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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file BFieldOptions.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
14 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
19 #include <iostream>
20 #include <tuple>
21 #include <utility>
23 #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
25 namespace po = boost::program_options;
40 namespace ActsExamples {
42 namespace Options {
44 // common bfield options, with a bf prefix
45 void addBFieldOptions(boost::program_options::options_description& opt) {
46  opt.add_options()("bf-map", po::value<std::string>()->default_value(""),
47  "Set this string to point to the bfield source file."
48  "That can either be a '.txt', a '.csv' or a '.root' file. "
49  "Omit for a constant magnetic field.")(
50  "bf-name", po::value<std::string>()->default_value("bField"),
51  "In case your field map file is given in root format, please specify "
52  "the "
53  "name of the TTree.")(
54  "bf-gridpoints", po::value<size_t>()->default_value(100000),
55  "Estimate of number of grid points, "
56  "needed for allocation, only for txt and csv files.")(
57  "bf-lscalor", po::value<double>()->default_value(1.),
58  "The default unit for the grid "
59  "points is mm. In case the grid points of your field map has another "
60  "unit, please set the scalor to mm.")(
61  "bf-bscalor", po::value<double>()->default_value(1.),
62  "The default unit for the magnetic field values is Tesla. In case the "
63  "grid points of your field map has another unit, please set the "
64  "scalor "
65  "to [T].")(
66  "bf-rz", po::value<bool>()->default_value(false),
67  "Please set this flag to true, if your grid points and your "
68  "magnetic field values are given in 'rz'. The default is 'xyz'.")(
69  "bf-foctant", po::value<bool>()->default_value(false),
70  "Please set this flag to true, if your field map is only given for the "
71  "first octant/quadrant and should be symmetrically created for all "
72  "other "
73  "octants/quadrants.")(
74  "bf-values",
75  po::value<read_range>()->multitoken()->default_value({0., 0., 0.}),
76  "In case no magnetic field map is handed over. A constant magnetic "
77  "field will be created automatically. The values can be set with this "
78  "options. Please hand over the coordinates in cartesian coordinates: "
79  "{Bx,By,Bz} in Tesla.")(
80  "bf-context-scalable", po::value<bool>()->default_value(false),
81  "This is for testing the event dependent magnetic field scaling.");
82 }
84 // create the bfield maps
85 BFieldVariant readBField(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm) {
86  std::string bfieldmap = "constfield";
88  enum BFieldMapType { constant = 0, root = 1, text = 2 };
90  std::shared_ptr<InterpolatedBFieldMap2D> map2D = nullptr;
91  std::shared_ptr<InterpolatedBFieldMap3D> map3D = nullptr;
92  std::shared_ptr<Acts::ConstantBField> mapConst = nullptr;
93  std::shared_ptr<ActsExamples::BField::ScalableBField> mapScale = nullptr;
95  int bfieldmaptype = constant;
96  if (vm.count("bf-map") && vm["bf-map"].template as<std::string>() != "") {
97  bfieldmap = vm["bf-map"].template as<std::string>();
98  std::cout << "- read in magnetic field map: "
99  << vm["bf-map"].template as<std::string>() << std::endl;
100  if (bfieldmap.find(".root") != std::string::npos) {
101  std::cout << "- root format for magnetic field detected" << std::endl;
102  bfieldmaptype = root;
103  } else if (bfieldmap.find(".txt") != std::string::npos ||
104  bfieldmap.find(".csv") != std::string::npos) {
105  std::cout << "- txt format for magnetic field detected" << std::endl;
106  bfieldmaptype = text;
107  } else {
108  std::cout << "- magnetic field format could not be detected";
109  std::cout << " use '.root', '.txt', or '.csv'." << std::endl;
110  throw std::runtime_error("Invalid BField options");
111  }
112  }
113  if (bfieldmaptype == text && vm.count("bf-gridpoints")) {
114  std::cout << "- number of points set to: "
115  << vm["bf-gridpoints"].template as<size_t>() << std::endl;
116  }
117  double lscalor = 1.;
118  if (bfieldmaptype != constant && vm.count("bf-lscalor")) {
119  lscalor = vm["bf-lscalor"].template as<double>();
120  std::cout << "- length scalor to mm set to: " << lscalor << std::endl;
121  }
122  double bscalor = 1.;
123  if (vm.count("bf-bscalor")) {
124  bscalor = vm["bf-bscalor"].template as<double>();
