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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CKFSourceLinkSelector.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #pragma once
19 #include <limits>
20 #include <map>
22 namespace Acts {
33 };
46  public:
55  CKFSourceLinkSelector() = default;
60  CKFSourceLinkSelector(Config cfg) : m_config(std::move(cfg)) {}
77  template <typename calibrator_t, typename source_link_t>
79  const calibrator_t& calibrator,
80  const BoundTrackParameters& predictedParams,
81  const std::vector<source_link_t>& sourcelinks,
82  std::vector<std::pair<size_t, double>>& sourcelinkChi2,
83  std::vector<size_t>& sourcelinkCandidateIndices, bool& isOutlier,
84  LoggerWrapper logger) const {
85  ACTS_VERBOSE("Invoked CKFSourceLinkSelector");
87  // Return error if no source link
88  if (sourcelinks.empty()) {
89  return CombinatorialKalmanFilterError::SourcelinkSelectionFailed;
90  }
92  // Get geoID of this surface
93  auto surface = &predictedParams.referenceSurface();
94  auto geoID = surface->geometryId();
96  // Find the appropriate cuts
97  auto cuts = m_config.find(geoID);
98  if (cuts == m_config.end()) {
99  // for now we consider missing cuts an unrecoverable error
100  // TODO consider other options e.g. do not add source links at all (not
101  // even as outliers)
102  return CombinatorialKalmanFilterError::SourcelinkSelectionFailed;
103  }
104  const auto chi2CutOff = cuts->chi2CutOff;
105  const auto numSourcelinksCutOff = cuts->numSourcelinksCutOff;
106  ACTS_VERBOSE("Allowed maximum chi2: " << chi2CutOff);
108  "Allowed maximum number of source links: " << numSourcelinksCutOff);
110  sourcelinkChi2.resize(sourcelinks.size());
111  double minChi2 = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
112  size_t minIndex = 0;
113  size_t index = 0;
114  size_t nInitialCandidates = 0;
115  // Loop over all source links to select the compatible source links
116  for (const auto& sourcelink : sourcelinks) {
117  std::visit(
118  [&](const auto& calibrated) {
119  // The measurement surface should be the same as parameter surface
120  assert(&calibrated.referenceObject() == surface);
122  // Take the projector (measurement mapping function)
123  const auto& H = calibrated.projector();
124  // Take the parameter covariance
125  const auto& predictedCovariance = *predictedParams.covariance();
126  // Get the residual
127  const auto& residual =
128  calibrated.residual(predictedParams.parameters());
129  // Get the chi2
130  double chi2 = (residual.transpose() *
131  ((calibrated.covariance() +
132  H * predictedCovariance * H.transpose()))
133  .inverse() *
134  residual)
135  .eval()(0, 0);
137  ACTS_VERBOSE("Chi2: " << chi2);
138  // Push the source link index and chi2 if satisfying the criteria
139  if (chi2 < chi2CutOff) {
140  sourcelinkChi2.at(nInitialCandidates) = {index, chi2};
141  nInitialCandidates++;
142  }
143  // Search for the source link with the min chi2
144  if (chi2 < minChi2) {
145  minChi2 = chi2;
146  minIndex = index;
147  }
148  },
149  calibrator(sourcelink, predictedParams));
150  index++;
151  }
153  // Get the number of source link candidates with provided constraint
154  // considered
155  size_t nFinalCandidates =
156  std::min(nInitialCandidates, numSourcelinksCutOff);
158  // If there is no selected source link, return the source link with the best
159  // chi2 and tag it as an outlier
160  if (nFinalCandidates == 0) {
161  sourcelinkCandidateIndices.resize(1);
162  sourcelinkCandidateIndices.at(0) = minIndex;
163  ACTS_DEBUG("No measurement candidate. Return an outlier source link.");
164  isOutlier = true;
165  return Result<void>::success();
166  }
168  ACTS_VERBOSE("Number of measurement candidates: " << nFinalCandidates);
169  sourcelinkCandidateIndices.resize(nFinalCandidates);
170  // Sort the initial source link candidates based on chi2 in ascending order
171  std::sort(sourcelinkChi2.begin(),
172  sourcelinkChi2.begin() + nInitialCandidates,
173  [](const std::pair<size_t, double>& lchi2,
174  const std::pair<size_t, double>& rchi2) {
175  return lchi2.second < rchi2.second;
176  });
177  // Get only allowed number of source link candidates, i.e. nFinalCandidates,
178  // from the front and reset the values in the container
179  size_t nRecorded = 0;
180  for (const auto& [id, chi2] : sourcelinkChi2) {
181  if (nRecorded >= nFinalCandidates) {
182  break;
183  }
184  sourcelinkCandidateIndices.at(nRecorded) = id;
185  nRecorded++;
186  }
187  isOutlier = false;
188  return Result<void>::success();
189  }
193 };
195 } // namespace Acts