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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file extendedjetexample.cxx
3 // eicsmear
9 #include "eicsmear/smear/Smear.h"
12 // ROOT
13 #include <TDatabasePDG.h>
14 #include <TFile.h>
15 #include <TChain.h>
16 #include <TH1.h>
17 #include <TH2.h>
18 #include <TCanvas.h>
19 #include <TLegend.h>
20 #include <TText.h>
21 #include <TStyle.h>
23 // C++
24 #include <vector>
25 #include <map>
27 // fastjet
28 #include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
29 #include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
31 #ifdef GROOMING
32 // fjcontrib
33 #include "fastjet/contrib/Recluster.hh"
34 #include "fastjet/contrib/SoftDrop.hh"
35 #endif
38 // Convenience
39 using namespace fastjet;
40 using namespace std;
42 int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
44  // Parse arguments
45  // ---------------
46  TString truthname="truth.root";
47  TString smearedname = "";
48  TString outfilebase = "jets";
49  int nevents = -1;
51  vector<string> arguments(argv + 1, argv + argc);
52  bool argsokay=true;
53  for ( auto parg = arguments.begin() ; parg!=arguments.end() ; ++parg){
54  string arg=*parg;
55  if ( arg == "-o" ){
56  if (++parg == arguments.end() ){ argsokay=false; break; }
57  outfilebase=*parg;
58  } else if ( arg == "-t" ){
59  if (++parg ==arguments.end() ){ argsokay=false; break; }
60  truthname=*parg;
61  } else if ( arg == "-s" ){
62  if (++parg ==arguments.end() ){ argsokay=false; break; }
63  smearedname=*parg;
64  } else if ( arg == "-N" ){
65  if (++parg==arguments.end() ){ argsokay=false; break; }
66  nevents=std::stoi(parg->data());
67  } else {
68  argsokay=false;
69  break;
70  }
71  }
73  if ( !argsokay ) {
74  cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << endl
75  << " [-t truthname] (root file)" << endl
76  << " [-s smearedname] (root file)" << endl
77  << " [-o OutFileBase] (extension will be added)" << endl
78  << " [-N Nevents] (<0 for all)" << endl
79  << endl;
80  return -1;
81  }
83  if (smearedname == "" ){
84  smearedname = truthname;
85  smearedname.ReplaceAll (".root",".smeared.root" );
86  }
88  // jet definition - could also be made parameters
89  // ----------------------------------------------
90  // Note: We're doing everything in the lab frame
91  // In a real analysis, you may want to boost to for example
92  // the Breit frame before and/or after jetfinding
94  double R=0.5;
95  JetDefinition jet_def = JetDefinition(kt_algorithm, R);
97  // Only do jetfinding in the region covered by tracking AND calorimetry
98  double ConstEtaMax = 3.5;
99  double ConstEtaMin = -ConstEtaMax;
101  double JetEtaMax = ConstEtaMax - R;
102  double JetEtaMin = -JetEtaMax;
103  double jetPtCut=4.0;
104  auto select_jet_eta = fastjet::SelectorEtaRange ( JetEtaMin + R, JetEtaMax -R );
105  auto select_jet_pt = SelectorPtRange( jetPtCut, 1000 );
106  auto select_jet = select_jet_eta * select_jet_pt;
109  // some cuts
110  // ---------
111  double xmin = 1e-5;
112  double xmax = 0.99;
113  double ymin = 0.01;
114  double ymax = 0.95;
115  double Q2min = 1;
116  double Q2max = 1000000;
118  // Afterburners etc.
