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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file poldsigma.F
1 *72*********************************************************************
3  FUNCTION poldsigma(XP)
6 C...Differential cross section for first order QCD processes.
9 *
10 * to avoid variable conflictions, a second keep element is necessary
11 * with the same common block name (see LPTOU2)
12 *
13 *
14 * to avoid variable conflictions, a second keep element is necessary
15 * with the same common block name (see LPTOU2)
16 *
17  COMMON /leptou/ cut(14),lst(40),parl(30),
18  & x,y,w2,q2,u
19  REAL cut,parl,x,y,w2,q2,u
20  INTEGER lst
21  SAVE /leptou/
23  COMMON /linter/ pari(50),ewqc(2,2,8),qc(8),zl(2,4),zq(2,8),pq(17)
24  REAL pari,ewqc,qc,zl,zq,pq
25  SAVE /linter/
27  COMMON /lintrl/ psave(3,4,5),ksave(4),xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,
28  &q2min,q2max,w2min,w2max,ilep,inu,ig,iz
29  REAL psave,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,q2min,q2max,w2min,w2max
30  INTEGER ksave,ilep,inu,ig,iz
31  SAVE /lintrl/
33  INTEGER nlupdm,nplbuf
34  parameter(nlupdm=4000,nplbuf=5)
35  common/lujets/n,k(nlupdm,5),p(nlupdm,nplbuf),v(nlupdm,5)
36  INTEGER n,k
37  REAL p,v
38  SAVE /lujets/
40  common/ludat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200)
41  INTEGER mstu,mstj
42  REAL paru,parj
43  SAVE /ludat1/
47  INTEGER i,ih,il,iu,ip
48  REAL pqh,amu,xi,zpmin,zpmax,xpq,wq,wqb,tq,tqb,t1,s13,sgn,xdpq,sig
49 *...Added array XDPQ to store delta parton distributions.
50  dimension xpq(-6:6),xdpq(-6:6),pqh(17,2)
51 *___
52  poldsigma=0.
53  DO 10 i=1,17
54  pqh(i,1)=0.
55  pqh(i,2)=0.
56  10 pq(i)=0.
58  mstj(93)=1
59  amu=ulmass(2)
60 *PEPSI>>
61  il=1
62  iu=3
63 *PEPSI<<
64  xi=x/xp
65 C...Scheme for ME cutoff: W2, Q2, mixed
66  IF(lst(20).LE.1) THEN
67  zpmin=(1.-x)*xp/(xp-x)*parl(27)
68  ELSEIF(lst(20).EQ.2) THEN
69  zpmin=x*xp/(xp-x)*parl(27)
70  ELSEIF(lst(20).GE.3.AND.lst(20).LE.5) THEN
71  zpmin=parl(27)
72  ELSEIF(lst(20).GE.6) THEN
73  zpmin=parl(8)
75  IF(zpmin.LE.0..OR.zpmin.GE.0.5) RETURN
76  zpmax=1.d0-dble(zpmin)
77  CALL lnstrf(xi,q2,xpq)
78  CALL dnstrf(xi,q2,xdpq)
79  IF(lst(24).EQ.3) goto 3000
81 C...Gluon bremsstrahlung process, i.e. qg-event.
82  2000 DO 2500 ip=il,iu
83  sig=dqcdi(1,ip,xp,zpmin,zpmax)
84 *PEPSI>>
85  IF (ip.EQ.3) THEN
86  sig=poldqcdi(1,ip,xp,zpmin,zpmax)
88 *PEPSI<<
89  sgn=sign(1.,5.-2.*ip)
90  DO 2300 ih=1,2
91  IF(ih.EQ.1) THEN
92  IF(parl(6).GT.0.99) goto 2300
93  IF(lst(32).EQ.0.AND.lst(30).NE.-1) goto 2300
94  ELSEIF(ih.EQ.2) THEN
95  IF(parl(6).LT.-0.99) goto 2300
96  IF(lst(32).EQ.0.AND.lst(30).NE.1) goto 2300
98  IF(lst(32).NE.0) lst(30)=sign(1.,ih-1.5)
99  IF(lst(23).NE.2) THEN
100  DO 2100 i=1,lst(12)
101  wq=xpq(i)*sig*(ewqc(1,ih,i)+sgn*ewqc(2,ih,i))
102  wqb=xpq(-i)*sig*sgn*(ewqc(1,ih,i)+sgn*ewqc(2,ih,i))
103 *...EM polarized case: if IP=3 use proper formula for
104 *...the interference part of cross section.
