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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file luedit.f
2 C*********************************************************************
6 C...Purpose: to perform global manipulations on the event record,
7 C...in particular to exclude unstable or undetectable partons/particles.
8  common/lujets/n,k(9000,5),p(9000,5),v(9000,5)
9  SAVE /lujets/
10  common/ludat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200)
11  SAVE /ludat1/
12  common/ludat2/kchg(500,3),pmas(500,4),parf(2000),vckm(4,4)
13  SAVE /ludat2/
14  dimension ns(2),pts(2),pls(2)
16 C...Remove unwanted partons/particles.
17  IF((medit.GE.0.AND.medit.LE.3).OR.medit.EQ.5) THEN
18  imax=n
19  IF(mstu(2).GT.0) imax=mstu(2)
20  i1=max(1,mstu(1))-1
21  DO 110 i=max(1,mstu(1)),imax
22  IF(k(i,1).EQ.0.OR.k(i,1).GT.20) goto 110
23  IF(medit.EQ.1) THEN
24  IF(k(i,1).GT.10) goto 110
25  ELSEIF(medit.EQ.2) THEN
26  IF(k(i,1).GT.10) goto 110
27  kc=lucomp(k(i,2))
28  IF(kc.EQ.0.OR.kc.EQ.12.OR.kc.EQ.14.OR.kc.EQ.16.OR.kc.EQ.18)
29  & goto 110
30  ELSEIF(medit.EQ.3) THEN
31  IF(k(i,1).GT.10) goto 110
32  kc=lucomp(k(i,2))
33  IF(kc.EQ.0) goto 110
34  IF(kchg(kc,2).EQ.0.AND.luchge(k(i,2)).EQ.0) goto 110
35  ELSEIF(medit.EQ.5) THEN
36  IF(k(i,1).EQ.13.OR.k(i,1).EQ.14) goto 110
37  kc=lucomp(k(i,2))
38  IF(kc.EQ.0) goto 110
39  IF(k(i,1).GE.11.AND.kchg(kc,2).EQ.0) goto 110
42 C...Pack remaining partons/particles. Origin no longer known.
43  i1=i1+1
44  DO 100 j=1,5
45  k(i1,j)=k(i,j)
46  p(i1,j)=p(i,j)
47  100 v(i1,j)=v(i,j)
48  k(i1,3)=0
49  110 CONTINUE
50  n=i1
52 C...Selective removal of class of entries. New position of retained.
53  ELSEIF(medit.GE.11.AND.medit.LE.15) THEN
54  i1=0
55  DO 120 i=1,n
56  k(i,3)=mod(k(i,3),mstu(5))
57  IF(medit.EQ.11.AND.k(i,1).LT.0) goto 120
58  IF(medit.EQ.12.AND.k(i,1).EQ.0) goto 120
59  IF(medit.EQ.13.AND.(k(i,1).EQ.11.OR.k(i,1).EQ.12.OR.
60  & k(i,1).EQ.15).AND.k(i,2).NE.94) goto 120
61  IF(medit.EQ.14.AND.(k(i,1).EQ.13.OR.k(i,1).EQ.14.OR.
62  & k(i,2).EQ.94)) goto 120
63  IF(medit.EQ.15.AND.k(i,1).GE.21) goto 120
64  i1=i1+1
65  k(i,3)=k(i,3)+mstu(5)*i1
66  120 CONTINUE
68 C...Find new event history information and replace old.
69  DO 140 i=1,n
70  IF(k(i,1).LE.0.OR.k(i,1).GT.20.OR.k(i,3)/mstu(5).EQ.0) goto 140
71  id=i
72  130 im=mod(k(id,3),mstu(5))
73  IF(medit.EQ.13.AND.im.GT.0.AND.im.LE.n) THEN
74  IF((k(im,1).EQ.11.OR.k(im,1).EQ.12.OR.k(im,1).EQ.15).AND.
75  & k(im,2).NE.94) THEN
76  id=im
77  goto 130
79  ELSEIF(medit.EQ.14.AND.im.GT.0.AND.im.LE.n) THEN
80  IF(k(im,1).EQ.13.OR.k(im,1).EQ.14.OR.k(im,2).EQ.94) THEN
81  id=im
82  goto 130
85  k(i,3)=mstu(5)*(k(i,3)/mstu(5))
86  IF(im.NE.0) k(i,3)=k(i,3)+k(im,3)/mstu(5)
87  IF(k(i,1).NE.3.AND.k(i,1).NE.13.AND.k(i,1).NE.14) THEN
88  IF(k(i,4).GT.0.AND.k(i,4).LE.mstu(4)) k(i,4)=
89  & k(k(i,4),3)/mstu(5)
90  IF(k(i,5).GT.0.AND.k(i,5).LE.mstu(4)) k(i,5)=
91  & k(k(i,5),3)/mstu(5)
92  ELSE
93  kcm=mod(k(i,4)/mstu(5),mstu(5))
94  IF(kcm.GT.0.AND.kcm.LE.mstu(4)) kcm=k(kcm,3)/mstu(5)
95  kcd=mod(k(i,4),mstu(5))
96  IF(kcd.GT.0.AND.kcd.LE.mstu(4)) kcd=k(kcd,3)/mstu(5)
97  k(i,4)=mstu(5)**2*(k(i,4)/mstu(5)**2)+mstu(5)*kcm+kcd
98  kcm=mod(k(i,5)/mstu(5),mstu(5))
99  IF(kcm.GT.0.AND.kcm.LE.mstu(4)) kcm=k(kcm,3)/mstu(5)
100  kcd=mod(k(i,5),mstu(5))