125  std::cout << "- BField (scalor to/in) Tesla set to: " << bscalor
126  << std::endl;
127  }
128  if (bfieldmaptype != constant && vm["bf-rz"].template as<bool>())
129  std::cout << "- BField map is given in 'rz' coordiantes." << std::endl;
130  else if (bfieldmaptype != constant)
131  std::cout << "- BField map is given in 'xyz' coordiantes." << std::endl;
133  if (bfieldmaptype != constant && vm["bf-foctant"].template as<bool>()) {
134  std::cout
135  << "- Only the first octant/quadrant is given, bField map will be "
136  "symmetrically created for all other octants/quadrants"
137  << std::endl;
138  }
140  // Declare the mapper
141  double lengthUnit = lscalor * Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
142  double BFieldUnit = bscalor * Acts::UnitConstants::T;
144  // set the mapper - foort
145  if (bfieldmaptype == root) {
146  if (vm["bf-rz"].template as<bool>()) {
148  [](std::array<size_t, 2> binsRZ, std::array<size_t, 2> nBinsRZ) {
149  return (binsRZ.at(1) * nBinsRZ.at(0) + binsRZ.at(0));
150  },
151  vm["bf-map"].template as<std::string>(),
152  vm["bf-name"].template as<std::string>(), lengthUnit, BFieldUnit,
153  vm["bf-foctant"].template as<bool>());
155  // create field mapping
156  InterpolatedBFieldMap2D::Config config2D(std::move(mapper2D));
157  config2D.scale = bscalor;
158  // create BField service
159  return std::make_shared<InterpolatedBFieldMap2D>(std::move(config2D));
161  } else {
163  [](std::array<size_t, 3> binsXYZ, std::array<size_t, 3> nBinsXYZ) {
164  return (binsXYZ.at(0) * (nBinsXYZ.at(1) * nBinsXYZ.at(2)) +
165  binsXYZ.at(1) * nBinsXYZ.at(2) + binsXYZ.at(2));
166  },
167  vm["bf-map"].template as<std::string>(),
168  vm["bf-name"].template as<std::string>(), lengthUnit, BFieldUnit,
169  vm["bf-foctant"].template as<bool>());
171  // create field mapping
172  InterpolatedBFieldMap3D::Config config3D(std::move(mapper3D));
173  config3D.scale = bscalor;
174  // create BField service
175  return std::make_shared<InterpolatedBFieldMap3D>(std::move(config3D));
176  }
177  } else if (bfieldmaptype == text) {
178  if (vm["bf-rz"].template as<bool>()) {
180  [](std::array<size_t, 2> binsRZ, std::array<size_t, 2> nBinsRZ) {
181  return (binsRZ.at(1) * nBinsRZ.at(0) + binsRZ.at(0));
182  },
183  vm["bf-map"].template as<std::string>(), lengthUnit, BFieldUnit,
184  vm["bf-gridpoints"].template as<size_t>(),
185  vm["bf-foctant"].template as<bool>());
187  // create field mapping
188  InterpolatedBFieldMap2D::Config config2D(std::move(mapper2D));
189  config2D.scale = bscalor;
190  // create BField service
191  return std::make_shared<InterpolatedBFieldMap2D>(std::move(config2D));
193  } else {
195  [](std::array<size_t, 3> binsXYZ, std::array<size_t, 3> nBinsXYZ) {
196  return (binsXYZ.at(0) * (nBinsXYZ.at(1) * nBinsXYZ.at(2)) +
197  binsXYZ.at(1) * nBinsXYZ.at(2) + binsXYZ.at(2));
198  },
199  vm["bf-map"].template as<std::string>(), lengthUnit, BFieldUnit,
200  vm["bf-gridpoints"].template as<size_t>(),
201  vm["bf-foctant"].template as<bool>());
203  // create field mapping
204  InterpolatedBFieldMap3D::Config config3D(std::move(mapper3D));
205  config3D.scale = bscalor;
206  // create BField service
207  return std::make_shared<InterpolatedBFieldMap3D>(std::move(config3D));
208  }
209  } else { // constant
210  // No bfield map is handed over
211  // get the constant bField values
212  auto bFieldValues = vm["bf-values"].template as<read_range>();
213  if (bFieldValues.size() != 3) {
214  throw std::invalid_argument(
215  "- The values handed over for the constant magnetic field "
216  "have wrong dimension. Needs to have 3 dimension. Please "
217  "hand over the coordinates in cartesian coordinates: "
218  "{Bx,By,Bz} in Tesla.");
219  }
220  if (vm["bf-context-scalable"].template as<bool>()) {
221  // Create the scalable magnetic field
222  return std::make_shared<ActsExamples::BField::ScalableBField>(
223  bFieldValues.at(0) * Acts::UnitConstants::T,
224  bFieldValues.at(1) * Acts::UnitConstants::T,
225  bFieldValues.at(2) * Acts::UnitConstants::T);
226  } else {
227  // Create the constant magnetic field
228  return std::make_shared<Acts::ConstantBField>(
229  bscalor * bFieldValues.at(0) * Acts::UnitConstants::T,
230  bscalor * bFieldValues.at(1) * Acts::UnitConstants::T,
231  bscalor * bFieldValues.at(2) * Acts::UnitConstants::T);
232  }
233  }
234 }
235 } // namespace Options
236 } // namespace ActsExamples