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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file jetini.f
1 C
2 C
3 C
4 C
5 C
7 C*******Initialize PYTHIA for jet production**********************
8 C I_TRIG=0: for normal processes
9 C I_TRIG=1: for triggered processes
10 C JP: sequence number of the projectile
11 C JT: sequence number of the target
12 C For A+A collisions, one has to initilize pythia
13 C separately for each type of collisions, pp, pn,np and nn,
14 C or hp and hn for hA collisions. In this subroutine we use the following
15 C catalogue for different type of collisions:
16 C h+h: h+h (I_TYPE=1)
17 C h+A: h+p (I_TYPE=1), h+n (I_TYPE=2)
18 C A+h: p+h (I_TYPE=1), n+h (I_TYPE=2)
19 C A+A: p+p (I_TYPE=1), p+n (I_TYPE=2), n+p (I_TYPE=3), n+n (I_TYPE=4)
20 C*****************************************************************
21  CHARACTER beam*16,targ*16
22  dimension xsec0(8,0:200),coef0(8,200,20),ini(8),
23  & mint44(8),mint45(8)
25  SAVE xsec0, coef0, ini, mint44, mint45 ! Uzhi
27  common/hijcrdn/yp(3,300),yt(3,300)
28  SAVE /hijcrdn/
29  common/hiparnt/hipr1(100),ihpr2(50),hint1(100),ihnt2(50)
30  SAVE /hiparnt/
31  common/histrng/nfp(300,15),pp(300,15),nft(300,15),pt(300,15)
32  SAVE /histrng/
33  common/hipyint/mint4,mint5,atco(200,20),atxs(0:200)
34  SAVE /hipyint/
35 C
36  common/ludat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200)
37  SAVE /ludat1/
38  common/ludat3/mdcy(500,3),mdme(2000,2),brat(2000),kfdp(2000,5)
39  SAVE /ludat3/
40  common/pyhisubs/msel,msub(200),kfin(2,-40:40),ckin(200)
41  SAVE /pyhisubs/
42  common/pyhipars/mstp(200),parp(200),msti(200),pari(200)
43  SAVE /pyhipars/
44  common/pyhiint1/mint(400),vint(400)
45  SAVE /pyhiint1/
46  common/pyhiint2/iset(200),kfpr(200,2),coef(200,20),icol(40,4,2)
47  SAVE /pyhiint2/
48  common/pyhiint5/ngen(0:200,3),xsec(0:200,3)
49  SAVE /pyhiint5/
50  DATA ini/8*0/i_last/-1/
52  SAVE i_last ! Uzhi
54 C
55  ihnt2(11)=jp
56  ihnt2(12)=jt
57  IF(ihnt2(5).NE.0 .AND. ihnt2(6).NE.0) THEN
58  i_type=1
59  ELSE IF(ihnt2(5).NE.0 .AND. ihnt2(6).EQ.0) THEN
60  i_type=1
61  IF(nft(jt,4).EQ.2112) i_type=2
62  ELSE IF(ihnt2(5).EQ.0 .AND. ihnt2(6).NE.0) THEN
63  i_type=1
64  IF(nfp(jp,4).EQ.2112) i_type=2
65  ELSE
66  IF(nfp(jp,4).EQ.2212 .AND. nft(jt,4).EQ.2212) THEN
67  i_type=1
68  ELSE IF(nfp(jp,4).EQ.2212 .AND. nft(jt,4).EQ.2112) THEN
69  i_type=2
70  ELSE IF(nfp(jp,4).EQ.2112 .AND. nft(jt,4).EQ.2212) THEN
71  i_type=3
72  ELSE
73  i_type=4
76 c
77  IF(i_trig.NE.0) go to 160
78  IF(i_trig.EQ.i_last) go to 150
79  mstp(2)=2
80 c ********second order running alpha_strong
81  mstp(33)=1
82  parp(31)=hipr1(17)
83 C ********inclusion of K factor
84  mstp(51)=3
85 C ********Duke-Owens set 1 structure functions
86  mstp(61)=1
88  mstp(71)=1
90  IF(ihpr2(2).EQ.0.OR.ihpr2(2).EQ.2) mstp(61)=0
91  IF(ihpr2(2).EQ.0.OR.ihpr2(2).EQ.1) mstp(71)=0
92 c
93  mstp(81)=0
95  mstp(82)=1
97  mstp(111)=0
98 C ********frag off(have to be done by local call)
99  IF(ihpr2(10).EQ.0) mstp(122)=0
100 C ********No printout of initialization information
101  parp(81)=hipr1(8)
102  ckin(5)=hipr1(8)
103  ckin(3)=hipr1(8)
104  ckin(4)=hipr1(9)
105  IF(hipr1(9).LE.hipr1(8)) ckin(4)=-1.0
106  ckin(9)=-10.0
107  ckin(10)=10.0
108  msel=0
109  DO 100 isub=1,200
110  msub(isub)=0
111  100 CONTINUE
112  msub(11)=1
113  msub(12)=1
114  msub(13)=1
115  msub(28)=1
116  msub(53)=1
117  msub(68)=1
118  msub(81)=1
119  msub(82)=1
120  DO 110 j=1,min(8,mdcy(21,3))
121  110 mdme(mdcy(21,2)+j-1,1)=0
122  isel=4
123  IF(hint1(1).GE.20.0 .and. ihpr2(18).EQ.1) isel=5
124  mdme(mdcy(21,2)+isel-1,1)=1