101  IF(kcd.GT.0.AND.kcd.LE.mstu(4)) kcd=k(kcd,3)/mstu(5)
102  k(i,5)=mstu(5)**2*(k(i,5)/mstu(5)**2)+mstu(5)*kcm+kcd
103  ENDIF
104  140 CONTINUE
106 C...Pack remaining entries.
107  i1=0
108  DO 160 i=1,n
109  IF(k(i,3)/mstu(5).EQ.0) goto 160
110  i1=i1+1
111  DO 150 j=1,5
112  k(i1,j)=k(i,j)
113  p(i1,j)=p(i,j)
114  150 v(i1,j)=v(i,j)
115  k(i1,3)=mod(k(i1,3),mstu(5))
116  160 CONTINUE
117  n=i1
119 C...Save top entries at bottom of LUJETS commonblock.
120  ELSEIF(medit.EQ.21) THEN
121  IF(2*n.GE.mstu(4)) THEN
122  CALL luerrm(11,'(LUEDIT:) no more memory left in LUJETS')
124  ENDIF
125  DO 170 i=1,n
126  DO 170 j=1,5
127  k(mstu(4)-i,j)=k(i,j)
128  p(mstu(4)-i,j)=p(i,j)
129  170 v(mstu(4)-i,j)=v(i,j)
130  mstu(32)=n
132 C...Restore bottom entries of commonblock LUJETS to top.
133  ELSEIF(medit.EQ.22) THEN
134  DO 180 i=1,mstu(32)
135  DO 180 j=1,5
136  k(i,j)=k(mstu(4)-i,j)
137  p(i,j)=p(mstu(4)-i,j)
138  180 v(i,j)=v(mstu(4)-i,j)
139  n=mstu(32)
141 C...Mark primary entries at top of commonblock LUJETS as untreated.
142  ELSEIF(medit.EQ.23) THEN
143  i1=0
144  DO 190 i=1,n
145  kh=k(i,3)
146  IF(kh.GE.1) THEN
147  IF(k(kh,1).GT.20) kh=0
148  ENDIF
149  IF(kh.NE.0) goto 200
150  i1=i1+1
151  190 IF(k(i,1).GT.10.AND.k(i,1).LE.20) k(i,1)=k(i,1)-10
152  200 n=i1
154 C...Place largest axis along z axis and second largest in xy plane.
155  ELSEIF(medit.EQ.31.OR.medit.EQ.32) THEN
156  CALL ludbrb(1,n+mstu(3),0.,-ulangl(p(mstu(61),1),
157  & p(mstu(61),2)),0d0,0d0,0d0)
158  CALL ludbrb(1,n+mstu(3),-ulangl(p(mstu(61),3),
159  & p(mstu(61),1)),0.,0d0,0d0,0d0)
160  CALL ludbrb(1,n+mstu(3),0.,-ulangl(p(mstu(61)+1,1),
161  & p(mstu(61)+1,2)),0d0,0d0,0d0)
162  IF(medit.EQ.31) RETURN
164 C...Rotate to put slim jet along +z axis.
165  DO 210 is=1,2
166  ns(is)=0
167  pts(is)=0.
168  210 pls(is)=0.
169  DO 220 i=1,n
170  IF(k(i,1).LE.0.OR.k(i,1).GT.10) goto 220
171  IF(mstu(41).GE.2) THEN
172  kc=lucomp(k(i,2))
173  IF(kc.EQ.0.OR.kc.EQ.12.OR.kc.EQ.14.OR.kc.EQ.16.OR.
174  & kc.EQ.18) goto 220
175  IF(mstu(41).GE.3.AND.kchg(kc,2).EQ.0.AND.luchge(k(i,2)).EQ.0)
176  & goto 220
177  ENDIF
178  is=2.-sign(0.5,p(i,3))
179  ns(is)=ns(is)+1
180  pts(is)=pts(is)+sqrt(p(i,1)**2+p(i,2)**2)
181  220 CONTINUE
182  IF(ns(1)*pts(2)**2.LT.ns(2)*pts(1)**2)
183  & CALL ludbrb(1,n+mstu(3),paru(1),0.,0d0,0d0,0d0)
185 C...Rotate to put second largest jet into -z,+x quadrant.
186  DO 230 i=1,n
187  IF(p(i,3).GE.0.) goto 230
188  IF(k(i,1).LE.0.OR.k(i,1).GT.10) goto 230
189  IF(mstu(41).GE.2) THEN
190  kc=lucomp(k(i,2))
191  IF(kc.EQ.0.OR.kc.EQ.12.OR.kc.EQ.14.OR.kc.EQ.16.OR.
192  & kc.EQ.18) goto 230
193  IF(mstu(41).GE.3.AND.kchg(kc,2).EQ.0.AND.luchge(k(i,2)).EQ.0)
194  & goto 230
195  ENDIF
196  is=2.-sign(0.5,p(i,1))
197  pls(is)=pls(is)-p(i,3)
198  230 CONTINUE
199  IF(pls(2).GT.pls(1)) CALL ludbrb(1,n+mstu(3),0.,paru(1),
200  & 0d0,0d0,0d0)
201  ENDIF
204  END