119  // -----------------
120  // Here, we demonstrate a toy pT acceptance / efficiency combination
121  // PURELY a toy, NO connection to reality
122  TF1* eff = new TF1("eff","(x>[2]) * [0]*TMath::Erf(x-[1])",0, 100);
124  // mostly 99%, dropping toward small pT, sharp cutoff at 0.2
125  eff->SetParameters (0.99,-0.8, 0.2);
127  // --------------
128  // Load the trees
129  // --------------
130  TChain* inTree = new TChain("EICTree");
131  inTree->Add(truthname);
132  inTree->AddFriend("Smeared",smearedname);
134  // Setup Input Event Buffer
135  erhic::EventMC* inEvent(NULL);
136  Smear::Event* inEventS(NULL);
137  inTree->SetBranchAddress("event",&inEvent);
138  inTree->SetBranchAddress("eventS",&inEventS);
140  // Open histo root file and book histograms
141  // ----------------------------------------
142  TFile * outfile = new TFile ( outfilebase + ".root", "RECREATE");
144  TH1::SetDefaultSumw2(true);
145  float ptmin = 0;
146  float ptmax = 20;
147  int ptbins = 40;
148  TH1D* truthpt=new TH1D("truthpt",";p_{T}^{truth} [GeV/c];counts", ptbins, ptmin, ptmax );
149  TH1D* smearpt=new TH1D("smearpt",";p_{T}^{smear} [GeV/c];counts", ptbins, ptmin, ptmax );
150  TH2D* smearvtruept=new TH2D("smearvtruept",";p_{T}^{truth} [GeV/c];p_{T}^{smear} [GeV/c];counts", ptbins, ptmin, ptmax, ptbins, ptmin, ptmax );
152  // brief example for substructure and other fjcontrib tools
153 #ifdef GROOMING
154  int zgbins = 30;
155  double zgmin = 0;
156  double zgmax = 0.6;
157  TH2D* smearvtruezg=new TH2D("smearvtruezg",";z_{g}^{truth};z_{g}^{smear};counts", zgbins, zgmin, zgmax, zgbins, zgmin, zgmax );
158  double beta = 0;
159  double z_cut = 0.1;
160  contrib::SoftDrop sd( beta, z_cut);
161 #endif
164  // -------------
165  // Analysis loop
166  // -------------
167  // Important: We're running over the truth tree and getting smeared information
168  // via the friend mechanism. This is only necessary for truth-smeared comparisons.
169  // One can run purely on the smeared tree as well without access to the truth.
171  // Book-keping
172  long rejectevent=0;
173  long keptevent=0;
174  long lostevent=0;
175  long fakeevent=0;
178  // Containers for jet constituents
179  // -------------------------------
180  vector<PseudoJet> TruthConstituents;
181  vector<PseudoJet> SmearedConstituents;
182  if ( nevents < 0 ) nevents = inTree->GetEntries();
184  for(long iEvent=0; iEvent<nevents; iEvent++){
186  //Read next Event
187  if(inTree->GetEntry(iEvent) <=0) break;
188  if(iEvent%10000 == 0) cout << "Event " << iEvent << endl;
190  // ---------------
191  // event-wise cuts
192  // ---------------
193  bool truthacceptev = true;
194  bool smearacceptev = true;
196  // truth level
197  // -----------
198  if ( inEvent->GetX() < xmin || inEvent->GetX() > xmax ) truthacceptev = false;
199  if ( inEvent->GetY() < ymin || inEvent->GetY() > ymax ) truthacceptev = false;
200  if ( inEvent->GetQ2() < Q2min || inEvent->GetQ2() > Q2max ) truthacceptev = false;
202  // Detector level
203  // --------------
204  // For the high-Q^2 example, the double angle method does pretty well
205  auto xS = inEventS->GetXDoubleAngle();
206  auto yS = inEventS->GetYDoubleAngle();
207  auto Q2S = inEventS->GetQ2DoubleAngle();
208  if ( xS < xmin || xS > xmax ) smearacceptev = false;
209  if ( yS < ymin || yS > ymax ) smearacceptev = false;
210  if ( Q2S < Q2min || Q2S > Q2max ) smearacceptev = false;
212  if ( !truthacceptev ) rejectevent++;
214  if ( !truthacceptev && !smearacceptev ) continue;
216  // ----------------
217  // Categorize event
218  // ----------------
219  // We have three classes
220  // - Accepted at truth and detector level
221  // - Accepted at truth level, LOST via smearing
222  // - Rejected at truth level, GAINED (FAKE) via smearing
223  // How to handle each depends on details of the analysis,
224  // and proper interpretation also requires understanding of the input.
225  // Here, all we do is book-keeping
226  if ( truthacceptev && smearacceptev ) keptevent++;
227  if ( truthacceptev && !smearacceptev ) lostevent++;
228  if ( !truthacceptev && smearacceptev ) fakeevent++;
230  // -------------------
231  // Loop over Particles
232  // -------------------
233  TruthConstituents.clear();
234  SmearedConstituents.clear();
236  for(unsigned int j=0; j<inEventS->GetNTracks(); j++){
237  // first three particles are always beam and the virtual photon. skip.
238  if ( j<3) continue;
240  const Smear::ParticleMCS* inParticleS = inEventS->GetTrack(j); // Smeared Particle
241  const Particle* inParticle = inEvent->GetTrack(j); // Unsmeared Particle
243  // Skip non-final particles.
244  if ( inParticle->GetStatus() != 1 ) continue;
246  // Particle cuts for truth level
247  // -----------------------------
248  bool truthacceptp = truthacceptev;
249  // only imposing constituent eta cut here
250  if ( inParticle->GetEta() < ConstEtaMin || inParticle->GetEta() > ConstEtaMax) truthacceptp=false;
252  // Particle cuts for smeared (detector) level
253  // ------------------------------------------
254  bool smearacceptp = smearacceptev;
255  if ( !inParticleS ) smearacceptp=false; // lost this particle
257  // Now we need to work like an experimentalist.