105 *PEPSI>>
106  IF(ip.EQ.3)THEN
107  wq=lst(40)*xdpq(i)*sig*(ewqc(1,ih,i)+ewqc(2,ih,i))
108  wqb=lst(40)*xdpq(-i)*sig*(ewqc(1,ih,i)+ewqc(2,ih,i))
109  ENDIF
110 *PEPSI<<
111 C...Include y-dependence.
112  wq=wq*pari(23+ip)
113  wqb=wqb*pari(23+ip)
114  pqh(i,ih)=pqh(i,ih)+wq
115  pqh(i+lst(12),ih)=pqh(i+lst(12),ih)+wqb
116  pqh(17,ih)=pqh(17,ih)+wq+wqb
117  2100 CONTINUE
118  ELSEIF(lst(23).EQ.2) THEN
119 C...Zero CC cross-section for one helicity state.
120  IF(ksave(1).LT.0.AND.ih.EQ.1
121  & .OR.ksave(1).GT.0.AND.ih.EQ.2) goto 2300
122  IF(ip.EQ.3) THEN
123  tq=-lst(30)
124  tqb=-tq
125  ELSE
126  tq=1.
127  tqb=1.
128  ENDIF
129  DO 2200 i=1,lst(12)
130  t1=-k(3,2)*qc(i)
131  IF(t1.GT.0) THEN
132  wq=xpq(i)*sig*tq
133  wqb=0.
134  ELSE
135  wqb=xpq(-i)*sig*tqb
136  wq=0.
137  ENDIF
138 C...Include y-dependence.
139  wq=wq*pari(23+ip)
140  wqb=wqb*pari(23+ip)
141  pqh(i,ih)=pqh(i,ih)+wq
142  pqh(i+lst(12),ih)=pqh(i+lst(12),ih)+wqb
143  pqh(17,ih)=pqh(17,ih)+wq+wqb
144  2200 CONTINUE
145  ENDIF
146  2300 CONTINUE
147  2500 CONTINUE
148  DO 2600 i=1,17
149  2600 pq(i)=(1.-parl(6))/2.*pqh(i,1)+(1.+parl(6))/2.*pqh(i,2)
150  ih=1
151  IF(lst(30).EQ.1) ih=2
152  IF(lst(32).EQ.0) THEN
153 C...Simulation: cross section for chosen helicity state only.
154  poldsigma=pqh(17,ih)
155  ELSEIF(lst(19).EQ.-1) THEN
156 C...Integration event-by-event: normalize and include alpha_s*1/(1-xp)
157  poldsigma=pqh(17,ih)/pari(20)*parl(25)/(1.-xp)
158 C...Max of dsigma/dxp for L- and R-handed lepton.
159  IF(pqh(17,1).GT.pari(15)) pari(15)=pqh(17,1)
160  IF(pqh(17,2).GT.pari(16)) pari(16)=pqh(17,2)
161  ELSE
162 C...Integration: normalize and include alpha_s*1/(1-xp)
163  poldsigma=pqh(17,ih)/pari(20)*parl(25)/(1.-xp)
164  IF(lst(17).EQ.0.AND.lst(40).EQ.0) THEN
165 C...Fixed beam energy, max of dsigma/dxp for L- and R-handed lepton.
166  IF(pqh(17,1).GT.pari(15)) pari(15)=pqh(17,1)
167  IF(pqh(17,2).GT.pari(16)) pari(16)=pqh(17,2)
168  ELSE
169 C...Variable beam energy or polarizzed case, max of dsigma/dxp
170 *...for S, T, I contributions.
