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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file EicToyModel.h
2 #include <set>
3 #include <map>
5 #include <TCanvas.h>
7 #ifndef _EIC_TOY_MODEL_
8 #define _EIC_TOY_MODEL_
10 #include <EtmPalette.h>
11 #include <EtmAzimuthalScan.h>
12 #include <EtmVacuumChamber.h>
13 #include <EtmDetectorStack.h>
15 // +/-4.5 m; up to ~4m radius suffices?; can be changed in the ctor (only);
16 #define _IR_REGION_LENGTH_DEFAULT_ (900.0)
17 #define _IR_REGION_RADIUS_DEFAULT_ (400.0)
19 class EicToyModel: public TObject {
20  // Here and in other "main" classes: more concerned to prevent user access to the non-const
21  // methods, which they are not supposed to use rather than anything else; so consider
22  // to define friend classes rather than keeping these methods public;
23  friend class EtmDetector;
24  friend class EtmDetectorStack;
25  friend class EtmAzimuthalScan;
26  friend class EtmVacuumChamber;
28  public:
31  // == User commands === just the shortcuts for the "interactive" ones ==========================
32  //
33  // -- Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34  // Vacuum chamber derived class and eta *boundaries* can still be modified later (either
35  // interactively or after model export-import), but not the *number* of different
36  // stacks; too much of a trouble to re-create the stack structure dynamically (in other
37  // words to guarantee that the meaning of bck(), mid() & fwd() stays the same), so eta()
38  // calls beyond LockGeometry() will not work;
39  EicToyModel *acceptance(double eta0, double eta1, double eta2, double eta3,
40  bool reset_stacks = false, bool redraw = true);
42  //EicToyModel *DefineVacuumChamber(const char *fname);
43  //
44  // Nominal IP along the beam line direction; negative values correspond to the e-endcap direction;
45  EicToyModel *ip(double offset, bool redraw = true);
46  EicToyModel *ir(double length, double radius, bool redraw = true);
47  //
48  // Access to backward endcap, mid rapidity and forward endcap stacks;
49  EtmDetectorStack *vtx( void ); EtmDetectorStack *vertex ( void ) { return vtx(); };
50  EtmDetectorStack *bck( void ); EtmDetectorStack *backward( void ) { return bck(); };
51  EtmDetectorStack *mid( void ); EtmDetectorStack *barrel ( void ) { return mid(); };
52  EtmDetectorStack *fwd( void ); EtmDetectorStack *forward ( void ) { return fwd(); };
53  //
54  // Calls describing the outline of the vacuum chamber;
55  EicToyModel *SetCrossingAngle(double value, bool redraw = true);
56  //
57  // -- Visualization ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
58  //
59  // May want to set a different canvas width;
60  EicToyModel *width(unsigned width);
61  //
62  // Enable/disable mirror image; NB: top and bottom halves will look differently in the H-section;
63  EicToyModel *mirror(bool what = true, bool redraw = true);
64  // Either full view or only the left (right) halves;
65  EicToyModel *full (bool redraw = true) { mOneSideMode = EicToyModel::kOff; home(redraw); return this; };
66  EicToyModel *left (bool redraw = true) { mOneSideMode = EicToyModel::kLeft; home(redraw); return this; };
67  EicToyModel *right(bool redraw = true) { mOneSideMode = EicToyModel::kRight; home(redraw); return this; };
68  //
69  // Enable/disable the legend;
70  EicToyModel *legend(bool what = true, bool redraw = true);
71  //
72  // Draw the view (either vertical or horizontal section);
73  void vdraw( void ) { DrawMe(EicToyModel::kVertical); };
74  void hdraw( void ) { DrawMe(EicToyModel::kHorizontal); };
75  void draw( void ) { DrawMe(EicToyModel::kCurrent); };
76  //
77  // Camera home;
78  void home(bool redraw = true);
79  // Zoom view;
80  void zoom(double blX, double blY, double trX, double trY, bool redraw = true);
81  //
82  // Add an extra eta line for drawing; perhaps either with no actual line or no label;
83  EicToyModel *AddEtaLine(double value, bool line = true, bool label = true, bool redraw = true);
84  // Remove an eta line; NB: this only removes *currently*defined* eta lines; the next
85  // acceptance() call will call 4x AddEtaLine() internally;
86  EicToyModel *RemoveEtaLine(double eta) { mEtaLines.erase(eta); return this; };
87  // May want to draw IP6 hall boundaries;
88  void DrawIP6boundaries( void ) { mDrawIP6boundaries = true; };
89  //