258  // For most particles, only partial information is available,
259  // and we need to use something "reasonable" to supply the rest
260  // This is complicated by the fact that in the default handbook, we don't have
261  // PID information. We can pull some from the truth tree,
262  // but make sure to not use information we "shouldn't" have
264  // Non-measured is indicated by a 0 in the field
265  // (this is unfortunate, will be fixed in the future)
267  PseudoJet pj;
268  if ( inParticleS ) {
269  double epsilon = 1e-7;
270  double E = inParticleS->GetE();
271  double px = inParticleS->GetPx();
272  double py = inParticleS->GetPy();
273  double pz = inParticleS->GetPz();
274  double P = inParticleS->GetP(); // not used, but will help identification
276  bool charged=( fabs(P)>epsilon );
277  // Here is the right place for the pT efficiency afterburner.
278  // If the particle is lost, we set P=0 and the logic below will treat it right
279  if ( charged ){
280  auto ran = gRandom->Uniform (0,1);
281  auto pt = std::sqrt ( px*px + py*py ); // GetPt() may be better or worse - for now the same
282  if ( ran > eff->Eval ( pt ) ) {
283  P=px=py=pz=0;
284  }
285  }
287  // the following logic should be safe. a particle should be treated
288  // by exactly one of the of cases.
290  // Nothing measured:
291  if ( fabs(P) <= epsilon && fabs(E) <= epsilon ){
292  // This can happen when e.g. a low-p particle gets smeared below 0
293  // Should be rare but should count as if inParticleS==0 in the first place
294  smearacceptp=false;
295  }
297  // Both measured
298  if ( fabs(P) > epsilon && fabs(E) > epsilon ){
299  // seen by tracker and a calorimeter
300  // either charged hadron or electron
302  // Here an analyzer would have to use their judgement and decide
303  // whether for some phase space discarding one measurement may make sense
304  // because the other one has a better resolution.
305  // In this example, we use both.
307  // Note: In this case, P and E are smeared independently, so in general
308  // the mass-energy relation is not conserved. FastJet does not mind at all.
310  /* nothing to do */
311  }
313  // Tracker only
314  if ( fabs(P) > epsilon && fabs(E) <= epsilon ){
315  // particle seems to be seen only by a tracker (or the calorimeter smeared E to <=0)
316  // For the handbook, this can only happen for the second case, but in principle
317  // it indicates a region not covered by calorimetry.
319  // We tap into the truth level information to make up for a framework short-coming:
320  // A real analyser knows whether the (missing!) calo information should be EM or hadronic, but the
321  // ParticleMCS class has lost that information
322  auto abspid=std::abs(inParticle->GetPdgCode());
323  bool IsElectroMagnetic = ( abspid==22 || abspid == 11);
325  if (IsElectroMagnetic){
326  // This must be an electron (or in theory a mismatch)
327  double m = 0.000511; // GeV
328  E = std::sqrt(P*P + m*m);
329  } else {
330  // A charged hadron. A typical assumption is a pion
331  double m = 0.13957; // GeV
332  E = std::sqrt(P*P + m*m);
333  }
334  }
336  // Calo only
337  if ( fabs(P) <= epsilon && fabs(E) > epsilon ){
338  // - neutral species (neutron, photon) that's covered only by calorimetry
339  // - region that's only covered by calorimetry (_should_ imply EMCAL in a sane detector)
340  // - missed track (or failed match)
342  // IMPORTANT: In the following, we assume that we have phi, eta information
343  // (i.e. from the struck detector region).
344  // HOWEVER, this information is unnaturally correct for the case of a charged particle.
345  // The conservative thing to do is to reject all of these particles.
346  smearacceptp = false;
348  // // If you assume you can somehow ascertain whether this particle is charged,
349  // // you could instead proceed along the following lines
350  // // bool charged= OutsideKnowledgeFunction();
352  // // Again tap into the truth level information to make up for a framework short-coming:
353  // // A real analyser knows whether the calo information is EM or hadronic, but the
354  // // ParticleMCS class has lost that information
355  // auto abspid=std::abs(inParticle->GetPdgCode());
356  // bool IsElectroMagnetic = ( abspid==22 || abspid == 11);
357  // double m=0;
359  // if (IsElectroMagnetic){
360  // // Either a photon or an electron with a lost pointing track
361  // // Either way, assume P=E and we're not far off
362  // m=0;
363  // } else {
364  // // A neutral hadron or a charged one that lost its track.