171  IF(pq(17)/pari(23+lst(32)).GT.pari(14+lst(32)))
172  & pari(14+lst(32))=pq(17)/pari(23+lst(32))
173  ENDIF
174  ENDIF
176 C...Boson-gluon fusion, i.e. qq-event.
177  3000 s13=q2*(1.-xp)/xp
178  IF(s13.LT.4.*amu**2) RETURN
179  DO 3500 ip=il,iu
180 *PEPSI>>
182  IF(ip.EQ.3.) THEN
183  sig=float(lst(40))*xdpq(0)*poldqcdi(2,ip,xp,zpmin,zpmax)
184  ELSE
185  sig=xpq(0)*dqcdi(2,ip,xp,zpmin,zpmax)
186  ENDIF
187 *PEPSI<<
188  DO 3300 ih=1,2
189  IF(ih.EQ.1) THEN
190  IF(parl(6).GT.0.99) goto 3300
191  IF(lst(32).EQ.0.AND.lst(30).NE.-1) goto 3300
192  ELSEIF(ih.EQ.2) THEN
193  IF(parl(6).LT.-0.99) goto 3300
194  IF(lst(32).EQ.0.AND.lst(30).NE.1) goto 3300
195  ENDIF
196  IF(lst(32).NE.0) lst(30)=sign(1.,ih-1.5)
197  IF(lst(23).NE.2) THEN
198  DO 3100 i=1,lst(13)
199  mstj(93)=1
200  IF(s13.LT.4.*ulmass(i)**2) goto 3100
201  wq=sig/2.*(ewqc(1,ih,i)+ewqc(2,ih,i))
202  wqb=wq
203 C...Include y-dependence.
204  wq=wq*pari(23+ip)
205  wqb=wqb*pari(23+ip)
206  pqh(i,ih)=pqh(i,ih)+wq
207  pqh(i+lst(13),ih)=pqh(i+lst(13),ih)+wqb
208  pqh(17,ih)=pqh(17,ih)+wq+wqb
209  3100 CONTINUE
210  ELSEIF(lst(23).EQ.2) THEN
211 C...Zero CC cross-section for one helicity state.
212  IF(ksave(1).LT.0.AND.ih.EQ.1
213  & .OR.ksave(1).GT.0.AND.ih.EQ.2) goto 3300
214  DO 3200 i=1,lst(13)
215  mstj(93)=1
216  IF(s13.LT.(amu+ulmass(i))**2) goto 3200
217  IF(k(3,2)*qc(i).LT.0) THEN
218  wq=sig
219  wqb=0.
220  ELSE
221  wqb=sig
222  wq=0.
223  ENDIF
224 C...Include y-dependence.
225  wq=wq*pari(23+ip)
226  wqb=wqb*pari(23+ip)
227  pqh(i,ih)=pqh(i,ih)+wq
228  pqh(i+lst(13),ih)=pqh(i+lst(13),ih)+wqb
229  pqh(17,ih)=pqh(17,ih)+wq+wqb
230  3200 CONTINUE
231  ENDIF
232  3300 CONTINUE
233  3500 CONTINUE
234  DO 3600 i=1,17
235  3600 pq(i)=(1.-parl(6))/2.*pqh(i,1)+(1.+parl(6))/2.*pqh(i,2)
236  ih=1
237  IF(lst(30).EQ.1) ih=2
238  IF(lst(32).EQ.0) THEN
239 C...Simulation: cross section for chosen helicity state only.
240  poldsigma=pqh(17,ih)
241  ELSEIF(lst(19).EQ.-1) THEN
242 C...Integration event-by-event: normalize and include alpha_s*1/(1-xp)
243  poldsigma=pqh(17,ih)/pari(20)*parl(25)/(1.-xp)
244 C...Max of dsigma/dxp for L- and R-handed lepton.
245  IF(pqh(17,1).GT.pari(18)) pari(18)=pqh(17,1)
246  IF(pqh(17,2).GT.pari(19)) pari(19)=pqh(17,2)
247  ELSE
248 C...Integration for grid: normalize and include alpha_s*1/(1-xp)
249  poldsigma=pq(17)/pari(20)*parl(25)/(1.-xp)
250  IF(lst(17).EQ.0.AND.lst(40).EQ.0) THEN
251 *---
252 C...Fixed beam energy, max of dsigma/dxp for L- and R-handed lepton.
253  IF(pqh(17,1).GT.pari(18)) pari(18)=pqh(17,1)
254  IF(pqh(17,2).GT.pari(19)) pari(19)=pqh(17,2)
255  ELSE
256 C...Variable beam energy, max of dsigma/dxp for S, T, I contributions.
257  IF(pq(17)/pari(23+lst(32)).GT.pari(17+lst(32)))
258  & pari(17+lst(32))=pq(17)/pari(23+lst(32))
259  ENDIF
261  ENDIF
263  END