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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file BuildTGeoDetector.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #pragma once
25 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
31 #include <list>
32 #include <vector>
34 #include "TGeoManager.h"
36 namespace ActsExamples {
38 namespace TGeo {
41 // from a TGeo object.
49 template <typename variable_maps_t>
50 std::shared_ptr<const Acts::TrackingGeometry> buildTGeoDetector(
51  variable_maps_t& vm, const Acts::GeometryContext& context,
52  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::TGeoDetectorElement>>&
53  detElementStore,
54  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::IMaterialDecorator> mdecorator) {
55  Acts::Logging::Level surfaceLogLevel =
56  Acts::Logging::Level(vm["geo-surface-loglevel"].template as<size_t>());
57  Acts::Logging::Level layerLogLevel =
58  Acts::Logging::Level(vm["geo-layer-loglevel"].template as<size_t>());
59  Acts::Logging::Level volumeLogLevel =
60  Acts::Logging::Level(vm["geo-volume-loglevel"].template as<size_t>());
62  // configure surface array creator
64  auto surfaceArrayCreator = std::make_shared<const Acts::SurfaceArrayCreator>(
65  sacConfig,
66  Acts::getDefaultLogger("SurfaceArrayCreator", surfaceLogLevel));
67  // configure the proto layer helper
69  auto protoLayerHelper = std::make_shared<const Acts::ProtoLayerHelper>(
70  plhConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger("ProtoLayerHelper", layerLogLevel));
71  // configure the layer creator that uses the surface array creator
73  lcConfig.surfaceArrayCreator = surfaceArrayCreator;
74  auto layerCreator = std::make_shared<const Acts::LayerCreator>(
75  lcConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger("LayerCreator", layerLogLevel));
76  // configure the layer array creator
78  auto layerArrayCreator = std::make_shared<const Acts::LayerArrayCreator>(
79  lacConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger("LayerArrayCreator", layerLogLevel));
80  // tracking volume array creator
82  auto tVolumeArrayCreator =
83  std::make_shared<const Acts::TrackingVolumeArrayCreator>(
84  tvacConfig,
85  Acts::getDefaultLogger("TrackingVolumeArrayCreator", volumeLogLevel));
86  // configure the cylinder volume helper
88  cvhConfig.layerArrayCreator = layerArrayCreator;
89  cvhConfig.trackingVolumeArrayCreator = tVolumeArrayCreator;
90  auto cylinderVolumeHelper =
91  std::make_shared<const Acts::CylinderVolumeHelper>(
92  cvhConfig,
93  Acts::getDefaultLogger("CylinderVolumeHelper", volumeLogLevel));
95  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
96  // list the volume builders
97  std::list<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ITrackingVolumeBuilder>> volumeBuilders;
99  std::string rootFileName = vm["geo-tgeo-filename"].template as<std::string>();
102  // Create a beam pipe if configured to do so
103  auto beamPipeParameters =
104  vm["geo-tgeo-bp-parameters"].template as<read_range>();
105  if (beamPipeParameters.size() > 2) {
108  bplConfig.layerIdentification = "BeamPipe";
109  bplConfig.centralLayerRadii = std::vector<double>(1, beamPipeParameters[0]);
110  bplConfig.centralLayerHalflengthZ =
111  std::vector<double>(1, beamPipeParameters[1]);
112  bplConfig.centralLayerThickness =
113  std::vector<double>(1, beamPipeParameters[2]);
114  auto beamPipeBuilder = std::make_shared<const Acts::PassiveLayerBuilder>(
115  bplConfig,
116  Acts::getDefaultLogger("BeamPipeLayerBuilder", layerLogLevel));
117  // create the volume for the beam pipe
119  bpvConfig.trackingVolumeHelper = cylinderVolumeHelper;
120  bpvConfig.volumeName = "BeamPipe";
121  bpvConfig.layerBuilder = beamPipeBuilder;
122  bpvConfig.layerEnvelopeR = {1. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm,
124  bpvConfig.buildToRadiusZero = true;
125  auto beamPipeVolumeBuilder =
126  std::make_shared<const Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder>(
129  bpvConfig,
130  Acts::getDefaultLogger("BeamPipeVolumeBuilder", volumeLogLevel));
131  // add to the list of builders
132  volumeBuilders.push_back(beamPipeVolumeBuilder);
134  }
139  // import the file from
140  TGeoManager::Import(rootFileName.c_str());
142  auto layerBuilderConfigs =
