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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PdbParameterMapContainer.cc
2 #include "PdbBankID.h"
3 #include "PdbParameterMap.h"
5 #include <phool/PHTimeStamp.h>
6 #include <phool/phool.h>
8 #include <TBufferXML.h>
9 #include <TFile.h>
10 #include <TSystem.h>
12 #include <boost/stacktrace.hpp>
14 #include <unistd.h>
15 #include <algorithm>
16 #include <cctype>
17 #include <ctime>
18 #include <iostream>
19 #include <sstream>
21 using namespace std;
24 {
25  while (parametermap.begin() != parametermap.end())
26  {
27  delete parametermap.begin()->second;
28  parametermap.erase(parametermap.begin());
29  }
30  return;
31 }
34 {
35  for (map<int, PdbParameterMap *>::const_iterator iter = parametermap.begin();
36  iter != parametermap.end(); ++iter)
37  {
38  cout << "layer " << iter->first << endl;
39  iter->second->print();
40  }
41  return;
42 }
44 {
45  while (parametermap.begin() != parametermap.end())
46  {
47  delete parametermap.begin()->second;
48  parametermap.erase(parametermap.begin());
49  }
50  return;
51 }
54 {
55  if (parametermap.find(layer) != parametermap.end())
56  {
57  cout << PHWHERE << " layer " << layer << " already exists" << endl;
58  cout << "Here is the stacktrace: " << endl;
59  cout << boost::stacktrace::stacktrace();
60  cout << endl
61  << "DO NOT PANIC - this is not a segfault" << endl;
62  cout << "Check the stacktrace for the guilty party (typically #2)" << endl;
63  gSystem->Exit(1);
64  }
65  parametermap[layer] = params;
66 }
68 const PdbParameterMap *
70 {
71  map<int, PdbParameterMap *>::const_iterator iter = parametermap.find(layer);
72  if (iter == parametermap.end())
73  {
74  return nullptr;
75  }
76  return iter->second;
77 }
81 {
82  map<int, PdbParameterMap *>::iterator iter = parametermap.find(layer);
83  if (iter == parametermap.end())
84  {
85  return nullptr;
86  }
87  return iter->second;
88 }
90 int PdbParameterMapContainer::WriteToFile(const std::string &detector_name,
91  const string &extension, const string &dir)
92 {
93  //Note the naming convention should be consistent with PHParameters::WriteToFile
95  ostringstream fullpath;
96  ostringstream fnamestream;
97  PdbBankID bankID(0); // lets start at zero
98  PHTimeStamp TStart(0);
99  PHTimeStamp TStop(0xffffffff);
100  fullpath << dir;
101  // add / if directory lacks ending /
102  if (*(dir.rbegin()) != '/')
103  {
104  fullpath << "/";
105  }
106  fnamestream << detector_name << "_geoparams"
107  << "-"
108  << bankID.getInternalValue() << "-" << TStart.getTics() << "-"
109  << TStop.getTics() << "-" << time(0) << "." << extension;
110  string fname = fnamestream.str();
111  std::transform(fname.begin(), fname.end(), fname.begin(), ::tolower);
112  fullpath << fname;
114  cout << "PdbParameterMapContainer::WriteToFile - save to " << fullpath.str()
115  << endl;
117  TFile *f = TFile::Open(fullpath.str().c_str(), "recreate");
120  for (std::map<int, PdbParameterMap *>::const_iterator it =
121  parametermap.begin();
122  it != parametermap.end(); ++it)
123  {
124  PdbParameterMap *myparm = static_cast<PdbParameterMap *>(it->second->CloneMe());
125  container->AddPdbParameterMap(it->first, myparm);
126  }
128  // force xml file writing to use extended precision shown experimentally
129  // to not modify input parameters (.15e)
130  string floatformat = TBufferXML::GetFloatFormat();
131  TBufferXML::SetFloatFormat("%.17g"); // for IEEE 754 double
132  container->Write("PdbParameterMapContainer");
133  delete f;
134  // restore previous xml float format
135  TBufferXML::SetFloatFormat(floatformat.c_str());
136  cout << "sleeping 1 second to prevent duplicate inserttimes" << endl;
137  sleep(1);
138  return 0;
139 }