90  // -- Other ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91  //
92  // Save the current state and TGeo model in a .root file;
93  void write(bool everything = false, bool lock = false);
94  //void Write( void ) { write(); };
95  //
96  // This call also defines the output files basenames;
97  EicToyModel *SetName( const char *name) { mName = name; return this; };
98  //
99  // Safety clearance will affect the minimal gaps introduced between the integration volumes;
100  //EicToyModel *SafetyClearance(double value) { mSafetyClearance = fabs(value); return this; };
101  // Visual clearance will only affect the display picture;
102  //EicToyModel *VisualClearance(double value) { mVisualClearance = fabs(value); return this; };
103  //
104  // If the marker() objects (kind of indicating the locations of the last silicon stations,
105  // which can be achieved in this detector composition) are defined in the forward and backward
106  // endcaps, regions where the field is supposed to better be aligned with the solenoid axis will
107  // be shown;
110  void ApplyStandardTrimming( void );
112  // FIXME: this is not clean; determine dynamically;
114  // =============================================================================================
116  static EicToyModel *Instance( void ) { return mInstance; };
118  // Conversion to canvas coordinates; cnv() is for less typing, sorry;
119  TVector2 cnv(const TVector2 &world) const;
121  // In world coordinates;
122  TVector2 GetIpLocation( void ) const { return TVector2(mIpOffset, 0.0); };
124  double GetCrossingAngle( void ) const { return mCrossingAngle; };
125  double GetIrRegionLength( void ) const { return mIrRegionLength; };
126  double GetIrRegionRadius( void ) const { return mIrRegionRadius; };
128  static std::pair<std::vector<TVector2>, std::vector<TVector2> >
129  GetIntersection(const std::vector<TVector2> &chain, const EtmLine2D &line);
131  void Construct( void ) { DrawMe(EicToyModel::kUndefined, false); };
132  // Well, 'world' here means some 'parent' volume, actually;
133  void PlaceG4Volumes(G4LogicalVolume *world);
134  void PlaceG4Volumes(G4VPhysicalVolume *world);
135  void Export(const char *fname, bool everything = false, bool lock = false);
136  void ExportVacuumChamber(const char *fname = 0);
137  G4VPhysicalVolume *ConstructG4World( void );
138  void DefineG4World(G4LogicalVolume *world) { mG4LogicalWorld = world; };
139  G4LogicalVolume *GetG4World( void ) const { return mG4LogicalWorld; };
141  static EicToyModel *Import(const char *fname);
142  // There is no good reason to Get() the TGeoManager instance sitting in the same
143  // .root file -> re-create it from scratch;
146  void SetAzimuthalSegmentation(unsigned value) {
148  };
149  unsigned GetAzimuthalSegmentation( void ) const { return mAzimuthalSegmentation; };
151  //const TString &GetName( void ) const { return mName; };
152  //const char *GetName( void ) const { return mName.Data(); };
154  private:
160  EicToyModel::View GetCurrentView( void ) const { return mCurrentView; };
162  void DrawPolygon(unsigned dim, const double xx[], const double yy[],
163  int color, bool line = true) const;
165  EtmPalette &Palette( void ) { return mPalette; };
169  void ExportCADmodel(const char *fname);
170  void ExportCADmodelCore(std::vector<std::pair<const TColor*, const TopoDS_Shape*> > shapes,
171  const char *fname);
173  //double SafetyClearance( void ) const { return mSafetyClearance; };
174  //double VisualClearance( void ) const { return mVisualClearance; };
176  const char *GetName( void ) const { return mName.Data(); };
179  std::vector<TVector2> RebuildCrack(const std::vector<TVector2> &chain,
180  const EtmLine2D &am, const EtmLine2D &ap,
181  const EtmLine2D &cut, etm::Stretch how);
182  void AppendChain(std::vector<TVector2> &chain, const std::vector<TVector2> &add);
184  std::vector<TVector2> Band(const std::vector<TVector2> &chain,
185  const EtmLine2D &from, const EtmLine2D &to);
187  TVector2 CalculateEtaStartPoint(double eta, unsigned vh, unsigned tb,
188  bool account_crossing_angle);
189  std::pair<TVector2, bool> CalculateEtaEndPoint(double eta, unsigned vh, unsigned tb,
190  bool account_crossing_angle);
192  // Access to a stack by eta;
193  EtmDetectorStack *GetStack(double eta);
195  void WriteText(const TVector2 &where, const TString &what, int color = kBlack) const;
