344  // std::cout << "Extend array size to " << MaxLen << std::endl;
345  }
346  nCl++;
347  LenCl[nCl - 1] = next - ib;
348  if (nCl > 1)
349  {
350  // Job to glue the subclusters with common edge
351  //
352  iab = vhit[ib].ich; // The last subcl begin
353  iae = vhit[ie].ich; // The last subcl end
354  last = ib - 1; // The prelast subcl end
355  LastCl = nCl - 2;
356  for (int iCl = LastCl; iCl >= 0; iCl--)
357  {
358  leng = LenCl[iCl];
360  if (iab - vhit[last].ich > fNx) goto new_ich;
361  for (int ichc = last; ichc >= last - leng + 1; ichc--)
362  {
363  // if( iab-vhit[ichc].ich > fNx ) goto new_icl; // From PHENIX version !!! This may be not right for complicated clusters, where tower ordering is not conserved
365  // if( iae-vhit[ichc].ich >= fNx // From PHENIX version
366  if ((vhit[ichc].ich + fNx <= iae && vhit[ichc].ich + fNx >= iab) || (bCYL && (iae % fNx == fNx - 1) && (iae - vhit[ichc].ich == fNx - 1)) // Only for CYLinder geom !!!!
367  )
368  {
369  // Swap iCl-cluster towers (of length "leng") with whatever was between it and the last subcluster (of length "ib-1-last") - to make it adjecent to the last subcluster
370  CopyVector(&vhit[last + 1 - leng], vt, leng);
371  CopyVector(&vhit[last + 1], &vhit[last + 1 - leng], ib - 1 - last);
372  CopyVector(vt, &vhit[ib - leng], leng);
374  // Now the number of clusters is reduced by 1 and the length of the last one increased by iCl-cluster length "leng"
375  for (int i = iCl; i < nCl - 2; i++) LenCl[i] = LenCl[i + 1];
376  ib -= leng;
377  LenCl[nCl - 2] = LenCl[nCl - 1] + leng;
378  nCl--;
379  goto new_icl;
380  }
381  } // for( int ichc=last
383  new_icl:
384  last = last - leng;
385  } // for( int iCl=LastCl
387  } // if( nCl > 1
389  } // if( (ia-vhit
391  new_ich:
392  continue;
393  } // for( ich=1
395  if (nCl > 0)
396  {
397  ib = 0;
398  for (int iCl = 0; iCl < nCl; iCl++)
399  {
400  leng = LenCl[iCl];
401  hl.clear();
402  for (ich = 0; ich < leng; ich++) hl.push_back(vhit[ib + ich]);
403  Clt.ReInitialize(hl);
404  ib += LenCl[iCl];
405  fClusters->push_back(Clt);
406  }
407  }
408  delete[] LenCl;
409  delete[] vhit;
410  delete[] vt;
412  return nCl;
413 }
415 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
417 void BEmcRec::Momenta(std::vector<EmcModule>* phit, float& pe, float& px,
418  float& py, float& pxx, float& pyy, float& pyx,
419  float thresh)
420 {
421  // First and second momenta calculation
423  float a, x, y, e, xx, yy, yx;
424  std::vector<EmcModule>::iterator ph;
426  pe = 0;
427  px = 0;
428  py = 0;
429  pxx = 0;
430  pyy = 0;
431  pyx = 0;
432  if (phit->empty()) return;
434  // Find max energy tower
435  //
436  ph = phit->begin();
437  float emax = 0;
438  int ichmax = 0;
439  while (ph != phit->end())
440  {
441  a = ph->amp;
442  if (a > emax)
443  {
444  emax = a;
445  ichmax = ph->ich;
446  }
447  ++ph;
448  }
449  if (emax <= 0) return;
451  int iymax = ichmax / fNx;
452  int ixmax = ichmax - iymax * fNx;
454  // Calculate CG relative to max energy tower
456  x = 0;
457  y = 0;
458  e = 0;
459  xx = 0;
460  yy = 0;
461  yx = 0;