365  // // P^2 = E^2 - m^2
366  // if ( charged ){
367  // // charged: most likely a pion
368  // m = 0.13957; // GeV
369  // } else {
370  // // neutral: neutron or K0L;
371  // // In the absence of further knowledge, either reject this case or assume
372  // // as an example neutron mass;
373  // m = 0.93957; // GeV
374  // }
376  // }
378  // auto P2 = E*E- m*m;
379  // if ( P2 < 0 ) {
380  // // Something's not right. reject.
381  // smearacceptp = false;
382  // } else {
383  // P = sqrt ( P2);
384  // auto phi = inParticleS->GetPhi();
385  // auto theta = inParticleS->GetTheta();
386  // px = P * sin(theta) * cos(phi);
387  // py = P * sin(theta) * sin(phi);
388  // pz = P * cos(theta);
389  // }
391  }
393  // Combine into a Pseudojet now. In general, a more featureful class may
394  // be preferable (such as TParticle or better) to track pid etc.
395  pj = PseudoJet (px, py, pz, E);
396  }
398  // Particle cuts
399  // -------------
400  // The previous section made up for missing information.
401  // Here, we can add cuts that define or refine our analysis
403  // constituent eta cut
404  if ( pj.eta() < ConstEtaMin || pj.eta() > ConstEtaMax) smearacceptp=false;
406  // --------------------
407  // Collect constituents
408  // --------------------
409  if ( truthacceptp ){
410  TruthConstituents.push_back ( PseudoJet (inParticle->GetPx(),
411  inParticle->GetPy(),
412  inParticle->GetPz(),
413  inParticle->GetE()) );
414  }
415  if ( smearacceptp ){
416  SmearedConstituents.push_back ( pj );
417  }
419  }
420  // --------------------
421  // Perform jet analysis
422  // --------------------
423  ClusterSequence truthcs(TruthConstituents, jet_def);
424  vector<PseudoJet> truthjets = sorted_by_pt( select_jet(truthcs.inclusive_jets()) );
426  ClusterSequence smearcs(SmearedConstituents, jet_def);
427  vector<PseudoJet> smearjets = sorted_by_pt( select_jet(smearcs.inclusive_jets()) );
429  // -------------------
430  // Extract observables
431  // -------------------
432  for ( auto tj : truthjets ){
433  truthpt->Fill ( tj.pt() );
434  }
436  for ( auto sj : smearjets ){
437  smearpt->Fill ( sj.pt() );
438  }
440  // -------------------------
441  // Simple geometric matching
442  // -------------------------
443  fastjet::Selector SelectClose = fastjet::SelectorCircle( R );
444  for ( auto tj : truthjets ){
445  SelectClose.set_reference (tj);
446  vector<PseudoJet> matchedjets = sorted_by_pt( SelectClose (smearjets) );
447  // Shouldn't have more than 1 match
448  if ( matchedjets.size() > 1 ) {
449  cout << "Warning: multiple matches. Skipping." << endl;
450  continue;
451  }
452  if ( matchedjets.size() > 0 ){
453  auto sj = matchedjets.at(0);
454  smearvtruept->Fill ( tj.pt(), sj.pt() );
456 #ifdef GROOMING
457  PseudoJet sd_truth = sd( tj );
458  PseudoJet sd_smear = sd( sj );
459  double tzg = sd_truth.structure_of<contrib::SoftDrop>().symmetry();
460  double szg = sd_smear.structure_of<contrib::SoftDrop>().symmetry();
461  smearvtruezg->Fill ( tzg, szg );
462 #endif // GROOMING
463  }
464  }
466  }
468  cout << " Done." << endl;
469  cout << "Processed " << nevents << " events. Of these, " << endl;
470  cout << " --- " << keptevent << " were ACCEPTED in both truth and smeared tree," << endl;
471  cout << " --- " << lostevent << " were LOST due to cuts," << endl;
472  cout << " --- " << rejectevent << " were REJECTED at truth level, and " << endl;
473  cout << " --- " << fakeevent << " were recovered as FAKEs, i.e. they passed the cuts only after smearing." << endl;
475  new TCanvas;
476  gPad->SetLogy();
477  truthpt->SetLineColor( kBlack );
478  truthpt->Draw();
479  smearpt->SetLineColor( kRed );
480  smearpt->Draw("same");
481  gPad->SaveAs( outfilebase + "_pt.png");
483  new TCanvas;
484  gPad->SetLogz();
485  smearvtruept->Draw("colz");
486  gPad->SaveAs( outfilebase + "_responsept.png");
488 #ifdef GROOMING
489  new TCanvas;
490  smearvtruezg->Draw("colz");
491  gPad->SaveAs( outfilebase + "_responsezg.png");
492 #endif
494  outfile->Write();
496  return 0;
497 }