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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file EventDataView3DBase.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #pragma once
38 #include <cmath>
39 #include <fstream>
40 #include <optional>
41 #include <random>
42 #include <sstream>
43 #include <string>
47 namespace Acts {
48 namespace EventDataView3DTest {
52 template <BoundIndices... params>
55 std::normal_distribution<double> gauss(0., 1.);
56 std::default_random_engine generator(42);
63 static inline std::string testBoundTrackParameters(IVisualization3D& helper) {
64  std::stringstream ss;
66  ViewConfig pcolor({20, 120, 20});
67  ViewConfig scolor({235, 198, 52});
69  auto gctx = GeometryContext();
70  auto identity = Transform3D::Identity();
72  // rectangle and plane
73  auto rectangle = std::make_shared<RectangleBounds>(15., 15.);
74  auto plane = Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(identity, rectangle);
76  double momentumScale = 0.005;
77  double localErrorScale = 10.;
78  double directionErrorScale = 100.;
80  // now create parameters on this surface
81  // l_x, l_y, phi, theta, q/p (1/p), t
82  std::array<double, 6> pars_array = {
83  {-0.1234, 4.8765, 0.45, 0.128, 0.001, 21.}};
86  BoundTrackParameters::ParametersVector::Zero();
87  pars << pars_array[0], pars_array[1], pars_array[2], pars_array[3],
88  pars_array[4], pars_array[5];
90  BoundSymMatrix cov = BoundSymMatrix::Zero();
91  cov << 0.25, 0.0042, -0.00076, 6.156e-06, -2.11e-07, 0, 0.0042, 0.859,
92  -0.000173, 0.000916, -4.017e-08, 0, -0.00076, -0.000173, 2.36e-04,
93  -2.76e-07, 1.12e-08, 0, 6.15e-06, 0.000916, -2.76e-07, 8.84e-04,
94  -2.85e-11, 0, -2.11 - 07, -4.017e-08, 1.123e-08, -2.85 - 11, 1.26e-10, 0,
95  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
98  helper, BoundTrackParameters(plane, pars, std::move(cov)), gctx,
99  momentumScale, localErrorScale, directionErrorScale, pcolor, scolor);
101  helper.write("EventData_BoundAtPlaneParameters");
102  helper.write(ss);
104  return ss.str();
105 }
107 static inline std::string testMultiTrajectory(IVisualization3D& helper) {
108  std::stringstream ss;
110  // Create a test context
115  // Construct the rotation
116  RotationMatrix3D rotation = RotationMatrix3D::Identity();
117  double rotationAngle = 90_degree;
118  Vector3D xPos(cos(rotationAngle), 0., sin(rotationAngle));
119  Vector3D yPos(0., 1., 0.);
120  Vector3D zPos(-sin(rotationAngle), 0., cos(rotationAngle));
121  rotation.col(0) = xPos;
122  rotation.col(1) = yPos;
123  rotation.col(2) = zPos;
125  // Boundaries of the surfaces
126  const auto rBounds =
127  std::make_shared<const RectangleBounds>(RectangleBounds(0.1_m, 0.1_m));
129  // Material of the surfaces
130  MaterialSlab matProp(Acts::Test::makeSilicon(), 0.5_mm);
131  const auto surfaceMaterial =
132  std::make_shared<HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(matProp);
134  // Set translation vectors
135  std::vector<Vector3D> translations;
136  translations.reserve(6);
137  translations.push_back({-500_mm, 0., 0.});
138  translations.push_back({-300_mm, 0., 0.});
139  translations.push_back({-100_mm, 0., 0.});
140  translations.push_back({100_mm, 0., 0.});
141  translations.push_back({300_mm, 0., 0.});
142  translations.push_back({500_mm, 0., 0.});
144  // Construct layer configs
145  std::vector<CuboidVolumeBuilder::LayerConfig> lConfs;
146  lConfs.reserve(6);
147  unsigned int i;
148  for (i = 0; i < translations.size(); i++) {
150  sConf.position = translations[i];
151  sConf.rotation = rotation;
152  sConf.rBounds = rBounds;
153  sConf.surMat = surfaceMaterial;
154  // The thickness to construct the associated detector element
155  sConf.thickness = 1._um;
156  sConf.detElementConstructor =
157  [](const Transform3D& trans,
158  std::shared_ptr<const RectangleBounds> bounds, double thickness) {
159  return new Test::DetectorElementStub(trans, bounds, thickness);
160  };
162  lConf.surfaceCfg = sConf;
163  lConfs.push_back(lConf);
164  }
166  // Construct volume config
168  vConf.position = {0., 0., 0.};
169  vConf.length = {1.2_m, 1._m, 1._m};
170  vConf.layerCfg = lConfs;
171  vConf.name = "Tracker";
173  // Construct volume builder config
175  conf.position = {0., 0., 0.};
176  conf.length = {1.2_m, 1._m, 1._m};
177  conf.volumeCfg = {vConf}; // one volume
179  // Build detector
180  std::cout << "Build the detector" << std::endl;
182  cvb.setConfig(conf);
184  tgbCfg.trackingVolumeBuilders.push_back(