462  ph = phit->begin();
463  while (ph != phit->end())
464  {
465  a = ph->amp;
466  if (a > thresh)
467  {
468  int iy = ph->ich / fNx;
469  int ix = ph->ich - iy * fNx;
470  int idx = iTowerDist(ixmax, ix);
471  int idy = iy - iymax;
472  e += a;
473  x += idx * a;
474  y += idy * a;
475  xx += a * idx * idx;
476  yy += a * idy * idy;
477  yx += a * idx * idy;
478  }
479  ++ph;
480  }
481  pe = e;
483  if (e > 0)
484  {
485  x /= e;
486  y /= e;
487  xx = xx / e - x * x;
488  yy = yy / e - y * y;
489  yx = yx / e - y * x;
491  x += ixmax;
492  y += iymax;
494  while (x < -0.5) x += float(fNx);
495  while (x >= fNx - 0.5) x -= float(fNx);
497  px = x;
498  py = y;
499  pxx = xx;
500  pyy = yy;
501  pyx = yx;
502  }
503 }
505 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
507 float BEmcRec::PredictEnergy(float en, float xcg, float ycg, int ix, int iy)
508 {
509  if (_emcprof != nullptr && bProfileProb) return PredictEnergyProb(en, xcg, ycg, ix, iy);
511  float dx = fabs(fTowerDist(float(ix), xcg));
512  float dy = ycg - iy;
513  return PredictEnergyParam(en, dx, dy);
514 }
516 float BEmcRec::PredictEnergyParam(float /*en*/, float xc, float yc)
517 {
518  // Calculates the energy deposited in the tower, the distance between
519  // its center and shower Center of Gravity being (xc,yc)
520  // en - shower energy
522  float dx, dy, r1, r2, r3;
523  float fPpar1, fPpar2, fPpar3, fPpar4;
525  float fPshiftx = 0; // !!!!! Untill tuned ... may not be necessary
526  float fPshifty = 0; // !!!!! Untill tuned ... may not be necessary
528  /*
529  float lgE;
530  if (en <= 1.e-10)
531  lgE = 0;
532  else
533  lgE = log(en);
534  fPpar1=0.59-(1.45+0.13*lgE)*sin2a;
535  fPpar2=0.265+(0.80+0.32*lgE)*sin2a;
536  fPpar3=0.25+(0.45-0.036*lgE)*sin2a;
537  fPpar4=0.42;
538  */
539  fPpar1 = 0.549;
540  fPpar2 = 0.304;
541  fPpar3 = 0.389;
542  fPpar4 = 0.326;
543  /*
544  fPpar1 = 0.486;
545  fPpar2 = 0.302;
546  fPpar3 = 0.354;
547  fPpar4 = 0.407;
548  */
549  /*
550  fPpar1 = 0.343;
551  fPpar2 = 0.509;
552  fPpar3 = 0.199;
553  fPpar4 = 0.548;
554  */
556  // if (en > 0) SetProfileParameters(-1, en, xc, yc);
558  dx = fabs(xc - fPshiftx);
559  dy = fabs(yc - fPshifty);
560  r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
561  r1 = sqrt(r2);
562  r3 = r2 * r1;
563  double e = fPpar1 * exp(-r3 / fPpar2) + fPpar3 * exp(-r1 / fPpar4);
565  return e;
566 }
568 float BEmcRec::PredictEnergyProb(float en, float xcg, float ycg, int ix, int iy)
569 // Predict tower energy from profiles used in GetProb()
570 // This is expected to be used in BEmcCluster::GetSubClusters
571 {
572  if (_emcprof == nullptr) return -1;
574  while (xcg < -0.5) xcg += float(fNx);
575  while (xcg >= fNx - 0.5) xcg -= float(fNx);
577  int ixcg = int(xcg + 0.5);
578  int iycg = int(ycg + 0.5);
579  float ddx = fabs(xcg - ixcg);
580  float ddy = fabs(ycg - iycg);
582  float xg, yg, zg;
583  Tower2Global(en, xcg, ycg, xg, yg, zg);
585  float theta, phi;
586  GetImpactThetaPhi(xg, yg, zg, theta, phi);
588  int isx = 1;
589  if (xcg - ixcg < 0) isx = -1;
590  int isy = 1;