197  void DrawSingleLine(const TVector2 &from, const TVector2 &to, int color = kBlack,
198  int width = 1, etm::LineStyle style = etm::solid) const;
200  EicToyModel *Enable(const char *tag) { mEnabledColorTags.insert(tag); return this; };
202  EicToyModel *RebuildEverything(bool redraw);
204  // It looks impractical to have EtmDetector::DrawMe() like classes, since
205  // this introduces backdoor dependencies; so just do all the loops in this single call;
206  void DrawMe(EicToyModel::View view = EicToyModel::kCurrent, bool draw = true);
208  // Two ends and a couple of attributes;
209  void DrawSingleEtaLine(double eta, const TVector2 &to, std::pair<bool, bool> what, bool side) const;
211  TVector2 GetCanvasCoordinates(const TVector2 &world) const { return cnv(world); };
213  // FIXME: remove xx[],yy[] -> TVector2 re-shuffling later;
214  void DrawRectangle(const TVector2 &bl, const TVector2 &tr, int color, bool line = true) const;
216  void DrawEtaLines( void );
217  void DrawEtaBoundaries( void );
218  void DrawBeamLine( void );
219  void DrawAxisTicks( void );
220  void DrawColorLegend(unsigned rows = 1);
221  void DrawMarkers( void );
223  void DrawFlatFieldLines( void );
226  double toffset, etm::Stretch how);
228  void PurgeBoundaryVertexArrays( void );
229  void AccountServiceMaterials( void );
233  // Want this to be a vector, just in case far forward part is added later;
234  std::vector<EtmDetectorStack*> mStacks;
236  TString mName;
242  // Nominal IP offset; in order to avoid any further complications, certain assumptions are made
243  // about the coordinate system and axis orietation:
244  //
245  // - Z-axis of the coordinate system is aligned with the outgoing electron beam (Z- direction);
246  // - crossing angle is only considered in the horizontal plane (even if later on a small Y-slope
247  // due to the solenoid compensation scheme will become needed);
248  // - pseudo-rapidities are counted with respect to the outgoing electron direction
249  // for negative values, and with respect to the outgoing hadron direction for positive values;
250  // this means that the h-endcap ranges will be rotated by 25mrad in the horizontal projection;
251  // - endcap detector integration volumes will be orthogonal to Z- direction for both arms (nobody
252  // knows yet, how they will be installed in reality, and h-endcap polygons will look ugly
253  // if aligned at 25mrad);
254  // - IP offset is only considered along Z-axis; X=Y=0 per definition; if this ever becomes a problem,
255  // it is easier to offset the vacuum chamber;
256  // - Z=0 is the center of the "nominal" +/-4.5m region;
257  // - exported integration volumes will be axially symmetric with respect to the Z-axis TGeoPolycon
258  // objects, perhaps at a non-zero X-offset, with a hole matching the layout of the vacuum chamber;
259  // the shape will be taken as a "boolean &" of the phi=0,90,180,270 degree projections with respect
260  // to the guessed "center" (X-offset);
261  double mIpOffset;
263  // XY-size of the canvas;
264  unsigned mXdim, mYdim;
265  // XY-scale and offsets used in GetCanvasCoordinates();
266  double mXsize, mYsize, mX0, mY0;
270  // A set of boundary and user-defined eta lines to be drawn; <eta, <line,label>>;
271  std::map<double, std::pair<bool, bool> > mEtaLines;
273  TCanvas *mCanvas;
284  std::set<TString> mEnabledColorTags;
286  // The first one will be used to generate mBoundaries[] array and the
287  // integration volumes; the second one is a guaranteed gap between
288  // objects in the TCanvas representation;
289  //double mSafetyClearance, mVisualClearance;
293  std::set<double> mFlatFieldLinesEta;
295  std::vector<EtmBoundaryModificationRequest*> mBoundaryModificationRequests;
297  // A naive way to lock the geometry, so that the .root file can be imported, and
298  // even the commands changing the internal structure will seemingly work, but 1) none
299  // of the methods, which actually modify the "final" geometry dynamically will have
300  // any effect, 2) for the sake of completeness, write() call will be disabled; this
301  // call is intentionally "irreversible"; does not prevent a smart user from writing
302  // UnlockGeometry() method of course, but un-intentional changes can not happen;
307  G4LogicalVolume *mG4LogicalWorld;
309  public:
312  ClassDef(EicToyModel, 1)
313 };
315 #endif