185  [=](const auto& context, const auto& inner, const auto& vb) {
186  return cvb.trackingVolume(context, inner, vb);
187  });
188  TrackingGeometryBuilder tgb(tgbCfg);
189  std::shared_ptr<const TrackingGeometry> detector =
190  tgb.trackingGeometry(tgContext);
192  // Get the surfaces;
193  std::vector<const Surface*> surfaces;
194  surfaces.reserve(6);
195  detector->visitSurfaces([&](const Surface* surface) {
196  if (surface and surface->associatedDetectorElement()) {
197  std::cout << "surface " << surface->geometryId() << " placed at: ("
198  << surface->center(tgContext).transpose() << " )" << std::endl;
199  surfaces.push_back(surface);
200  }
201  });
202  std::cout << "There are " << surfaces.size() << " surfaces" << std::endl;
204  // Create measurements (assuming they are for a linear track parallel to
205  // global x-axis)
206  std::cout << "Creating measurements:" << std::endl;
207  std::vector<FittableMeasurement<SourceLink>> measurements;
208  measurements.reserve(6);
209  Vector2D lPosCenter{10_mm, 10_mm};
210  std::array<double, 2> resolution = {30_um, 50_um};
212  cov2D << resolution[eBoundLoc0] * resolution[eBoundLoc0], 0., 0.,
213  resolution[eBoundLoc1] * resolution[eBoundLoc1];
214  for (const auto& surface : surfaces) {
215  // 2D measurements
216  double dx = resolution[eBoundLoc0] * gauss(generator);
217  double dy = resolution[eBoundLoc1] * gauss(generator);
219  surface->getSharedPtr(), {}, cov2D, lPosCenter[eBoundLoc0] + dx,
220  lPosCenter[eBoundLoc1] + dy);
221  measurements.push_back(std::move(m01));
222  }
224  // Make a vector of source links as input to the KF
225  std::vector<SourceLink> sourcelinks;
226  std::transform(measurements.begin(), measurements.end(),
227  std::back_inserter(sourcelinks),
228  [](const auto& m) { return SourceLink{&m}; });
230  // The KalmanFitter - we use the eigen stepper for covariance transport
231  std::cout << "Construct KalmanFitter and perform fit" << std::endl;
232  Navigator rNavigator(detector);
233  rNavigator.resolvePassive = false;
234  rNavigator.resolveMaterial = true;
235  rNavigator.resolveSensitive = true;
237  // Configure propagation with deactivated B-field
238  ConstantBField bField(Vector3D(0., 0., 0.));
239  using RecoStepper = EigenStepper<ConstantBField>;
240  RecoStepper rStepper(bField);
241  using RecoPropagator = Propagator<RecoStepper, Navigator>;
242  RecoPropagator rPropagator(rStepper, rNavigator);
244  // Set initial parameters for the particle track
245  Covariance cov;
246  cov << std::pow(100_um, 2), 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., std::pow(100_um, 2), 0.,
247  0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.025, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.025, 0., 0., 0., 0.,
248  0., 0., 0.01, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.;
249  Vector3D rPos(-1_m, 100_um * gauss(generator), 100_um * gauss(generator));
250  Vector3D rDir(1, 0.025 * gauss(generator), 0.025 * gauss(generator));
251  CurvilinearTrackParameters rStart(makeVector4(rPos, 42_ns), rDir, 1_GeV, 1_e,
252  cov);
254  const Surface* rSurface = &rStart.referenceSurface();
256  using Updater = GainMatrixUpdater;
257  using Smoother = GainMatrixSmoother;
260  KalmanFitter kFitter(rPropagator);
262  auto logger = getDefaultLogger("KalmanFilter", Logging::WARNING);
264  tgContext, mfContext, calContext, VoidOutlierFinder(),
265  LoggerWrapper{*logger}, PropagatorPlainOptions(), rSurface);
267  // Fit the track
268  auto fitRes = kFitter.fit(sourcelinks, rStart, kfOptions);
269  if (not fitRes.ok()) {
270  std::cout << "Fit failed" << std::endl;
271  return ss.str();
272  }
273  auto& fittedTrack = *fitRes;
275  // Draw the track
276  std::cout << "Draw the fitted track" << std::endl;
277  double momentumScale = 15;
278  double localErrorScale = 100.;
279  double directionErrorScale = 500000;
281  ViewConfig scolor({235, 198, 52});
282  ViewConfig mcolor({255, 145, 48});
283  mcolor.offset = -0.01;
284  ViewConfig ppcolor({138, 214, 255});
285  ppcolor.offset = -0.02;
286  ViewConfig fpcolor({92, 149, 255});
287  fpcolor.offset = -0.03;
288  ViewConfig spcolor({20, 120, 20});
289  spcolor.offset = -0.04;
292  helper, fittedTrack.fittedStates, fittedTrack.trackTip, tgContext,
293  momentumScale, localErrorScale, directionErrorScale, scolor, mcolor,
294  ppcolor, fpcolor, spcolor);
296  helper.write("EventData_MultiTrajectory");
297  helper.write(ss);
299  return ss.str();
300 }
302 } // namespace EventDataView3DTest
303 } // namespace Acts