591  if (ycg - iycg < 0) isy = -1;
593  int idx = iTowerDist(ixcg, ix) * isx;
594  int idy = (iy - iycg) * isy;
596  int id = -1;
597  if (idx == 0 && idy == 0)
598  id = 0;
599  else if (idx == 1 && idy == 0)
600  id = 1;
601  else if (idx == 1 && idy == 1)
602  id = 2;
603  else if (idx == 0 && idy == 1)
604  id = 3;
606  if (id < 0)
607  {
608  float dx = fabs(fTowerDist(xcg, float(ix)));
609  float dy = fabs(iy - ycg);
610  float rr = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
611  // return PredictEnergyParam(en, dx, dy);
612  return _emcprof->PredictEnergyR(en, theta, phi, rr);
613  }
615  float ep[4], err[4];
616  for (int ip = 0; ip < 4; ip++)
617  {
618  _emcprof->PredictEnergy(ip, en, theta, phi, ddx, ddy, ep[ip], err[ip]);
619  }
621  float eout;
623  if (id == 0)
624  eout = (ep[1] + ep[2]) / 2. + ep[3];
625  else if (id == 1)
626  eout = (ep[0] - ep[2]) / 2. - ep[3];
627  else if (id == 3)
628  eout = (ep[0] - ep[1]) / 2. - ep[3];
629  else
630  eout = ep[3];
632  // if( eout<0 ) printf("id=%d eout=%f: ep= %f %f %f %f Input: E=%f xcg=%f ycg=%f\n",id,eout,ep[0],ep[1],ep[2],ep[3],en,xcg,ycg);
633  if (eout < 0) eout = 1e-6;
635  return eout;
636 }
638 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
640 float BEmcRec::GetTowerEnergy(int iy, int iz, std::vector<EmcModule>* plist)
641 {
642  int nn = plist->size();
643  if (nn <= 0) return 0;
645  for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++)
646  {
647  int ich = (*plist)[i].ich;
648  int iyt = ich / fNx;
649  int izt = ich % fNx;
650  if (iy == iyt && iz == izt)
651  {
652  return (*plist)[i].amp;
653  }
654  }
655  return 0;
656 }
658 // !!!!! Change here to a ponter to HitList
659 float BEmcRec::GetProb(std::vector<EmcModule> HitList, float en, float xg, float yg, float zg, float& chi2, int& ndf)
660 // Do nothing; should be defined in a detector specific module BEmcRec{Name}
661 {
662  // float enoise = 0.01; // 10 MeV per tower
663  float enoise = GetProbNoiseParam();
664  // float thresh = 0.01;
665  float thresh = GetTowerThreshold();
667  chi2 = 0;
668  ndf = 0;
669  if (_emcprof == nullptr) return -1;
671  if (!(_emcprof->IsLoaded()))
672  {
673  return -1;
674  }
676  int nn = HitList.size();
677  if (nn <= 0) return -1;
679  float theta, phi;
680  GetImpactThetaPhi(xg, yg, zg, theta, phi);
682  // z coordinate below means x coordinate
684  float etot;
685  float zcg, ycg;
686  float zz, yy, yz;
687  Momenta(&HitList, etot, zcg, ycg, zz, yy, yz, thresh);
689  int iz0cg = int(zcg + 0.5);
690  int iy0cg = int(ycg + 0.5);
691  float ddz = fabs(zcg - iz0cg);
692  float ddy = fabs(ycg - iy0cg);
694  int isz = 1;
695  if (zcg - iz0cg < 0) isz = -1;
696  int isy = 1;
697  if (ycg - iy0cg < 0) isy = -1;
699  // 4 central towers: 43
700  // 12
701  // Tower 1 - central one
702  float e1, e2, e3, e4;
703  e1 = GetTowerEnergy(iy0cg, iz0cg, &HitList);
704  e2 = GetTowerEnergy(iy0cg, iz0cg + isz, &HitList);
705  e3 = GetTowerEnergy(iy0cg + isy, iz0cg + isz, &HitList);
706  e4 = GetTowerEnergy(iy0cg + isy, iz0cg, &HitList);
707  if (e1 < thresh) e1 = 0;