125 C ********QCD subprocesses
126  msub(14)=1
127  msub(18)=1
128  msub(29)=1
129 C ******* direct photon production
130  150 IF(ini(i_type).NE.0) go to 800
131  go to 400
132 C
133 C *****triggered subprocesses, jet, photon, heavy quark and DY
134 C
135  160 i_type=4+i_type
136  IF(i_trig.EQ.i_last) go to 260
137  parp(81)=abs(hipr1(10))-0.25
138  ckin(5)=abs(hipr1(10))-0.25
139  ckin(3)=abs(hipr1(10))-0.25
140  ckin(4)=abs(hipr1(10))+0.25
141  IF(hipr1(10).LT.hipr1(8)) ckin(4)=-1.0
142 c
143  msel=0
144  DO 101 isub=1,200
145  msub(isub)=0
146  101 CONTINUE
147  IF(ihpr2(3).EQ.1) THEN
148  msub(11)=1
149  msub(12)=1
150  msub(13)=1
151  msub(28)=1
152  msub(53)=1
153  msub(68)=1
154  msub(81)=1
155  msub(82)=1
156  msub(14)=1
157  msub(18)=1
158  msub(29)=1
159  DO 102 j=1,min(8,mdcy(21,3))
160  102 mdme(mdcy(21,2)+j-1,1)=0
161  isel=4
162  IF(hint1(1).GE.20.0 .and. ihpr2(18).EQ.1) isel=5
163  mdme(mdcy(21,2)+isel-1,1)=1
164 C ********QCD subprocesses
165  ELSE IF(ihpr2(3).EQ.2) THEN
166  msub(14)=1
167  msub(18)=1
168  msub(29)=1
169 C ********Direct photon production
170 c q+qbar->g+gamma,q+qbar->gamma+gamma, q+g->q+gamma
171  ELSE IF(ihpr2(3).EQ.3) THEN
172  ckin(3)=max(0.0,hipr1(10))
173  ckin(5)=hipr1(8)
174  parp(81)=hipr1(8)
175  msub(81)=1
176  msub(82)=1
177  DO 105 j=1,min(8,mdcy(21,3))
178  105 mdme(mdcy(21,2)+j-1,1)=0
179  isel=4
180  IF(hint1(1).GE.20.0 .and. ihpr2(18).EQ.1) isel=5
181  mdme(mdcy(21,2)+isel-1,1)=1
182 C **********Heavy quark production
183  ENDIF
184 260 IF(ini(i_type).NE.0) go to 800
185 C
186 C
187 400 ini(i_type)=1
188  IF(ihpr2(10).EQ.0) mstp(122)=0
189  IF(nfp(jp,4).EQ.2212) THEN
190  beam='P'
191  ELSE IF(nfp(jp,4).EQ.-2212) THEN
192  beam='P~'
193  ELSE IF(nfp(jp,4).EQ.2112) THEN
194  beam='N'
195  ELSE IF(nfp(jp,4).EQ.-2112) THEN
196  beam='N~'
197  ELSE IF(nfp(jp,4).EQ.211) THEN
198  beam='PI+'
199  ELSE IF(nfp(jp,4).EQ.-211) THEN
200  beam='PI-'
201  ELSE IF(nfp(jp,4).EQ.321) THEN
202  beam='PI+'
203  ELSE IF(nfp(jp,4).EQ.-321) THEN
204  beam='PI-'
205  ELSE
206  WRITE(6,*) 'unavailable beam type', nfp(jp,4)
207  ENDIF
208  IF(nft(jt,4).EQ.2212) THEN
209  targ='P'
210  ELSE IF(nft(jt,4).EQ.-2212) THEN
211  targ='P~'
212  ELSE IF(nft(jt,4).EQ.2112) THEN
213  targ='N'
214  ELSE IF(nft(jt,4).EQ.-2112) THEN
215  targ='N~'
216  ELSE IF(nft(jt,4).EQ.211) THEN
217  targ='PI+'
218  ELSE IF(nft(jt,4).EQ.-211) THEN
219  targ='PI-'
220  ELSE IF(nft(jt,4).EQ.321) THEN
221  targ='PI+'
222  ELSE IF(nft(jt,4).EQ.-321) THEN
223  targ='PI-'
224  ELSE
225  WRITE(6,*) 'unavailable target type', nft(jt,4)
226  ENDIF
227 C
228  ihnt2(16)=1
229 C ******************indicate for initialization use when
230 C structure functions are called in PYTHIA
231 C
232  CALL pyhiinit('CMS',beam,targ,hint1(1))
233  mint4=mint(44)
234  mint5=mint(45)
235  mint44(i_type)=mint(44)
236  mint45(i_type)=mint(45)
237  atxs(0)=xsec(0,1)
238  xsec0(i_type,0)=xsec(0,1)
239  DO 500 i=1,200
240  atxs(i)=xsec(i,1)
241  xsec0(i_type,i)=xsec(i,1)
242  DO 500 j=1,20
243  atco(i,j)=coef(i,j)
244  coef0(i_type,i,j)=coef(i,j)
245 500 CONTINUE
246 C
247  ihnt2(16)=0
248 C
250 C ********Store the initialization information for
251 C late use
252 C
253 C
254 800 mint(44)=mint44(i_type)
255  mint(45)=mint45(i_type)
256  mint4=mint(44)
257  mint5=mint(45)
258  xsec(0,1)=xsec0(i_type,0)
259  atxs(0)=xsec(0,1)
260  DO 900 i=1,200
261  xsec(i,1)=xsec0(i_type,i)
262  atxs(i)=xsec(i,1)
263  DO 900 j=1,20
264  coef(i,j)=coef0(i_type,i,j)
265  atco(i,j)=coef(i,j)
266 900 CONTINUE
267  i_last=i_trig
268  mint(11)=nfp(jp,4)
269  mint(12)=nft(jt,4)
271  END