143  ActsExamples::Options::readTGeoLayerBuilderConfigs<variable_maps_t>(vm);
145  // remember the layer builders to collect the detector elements
146  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::TGeoLayerBuilder>> tgLayerBuilders;
148  for (auto& lbc : layerBuilderConfigs) {
149  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::LayerCreator> layerCreatorLB = nullptr;
151  if (lbc.autoSurfaceBinning) {
152  // Configure surface array creator (optionally) per layer builder
153  // (in order to configure them to work appropriately)
155  sacConfigLB.surfaceMatcher = lbc.surfaceBinMatcher;
156  auto surfaceArrayCreatorLB =
157  std::make_shared<const Acts::SurfaceArrayCreator>(
158  sacConfigLB, Acts::getDefaultLogger(
159  lbc.configurationName + "SurfaceArrayCreator",
160  surfaceLogLevel));
161  // configure the layer creator that uses the surface array creator
162  Acts::LayerCreator::Config lcConfigLB;
163  lcConfigLB.surfaceArrayCreator = surfaceArrayCreatorLB;
164  layerCreatorLB = std::make_shared<const Acts::LayerCreator>(
165  lcConfigLB,
166  Acts::getDefaultLogger(lbc.configurationName + "LayerCreator",
167  layerLogLevel));
168  }
170  // Configure the proto layer helper
171  Acts::ProtoLayerHelper::Config plhConfigLB;
172  auto protoLayerHelperLB = std::make_shared<const Acts::ProtoLayerHelper>(
173  plhConfigLB,
174  Acts::getDefaultLogger(lbc.configurationName + "ProtoLayerHelper",
175  layerLogLevel));
177  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
178  lbc.layerCreator =
179  (layerCreatorLB != nullptr) ? layerCreatorLB : layerCreator;
180  lbc.protoLayerHelper =
181  (protoLayerHelperLB != nullptr) ? protoLayerHelperLB : protoLayerHelper;
183  auto layerBuilder = std::make_shared<const Acts::TGeoLayerBuilder>(
184  lbc, Acts::getDefaultLogger(lbc.configurationName + "LayerBuilder",
185  layerLogLevel));
186  // remember the layer builder
187  tgLayerBuilders.push_back(layerBuilder);
189  // build the pixel volume
191  volumeConfig.trackingVolumeHelper = cylinderVolumeHelper;
192  volumeConfig.volumeName = lbc.configurationName;
193  volumeConfig.buildToRadiusZero = (volumeBuilders.size() == 0);
194  volumeConfig.layerEnvelopeR = {1. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm,
196  auto ringLayoutConfiguration =
197  [&](const std::vector<Acts::TGeoLayerBuilder::LayerConfig>& lConfigs)
198  -> void {
199  for (const auto& lcfg : lConfigs) {
200  for (const auto& scfg : lcfg.splitConfigs) {
201  if (scfg.first == Acts::binR and scfg.second > 0.) {
202  volumeConfig.ringTolerance =
203  std::max(volumeConfig.ringTolerance, scfg.second);
204  volumeConfig.checkRingLayout = true;
205  }
206  }
207  }
208  };
209  ringLayoutConfiguration(lbc.layerConfigurations[0]);
210  ringLayoutConfiguration(lbc.layerConfigurations[2]);
211  volumeConfig.layerBuilder = layerBuilder;
212  volumeConfig.volumeSignature = 0;
213  auto volumeBuilder = std::make_shared<const Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder>(
214  volumeConfig,
215  Acts::getDefaultLogger(lbc.configurationName + "VolumeBuilder",
216  volumeLogLevel));
217  // add to the list of builders
218  volumeBuilders.push_back(volumeBuilder);
219  }
221  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
222  // create the tracking geometry
224  // Add the builders
225  tgConfig.materialDecorator = mdecorator;
227  for (auto& vb : volumeBuilders) {
228  tgConfig.trackingVolumeBuilders.push_back(
229  [=](const auto& gcontext, const auto& inner, const auto&) {
230  return vb->trackingVolume(gcontext, inner);
231  });
232  }
233  // Add the helper
234  tgConfig.trackingVolumeHelper = cylinderVolumeHelper;
235  auto cylinderGeometryBuilder =
236  std::make_shared<const Acts::TrackingGeometryBuilder>(
237  tgConfig,
238  Acts::getDefaultLogger("TrackerGeometryBuilder", volumeLogLevel));
239  // get the geometry
240  auto trackingGeometry = cylinderGeometryBuilder->trackingGeometry(context);
241  // collect the detector element store
242  for (auto& lBuilder : tgLayerBuilders) {
243  auto detElements = lBuilder->detectorElements();
244  detElementStore.insert(detElementStore.begin(), detElements.begin(),
245  detElements.end());
246  }
249  return trackingGeometry;
250 }
252 } // namespace TGeo
253 } // namespace ActsExamples