708  if (e2 < thresh) e2 = 0;
709  if (e3 < thresh) e3 = 0;
710  if (e4 < thresh) e4 = 0;
712  float e1t = (e1 + e2 + e3 + e4) / etot;
713  float e2t = (e1 + e2 - e3 - e4) / etot;
714  float e3t = (e1 - e2 - e3 + e4) / etot;
715  float e4t = (e3) / etot;
716  // float rr = sqrt((0.5-ddz)*(0.5-ddz)+(0.5-ddy)*(0.5-ddy));
718  // Predicted values
719  const int NP = 4; // From BEmcProfile
720  float ep[NP];
721  float err[NP];
722  for (int ip = 0; ip < NP; ip++)
723  {
724  _emcprof->PredictEnergy(ip, en, theta, phi, ddz, ddy, ep[ip], err[ip]);
725  if (ep[ip] < 0)
726  {
727  return -1;
728  }
729  if (ip < 3)
730  {
731  err[ip] = sqrt(err[ip] * err[ip] + 4 * enoise * enoise / etot / etot);
732  }
733  else
734  {
735  err[ip] = sqrt(err[ip] * err[ip] + 1 * enoise * enoise / etot / etot);
736  }
737  }
739  chi2 = 0.;
740  chi2 += (ep[0] - e1t) * (ep[0] - e1t) / err[0] / err[0];
741  chi2 += (ep[1] - e2t) * (ep[1] - e2t) / err[1] / err[1];
742  chi2 += (ep[2] - e3t) * (ep[2] - e3t) / err[2] / err[2];
743  chi2 += (ep[3] - e4t) * (ep[3] - e4t) / err[3] / err[3];
744  ndf = 4;
746  chi2 /= 1.5;
748  float prob = TMath::Prob(chi2, ndf);
750  return prob;
751 }
753 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
754 // Static functions
756 int BEmcRec::HitNCompare(const void* h1, const void* h2)
757 {
758  return (static_cast<const EmcModule*>(h1)->ich - static_cast<const EmcModule*>(h2)->ich);
759 }
761 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
763 int BEmcRec::HitACompare(const void* h1, const void* h2)
764 {
765  float amp1 = static_cast<const EmcModule*>(h1)->amp;
766  float amp2 = static_cast<const EmcModule*>(h2)->amp;
767  return (amp1 < amp2) ? 1 : (amp1 > amp2) ? -1
768  : 0;
769 }
771 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
773 void BEmcRec::ZeroVector(int* v, int N)
774 {
775  int* p = v;
776  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) *p++ = 0;
777 }
779 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
781 void BEmcRec::ZeroVector(float* v, int N)
782 {
783  float* p = v;
784  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) *p++ = 0;
785 }
787 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
790 {
791  // memset(v, 0, N*sizeof(EmcModule));
792  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
793  {
794  v[i].ich = 0;
795  v[i].amp = 0;
796  v[i].tof = 0;
797  }
798 }
800 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
802 void BEmcRec::CopyVector(int* from, int* to, int N)
803 {
804  if (N <= 0) return;
805  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) to[i] = from[i];
806 }
808 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
811 {
812  if (N <= 0)
813  {
814  return;
815  }
816  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
817  {
818  to[i] = from[i];
819  }
820 }
822 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
824 /* Future improvements:
826 1. FindClusters(): to ensure that all EmcModules are above energy threshold
827 set by SetThreshold routine (or default one)
829 */
831 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
832 // EOF