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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file DefaultExtension.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018-2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #pragma once
11 #include <array>
15 namespace Acts {
21  DefaultExtension() = default;
28  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
29  int bid(const propagator_state_t& /*unused*/,
30  const stepper_t& /*unused*/) const {
31  return 1;
32  }
48  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
49  bool k(const propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
50  Vector3D& knew, const Vector3D& bField, std::array<double, 4>& kQoP,
51  const int i = 0, const double h = 0.,
52  const Vector3D& kprev = Vector3D()) {
53  auto qop =
54  stepper.charge(state.stepping) / stepper.momentum(state.stepping);
55  // First step does not rely on previous data
56  if (i == 0) {
57  knew = qop * stepper.direction(state.stepping).cross(bField);
58  kQoP = {0., 0., 0., 0.};
59  } else {
60  knew =
61  qop * (stepper.direction(state.stepping) + h * kprev).cross(bField);
62  }
63  return true;
64  }
76  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
77  bool finalize(propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
78  const double h) const {
79  propagateTime(state, stepper, h);
80  return true;
81  }
94  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
95  bool finalize(propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
96  const double h, FreeMatrix& D) const {
97  propagateTime(state, stepper, h);
98  return transportMatrix(state, stepper, h, D);
99  }
101  private:
109  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
110  void propagateTime(propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
111  const double h) const {
115  auto derivative =
116  std::hypot(1, state.options.mass / stepper.momentum(state.stepping));
117  state.stepping.t += h * derivative;
118  if (state.stepping.covTransport) {
119  state.stepping.derivative(3) = derivative;
120  }
121  }
132  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
133  bool transportMatrix(propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
134  const double h, FreeMatrix& D) const {
154  auto& sd = state.stepping.stepData;
155  auto dir = stepper.direction(state.stepping);
156  auto qop =
157  stepper.charge(state.stepping) / stepper.momentum(state.stepping);
159  D = FreeMatrix::Identity();
161  double half_h = h * 0.5;
162  // This sets the reference to the sub matrices
163  // dFdx is already initialised as (3x3) idendity
164  auto dFdT = D.block<3, 3>(0, 4);
165  auto dFdL = D.block<3, 1>(0, 7);
166  // dGdx is already initialised as (3x3) zero
167  auto dGdT = D.block<3, 3>(4, 4);
168  auto dGdL = D.block<3, 1>(4, 7);
175  Vector3D dk1dL = Vector3D::Zero();
176  Vector3D dk2dL = Vector3D::Zero();
177  Vector3D dk3dL = Vector3D::Zero();
178  Vector3D dk4dL = Vector3D::Zero();
180  // For the case without energy loss
181  dk1dL = dir.cross(sd.B_first);
182  dk2dL = (dir + half_h * sd.k1).cross(sd.B_middle) +
183  qop * half_h * dk1dL.cross(sd.B_middle);
184  dk3dL = (dir + half_h * sd.k2).cross(sd.B_middle) +
185  qop * half_h * dk2dL.cross(sd.B_middle);
186  dk4dL =
187  (dir + h * sd.k3).cross(sd.B_last) + qop * h * dk3dL.cross(sd.B_last);
189  dk1dT(0, 1) = sd.B_first.z();
190  dk1dT(0, 2) = -sd.B_first.y();
191  dk1dT(1, 0) = -sd.B_first.z();
192  dk1dT(1, 2) = sd.B_first.x();
193  dk1dT(2, 0) = sd.B_first.y();
194  dk1dT(2, 1) = -sd.B_first.x();
195  dk1dT *= qop;
197  dk2dT += half_h * dk1dT;
198  dk2dT = qop * VectorHelpers::cross(dk2dT, sd.B_middle);
200  dk3dT += half_h * dk2dT;
201  dk3dT = qop * VectorHelpers::cross(dk3dT, sd.B_middle);
203  dk4dT += h * dk3dT;
204  dk4dT = qop * VectorHelpers::cross(dk4dT, sd.B_last);
206  dFdT.setIdentity();
207  dFdT += h / 6. * (dk1dT + dk2dT + dk3dT);
208  dFdT *= h;
210  dFdL = (h * h) / 6. * (dk1dL + dk2dL + dk3dL);
212  dGdT += h / 6. * (dk1dT + 2. * (dk2dT + dk3dT) + dk4dT);
214  dGdL = h / 6. * (dk1dL + 2. * (dk2dL + dk3dL) + dk4dL);
216  D(3, 7) =
217  h * state.options.mass * state.options.mass *
218  stepper.charge(state.stepping) /
219  (stepper.momentum(state.stepping) *
220  std::hypot(1., state.options.mass / stepper.momentum(state.stepping)));
221  return true;
222  }
223 };
224 } // namespace Acts